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Suffering from Nightmares

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Hi, as you know the maha-mantra goes "HARE KRISHNA ... HARE RAMA ..." I cling to Krishna and hope that he considers me as his servant. As I learned that a bhaktin must respect all Vaishnavas I tried to take up a touch of Rama bhakti, too. But the odd consequence is that it was no good for me. It caused me some scary nightmares. In my dreams repeatedly I saw a man with a bow and arrows telling me he was Rama. The man appearing to me in fact was not ugly, he was indeed very strong and handsome, giving me the impression he was an experienced, powerful warrior or lawman. He wasn't unfriendly either, though a bit authoritarian. As he was no-one to be feared it is hard for me to make you understand the feeling of intense horror it caused me. I was not afraid but I rather could not bear this presence in my dream. It was too much for me. Is there anyone who can tell me about the nature of the man in my dream or about such incidents on the path of bhakti in general? Why does this dream appearance come to me? It's definitely not out of my mind, I think I am not capable of making up something so intensely scary.

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Interesting dream guest. I certainly can't analyze it and if it were me I would be wary of anyone who claimed to know exactly what it meant,including me. Remember this dream is yours and you have the ability to understand it within you.


That said I will offer some hints. First you will not be able to understand any message of this dream as long as you remain in fear of the experience. Let go of the fear.


Next to consider, this sounds like the appearance of a typical archetypal figure from what Jung would call the collective unconscious. Do a google search on Jung and archetypes to learn more.


Since this is a repeating dream assume that he is coming will a valuable lesson for you and do not see this image as a threat. To greatly aid this here is a very neat excercise.


If it happens again tell yourself that when you next see him you will immediately remember IN YOUR DREAM that you are only dreaming. Tell yourself NOW that you will wake up IN THE DREAM at the next sight of him. This is not the waking up of your body and brain, rather you will remain in your dream form and just become aware that you are dreaming....PAUSE... Did you tell your mind what I just said or are you just reading? Tell your mind that you will awaken in the dream. You WILL become aware in the dream.


When you do this it is called a lucid dream. The whole set of the dreamscape remains the essentially the same but will take on a new quality. The fear will vanish. The colors will brighten and you will be observing the dream body as if you are just riding in it, with detachment.


Then ask the warrior if he has a teaching for you. You may be very amazed at what he has to say. He can't give you that message now because of your fear. But the fact he keeps returning is significant.


1) Tell your mind NOW that when he appears again that is the signal for you to become lucid. Tell your mind NOW in the form of a conscious impression that you will become lucid at his next appearance. And again, only let the messaage go deeper, impress deeper into the mind. You will no longer fear him. He has come to teach you something valuable.


2)Play the role out. Be courteous, respectful and receptive. Let the whole dream sequence play out in its own time. Do not be impatient.Gently but firmly, tell your mind NOW that at the natural conclusion of the dream the body is to awaken and then immediately write down your impressions without spending time to analyze them. Have pen and paper by the bed.


3) Don't try to force meanings onto the expereience.Just remain receptive.


Hare Krsna

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Do not fear your dreams my friend, for dreams are only there to recap what you are going through in the waking state. May be you were a bhakth of rama and are trying to look at your god as krishna and now because you do you feel guilt unconsciously. Or it could mean that you are trying to explore Vaishnavism but are quite afraid of going to deep. If these two are not the case, then the case may be that you are fearing god himself through love.


The supreme personality of the Godhead is nothing to fear about, he loves you a million times more than you love yourself. You are actually like his superstar or some one he really is crazy about. So, don't fear God but love him with all you got.

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To be afraid of Rama is okay. Arjuna was fearful of the universal form of his dear friend Krsna, so mush so that he asked to not see such a form.


Just like God and Guru, fear is there, if it weas not, one would feel equal. To feeel equal or greater than God is much more disturbing that awe.


The fear goes away in proportion to the understanding of swarup, our actual relationship with Him Fear gets in the way when Krsna wants to wrestle a cowherd boy or have a fierce killing war with a ksatriya devotee like Bhisma. But it is all yogamaya, the fear is a regulating device used by Him for His purpose.


The fear never really goes away, and this is also a good thing. I dont ever wanna call Srila Prabhupada "bro", his full title and moniker is produced from a good fear against offensive attitude of thinking that the Vaisnava Acarya is an ordinary being.


Too much "friendly atmosphere" situations may be the root of the problem we say twenty-five years ago, where the Acaryas thought themselves just as valid and important to one who they would never really approach. We never "misread" such friendly atmosphere situations, because we must allow Krsna to exert yogamaya for his purposes.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Please forgive me but I may be misunderstanding what you are saying here but the name Rama in the maha-mantra is not referring to Lord Rama. Rama in the maha-mantra is referring to Lord Krsna.


Krsna means "the all-attractive person", Rama means "the highest pleasure", and Hare refers to Krsna's internal pleasure potency known as Srimati Radharani.


