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How forgiving is krishna... please, take pity on me for i have committed the worst sin of my life...


I have lied to a large number of people who were listening to me.


Please tell me how forgiving is krishna...




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Depends on the lie. If you told them you did not kill your wife, then we might have a problem. If you told them you are 29 but you are actually 32, then we don't have a problem.


I think we need all the dirty details to absolve you of your sin, my son.


Actually if that is the worst sin you've committed in your life, then you are either very very very young or you are a saint.

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I did something... No I did not kill people sheesh.


but could relate to plagarism... i have not copied but i have said that i had done something like an essay paper that I did not really do...when the essay got popular... I tended to tell a large, I mean a LARGE ! number of people a total lie...I told my parents but they despise me now. I can't fix it! what am I going to do ? tell them the truth?


I never did anything like this, I am not certainly 29 years or 30 year old... I am in the age ranges of 13-16.


I never did anything like this in my life . I cannot sleep or do anything due to the guilt I feel.


How forgiving is krishna? I have not gotten the answer.


How forgiving is krishna again? you have not answered my question...


I can't say anything to any one right now


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I can't sleep until some one answers me how I can repent.


I don't know what I am going to do. To be perfectly honest when I try to look at krishna it scares me. What am I going to do ?

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really it is. Your parents do not despise you. They are probably just angry with you right now but that does not mean they hate you or anything like that. They will get over it.


My mother used to say to me when she got really mad at me that she loved me but did not like me at that moment. Think about it.


Krishna is forgiving - sometimes He puts us into these situations so that we will remember Him - obviously you are thinking about Him now. It is His mercy.


It may not seem like it right now but the saying is true "This too shall pass." You will look back on this and think "Oh that was not so bad."


Please do not beat yourself up over this. Talk to Krsna, chant and try to relax.


I have been there myself and I am sure most everyone here has too.


It does really help to talk about it; even here. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


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Krsna is very very forgiving.


There were two tough guys who got drunk, and one of them threw a piece of a broken pot and hit Nityananda in the forehead. It started to bleed. Nityananda is Balarama, Krsna's brother.


The other drunk told his friend not to fight Nityananda because He was a saint. Krsna Caitanya, Nityananda's brother was ready to punish the bad man for hurting Him, but Nityananda said "Please, Krsna do not punish this one because he saved me from the one who threw the clay." Krsna agreed, and then He even forgave both of them. He made them promise to never be like that again. The two drunks became saintly after that night.


His brother was struck and bleeding, yet Krsna Caitanya forgave the evil tough guys. Krsna is very very forgiving.


If you are genuinely sorry, Krsna will forgive you. But you must never do it again. I guess you already learned that; the hard way.



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Are you priests ? how do i repent? You didnt tell me how i repent. I can't tell my teacher , she would freak on me and probably give me detention or fail me in language.


Tell me how to repent? I still can't sleep. I need to repent.

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Honest, heartfelt prayer is always best. Also chant the hare krishna mantra quietly and sincerely. And try not to worry, it is not as serious as it seems. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Others will help you when they come back online.

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God dosen't even cares about such minor offenses.You need not get worried over this.The lord who is seated in your heart is always smiling upon you.He sent you to this world because you have to do great works for him.Nothing is insignificant.Krishna says call to me and I will answer you.He is your father and mother and you are like a child to him.His love is unconditional.Krishna is not bothered, why should you?He does not want you to suffer like this.Seek his help my child.


It's upto you if you wanna say the truth or not.I think you should tell your mother and ask for her guidance.She will help you.Remember krishna is in everyone's heart.Then where is fear?


God bless you.



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Here are some good words about repenting which should also give you some good practice with the dictionary:<blockquote>The so-called progressive modern civilization has produced reprobate human beings, whose sins have been accumulating over many lifetimes. Yet if they surrender to Lord KRSNa, even they will have all their sins eradicated forever. The process of devotional service and remembrance of Lord KRSNa will gradually dissipate unwanted, base desires from within their hearts. And those hearts, which previously sheltered immoral yearnings will become fully cleansed and auspicious.


