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Mana Siksa Teachings to the mind

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Mana Siksa Teachings to the mind

By Srila Ragunatha Dasa Gosvami


Sloka 1


gurau gosthe gosthalayishu sujane bhusura-gane

sva-mantre Sri namni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-sharane

sada dambham hitva kuru ratim apurvam atitara-

maye svantar bhratah catubhir abhiyace dhrita-.




aye bhratah - O brother; svantah - mind; dhrta –padah holding your feet; abhiyace I am praying;

catubhih - with sweet words; sada - always; hitvt - giving up; dambham- pride; atitaram- exceed-

ingly; kuru - adopt; apurvam- unprecedented; ratim- spiritual attachment; gurau- in Sri.

Gurudeva; gosthe- in Vraja-dhama; gostalayisu - in the Vraja-dhama; sujane - in the Vaisnavas; bh.sura-gaNe - in the brAhmaNas; sva-mantre- in one’s own dikSA-mantras; Sri-nAmni- in Sri harinAma; vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-SaraNe (and) in the shelter of the new youthful couple of Vraja.




O my dear brother, my foolish mind!

Taking hold of your feet, I humbly pray to you with sweet words.

Please give up all pride and quickly develop sublime and incessant rati for Sri Gurudeva, Sri.

Vraja-dhAma, the residents of Vraja, the VaiSNavas, the brAhmaNas, your dikSa mantras,

the holy names of the Supreme Lord, and the shelter of (KiSora-KiSoris, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna), the eternally youthful divine couple of Vraja.



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maye svantar bhratah catubhir abhiyace dhrita .


O my dear brother, my foolish mind!

Taking hold of your feet,

I humbly pray (abhiyace) to you with sweet words (catubhir).

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O my dear brother, my foolish mind!

Taking hold of your feet (dhrita .),

I humbly pray (abhiyace) to you with sweet words (catubhir).

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Sloka 1


gurau gosthe gosthalayishu sujane bhusura-gane

sva-mantre Sri namni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-sharane

sada dambham hitva kuru ratim apurvam atitara-

maye svantar bhratah catubhir abhiyace dhrita-padah


Sloka 2


na dharmam nAdharmam Sruti-gaNa niruktam kila kuru

vraje rAdhA-kRSNa pracura-paricaryAm iha tanu

Saci-sUnum nandiSvara-pati-sutatve guru-varam

mukunda-preSThatve smara param ajasraM nanu manah




manah mind; kila indeed; na kuru do not perform; dharmam routine religious activities

resulting in piety; adharmaM na nor irreligious activities resulting in sin; niruktam mentioned;

Sruti-gaNa in the Vedas; param rather; tanu perform; pracura profuse; paricaryAm service;

rAdhA-kRSNa for Sri RAdhA-KRSNa; iha here; vraje in Vraja-dhAma; nanu (and) certainly; ajasram always; smara remember and meditate upon; Saci;-sUnum the son of Saci;; nandiSvara-pati-sutatve as the son of the master of NandagrAma; guru-varam (and) Sri Gurudeva; mukunda-

preSTatve as most dear to Sri Mukunda.




O my dear mind! Please do not perform either the dharma or adharma mentioned in the Srutis or

Vedas. Rather, you should render profuse loving service to Sri Sri Radha Krsna Yugala here in

Vraja, for the Srutis have ascertained Them to be the highest principle of supreme worship and the Supreme Absolute Truth. Always meditate on Sacinandana Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,( who is richly endowed with the complexion and sentiments of Srimati Radhika), as non-different from Sri Nanda-nandana (the son of Nanda Maharaja, Brajendrana Sri Krsna). And always remember Sri Gurudeva as most dear to Sri Mukunda.

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Sloka 1


gurau gosthe gosthalayishu sujane bhusura-gane

sva-mantre Sri namni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-sharane

sada dambham hitva kuru ratim apurvam atitara-

maye svantar bhratah catubhir abhiyace dhrita-padah


O my dear brother, my foolish mind!

Taking hold of your feet, I humbly pray to you with sweet words.

Please give up all pride and quickly develop sublime and incessant rati for Sri Gurudeva, Sri.

Vraja-dhAma, the residents of Vraja, the VaiSNavas, the brAhmaNas, your dikSa mantras,

the holy names of the Supreme Lord, and the shelter of (KiSora-KiSoris, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna), the eternally youthful divine couple of Vraja.