Perhaps your nightmares may not be so troubling or may even disappear if you remember the meanings while meditating on the holy names as you chant.



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The Lord's intimate qualities revealed in the Mahamantra


vijnapya bhagavat-tattvam cid-ghanananda-vigraham

haraty avidyam tat-karyam ato harir iti smrtah


The Lord is known as Hari because he takes away the ignorance of His devotees by revealing to them the actual nature of the Supreme Lord and His personal spiritual form.


harati krsna-manah krsnahlada-svarupini

ato harety anenaiva sri-radha parikirtita


Because she steals Krsna's mind, because she is the incarnation of Krsna's joy, Radha is also known by the name Hara.


anandaika-sukha-svami syamah kamala-locanah

gokulanandano nanda-nandanah krsna iryate


The dark, lotus-eyed Lord, the only master of the highest joy, who brings pleasure to Gokula, the son of Nanda, is known as Krsna.


vaidagdhya-sara-sarvasvam murta-liladhidaivatam

sri-radham ramayan nityam rama ity abhidhiyate


Krsna is also known as Rama because the joys of conjugal life are the essence of His being, because He is the tutelary deity of loving sports incarnate, and because He brings pleasure to Srimati Radharani.



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Explanation of the Maha-mantra by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura


(from Sri Krsna Kathamrta translated by Bhakti-vaidurya Madhava Das)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


O Hari! Having captured my mind, please free from material bondage.


O Krsna! Please attract my mind by pulling it to You.


O Hari! Please capture my mind by Your unsurpassed sweetness.


O Krsna! Please purify my mind with knowledge about devotional service given to me by Your own devotee.


O Krsna! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes, etc. [The next Krsna was missing from the translation]


O Hari! Please make me fit to serve You.


O Hari! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes, etc.


O Hari! Please direct me to do some particular service for You.


O Rama! Let me hear about Your most cherished pastimes in the company of Your dearest devotees.


O Hara (Radha)! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Sri Krsna.


O Rama! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Radha.


O Rama! Please engage me in remembering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Rama! Please make me fit to serve You while remembering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Hari! Having accepted me as one of Your own servitors, please enjoy me as You please.


O Hari! Please enjoy me in Your transcendental way. This is my humble request at Your lotus feet.



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Thank you very much for your kind replies, anyone. gHari, I am not afraid of WHO is coming, I am afraid because I did not know what he WANTS from me ... in fact, I still don't know. Theist, I tried to follow your advice a little bit ... things are not perfectly clear yet, but I feel definitely better. Thought about what both their lordships Rama and Krishna mean to me. Don't want to upset anyone, but until now I never was aware that I tend to regard Krishna more as a kind of friend or brother and Rama more as a fatherly mentor. Don't know whether this makes a lot of sense, but currently there are two contradictory emotions in my heart. It's impossible for me to decide who over whom - father or brother. At the moment I think I'm more in need of a mentor ... Hope Lord Krishna will understand, I just can't act against my heart. I'm curious how all this will evolve. Thanks anyone for your advice, Hare Krishna.

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Guest, finding a mentor is always good advice no matter what the field, what to speak of this trascendental subject matter.


You know you don't have to even make such an either/or decision as the one you decribed. The answer to these questions of rasa with the Lord will arise naturally in time through the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. There you will also find both the name Krsna and Rama. You may want to just chant and absorb yourself in hearing the pastimes of Krsna-lila AND Rama-lila and let the Lord reveal the details.


Also have you read the story of Murari Gupta in the Caitanya Caritamrita?

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Quote: Also have you read the story of Murari Gupta in the Caitanya Caritamrita?


No, I don't know it. Could you please tell it? Thanks.

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Murari Gupta's mind could not be turned from his love for Lord Ramachandra even at the enticment of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This pleased Mahaprabhu very much.



Madhya 15.137 - Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu then embraced Muräri Gupta and began to speak about his firm faith in devotional service. This was heard by all the devotees.


Madhya 15.138 - Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu said, “Previously I induced Muräri Gupta again and again to be allured by Lord Kåñëa. I said to him, ‘My dear Gupta, Lord Çré Kåñëa, Vrajendra- kumära, is the supreme sweetness.


Madhya 15.139 - “‘Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of all incarnations and the source of everything. He is pure transcendental love itself, and He is the reservoir of all pleasure.


Madhya 15.140 - “‘Kåñëa is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities. He is like a mine of gems. He is expert at everything, very intelligent and sober, and He is the summit of all transcendental humors.


Madhya 15.141 - “‘His character is very sweet, and His pastimes are melodious. He is expert in intelligence, and thus He enjoys all His pastimes and mellows.’


Madhya 15.142 - “I then requested Muräri Gupta, ‘Worship Kåñëa and take shelter of Him. But for His service, nothing appeals to the mind.’


