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Glorification of Srimati Radharani by Lord Krsna

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Glorification of Srimati Radharani by Lord Krsna


For the pleasure of the Vaisnavas, I am submitting the

following excerpt from Srila Rupa Goswami's Lalita


Once Lord Krishna considered within His heart:


"Everyone says that I am complete bliss, full of all

rasas; all the world derives pleasure from Me. Is

there anyone who can give Me pleasure? One who has a

hundred times more qualities than Me could give

pleasure to My mind. One more qualified than Me is

impossible to find in the world, but in Radha alone I

feel the presence of one who can give Me pleasure.

Although My beauty defeats the beauty of ten million

cupids although it is unequalled and unsurpassed.

Although it gives pleasure to the three worlds, seeing

Radharani gives pleasure to My eyes. The vibration of

My transcendental flute attracts the three worlds, but

My ears are enchanted by the words of Srimati Radhika.

Although My body lends fragrance to the entire

creation, the scent of Radharani's limbs captivates My

mind and heart. Although the entire creation is full

of different tastes because of Me, I am charmed by the

nectarean taste of the lips of Srimati Radharani. And

although My touch is cooler than ten million moons, I

am refreshed by the touch of Srimati Radhika. Thus

although, I am the source of happiness for the entire

world, the beauty and attributes of Srimati Radharani

are My life and soul. In this way My affectionate

feelings for Srimati Radharani may be understood, but

on analysis I find them contradictory. My eyes are

fully satisfied when I look upon Srimati Radharani but

by looking upon Me, She becomes even more advanced in

satisfaction. The flute-like murmur of the bamboos

rubbing against one another steals Radharani's

consciousness for She thinks it to be the sound of My

flute, and She embraces a tamala tree, mistaking it

for Me. 'I have gotten the embrace of Sri Krishna,'

She thinks, 'so now My life is fulfilled.'; thus, She

remains immersed in pleasing Me, taking the tree in

Her arms. When a favorable breeze carries to Her the

fragrance of My body, She is blinded by love and tries

to fly into that breeze. When She tastes the betel

chewed by Me, She merges in an ocean of joy and

forgets everything else. Even with hundreds of mouths

I could not express the transcendental pleasure She

derives from My association. Seeing the luster of Her

complexion after Our pastimes together, I forget My

own identity in happiness. The sage Bharata has said

that the mellows of lover and beloved are equal. But

he does not know the mellows of My Vrindavan. The

happiness I feel when meeting Srimati Radharani is a

hundred times greater than the happiness I get from

meeting others."

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