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Westerner's Disease:Change Things.Always Quarelingand Always Addicted to llicit Sex.

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CC M 16.175




It must be Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu Himself who has changed the Muslim mind. Due to His presence and even due to His remembrance, the whole world is liberated.




From this we can understand that since the Muslim governor was a drunkard (madyapa), ordinarily there would have been no chance that he would change. But Lord Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu could turn anyones mind to Krsna consciousness. One can be delivered from material existence simply by remembering Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhus holy name or by visiting Him. This Krsna consciousness movement is being spread throughout the world, but not even one yavana or mleccha addicted to drinking could have changed and accepted Krsna consciousness without Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhus grace. People are often astonished to see many thousands of Westerners converted to Vaisnavism. Generally Westerners are addicted to meat-eating, drinking, gambling and illicit sex; therefore their taking up Krsna consciousness is astonishing. In India, especially, there is much astonishment at this. The answer, however, is given here: darçana-smaraëe yäìra jagat tärila. This change is made possible simply by the remembrance of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu. The Western devotees are very sincerely chanting the holy names of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu and His associates: çré-kåñëa-caitanya prabhu-nityänanda çré-advaita gadädhara çréväsädi-gaura-bhakta-vånda. By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu and His associates, people are being purified and their consciousness directed from mäyä to Krsna.


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Perth, Australia

14 May, 1975



My dear Yadunandan,

Please accept my blessings. I have just been informed by my servant, Srutakirti, that the young children, under twelve, are not allowed to use their japa beads while chanting. This policy is not good. Why this change has been made? I never said they should not use their beads. That is our business. They must be taught how to respect their beads. How they can learn unless they use them? That is the trouble with you westerners, always changing. No changes should be made without first consulting with my GBC representative. So, the children should immediately be allowed to chant on their japa beads.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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Haribol. Since many do not have the Balarama script on their browser, you may want to try the <a href=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/h-k.zip>Harvard-Kyoto Conversion Program.</A> It takes the quotes from Folio and converts them automatically for the internet. It's a very small application provided free by Nityananda-Gauranga Inc. a.k.a. me.


Got a Folio? Then you need this tiny app too. It's a good thing.

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As if Indians aren´t just as addicted to sex as people of other nationalities. That is simply not true...



That's a fact. Ask any American devotee woman who has traveled to India. So far, every single woman I have talked to about this has said the Indian men treat them worse than the American men. They said they always have to be on the look out for hands and grabbing In public! It appears 'woman' means 'sex' to them, and nothing more. Not all, before someone says "Im a Hindu man and I'm not like that at all!" I am sure you are not, but why so many in India grab our girls getting into a train, etc.? Seems to be due to the lower birth belief, which leaves wooman as nothing but play toys.

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Where did Srila Prabhupada say this?



In addition to the quote Theist gave, Prabhupada also said this when Jayasaci tried to change the morining Govindam Prayers from Yamuna singing and George Harrison on electric guitar, to Prabhupada singing it. It might sound great but Prabhupada was not pleased. I don't have the quote on hand, but I do remember he said if its good enough for Krishna Balamaram Mandir, its good enough for us! (ha) Does someone out there have the exact quote?

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Those were harmless.

The big changes came after Srila Prabhupada departure,

because of lacking taking shelter of pure spiritual devotee.

Is it true?

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Those were harmless.

The big changes came after Srila Prabhupada departure,

because of lacking taking shelter of pure spiritual devotee.

Is it true?



Harmless or not, it was his instruction, so not to follow his instruction is harmful, and leads to the bigger offenses. That's how we got there.

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