The sinful and the destitute can understand their mistakes and misfortune only by Lord KRSNa's mercy. Once they begin to repent for their sins and surrender to the Lord, they are saved; they become purified and start manifesting saintly characteristics. And if even after a person takes to the devotional process some vestige of immorality remains in his character, that also will soon be eradicated by the Lord's grace. The single-minded devotee who never offends the Supreme Lord or His devotees is to be considered a saintly soul. Even if it seems that such a saint is not yet rid of all sinful propensities, he will never be destroyed, as are the yogIs and karmIs in a similar situation. This the Supreme Lord Himself has declared.</blockquote>


You now need to dig up and destroy the root of that sin. Perhaps it was your ego that caused you to claim to have written that piece. Perhaps you lacked confidence in your own words and ability. You are a good writer; we can see that here. So it must be that you wanted to appear like a greater writer. If that is a goal for you, then become a great reader. That will make you an even better writer. And read about Krsna; then you will really have something to write about.


Just fold your hands together in front of Krsna, and say with absolute honesty, "Dear Krsna, I am very sorry for what I did. I will never ever do such a terrible thing again."


That is repentance. Then Sri Krsna will help you conquer the weakness that led to the 'big tale'.



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if all you did was copy a paper for a high school

class, your not alone, i read where it is

more the norm then actually doing the work.



it's not a sin or an offense against god.


in fact the so called modern education system

is poorly designed and poorly run.


They teach mostly useless information either outdated,

incorrect or politically motivated.


then they insist that the students memorize such useless "facts" and call that education.


Prabhupada called the modern education system slaughterhouses

for the mind.


so if you copy a paper, so what ?

the sin is getting caught.


real education is available anywhere but the school systems, that is the reality, the school systems want to indoctrinate youth and mollify the government more then taking

education seriously and responsibly.


so, did you commit some great offense towards God ?

don't make me laugh.


The schools teach atheism, meateating, animal slaughter, bogus science, bogus history, bogus morality,

bogus ethics, bogus everything.....


but if you can memorize a few useless "facts" they congragulate you and call you intelligent, and ready

to be a "productive member of society".


in fact they are nothing more then warehouses of

misinformation and indoctrination, maybe

some private schools are good, but that is a very rare thing.


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You have done something that bothers you and you want to rectify or compensate for that. If you are bold enough to accept the realities of your faults, just accept it boldly and openly. If its something which will affect you very badly out of which you dont want to accept openly, dont worry, you will pay for it by some other means inspite of the fact that you realised that you were wrong. Its a wrong concept that GOD will forgive whatever we do and this makes people to repeatedly commit mistakes and apologise to GOD. Krishna/GOD accepts the soul that realise HIM only after that soul has paid for whatever mistake it commited. Today or immediately after the mistake is commited, you may not pay, but in course of time one will definetely pay for his/her mistakes that hurt other person in some way and the magnitude of your pay is much higher than the hurt what you created for the other individual. Thats why, its better to accept to the same person to whom you caused the hurt or to whom you commited something which is bothering you. Krishna/GOD certainly forgive you once realised, but only after HE makes you realise the pain of suffering, so that you wont repeat it again on anyone. But once you realise your mistakes and surrender to Krishna/GOD, naturally you wont do it again and hence He forgive the soul and accept the soul to Him.

