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Hare Nama- castrates anarthas

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Homosexuality And Vedic Culture




EDITORIAL, Apr 29 (VNN) — In vedic society there was a place for everyone.


Although this knowledge is not widely known to many western vaishnavas it is a fact that in vedic times those of a different sexual orientation were given a place in society and not rejected. On the contrary such individuals were an absolute necessity in many vedic functions like marriages and other samskaras.


Their blessings were always sought after at such functions. To receive their blessings was considered most auspicious. In vedic times people knew the value of getting good blessings and the bad results of being cursed. No sane person wanted to be cursed by another.


One was exceedingly careful not to incur the wrath or curse by even the lowest members of society. So those of a different sexual orientation were given a position in society they were not condemned and their blessings were sought after by the ordinary people. Such persons were recognized members of society and the common people never harassed or ridiculed them. Homosexuals and others of a different sexual orientation were always castrated and became known as "hijras", (eunuchs) a respectable class in vedic society.


The practice of castration was considered necessary for those with perverted sexual tendencies and by performing this function the individual was assured a better birth in the next life and given respect in this life and a place in society, a segregated place in society kept aside and controlled. Castration and segregation were also a measure to insure the good health of society by preventing unwanted diseases. In this degraded Kali Yuga such a practice as castration is considered 'politically incorrect' even barbaric while the spread of diseases likes AIDS has become normal. In these modern times the practice of castration may seem extreme but the sages and saints of the past knew the process to be beneficial for the individual as well as society therefore they recommended it when necessary.


The 'hijras' in India today are remnants of the original class of eunuchs and along with everything else in Kali Yuga have become most degraded. They are not a good reflection of the vedic age anymore than the caste brahmins are. Some may shiver at the thought of castration for those with incurable sexual deviations but what makes me shiver is the idea that if a person has a sexual deviation we should accept it as normal. Some go as far as to glorify such perverted behavior. But tolerance in the name of 'political correctness' did not exist in the glory days of the vedic times. Those who want us to accept such degraded ideas are simply deluding themselves. Such persons are adverse to the teachings of the sastra the sadhus and our acaryas.


The practice handed down from Sri Krsna Caitanya has room for everyone and every individual can overcome his/her anarthas by the chanting of the Hare Krsna mahamantra, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and following our acaryas.


Even those with abnormal sexual dysfunctions can be cured, but not by artificially trying to make such deviate practices like homosexuality an accepted norm. Since the advent of Sri Krsna Caitanya the real medicine for all has become the Holy Names so proven practices like castration and segregation of sexual abnormals do not apply to His followers. All we have to do is follow Sri Krsna Caitanya.


Everyone in the material world is diseased, but there are standards and sexual dysfunctions like homosexuality fall far below the normal standard of what is considered material conditioning. One with such a perverted mentality should be considered extremely diseased but not incurable. Today all one must do is follow Sri Krsna Caitanya's Sankirtan party to be relieved of all disease including sexual ilnesses. Even in this degraded age of Kali Yuga there is room for all in a godly society. It is a simple matter of following the process and not trying to change it in order to serve our individual moral shortcomings or the whims of our degraded modern society.




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I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole, except perhaps to note that it will likely quiet that ol' time religion pitch by certain lobbyists.


I liked the story about the serpent who was granted that he could keep his fangs so others wouldn't laugh at him, but his poison would be removed. De-poisoned, not de-fanged.


I remember enjoying Prabhupada's response when his disciple came in glowing "I no longer have problems with sex desire!"


Prabhupada responded: "You have been to the doctor?"

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