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Christ in Vedas

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I would like to hear authoritative comments from learned vedic scholars here:


Christ in Ancient Vedas

By: bro. Alex Abraham



Hinduism's most ancient text, the 3000 to 4000 year old Rg Veda, contains a prophecy about a "Lamb which must be sacrificed for the sins of mankind- a Lamb without blemish"! The Vedic Literature shows us at least ten important features of the Prajapati-sacrifice which was are completely fulfilled in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. The outstanding results of the vedic sacrifices are also present in the results of Christ's crucufixion.


The Vedas were written in Sanskrit, between the period 2000 and 1200 B.C. To the Hindus the Vedas are the sacred Scriptures and the final authority of their religion and philosophy. It is surprising to encounter the hidden Christ in the Vedas, the Purusa-prajapati (the Son of Man and the Lord of all) who gave Himself in sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. The Prajapati Sacrifice portrayed in the Vedas is literally fulfilled in the real Prajapati Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, such as sinlessness, the sepatation, the rejection, the silent suffering, trying to the sacrificial pillar, the shed blood, unbroken bones, returning to life. In the Vedas, the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and the good news of the gospel are revealed in the upanisads.


When the ancients wrote about the sacrifices for attaining Moksa (eternal life) and the sacrifice of Prajapati (Lord of All), they were quire unknowingly portraying the Lord Jesus Christ and His crucifixion as the way of salvation. Pursa or Jesus Christ.



A famous verse from the Kathopanisad describes the manifestation of god in a beautiful and powerful image. The Purusa-Prajapati from the Rg Vedic Purusasukta we can easily see the significance of the above verses in relation to the Asvattha tree or Vanaspathi. The tree came down to earth to give mankind eternal shelter through its sacrifice. (John 13:19) - The expresion, 'I am He' is very significant . He was saying that they would understand and believe that Jesus was the Man (the Purusa) about whom the sacred books have spoken. He was the "man of sorrows' who was despised and rejected by men.



We read about the ceremony of this separation in the thirteenth kandha of the 'Sathapathabrahmana. Somethimes they set apart the sacrificial animal by a crown made out of a creeping plant of the forest. This seperated animal deserves no sympathy. It cannot be used for any other purpose. Once it is separated, it is separated for ever for the offering. This feature is also fulfilled in Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus was completely separated for the eternal sacrifice. John recorded his in John 19:2,5



Without the rejection, the third characteristic of the Prajapatisacrifice, the sacrifice would not have been preformed. First of all, this rejection happened in heaven in the Man's Sacrifice. In the Purusasukta when the devas sacrificed the Purusa, God the father was silent. We can find this feature in the animal sacrifice which is the second stage of the sacrifice. G.Suseelan makes referance to htis in the Itareya Brahmana in the context suggested by this translation: "The sacrificial animal should be rejected bt its father, mother, brother, sister and friends." The animal has to be completely abandoned and seperated for the sacrifice. This is exactly fulfilled in Jesus. St. John wrote about this (John1:11) The great Apostle Paul was rejected by his own people in this period of his life time. In this rejection we see one of the important aspects of the Prajapati-Sacrifice as well as its fulfillment. When we are forsaken by our friends and relatives we must not be dismayed. Remember, we are identifying with the Man (Pursa) who was rejected by his own people and who gave himself for us in the perfect sacrifice.



Here, we see that Purusa-Prajapati silently gives himself in this great offering. The words of the Rg Veda describe so well the attitude of the Man: "like a horse I have yoked myself-well knowing to the pole. I seek neither release nor turning back." In the Vedas, the person who kills the sacrificial animal is called 'samitara which means silencer. His job is to make the animal calm. In order to make him calm he asks the animal to be quiet. We have references in the Taittiriya Samhita and in the Apastamba 'srutasutram. However, it is an important characteristic encountered in the Prajapati-Sacrificial. This is fulfilled in Jesus in its strictest sense. About 700 years before the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prophet isaiah predicted it.



In the sacrifice of the Man in the Purusasukta we see the Purusa is also tied to the sacrificial post. "Deva Yadyajnam tanvana abadnan purusam pasum" (The davas who performed this sacrifice tied Purusa, the sacrificial animal.) "yajnam yajnasadhanabhtan tan Purusam pasutvabhavanaya yupe baddham" Here the Purusa is pictured as the victim of sacrifice who is tied to the sacrificial post like an animal. In the Rg Veda, He yoked Himself to the pole like a horse. He sought neither release nor turning back. The cross was the sacrificial post of Jesus Christ.



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Hinduism's most ancient text, the 3000 to 4000 year old Rg Veda, contains a prophecy about a "Lamb which must be sacrificed for the sins of mankind- a Lamb without blemish"! The Vedic Literature shows us at least ten important features of the Prajapati-sacrifice which was are completely fulfilled in Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. The outstanding results of the vedic sacrifices are also present in the results of Christ's crucufixion.




