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The rules in heaven

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Once upon a time a man standing in line at the intake center of heaven stepped forward. One of the administrators opened a large book and said,

"Here in Heaven the issue of Earthly fidelity is one of the factors which determines one's standing in heaven for all of eternity. He asked this individual

"Sir, how many times in the course of your marriage were you unfaithful to the vows of your marriage". The man put on the spot replied "Uh, Never?"

The administrator replied "Sir this is the realm of the absolute and careful records of all your dealings on Earth have been recorded and frankly I can see from my records your not being one hundred percent forthcoming, would you like to change your answer?

The man realizing he could not roll through this inquiry unscathed replied, "Ok, I cheated three times".

The administrator glanced at the record and said "Yes according to my ledger that is your unfortunate record. Here in heaven the vehicle you will be awarded is based on marital fidelty and as a result of your less than perfect record you get this faded yellow Ford Pinto to drive for all eternity.

The man feeling this was a bit harsh stood by as the next man stepped up and was asked the same question regarding maritial faithfulness to which he replied

"Ah, never?".

The adminstrator consulted his ledger and confirmed the man was being truthful. The administrator said "Because of your strict adherence to your martial vows you, for all eternity will drive this solid gold Mercedes Benz.

The man who received the faded yellow Ford Pinto felt a tinge of anger at the extreme disparity between what he was awarded versus what the other man recieved.

Several weeks later while cruising heaven in his Pinto he came upon the man in the solid gold Mercedes. The man in the Mercedes was crying uncontrollably.

The man in the Pinto rolled down his window and said

"What are you crying for, you got the gold Mercedes!?".

"I just saw my wife", replied the Mercedes driver.

The Pinto driver in an attempt to console him said,

"Don't feel bad. Granted she has also left the mortal coil but at least she's here in heaven".

"That's not why I'm crying" he replied.

"Then what are you so upset about" inquired the Pinto driver.

"She was riding a skate board".

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