Sloka 2


na dharmam nAdharmam Sruti-gaNa niruktam kila kuru

vraje rAdhA-kRSNa pracura-paricaryAm iha tanu

Saci-sUnum nandiSvara-pati-sutatve guru-varam

mukunda-preSThatve smara param ajasraM nanu manah


O my dear mind! Please do not perform either the dharma or adharma mentioned in the Srutis or

Vedas. Rather, you should render profuse loving service to Sri Sri Radha Krsna Yugala here in

Vraja, for the Srutis have ascertained Them to be the highest principle of supreme worship and the Supreme Absolute Truth. Always meditate on Sacinandana Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,( who is richly endowed with the complexion and sentiments of Srimati Radhika), as non-different from Sri Nanda-nandana (the son of Nanda Maharaja, Brajendrana Sri Krsna). And always remember Sri Gurudeva as most dear to Sri Mukunda.



Sloka 3


yadiccher AvAsaM vraja-bhuvi sa-rAgaM prati-janur

yuva-dvandvaM tac cet paricaritum „ArAd abhilaSeH

svarUpaM Sri rUpaM sa-gaNam iha tasyAgrajam api

sphuTaM premNA nityaM smara nama tadA tvaM SRiNu manaH




manaH O mind; yadi if; iccheH (you) desire; AvAsam to live; vraja-bhuvi in Vraja-bhUmi; sa-

rAgam with rAgAtmikA-bhakti; cet (and) if; abhilSeH (you) desire; paricaritum to serve; tat

yuva-dvandvam that youthful divine couple, Sri RadhA MAdhava; ArAt directly; tadA then;

tvam you; Srinu hear (me); iha here; prati-januH in birth after birth; nityam always;

sphuTam distinctly; smara remember; nama (and) bow down; premNA with love; svarUpam

to Sri SvarUpa DAmodara GosvAmi; Sri rUpamÑto Sri RUpa GosvAmi; tasya agrajam (and) to his elder brother Sri SanAtana GosvAmi; api also; sa gaNam with their associates.




My dear mind! Please hear me.

If you are eager to gain residence in Vraja

on the platform of rAgAtmikA-bhakti,

and if you desire to obtain the direct service of nava Yugala-kiSora, Sri RAdhA-KRSNa,

then birth after birth always distinctly remember and bow down with great love

to Sri SvarUpa DAmodara GosvAmi,

Sri Rupa Gosvami and his elder brother Sri Snatana Gosvami, and

all other associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who are the recipients of His mercy.

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Sloka Four



asad-vArtA-veSyA visRja mati-sarvasva-haraNiH

kath. mukti-vyAghryA na SRNu kila sarvAtma-gilaniH

api tyaktvA lakSmi-pati-ratim ito vyoma-nayanim

vraje rAdhA-kRSNau sva-rati-maNi-dau tvaM bhaja manaH





ManaH O mind; visRja abandon;

asad-vArtA-veSyA the prostitute of contemptible mundane talk;

HaraNiH plundering; sarvasva all one s wealth; mati of pure intelligence;

kila (and) unequivocally; na Srnu do not hear; kathAH talk; mukti-vyAghryAH of the tigress of mukti; sarvAtmA gilaniH devouring the existence of the soul;

tyaktvA reject; api even; ratim attachment; lakSmi-pati for Sri NArAyaNa, the husband of LakSmi; vyoma-nayanim leading to VaikuNtha in the paravyoma;

itaH vraje in this Vraja dhAma; tvam you; bhaja worship; rAdhA-kRSNau Sri RadhA KRSNa; dau bestowing; maNi the jewel; sva-rati of love for Them.




O my dear brother mind!

Please abandon altogether the prostitute of contemptible mundane talk,

which plunders the entire treasure of pure wisdom.

(Also) you must unequivocally give up hearing all talk of liberation which,

like a tigress, devours your very soul.

Furthermore, please abandon even the attachment to lakSmi-pati Sri NArAyaNa, which leads to VaikuNTha.

You should live in Vraja and worship Sri Sri RadhA KRSNa,

who bestow upon devotees the precious jewel of Their rati.

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Sloka Five



asac-ceSTA kaSTa-prada vikaTa-pASAlibhir iha

prakAmaM kAmAdi prakaTa-pathapAti vyatikaraiH

gale baddhvA hanye ham iti bakabhid vartmapa-gaNe

kuru tvaM phutkArAn avati sa yathA tvAM mana itaH





ManaH O mind; iha in this material existence;

prakaTa-pathapAti-vyatikaraiH the assembled aggressors on the open road; kAmAdi of lust, anger, and so on; gale badhvA binding the neck;

prakAmam licentiously; kaSTa prada vikaTa pASAlibhiú with the torturous, dreadful ropes;

asac-ceSTA of wicked deeds; hanye are killing; aham me;

iti(speaking) thus; tvamyou; kuru loudly; phutkArAncall out;

vartmapa-gaNe to the VaiSNavas, the protectors of the path;

bakab- hid of Sri Krsna, the killer of Baka; yath. as a result of which;

sa those devotees; avati(will) protect; tvAm you; itaH from their hands.





