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Letter to Janaki (1/18/69)

"Please do your duty combinedly without any disruption of peaceful attitudes amongst yourselves. We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example, Therefore, every one should be forbearing, tolerant and cooperative."


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Letter to Gargamuni (9/8/69)

"But one thing is you must stop this fighting between brothers. Otherwise the whole program will be spoiled. Yourself, Tamal Krishna, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa-- you should do everything combinedly. That is my request. Gradually, by Krishna's Grace, we are expanding. So if

amongst us there is friction, it will be very dangerous."


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Letter to Yamuna devi & Harsharani (1/15/68)

"If you have any specific grievance, please let me know but don't be disturbed by any sort of disagreement with your Godbrothers and Godsisters. Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another. But we have to consider the central point of interest. You are both very intelligent and sober girls and I have got good estimation of you; do not take at any time an attitude of non-cooperation because you have not agreed with another's point of view."


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