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Two Regulative Principles

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In the Nectar of Instruction, Prabhupada says: "The use of pan, haritaké, betel nuts, various spices used in pan-making, tobacco, LSD, marijuana, opium, liquor, coffee and tea is indulged in to fulfill illicit demands."


Didn't Krsna chew on betel nuts?

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"One should simply follow the instructions of the Lord and His empowered servants. Their instructions are all good for us, and any intelligent person will perform them as instructed. However, one should guard against trying to imitate their actions. One should not try to drink the ocean of poison in imitation of Lord Siva." (Bhag. 10.33.30)

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I couldn't have said it better myself (which is clearly why Srila Prabhupada is the acharya and I'm his poor disciple).


Another point to note is that our "regulative principles" are accepted voluntarily. I never say I can't eat meat (yuck!) or smoke. I have chosen not to. No one demanded that I do so; rather, because I decided to dedicate my life to Mahaprabhu's service, I voluntarily accepted the conditions of discipleship. My guru asked us to make these sacrifices to better prepare our hearts for realizing Krishna consciousness. Those who get it will do so happily, and others will not. It's good to know where we are, so we can progress form that position. Someone who knows he or she is unable to surrender their ego and a few habits in the service of guru and Gauranga would do well to wait for initiation.

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  • 8 months later...

Haribol, I made a mistake. I was thinking that this topic covered the two regulative principles that all other regulations fall under.


1. Always remember Krsna.


2. Never forget Krsna.


These are all that matter, other principles are followed to please the Spiritual Master, and this insures the two listed above.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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"Is investing in the stock market considered to be gambling?"


It depends on the situation and your mode of thought. When Srila Prabhupad said no gambling, I don't think "gambling" is just limited to whatever you do in Las Vegas; card playing, slot machines, lottery tickets, and the like.


I believe it also entails making ANY reckless investment in your material possessions; day trading, get rich quick schemes, etc.

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"Is investing in the stock market considered to be gambling?"

I believe it also entails making ANY reckless investment in your material possessions; day trading, get rich quick schemes, etc.



yes, it is gambling when there's no direct proportion between work and earning, when there's too much percentage of "luck" involved and the vaishnava has to be in anxiety constantly thinking of it instead of krsna

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Haribol. True, the demons never forget Krsna sometimes, but they are not demons to Krsna, and the many described may not even be demons at all, just acting on the stage of Krsna Lila.


Krsna kills only those who have a relationship with him. The greatest demons in our shastra, Kamsa, Hiranyakasipu, and others who had a sub-rasa of seeming animosity to Krsna, were actually devotees. Shastra informs us that eternally liberated devotees employed as gatekeepers for Visnu came to the world three times as demons to help Krsna carry out his pastimes. Kamsa never forgot krsna out of envy, but he was also one of the gatekeepers who appeared with Krsna to display His pastimes.


The demons you know do not think of Krsna, nor do they never forget Him. They are just insignificant beings heading for the animal kingdom. The ones we hear of are not demons at all, because they relate directly to Krswna, who sees only devotees.


Even those devotees referred to as uttama adhikaris do not see demons either. They only see servants of Krsna. The absolute world of Krsna Consciousness has no such distinction between individuals. We see demons, which is good for us, and a special protection against us wasting any more time in this world of forgetfulness of our real identity. But if we do come accross a so-called demon who never forgets Krsna, then we should see him as one doing at least half of all the regulative principles, as described by Srila Rupa Goswami.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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