Lust, anger, and so on are a band of dacoits

who assail one suddenly on the open road of material life.

They have bound my neck licentiously with the torturous, dreadful ropes of wicked deeds and

are thus killing me.

O mind, speaking in this way, you must grievously cry out to the powerful and

merciful devotees who are the protectors of the path of bhakti leading to Sri Krsna, the killer of BakAsura.

Hearing your piteous cry, they will surely protect you from such a condition.




Lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride, and envy are six dacoits on the open road of material life.

The word vyatikara means meeting together. Having assembled together, these six dacoits assail their victims on the path of material life.




While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them;

from such attachment, lust to enjoy those objects is aroused.

From lust that is impeded, anger arises.

From anger, delusion arises;

and from delusion, bewilderment of memory.

From bewilderment of memory, intelligence or in other words jnana-bhakti, the faculty of wisdom is vanquished.

When intelligence is vanquished, one becomes immersed in material enjoyment once again.

In this way one becomes entrapped in the cycle of material existence and suffers the results of one s worldly activities. Bhagavad-gita(2.62-63)


Baka-bhid vartmapa-gaNa:

The protectors of the path leading to the killer of BakSsura



The word bakabhid refers to Sri Krsna, who is the killer of the demon Baka, the personification of duplicity.


The word vartma means a path, or in other words the path of the cultivation of love

for Krsna. The suffix pa means a guardian or protector, which here refers to the VaiSNavas.

The purport is that one should cry piteously and call upon the VaiSNavas to save one from anarthas,

because they are the guardians and protectors on the path of cultivating Krsna-prema.

These powerful, most merciful VaiSNavas will certainly protect you upon hearing your piteous cry.






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Sloka Six


are cetaH prodyat-kapa a-kutinATi-bhara-khara

kSaran-mUtre snAtvA dahasi katham AtmAnam api mAm

sadA tvaM gAndharvA-giridhara-.-prema-vilasat

sudhAmbhodhau snAtvA svam api nitarAM mAM ca sukhaya




Are O; cetaH mind; snAtvA bathing; kSaran-mUtre in the trickling urine;

bhara-khara of the great donkey;

prodyaT of fully developed; kapaTa deceit; kuTinATi (and) hypocrisy;

katham why; dahasi are you burning; AtmAnamyourself; mAm api and me also; tvam you; sadA always; snAtvA bathing;

sudhA-ambhodhau in the ocean of nectar; vilasat arising;

.-prema from love born of the feet;

gandharvA-giridhara of Sri Rdh-GiridhAri;

sukhayadelight; svam yourself; ca and; mam api me also; nitarAmthoroughly.





O wicked mind! Although you adopt the path of sAdhana,

you imagine yourself purified by bathing in the

trickling urine of the great donkey of full-blown deceit and hypocrisy.

By doing so, you are simultaneously burning yourself and scorching me, a tiny jiva. Stop this! Delight yourself and me by eternally bathing in the nectarine ocean of pure love for the lotus feet of Sri RAdhA-KRSNa Yugala.




In spite of having subdued the enemies of lust and anger,

one may not have conquered the great enemy of deceit.

This verse instructs us how to gain victory over this powerful enemy.

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Sloka Seven



pratiSTh.ASA dhRTSA Svapaca-ramaNi me hRdi naTet

kathaM sAdhuH-premA spRSati Sucir etan nanu manaH

sadA tvaM sevasva prabhu-dayita-sAmantam atulaM

yathA tAM niSkASya tvaritam iha taM veSayati saH




manaHO mind; ASA the desire; pratiSThA for prestige;

dhRSTA an audacious; Svapaca-ramaNi outcaste woman from the tribe of dog-eaters;

naTet if she dances; me hRdi in my heart;

katham (then) how; nanu indeed; sucih pure; sAdhu-premA divine love;

spRSati can touch; etat that heart;

tvam (therefore) you; sadA always; sevasva serve;

atulam the incomparable; dayita beloved; sAmantam commanders (of the army);

prabhu of Prabhu Sri Krsna; yathA so that;

saH they; tvaritam quickly; niSkAsya expelling;

tAm that (outcaste dog-eater);

veSayati cause to enter; tam that (divine love); iha in this heart.



(Why is it that deceit still lingers in the heart in spite of one,s having given up all material sense enjoyment? This verse has been composed in order to answer this question.)

