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Death personified

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Once upon a time in a kingdom in India a king ordered his personal secretary to run some important errands. The servant came back from the city center having not only not completed any of his tasks but shaking with mortal fear. The king inquired about the cause of his dereliction and his disturbed condition. The servant explained that while completing a transaction in the market place he had turned around only to find himself face to face with death personified. At that moment he had dropped everything and rushed back to the palace in hopes of somehow saving himself.

The king who was quite affectionate to this particular servant, hatched a plan to both save his man and to deal personally with death personified. He ordered that his strongest steadiest horse be saddled and brought to him. He then instructed the servant "If you ride at full gallop the rest of the day and through the night, by morning you should find yourself in Delhi. There your prospects for secreting yourself from this menace will be greatly improved".

The servant offered a flood of sincere thanks, jumped on the horse and rode off with the instructed haste.

The king then ordered his strongest team of body guards to accompany him to the market place where he planned to confront death personified about the harassment of his servant.

They entered the market and in short order the king and his men found themselves in the company of none other than mortification himself.

The king, a monarch's monarch found no time to be impressed and began to chastise death personified as he would his lowest subject.

"Through your harassment of my servant you have completely interfered with my personal business today. Furthermore you have set your sights upon a young man who is not only valuable to me, but who is the patriach of a young family. Have you sense of decency?"

Death personified remained dignified and polite despite being dressed down in such manner. He replied "I offer my sincere apologies for any inconvience my presence here today has caused you your highness. I honestly had no intentions on your servant, as it is the destiny of another which has called me to your kingdom today. When I saw your servant I was merely quite suprised."

"Merely quite suprised by what?" the king retorted.

"Merely quite suprised to see him here, you see I have an appointment to see him in Delhi tomorrow."

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