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On another board someone said the name Jehovah means self-evident.


There must be a sanskrit name for God that means the same or is very similar. Can someone tell which name that would be.



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Searching for 'self-evident' in the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon:<blockquote>svadhAvi4n-dRz


Entry svadhAvindRz

Meaning mfn. visible or clear by itself , self-evident BhP.



Entry pratyakSavat

Meaning ind. as if it were evident A1p.




Entry vispaSTIkaraNa

Meaning n. the making clear or evident L.



Entry spaSTIbhUta

Meaning mfn. become plain or evident MW.



Entry sphuTIbhAva

Meaning m. becoming clear or evident Nya1yam.



Entry nirAvaraNa

Meaning mfn. unveiled , manifest , evident , Ven2is.



Entry pratyakSabandhu

Meaning (%{pratya4kSa-}) mfn. with evident relation MaitrS.



Entry vispaSTIkR

Meaning P. %{-karoti} , to make clear or evident Sa1y.



Entry sAkSAtkartavya

Meaning mfn. to be made fully perceptible or evident , Maha1v.



Entry spaSTatara

Meaning mfn. more or most evident or clear or intelligible MBh.


It is an honor to take part in your naming ceremony.



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Entry svadhAvin

Meaning mfn. containing refreshment TS. ; owning the Svadha1 (see %{svadhAyi4n}). [1278,2]




Entry dRz

Meaning 2 m. (nom. %{k} , Ved. %{G} Pa1n2. 7-1 , 83) seeing , viewing , looking at ; knowing , discerning Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (ifc. cf. %{Ayurveda-d-} , %{diSTa-d-} , %{pRthag-d-} , %{ma4ntra-d-} , %{sama-d-} , %{sarva-d-} , %{sUryad-}) [491,3] ; f. sight , view (dat. %{dRze4} as inf. cf. 1 %{dRz}) ; look , appearance (in %{I-d-} , %{kI-d-} , %{tA-d-}) ; the eye R. Var. &c. (also n. BhP. iv , 4 , 24) ; theory , doctrine Vcar. ; (astrol.) the aspect of a planet or the observed spot. [Cf. Gk. $ for $ in $.] &152504[491 ,3]



Entry svadhA

Meaning f. (for %{svadhA4} see p. 1280) self-position , self-power , inherent power (accord. to someN. of Nature or the material Universe ; %{sva-dha4yA} `" by self-power "') RV. ; own state or condition or nature , habitual state , custom , rule , law RV. ; ease , comfort , pleasure (%{a4nu@svadhA4m} , %{svadhA4m@a4nu} or %{svadhA4@a4nu} , %{svadha4yA} , or %{svadhA4bhiH} , `" according to one's habit or pleasure , spontaneously , willingly , easily , freely , undisturbedly , wantonly , sportively "') RV. AV. VS. TBr. ; own place , home (%{svadhe4} du. `" the two places or homes "' , heaven and earth Naigh. iii , 30) ib. ; `" own portion or share "' , the sacrificial offering due to each god , (esp.) the food or libation , or refreshing drink (cf. 2. %{su-dhA}) offered to the Pitr2is or spirits of deceased ancestors (consisting of clarified butter &c. and often only a remainder of the Havis ; also applied to other oblations or libations , and personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of the Pitr2is or of An3giras or of a Rudra or of Agni) RV. &c. &c. ; (%{-dha4}) ind. (with dat. or gen.) the exclamation or benediction used on presenting (or as a substitute for) the above oblation or libation to the gods or departed ancestors (accord. to Mn. iii , 252 the highest form of benediction at a S3ra1ddha ; with %{kR} , `" to pronounce the exclamation or benediction %{sva-dhA} "' ; %{svadhA7stu} , `" let there be a blessing on it "' [cf. RTL. 104 , n. 1]) RV. &c. &c.



Entry svadhAyin

Meaning mfn. owning the Svadha1 (said of the Pitr2is ; v.l. %{svadhAvi4n}) VS. TBr.

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Swadhavindrish dasa,


Yes, your lineage. You are now a disciple of Caitya Guru. I am the transparent rtvik medium to Caitya Guru. Remember Him; He will take you to Krsna. You will be with Him when you are not attached.


Offer all your obeisances unto Him continuously with this mantra:<blockquote><center><font color="blue">hiraNmayena pAtreNa

satyasyApihitaM mukham

tat tvaM pUSann apAvRNu

satya-dharmAya dRSTaye


hiraNmayena--by a golden effulgence; pAtreNa--by a dazzling covering; satyasya--of the Supreme Truth; apihitam--covered; mukham--the face; tat--that covering; tvam--Yourself; pUSan--O sustainer; apAvRNu--kindly remove; satya--pure; dharmAya--unto the devotee; dRSTaye--for exhibiting.


O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.


