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A poem about Mahaprabhu's Appearance

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The full moon has now arisen,on the Lord's appearance day,as the greatest Servant of Krishna,He has come to show the way.


In the mood of Radharani,He has come with Her complection,to understand Her greatest love,and reveal our life's perfection.


To taste the sweetest love and bring happiness to all,Shri Chaitanya did descend here by Shri Advaita's call.


So fortunate are we,to be here at this time,for this Lord has just appeared here to make our lives sublime.


Born under the sacred Nim tree in the land called Navadvipa,He came to wake the fallen souls from the deepest sleep.


Shri Chaitanya is not from this world,He came from hight above,to teach us how to serve our Lord,and spread the deepest love.


His complection is like molten gold,His eyes like soothing moons,He's come to melt our hearts gone cold,and bestow life's highest boons.


Shri Chaitanya will save the world by Shri Krishna Sankirtan,the congragational chanting of the Holy Names of God.His Holy Names will drown the world in an ocean of sweet bliss,so everyone will understand,what is real happiness.


Even lower animals will dance and chant His Names,without discrimination all souls He shall reclaim.The lame shall scale mountains,and the blind shall see,the dumb shall speak the highest truth all by His causeless mercy.No one shall escape this flood of love of God He brings,because it's His desire and He's the Lord Supreme.


All good qualities He shall show,and His kindness all shall see,and all shall hear His Holy Names in love and ectasy.


With His Hands raised high,hairs standing on end,tears of love flow from His eyes as He crys I am your friend.I have come here just to save you from all miseries like repeated birth and death,old age and disease.Please come back to your eternal home,your suffering I can't bare,please believe that I'm your friend and that I really care.


Please now chant Hare Krishna,with all your hearts and souls,only this can save you,this truth you now must know.There is just one medicine,to wake you from your dream,it will show you who you really are and whose your love Supreme.


I promise you oh fallen souls,if you heed this one request,you will wake up in full knowledge and feel all happiness.Step out of mayas darkness into the brightest light,now please chant Hare Krishna and bring the Lord to sight.


Both Shri Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda are your only friends here in this world of blunder.Arisen like the sun and moon on the horizon of Gaud,please chant Their Holy Names now very very loud.O my dear Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda,please come into our hearts roaring just like thunder.Destroy all our obstacles which are like a deep wide ocean and unto your Lotus Feet please give us pure devotion.


O my dearest Lord I beg the shelter of Your Names,may I always chant Them in happiness and pain,Let me be as humble as the straw in the street,giving all sincere respect to everyone I meet.But as for myself,I ask respect from none,for I should surely go to hell for all the wrong I've done.But you are so very kind,you've come and saved me just the same,all this wonder has been done by the power of Your Name.


So please allow me to be as toleant as a tree,so in every town and village,your glories I may preach.May I truly want no followers,women,wealth or fame,just let me taste the nectar of Your sweetest Holy Names.


When oh when shall tears of love come pouring down like rain,when shall my hairs all stand on end,as I chant Your Holy Names.Please let me be the servant of Your Servant Prabhupada,,You are my one and only Lord,and worshipable God.You may crush me or carress me,it's all up to you,You may be in my presense or brake my heart in two.You are my Lord birth after birth O Son of Nanda Maharaja,may I engage just in Your service and never brake Your laws.


All one really needs is right within Your Name,You are fully present there,all doubters fall away.In heaven or in hell,it all can be the same,an ocean of sweet happiness is right within your Name.


Although I am the greatest of all Your offenders,unto Your lotus Feet my Lord I'm beging to surrender.For it is Your very promise,O my most dear sweet Lord,for one who always chants Your Name,You will become his ward.


It doesn't matter who one is,the lowest of the low,if he takes shelter in Your Names,You promise Your Abode.There is no other way,in this most troubled age,to cross beyond our struggle,but to always chant Your Names.But most unfortunate am I ,with no attraction for Your Name,I suffer in this world,the worst most hellish pain.


Please force me to surrender as the servant of your servants,let me broadcast Your gloriouse Names,always crying for Your mercy.







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