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can the soul leave the body?

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Well I can't really give the Hindu perspective on the subject since I'm a Buddhist. We don't believe believe in a soul. However I have experienced what is known as Astral Projection on numerous occasions. I really don't see it as a soul leaving the body.. But as the ego leaving the body. Although this doesn't help any spiritual idea that I can think of other than that it could help in a view that the ego can exist in other states of reality other than the material world we know of and the practice of Dream Yoga is also possible in this state since the minds ability is similar in a astral projection atate as in a dream. I don't know of any teachers of the eastern philosophies that deal with astral projection. I know of it because I have done it as I had said and from my experience I know the differences between a dream state and an astral projection state because I can roam the material world and see things and then when I come back to my body I find that the things I saw are there. I have also found Karmic Imprints left in places on objects or spaces. For example, I saw on my coffee table in astral projection a beer bottle on it with a melted candle construction on top of it. I didnt have that on my table although it was a used coffee table and you can see stains on it that shows that a candle like that could have been there. Also a better example is my apartment. You can tell kids used to live in this apartment before me because there are crayon marks all over the walls and one room is obviously painted up for a child. When I had projected one night and I entered the living room there were toys lying around on the floor. But I can only tell you from personal experience and my own understanding.

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Dude, the way you travel is cool , but how do you do it?

Do you chant something or sit and meditate on a specific thing?. I want to do it and find out if it is true or not.


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I just wonder why do we see attimes some unconnected people in our dreams whom we have never met earlier. It happened to me once I saw a person whom I met few months later for the first time. Does it has any connection. Its terribly surprising that we became good friends from no where. How can we relate this.

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***1. Can you do that at will?

***2. Can you go to any place you wish or is it ***restricted?

***3. Can you travel in time?


1 - I cannot do it at will unfortunatly. I just happens at random times when I am asleep.

2 - As for going any where you wish. The same principles apply as for when you are asleep. The difference is your in the material reality but your body is no longer restricting movement or perception. I found emotions and desires are enhanced and can be difficult to control.

3 - As for traveling in time. I have heard it can be done however I myself have never experienced it and can not verify or deny it's validity.



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I have read a few books on the practice of developing this state however really havent had the time to actually put them into practice. Personaly I wouldn't advise to follow everything a Llewellyn publication book suggests. According to my Lama and other sources that meditation on Chakras is risky and should be avoided. I believe it is best to compare a few techniques and find the one thats best for you.


Currently this site is being redesigned but when it comes back up you might want to check it out.




I suggest that astral projection to be incorporated along with spiritual practice and not to be focused on alone.






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One cannot do ANYTHING they want. You cannot ignore compassion. Without compassion there would be chaos and no understanding of the consequences of what you do. And it just hinders growth of the whole.


Having a pure Heart and mind doesn't excuse your actions if it disrespects others growth.

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Hare Krishna,


When I visited a Skanda's temple in India I had the opportunity to meet a great Guru. With his mere sight he gave me some kind of vision which I did not understand as a child. Neither did I ask the Guru what was it.

Just as I entered the place where he was seated his kind eyes and mine were locked. The next instant I was surrounded by lluminous light that felt so much full of peace and so much bliss that Iwas crying. I searched for my body but I could not see anyhting but luminous light everywhere. Infact "I was just an eye" with no parts like hands or legs. After sometime I came back to physical reality. I thought I had a day dream.


The Guru was Sri Sri Swami Santhananda


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Please visit Skandashramam if you can. The whole place is so peaceful that you will experience it when you visit.

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I just wonder why do we see attimes some unconnected people in our dreams whom we have never met earlier. It happened to me once I saw a person whom I met few months later for the first time. Does it has any connection. Its terribly surprising that we became good friends from no where. How can we relate this.


Well, you're not a body but a soul connecting to supersoul, & you're not living a simple life but a life for a great plan.

This person must have some connection (or "karmic cause" - skt. "pratyaya") to you such as friendship or attachment, or karmic debt to pay for you, or else some spiritual mission for you. It's likely that you are related one another in past lives.



if we cannot do anything, we could start with the basics first we can try to do it with your free will if you wish. try it before you doupt it. peace.


OK, you live in either freedom or french land. If I'm not wrong, you've discussed free will with me.


*Q: When can you get plenty of free will?

*A: The annihilation of matter & antimatter gives rise to light.

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