Its a wrong concept to think that Shree KRishna/GOD forgives everyone irrepsective of whatever they have done. A person who has really understood Bagawat-GITA will not say this and Bagawat-gita does not say like this. Karna who was known for his giving attitudes was still punished, because he supported Adharma by going behind Duryodhana for the sake of his personal benefits, he asked Draupathi to sit on Duryodhana's lap just because duryodhana was his friend. Krishna did not forgive him just because karna was good in other aspects. In the same way, Dronacharya although he was a great teacher, he kept quiet when Draupathi was insulted, also Beeshmacharya who kept quiet for the sake of personal benefits and all these people were punished for not raising their voice against adharma. So dont think that Krishna/GOD will forgive once you apologise. He will forgive the soul and accept to HIM instead of giving rebirth, once the soul realise the mistakes and does not do after that, but yet the soul is made to pay for all the faults which is repercursions of its own actions. This is clearly explained in second chapter of Gita. Please dont just read and blindly accept the interpretation (purport) given by other person. When you try to understand every concept by yourself by deep meditative thinking that GOD does not forgive some soul so easily unless the soul realizes its mistakes and pay for it. So in your case if you dont accept your mistake openly today, you will certainly pay for it on someother day in someother way.




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A five year old saint mistakenly took a mango that had not yet been offered to Krsna. His father said "Oh, you have taken the mango that was meant for the Deity."


Never again in his life did Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura ever eat mangoes. When offered to him, he would say "No, I am offender. I have taken the mango of the Deity."


This young person with the essay is also of high moral character. For them, this episode is traumatic. How many get too upset about stepping on an ant. This is the nature of Krsna's devotee. I respect this young person for their genuine feeling of remorse. They will be more aware of Krsna's desires in their heart now, and I hope Krsna helps them through this troubled time.

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They send this into a competition and if they know that I lied, I am going to be in a lot of trouble. This is bad, isn't there a way out of this mess? Am i going to get punished now?I know i did a stupid thing. Its stupid, isn't there some spiritual way out of this. I feel like such a cheater. I can't even reply your writings, I feel so ashamed. My parents are hating me because they are ashamed . My mother told me not to get caught. I feel so ashamed. I hate this. I couldn't sleep yesterday , I am sick now but I feel like sitting here and crying. sorry, i was not telling you the whole thing, this essay is like a research paper that goes into a competiton.

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the teacher came in today and told my mom that my essay is very good, I got this off the internet. I had no idea they can make me get caught like that. What am i going to do? I can't tell any one.

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You could tell your teacher that you do not feel it is right for you to compete, (maybe because you had too much help from others? .... almost true). Maybe you could say that your parents don't think you should compete. That is almost true.


It must be flattering that your teacher really thinks you wrote it. Could you have written the essay?



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This is the spiritual solution you talk about. This is important to know, whether now or throughout the rest of your life. This is the most important thing. Krsna tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita 18.66 the supreme secret:<blockquote><center>sarva-dharmAn parityajya

mAm ekaM zaraNaM vraja

ahaM tvAM sarva-pApebhyo

mokSayiSyAmi mA zucaH


sarva-dharmAn--all varieties of religion; parityajya--abandoning; mAm--unto Me; ekam--only; zaraNam--for surrender; vraja--go; aham--I; tvAm--you; sarva--all; pApebhyaH--from sinful reactions; mokSayiSyAmi--will deliver; mA--do not; zucaH--worry.

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.



The Lord has described various kinds of knowledge and processes of religion--knowledge of the Supreme Brahman, knowledge of the Supersoul, knowledge of the different types of orders and statuses of social life, knowledge of the renounced order of life, knowledge of nonattachment, sense and mind control, meditation, etc. He has described in so many ways different types of religion. Now, in summarizing Bhagavad-gItA, the Lord says that Arjuna should give up all the processes that have been explained to him; he should simply surrender to KRSNa. That surrender will save him from all kinds of sinful reactions, for the Lord personally promises to protect him.


In the Seventh Chapter it was said that only one who has become free from all sinful reactions can take to the worship of Lord KRSNa. Thus one may think that unless he is free from all sinful reactions he cannot take to the surrendering process. To such doubts it is here said that even if one is not free from all sinful reactions, simply by the process of surrendering to SrI KRSNa he is automatically freed. There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept KRSNa as the supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should surrender unto Him.