[...] "But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe." Thus by His one plenary expansion, the all-pervading ParamAtmA, the Lord maintains the complete material cosmic creation. He also maintains all manifestations in the spiritual world. Therefore in this zruti-mantra of SrI IzopaniSad, the Lord is addressed as pUSan, the ultimate maintainer. [...]</blockquote>


O M - T A T - S A T


gHari Maharaja

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I had always thought that Jehovah translated to "Almighty". Maybe they mean "I am that I am", but here is some more self-evident truth from SrIla MadhvAcArya and the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-Lila 7.137:<blockquote><center>svataH-pramANa veda satya yei kaya

‘lakSaNA' karile svataH-prAmANya-hAni haya


svataH-pramANa--self-evidence; veda--Vedic literature; satya--truth; yei--whatever; kaya--say; lakSaNA--interpretation; karile--by making; svataH-prAmANya--self-evidential proof; hAni--lost; haya--becomes.


"The Vedic statements are self-evident. Whatever is stated there must be accepted. If we interpret according to our own imagination, the authority of the Vedas is immediately lost."



Out of four main types of evidence--direct perception, hypothesis, historical reference and the Vedas--Vedic evidence is accepted as the foremost. If we want to interpret the Vedic version, we must imagine an interpretation according to what we want to do. First of all, we set forth such an interpretation as a suggestion or hypothesis. As such, it is not actually true, and the self-evident proof is lost.


SrIla MadhvAcArya, commenting on the aphorism dRzyate tu (VedAnta-sUtra 2.1.6), quotes the BhaviSya PurANa as follows:


Rg-yajuH-sAmAtharvAz ca bhArataM paJcarAtrakam

mUla-rAmAyaNaM caiva veda ity eva zabditAH

purANAni ca yAnIha vaiSNavAni vido viduH

svataH-prAmANyam eteSAM nAtra kiJcid vicAryate


The Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, SAma Veda, Atharva Veda, MahAbhArata, PaJcarAtra and original RAmAyaNa are all considered Vedic literature. The PurANas (such as the Brahma-vaivarta PurANa, NAradIya PurANa, ViSNu PurANa and BhAgavata PurANa) are especially meant for VaiSNavas and are also Vedic literature. As such, whatever is stated within the PurANas, MahAbhArata and RAmAyaNa is self-evident. There is no need for interpretation. The Bhagavad-gItA is also within the MahAbhArata; therefore all the statements of the Bhagavad-gItA are self-evident. There is no need for interpretation, and if we do interpret, the entire authority of the Vedic literature is lost.


Of course, we don't know if any of these self-evident expressions are considered as names of Sri Krsna.

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Thanks. Yes they also mentioned I am that I am.


I am having a discussion with some evangelicals christians on beliefnet. The Bible says "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved..." Joel 2:32 So I was bringing up the name from other cultures under the "a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" rule.


I haven't gotten a response from my last post. They don't seem to lke the idea of anyone being "saved" from outside of their group.

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Many references to the word in Prabhupada's works - all as the great Emperor from Srimad Bhagavatam, SvAyambhuva Manu:


Manu--Svayambhuva Manu, a demigod son of BrahmA who is the original father and lawgiver of the human race; also, a generic name for any of the fourteen universal rulers also known as Manvantara-avataras, who appear in each day of Lord BrahmA. Their names are 1) Svayambhuva; 2) SvArociSa; 3) Uttama; 4) TAmasa; 5) Raivata; 6) CAkSusa; 7) Vaivasvata; 8) SavarNi; 9) DakSa-sAvarNi; 10) Brahma-sAvarNi; 11) Dharma-sAvarNi; 12) Rudra-sAvarNi; 13) Deva-sAvarni; 14) Indra-sAvarNi.


SvAyambhuva Manu--the Manu who appears first in BrahmA's day and who was the grandfather of Dhruva MahArAja.

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Swadhavindrish das,


I always found this expression self-evident: sarva-kAraNa-kAraNam, the Cause of all Causes.


Add 'and ALL that is' and it's complete, acintya-bhedAbheda and all.


They are talking about the name of Lord Jesus in that quote, I believe. Like all kanisthas stuck in their scripture's idiom of words, they will fear embracing any new ideas. They can relate to love of God, detachment from worldliness, et cetera, since Jesus taught Bhagavad-gita for Dummies. When I worked at the Presbyterian Church head office, they never knew who I was since I just taught Bhagavad-gita in his words. If you accept that most of them only embrace religion to build and repair their egos, then you can tread softly amongst them. But like the man said, beware of casting pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend you.



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Yes one can't go very far. For instance they accept that the name they are using for Jesus wasn't the same as he was called in the language and culture he walked in. They do accept that God hears the intent of the heart and responds accordingly. So far so good. But then they will turn around and deny that God can be reached by someone in another religion calling out to God in a different name wh isn't thinking of Jesus specifically.


Then they say Jesus is God. Then I say if Jesus is God then when they call out to God, according to you they must be calling out to Jesus.


It is at this point that ay established communication breaks down. I have learned not to beat my head against the wall. It took a long time for me to learn this simple thing and I have to brain damage to prove it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Jaya Yoshua

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