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wierd experience

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This is a totally wierd experience and it could be a result of me going crazy about the spirituality stuff.

However, i would like to share it with you. Well, i usually meditate, the habit started when i was really young like 11 yrs old. I wanted to meditate because i felt a certain type of conservation of energy in me when i meditated. Anyway, from like 2 days ago i really got resentful with the world and its craziness, I kind of got totally lazy because i didn't see any sense in doing anything. The whole world seemed just ridiculous and an abode of immense stupidity, people killing each other in various countries due to wars... they never try to negotiate peacefully. Some people tended to go to sheer fanaticism even in religion. It seems that they like their religion so much that they bash others religion etc... then i thought about people raping others, people killing others, people going to jails, people trying to accomplish, then I saw all of these people driven by attachment, hunger for power and limitations on their bodies like mad men and women, i kind a like saw everything going into absolute destruction....So i really got mad today and when all my family went out I opened all the windows and let some air through and just meditated. I went in to such a trance that there was this voice in me saying " what is this world", "why hatredwhy compassion" all these things are meaningless , "why gainwhy losewe gain to lose and lose to gain". Then it hit me, everything is meaningless in this world. hate or compassion, wealth or poverty, life or death, because nothing stays permanent. Then i had another thought, "why do we do all these things that we do?".... then it hit me again, due to the fact that we try to develop our ego, our position which is relative to this changing world. Nothing is permanent here, then why do we strive to gain it? Everything seems to be running here due to attachment, ego and a notion to obtain something. Then i had another realization, if attachment, ego and all these other mentally formed notions didn't exist, then there is no "US".In other words, there is no "ME" or "YOU" or any sort of individualism but pure space. Then i saw this space void with nothing in it but light. Nothing existed except things emerging and leaving as if they were never there in the first place, I saw this whole "worldly existence" as a vibration that occurs due to sheer disturbance.


wierd huh? I wasn't scared or anything after this...may be i should stop going into this spirituality thing too much.



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I am confused on this part however:



Everything seems to be running here due to attachment, ego and a notion to obtain something. Then i had another realization, if attachment, ego and all these other mentally formed notions didn't exist, then there is no "US".In other words, there is no "ME" or "YOU" or any sort of individualism but pure space. Then i saw this space void with nothing in it but light. Nothing existed except things emerging and leaving as if they were never there in the first place, I saw this whole "worldly existence" as a vibration that occurs due to sheer disturbance.



Who saw that there is no me you or us? We noticed that was nothing but light? If this whole universe is just a disturbance, which I agree with, who caused the disturbance?


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>>who caused the disturbance?


Where did Krishna come from and why does he appear as a young cowherd boy. It's pretty obvious since "cowherd boys" were common place 5000 yrs ago in India. And why does God and his incarnations appear only in India. This is sectarian and nothing but an Indian religion.


Personifying God is nothing new...the Greeks used to do it to. How is Hinduism any different from Greek Mythology?


God cannot be understood by our material minds and to say that he is a cowherd boy, king, or warrior is foolish.


God is pure light and consciousness and has no physical form.

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I mean i saw this light every where, there was no me, or anything else. It was like a tv screen just every where. If this was krishna then I don't know, cuz you see i neither felt ecstasy nor sadness. I was just very peaceful. I felt nothing. This was wierd, shouldn't krishna be an abode of ecstasy?, but all this is meaning less now, after this everything seems meaningless, even this forum,, but i will keep posting because posting is as meaningless as not posting, whats the difference?.


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I mean i saw this light every where, there was no me, or anything else. It was like a tv screen just every where. If this was krishna then I don't know, cuz you see i neither felt ecstasy nor sadness. I was just very peaceful. I felt nothing. This was wierd, shouldn't krishna be an abode of ecstasy?, but all this is meaning less now, after this everything seems meaningless, even this forum, but i will keep posting because posting is as meaningless as not posting, whats the difference?.

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I already went crazy and let me tell you it is not as bad as people think. Being crazy can actually be a very effective tool to keep asuras away from you so you can remain steady in your devotional service.

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When one of these people said God is pure light, well, i saw light but i didn't quite see anything else. I didn't see people serving a seperate entity, but everything was like no where. Nothing was there, neither god , neither the servants, neither the gopis, gopas anything. So, may be i didn't quite see God... may be I am just imagining it.

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I think therefore i am.


who is doing the perceiving ?

you are


what are you perceiving with ?


gods creation, you.


what are you perceiving ?


what god is letting you.


your mind is not independent.

It is a controlled thing.

You perceive things by gods grace.


what you perceive is not necessarily



when you watch television, are you seeing

something that is real ?


Is the playacting in the show real ?


On one level yes,another level ,no.


Yes it is real, the t.v. exists,

you exist, the show exists.


at the same time the show is a play, the doctor

or cop is an actor,it is make believe,

it is not real.


so what you perceive as real is not always

the truth.


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I think u are lucky experiencing this.


May god come to you one day to enlighten you.

May you see him and share with us

what he really is.


My posting seems to be very childish , but this is what i actually feel .


Madhava Kesava Madhana Gopala. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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I would be careful in sharing experiences with the general audience of any message board. I found that when I did so I was ridiculed by most, supported by a few, and looked upon by some as just being insane or an acid casualty.



Jagadananda Gauranga Dasa

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The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases:

1) Brahman – Impersonal existence

2) Paramatma – The all-knowing Supersoul

3) Bhagavan – The Personality of Godhead


Keep chanting Hare Krishna. The “happiness” that comes from impersonal Brahman realization is only the removal of suffering. For the real thing you have to surrender to Bhagavan, Sri Krishna.


Hare Krishna



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Congrats. What you have seen is not Krishna, not Rama, not Shiva nor any God. You have probably experienced the bliss of Brahman. (Dont translate Brahman to God) If you had seen Krishna etc, you would have had ecstasy. Ecstasy is over-whelming and not calming. Since you have experienced calmness, what you experiencd is bliss - something way beyond any ecstasy or other emotions where the state of duality still exists. To put it in one statement, you have simply transcended duality and experienced the ultimate reality though only for a short period of time.

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I am sending you this link,Weird experiences are very normal in persons who are walking in the spiritual path,most devotees will never disclose as they are afraid others will think they are crazy,but is something very normal,the Saints used to call it "Communion",

for few years i have talked to hundreds of persons,not only in the Hindu faith,but any other,including ofcourse the New Agers,and every has a story to tell of a Religious experience,some like in another thread here will think they are experiencing a Psychotic brake down,some others will think is the Kundalini raising and working in their chakras,

and so on,every is due to internal changes,I recomend you to read specially Dr Boyson a Religious Psychoterapist who invented the program called "Curing the Souls",or other people who is open minded and understanding of the differents evolution of the soul reflected in the mental state,is not a deseace ,is not a crazy thing,is normal and should be enjoyed and not ashamed of it.

hope i help you some,if you need to talk find me in this same messenger name.

Hare Krishna


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