The process of surrender to KRSNa is described in the Hari-bhakti-vilAsa (11.676):


<center>AnukUlyasya saGkalpaH

prAtikUlyasya varjanam

rakSiSyatIti vizvAso

goptRtve varanaM tathA


SaD-vidhA zaraNAgatiH


According to the devotional process, one should simply accept such religious principles that will lead ultimately to the devotional service of the Lord. One may perform a particular occupational duty according to his position in the social order, but if by executing his duty one does not come to the point of KRSNa consciousness, all his activities are in vain. Anything that does not lead to the perfectional stage of KRSNa consciousness should be avoided. One should be confident that in all circumstances KRSNa will protect him from all difficulties. There is no need of thinking how one should keep the body and soul together. KRSNa will see to that. One should always think himself helpless and should consider KRSNa the only basis for his progress in life. As soon as one seriously engages himself in devotional service to the Lord in full KRSNa consciousness, at once he becomes freed from all contamination of material nature. There are different processes of religion and purificatory processes by cultivation of knowledge, meditation in the mystic yoga system, etc., but one who surrenders unto KRSNa does not have to execute so many methods. That simple surrender unto KRSNa will save him from unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus make all progress at once and be freed from all sinful reactions.


One should be attracted by the beautiful vision of KRSNa. His name is KRSNa because He is all-attractive. One who becomes attracted by the beautiful, all-powerful, omnipotent vision of KRSNa is fortunate. There are different kinds of transcendentalists--some of them are attached to the impersonal Brahman vision, some of them are attracted by the Supersoul feature, etc., but one who is attracted to the personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and, above all, one who is attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as KRSNa Himself, is the most perfect transcendentalist. In other words, devotional service to KRSNa, in full consciousness, is the most confidential part of knowledge, and this is the essence of the whole Bhagavad-gItA. Karma-yogIs, empiric philosophers, mystics and devotees are all called transcendentalists, but one who is a pure devotee is the best of all. The particular words used here, mA zucaH, "Don't fear, don't hesitate, don't worry," are very significant. One may be perplexed as to how one can give up all kinds of religious forms and simply surrender unto KRSNa, but such worry is useless.</blockquote>

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Hi. gathering the information through internet is absolutely fine. We all learn from many source. If you have written the essay after understanding the essence of your learning from the internet, its fine and you dont have to feel bad about it. If you just submit the same content what you downloaded without even modifying or adding any of your comments or ideas to it, then its plagiarism especially when it goes for competition. So one practical way to get rid of your guilt conscious is to rewrite the essay with few more additional thoughts or ideas of yours from whatever you have understood on that topic after reading the contents from net. So this becomes the way you present the essay and you can provide references at the end or in the text sentences itself and this shows that you gathered information from different sources and also you acknowledged them. This is the practical solution to your problem I can think of.

God bless you



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krishna is forgiving, provided you repent fromthe depth of your heart, and make up the mind to never do such thing again.


to those whom you lied,

you have to tell them the truth.

if the lied benefited you financially, or otherwise,

you return the benefit to those who deserve it.

then you tell them you are sorry for what you did.


better than that is this:

you do all teh above to an advanced swami/krishna devoee.

they usually are more forgiving than krishna.

then request him/her to reveal the lie to those who were lied.


since you lost sleep because of a lie,

you are a good soil, not mean asuri jiva.

so, you will advance in krishna bhakti

after you repent and do as above.

keep firm faith, and read gita.


jai sri prabhupada!


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  • 4 months later...




What is the repentence for Nama Aparada(offence to the Holy name)it is to go back to the Holy name and try again with more consentration. The Holy name absolves ones sins and the sins created by offence to that Holy name. One can only Chant as purely as one can and advance by following closely to the regulative priciples. Hare Krsna /images/graemlins/laugh.gif


ps.or one can serve the servants of the Protected cows and become purified enough to Chant without offence.bhakta chris

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