O mind! How can pure divine love appear in my heart

as long as the shameless dog-eating outcaste woman of the desire for prestige

is audaciously dancing there?

Therefore, always remember and serve the immeasurably

powerful commanders of the army of .Sri Krsna,s,

the beloved devotees of the Lord.

They will at once banish this outcaste woman

and initiate the flow of immaculate vraja-prema in your heart.








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Sloka Eight


yathA duSTatvaM me davayati SaThasyApi kRpayA

yathA mahyaM premAmRtam api dadAty ujjvalam asau

yathA Sri gAndharvA bhajana-vidhaye prerayati mAM

tathA goSThe kAkvA giridharam iha tvaM bhaja manaH




ManaH O mind; iha goSThe in this Vraja; tvam you; bhaja worship; giridharam Sri Giridhari; tathA in such a manner; kAkvA with humble words; yathA so that; SaThasya api although (I am) corrupt; asau He; kRpayA mercifully; davayati drives away; me my; duSTatvam wickedness; yathA so that; dadAti He gives; ujjvalam the radiant; amRtam nectar; prema ofdivine love; api also;

Mahyam to me; yathA (and) so that; prerayati He impels; mAm me; Sri.

g.AndharvA bhajana-vidhaye in the service of Srimat. Radhika.




(By the association of sadhus, hladini Sakti, which dispels all corruption and brings about the highest perfection, is transmitted into the sAdhaka s heart. But that type of sAdhu-saNga is not easily obtained.)

Therefore, O mind, with utter humility and grief-stricken words,

just worship Sri GiridhAri KRSNa in Vraja in such a way that He will become pleased with me.

By His causeless mercy He will remove my wickedness, bestow the nectar of His supremely radiant prema, and confer upon me the inspiration to worship Srimati Radhika.



Dainya kakuti: Humble, grief-stricken expression

I am completely helpless and destitute.

A humble and sincere prayer with this mood is called dainya kakuti.

In his Sri GAndharva-samprarthanASTakam ( Stava-Mala),

Sri Rupa Gosvami has prayed in such a humble and guileless manner:


O Devi RAdhikA! Being enthralled like two intoxicated elephants, You and Sri KRSNa constantly delight in amorous pastimes in the pleasure-groves of Sri VRndAvana. Therefore, O GAndharvikA, please be kind and mercifully grant me the darSana of Your two lotus like faces.


O Devi GAndharvikA, I am greatly distressed. Therefore, falling to the ground like a rod, I submit the following prayer to Your lotus feet in a choked-up voice full of despair. Please be merciful upon this ignorant person and consider me as one of Your maidservants.


O Srimati SyAmA (RAdhikA), You are far more beautiful than Sri LakSmidevi When shall I worship You who are embraced by the left arm of Your beloved Sri SySmasundara, whose beauty eclipses that of Sriman NArAyaNa and captivates the entire creation?


O Devi RAdhikA! When will I become Your handmaiden and dress You appropriately for Your lover s rendezvous by removing the ankle bells from Your lotus feet and covering Your graceful limbs in a blue sari the color of a fresh cloud? When will I lead You to the kuNja at night, Your heart filled with rapture and anticipation to meet with Your lover, Sri Nanda-nandana?


(In this Stava Mala Rupa Gosvami reveals his inner mood)


All glories to the rupAnuga devotees.

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gaura.

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(By the association of sadhus, hladini Sakti, which dispels all corruption and brings about the highest perfection, is transmitted into the sAdhaka’s heart. But that type of sAdhu-saNga is not easily obtained.)

Therefore, O mind, with utter humility and grief-stricken words,

just worship Sri GiridhAri KRSNa in Vraja in such a way that

He will become pleased with me.

By His causeless mercy He will remove my wickedness, bestow the nectar of His supremely radiant prema, and confer upon me the inspiration to worship Srimati Radhika.


Dainya kakuti: Humble, grief-stricken expression

I am completely helpless and destitute.


A humble and sincere prayer with this mood is called dainya kakuti.

In his Sri GAndharva-samprarthanASTakam ( Stava-Mala),

Sri Rupa Gosvami has prayed in such a humble and guileless manner:

Sloka 7

O charming-eyed Sri Radhika! When You playfully hide in a concealed burrow of the forest grove, Sri Krsna will come to know of Your whereabouts and appear before You. You will then question me reproachfully, “O RUpa MANjaRi! Did you disclose My hiding place to Him?”

Then I will answer,

“No, no, I said nothing. It was Citra sakhi who told Him, so please don’t frown upon me.”

When will I be blessed to see You feigning such anger toward me, and when will I get

the opportunity to appease You with sweet words in the presence of Sri Krsna?


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