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Padayatra Arrival Adress:Dead Bodies Stay in Their Houses-No Krishna means No Life

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Padayatra Arrival Adress given at Bhubaneswar,Orissa ,India on the 30th December 1995 by Srila Gour Govinda Swami:---------------------

Dead Bodies Stay in Their Houses


How long will you sleep in the lap of the ugly witch Maya? How long?

You have already slept for such a long time, lakhs and lakhs of lives. Do

you want to sleep in the lap of the ugly witch Maya?

Mahaprabhu is your only well-wishing friend, therefore He loves you

so much. He descended here, tomare loite ami hoinu avatara, "For you I

descended." ami bina bandhu ara ke ache tomara, "Is there any friend of

yours but Me?"

Why does He say, "I am your only well-wishing friend?" Krishna says

He is your well-wishing friend. Mahaprabhu says, "I am your well-wisher. For

you I descended." He loves you so much. You have no love, pure love for Him.

"Hey rascal! Get out from here!" He loves you so much and you have no tinge

of love for Him.


enechi ausadhi maya nasibaro lagi'

lao tumi magi'


"I have brought medicine for you, to annihilate maya, annihilate ignorance,

avidya, that is hari-nama maha-mantra."


hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare


This is the medicine. If you put complete faith, full faith, strong faith,

unflinching faith in taking this medicine, definitely it will cure you.

Ignorance will be annihilated, pure consciousness will arise. Your heart

will be purified of all material contamination immediately. Then you can

chant pure name,

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare


sankirtane janakau gauranga mahaprabhu - He is the father of the sankirtana

movement. He is prema-purusottama, the giver of krsna-prema; maha-vadanya

avatara, most munificent incarnation, gauranga-avatara, who gives

krsna-prema freely through this sankirtana, and Mahaprabhu was doing

sankirtana here, surrounded by His associates, dear devotees, chanting,

dancing. He first started this sankirtana-padayatra. This is the only

remedy for the people of Kali-yuga. It will bring you all good fortune, all

types of good fortune. What can be more than that. He is such a well-wishing

friend. He was chanting, dancing in the street and moving,


hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare


adhane jatana kari dhana tejaginu

gaura-kirtana-rase maghana na hainu

Prarthana, song 42 - [first line is from text 2, second line is from text 4]

Narottam Das Thakur says, "You have taken interest in collecting adhana, not

real dhana, asset or wealth and neglecting real dhana, asset, this

prema-dhana that Gauranga Mahaprabhu gives you through sankirtana. Where

gaura-kirtana goes on, Gauranga Mahaprabhu appears there. Yes. When such

gaura-kirtana is going on, many gaura-bhaktas congregate together and chant


RAMA HARE HARE. When this transcendental sound vibration touches the ears,

can he stay inside his house? [ Srila Gour Govinda Swami says three words here and at the

same time thumps his fist on the table and everyone cheers and claps and

haribols, ] . . . He cannot stay inside his house. If it enters into the ear

of those who are like stones, nirjivas, stones, they will remain inside,

stones stay inside the house. This is gaura-kirtana, the only inspiration,

the only life given to the jivas in Kali-yuga.

Therefore we have this sankirtana-padayatra. Those who are dying

out of ignorance, dying every moment, no life - no Krishna means no life. If

Krishna is life, jivanam sarva-bhuteñu, Krishna says, I am the life in all

living entities. But not carrying Krishna in you, have you love? You have no

life. You are dying, you are dying, you are dying every moment. You are a

dead body. Though living, dead, jivanmrta, though living, dead. You are

breathing like the bellows of a blacksmith. What is the value of that life?

If there is no Krishna in you, what is the value of that life? The man who

has no Krishna in him, he is dead. What is the value of decorating a dead

woman? You can understand this thing. What Mahaprabhu gives,

gaura-priya-jana, dear devotees of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, what they give, why

they do this padayatra, walking, walking barefoot. Why do they do it? They

never become tired. They get so much life. Such ananda is there, paibe

paramananda ananda apar, unlimited ananda. You'll get transcendental

pleasure. You'll forget all your bodily ills and ailments if you chant Hare

Krishna. You'll get such transcendental pleasure, nectar, life! Therefore we

do it.

His priya-jana, His dear devotee, our revered spiritual master Srila

Prabhupada, he started this. Mahaprabhu has taught it, he started. This

Mahaprabhu's lila is going on, is going on, yes, is going on. It will go on.

One who cannot accept it, he'll remain as mleccha, yavana. So at the end of

Kali-yuga, Kalki will come and annihilate. Otherwise if the fortunate living

entities will accept and take part in gaura-kirtana, "Let me go out, take


RAMA HARE HARE. Let me go out and chant and dance." If you have life. You'll

not be annihilated.

So our devotees, many thanks to them. They have taken part in

Padayatra, chanted throughout these hilly tracts, jungle tracts of land in

Western Orissa and filled the atmosphere with the transcendental sound

vibration and given opportunity to so many jivas, thereby their life is

successful. And our request is, those who are intelligent, those who

understand, those who are not stones, they must take part.

Thank you very much.

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