Madhya 15.143 - “In this way, he heard from Me again and again. By My influence, his mind was a little converted.


Madhya 15.144 - “Muräri Gupta then replied, ‘I am Your servant and Your order- carrier. I have no independent existence.’


Madhya 15.145 - “After this, Muräri Gupta went home and spent the whole night thinking how he would have to give up the association of Raghunätha, Lord Rämacandra. Thus he was overwhelmed.


Madhya 15.146 - “Muräri Gupta then began to pray at the lotus feet of Lord Rämacandra. He prayed that death would come that night because it was not possible for him to give up the service of the lotus feet of Raghunätha.


Madhya 15.147 - “Thus Muräri Gupta cried the entire night. There was no rest for his mind; therefore he could not sleep but stayed awake the entire night.


Madhya 15.148 - “In the morning Muräri Gupta came to see Me. Catching hold of My feet and crying, he submitted an appeal.


Madhya 15.149 - “Muräri Gupta said, ‘I have sold my head unto the lotus feet of Raghunätha. I cannot withdraw my head, for that would give me too much pain.


Madhya 15.150 - “‘It is not possible for me to give up the service of Raghunätha’s lotus feet. At the same time, if I do not do so I shall break Your order. What can I do?’Madhya 15.151 - “In this way Muräri Gupta appealed to Me, saying, ‘You are all- merciful, so kindly grant me this mercy: Let me die before You so that all my doubts will be finished.’


Madhya 15.152 - “Hearing this, I became very happy. I then raised Muräri Gupta and embraced him.


Madhya 15.153 - “I said to him, ‘All glories to you, Muräri Gupta! Your method of worship is very firmly fixed—so much so that even upon My request your mind did not turn.


Madhya 15.154 - “‘The servitor must have love and affection for the lotus feet of the Lord exactly like this. Even if the Lord wants separation, a devotee cannot abandon the shelter of His lotus feet.


Madhya 15.155 - “‘Just to test your firm faith in your Lord, I requested you again and again to change your worship from Lord Rämacandra to Kåñëa.’


Madhya 15.156 - “In this way, I congratulated Muräri Gupta, saying, ‘Indeed, you are the incarnation of Hanumän. Consequently you are the eternal servant of Lord Rämacandra. Why should you give up the worship of Lord Rämacandra and His lotus feet?’”


Madhya 15.157 - Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu continued, “I accept this Muräri Gupta as My life and soul. When I hear of his humility, it perturbs My very life.”



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I have seen Krishna in my head and He is scary in the sense that I would hate to make him mad. He is utterly beautiful don't get me wrong but He is always watching me and it makes me very careful about what I say and do because like I said before I would hate to make him mad. So there is a good chance you are seeing the real thing.

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In my dreams repeatedly I saw a man with a bow and arrows telling me he was Rama. The man appearing to me in fact was not ugly, he was indeed very strong and handsome, giving me the impression he was an experienced, powerful warrior or lawman. He wasn't unfriendly either, though a bit authoritarian. As he was no-one to be feared it is hard for me to make you understand the feeling of intense horror it caused me.


Since it's not ugly, you needn't be scared. And at that day, unlike today, dictator is never the syno. of tyrant. Poor person, you would be scared to death if you saw the king of terror.

There's a Chin. allegory:

A man who was addicted to dragons decorated many kinds of dragons all over his house. One day, a dragon came to visit him who learnt his fame. The man dreaded so much of the dragon's glory that he fled right away.

Who wants to expl. the fear of Arjuna, the q. seems to be simple?

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your post is full of contradictions.


my feeliing is that you made it up.

you do not have nightmares like it.


jai sri krishna!



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  • 1 year later...

Since becoming more involved in chanting of the MahaMantra, my dreams are not only more vivid but most times more violent, full of anger (sometimes me being angry at my husband in which I can actually feel the force of my anger as I dream). Last nite was disturbing full of killings (I think terrorist related) and I was trying to escape but was held back by my mom who insisted I took some food with me! This delay caused me to be caught up with the terrorists. The theme seems to be anger, me being chased or witnessing violence. Is there a connection between my sudden surge of faith and these nightmares? Could it mean my negativity is surfacing?


Please help!

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I would like to share with you a dream I had!


It was about Hanumanji! In my dream Lord Krishna was with me, but there were a lot of demons and ghosts hanging around me. I knew the ghosts represented my sins, anger, evil tendencies. Then in the dream Krishna told me to pray to Hanumanji to make the ghosts (internal and external obstacles to devotional progress) disappear. And in the dream I chanted Hanuman chalisa, and all the bhutas simply *melted* away!


Hanumanji can offer protection:


Bhoot pisach nikat nahin aavai

Mahavir Jaab nam sunavai


All the ghosts, demons and evil forces keep away when they hear the name of "Mahavir"!


Jay Jay Jay Bajarangabali




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