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What mp3 player you would recommend?

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They will play on your computer but I also have them and wanted to be able to take them with me. I am on a very tight budget so I had to really shop around - they are pretty expensive!


I found one on ebay for about $40 it is called Pine. The nice thing about this portable player is that it plays Mp3's and also regular cd's and cd's that you burn yourself.


I have had no problems so far with mine so I feel I got a really good deal. I can look back in my records and find the seller for you if you like.


This Mp3 player does not download off the computer if you are looking for that function also. Those were the only kind I seemed to be able to find at any of the stores like walmart etc.

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IPODs are great, but expensive. The Nomad is also a nice choice and you get a lot more for your money. Amazing how much technology you can pack into one of these little devices.


Some of them even act like portable hard drives, so you could even carry around the entire Vedabase with you as well.


I used to have a whole bunch of Prabhupada's books on my Palm Pilot, before I sold it.

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It is pretty amazing... you have at your finger tip all SP tapes, Mahabharata, SB CC book on tapes (SB my favorite)


playing all night while I sleep and even while i'm not home jsut sabda brahman going on all the time.


I thinking to buy one just for my car. My car is university on a wheels.

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  • 8 months later...
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My Philips Expanium plays both audio and MP3 CDs and the battery life is good.


Also Sony Net MD recorder can recoed live discourses, Play MP3 minidiscs, and has a very long battery life.


As a user, I am satisfied with both of these.

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Hare Krsna !!!


I currently have a Audiophase CDM357 Personal CD Player (with car kit) got it for I think $29.99 from Best Buy has been using it(plays MP3s, CD, CD-Rs) for more than month without any problems. But what I am really for is a MP3 player which I can resume from where I last stopped even after Power offs. I know there are some available in the market but don't know which one or how to look for it. I don't know what this feature is called. Any help will be appreciated.


HariBol !!!

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Philips Expanium has this feature. You can book mark a trck. When you resume power, you start from the point where it has stopped.


Sony MD also has this feature.


And so does the Clie that has a Sony memory stick.

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Hare Krishna !!!


You mean the Philops Expanium can resume from exactly where I stopped or do u mean from the beginning of the track I was playing.


For example - I am listening to track # 6 for 30 minutes (of the total 45 minutes) when I bookmark and stop. Will it resume playing from the 30th minute of track # 6 or resume from the start of track # 6 ?


Thanks in advance for your answer.


Hari Bol!!!

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In the model I have EXP320/07 there is a switch next to the volue, whcih says OFF-RESUME-HOLD.


If you set that to Resume, the song will resume from the spot you left. Say you switched off at 32 sec. And when u turn it on it will start from where u left it( 32 sec).


It works with the MP3 CDs I have. But Ihave not experimented with the entire digital domain.


I personally feel an MD player would of great help to you guys as you can directly record the religious discourses, the MDs are reliable and lotsa plus points, including a looooooong battery life.

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I personally feel an MD player would of great help to you guys as you can directly record the religious discourses, the MDs are reliable and lotsa plus points, including a looooooong battery life.


I own a SONY MD player. Yes, the battery life is good (1 battery will record for about 8-10 hours), and you can adjust the recording format, so you can record for 5 hours and 20 minutes on the 80 minute discs, but there is one sizable problem.


Let's say you buy the MD player with the USB connector. The geniuses at Sony made it so that you can only download mp3's from your PC to the MD player. YOU CANNOT UPLOAD FROM THE MD PLAYER TO YOUR COMPUTER!


You have to wait for the High MD to come out (1-3 months), which allows this. Unfortunately for me, I have dozens of 5 hour MD's which I must now record manually since if I put the discs in the high MD, they will not be sent to the PC since they were recorded 1-2 years ago on my old MD recorder.


The only way you can take your discourses and make them into mp3's is by putting a 2 way analog cable into the MD player headphone jack, then placing the other end at your PC's microphone outlet.


In this way, you have to adjust your MD's soundsettings and your PC's microphone volume, to get a decent sound. Still, the BEST way to record discourses, is by getting a small notebook and an external soundcard (Audigy 2, etc.), and a good external mic. In that way you can make digital recordings without having to switch them back to analog. This makes for good distribution.


Still, if anyone wants a copy of a lecture I recorded on my MD player and then transferred to PC using an analog cable, just give me a message.

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The geniuses at Sony...

And the technology is also so complicated.

Especially the Sonic stage, where u create a music drive, blah blah blah...

And its a real pain with compatibility issues.


And back in India, when I bought a DVD player, and showed the various features about the surround sound, menu, Dolby DTS and all that, my parents were simply scared. They dont have to know what 5.1 sound is, they dont have to know what Prologic II or what DTS is. They just watch old tamil movies ( which are in Mono)


So I had to buy another Chinese VCD player, where you just put the CD and it plays whatever CD you put in. This makes life easy for them.


Ease of use and Compatibility will detemine the success of most techonolical stuff in the future.


I have Net MD MZ 707, where there is optical in, and some more feaures. But so far I have not thought about transferring files from MD to PC.



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I used to love the MZ-707 until I realized it wouldn't transfer my lectures digitally from MD to PC. This is its single-most damning attribute. MD fans all over the internet have been crying to Sony to reverse this, and thankfully they've listened by allowing the transfers, but those who already have regular MD recordings are screwed. Other than that, I really do love this technology. So compact and efficient.

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Hare Krishna !!!


Well right the feature I was looking for is called 'Auto-Resume' or 'Bookmark' and its available in a number of CD/MP3 players.


Cheapest one iRiver is for $28.99 !!! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000AERI5/qid=1079755389/sr=1-4/ref=pd_sbs_e_1/102-6931823-3779343?v=glance&s=electronics


Panasonic under $50!!!



Sony ATRAC for $100




and there are many more like this.


Thanks lot for your kind help !!!


Har Krishna !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hare Krishna !!

Dervish Prabhuji,


Do you know if Sony or any other company has come out with MD recorders that can transfer recordings digitally to PCs ?

I was not sure what feature to look for in a MD player so that it can transfer recordings digitally to PCs.


Any recommendation of MP3 player and features to look for will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks !!!



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