Please note that I am merely a Vaishnava fundamentalist who labors under the misconception that Vedas have absolute authority. I am desperately trying to unlearn this and become more enlightened. However, at the risk of sounding fundamentalist, and thus offending the lotus feet of cow-eating Christians everywhere, might I point out a few things?


1) No original quotes are offered from the shruti to substantiate the above. Should we believe the author of this document that they exist because he says so?


2) When interpreting anything, one usually considers context to come to an appropriate understanding. Since we have not seen the original Sanskrit nor verse numbers, it is suspicious that we are given no opportunity to cross-examine his "evidence" or consider the context in which it is supposedly found. I wonder why.


3) Is the author of the above, by any chance, a Christian? Just a wild guess....


Normally I wouldn't consider the interpretation of Vedas by a practicing Christian to be bona fide. However, I have recently learned that this is a backward, old-fashioned view. So if the Christian author can show his paramparaa from Jesus Christ, then and only then can we accept his interpetation of Vedas (and that too, even if he does not know Sanskrit!)


Maybe we should consult Kirtananda Swami to help us with this? I heard he is in a direct disciplic line from Lord Jesus Christ.




- K

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to say, "christ in Vedas"

is like saying,

"osama ben ladin, the father of prophet mohammed".


such non-sense threads should be deleted for save time for something useful.


jai sri krishna!


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Which christ are we looking for please


In my view, there is a christ who is enlightened shows unconditional love and affection toward others.


If you are talking about him being in the vedas... then I have to say, that the vedanta is composed of his teachings alone. If we look closely, the every word speaks of what christ spoke of.


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(Rigveda X:90:2)


“Purusha evedam sarvam

Yadbhutham yachabhavyam

Uthaamruthathwasya esaana

Ya daannenathirohathi”

Rigveda X:90:7


“Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye”

Yajurveda XXXI:18, Rigveda X:90:16.


“Thamevam Vidwanamrutha

iha bhavathy

Nanya pandha ayanaya vidyathe”


He is none other than Jesus Christ who came to save this world.


Romans 10:9


“If you confess with your lips that Jesus is the Lord and believe in heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.”


If still you need some proof please search for the truth with a meditated mind.Ask who is real God.I did that & found that Jesus is true savior to me.





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I was totally confused. Who is this Prajapathy, who is the Son of God? As per Hindu mythology, there are 10 incarnations of God. Ten times God comes to this world.


“Matsya, Koorma, Varahascha

Narasimhascha Vamana,

Ramo Ramascha Ramascha,

Krishna, Kalki.


Now verse 1 of chapter 121 of the 10th book of Rigveda says: -


“Hiranyagarbha: samavarthaagre

Bhuuthasya jaatha: pathireka aaseeth

Sadaadhaara Prudhwivim dyaamuthemam

Kasmai devaaya havisha vidhemam.”

In the beginning, God and his supreme spirit alone existed. From the supreme Spirit of the God proceeded Hiranya Garbha, alias Prajapathy, the first born of the God in the form of light. As soon as born, he became the saviour of all the worlds.


(Rigveda X:90:2)


“Purusha evedam sarvam

Yadbhutham yachabhavyam

Uthaamruthathwasya esaana

Ya daannenathirohathi”

This man, the first born of the God is all that was, all that is and all that has to be. And he comes to this world to give recompense to everybody as per his deeds.


Rigveda X:90:7


“Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye”

This man, the first born of the God, was tied to a wooden sacrificial post and the gods and the Kings along the seers performed the sacrifice.


Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross by the Rulers (Herod and Pilate) and the seers (Annas and Caiphas)


Yajurveda XXXI:18, Rigveda X:90:16.


“Thamevam Vidwanamrutha

iha bhavathy

Nanya pandha ayanaya vidyathe”

This (sacrifice) is the only way for redemption and liberation of mankind. Those meditate and attain this man, believe in heart and chant with the lips, get liberated in this world itself and there is no other way for salvation too.


Do you believe that God is only one?”


“If God only one, how can the Son God be several? It is also one.”


Dear Mr.K,You yourself meditate & find the truth with true spirit & undersatanding.


This Prajapathy is none other than Jssus Christ who came to this world to save mankind some 2000 years back.Born in the central part of the Globe i.e., Bethlehem.



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Our Indian culture is to refuse / rebuke when we find some burning truth hidden by our vedic gurus.

Let's go to Vedas:


Rigveda X:90:7


“Tham yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Sadhya rushayaschaye”

whom does the Vedic Scholar talk about this?


The very first light we could get from Rigveda, the religious book of Hinduism was that, to whomsoever Gods we went in the days of our hardships, gave offerings and prayed to, are not Gods. There are no such Gods. In the official religious book of Hinduism, the Rigveda, there is the mention about only one God. He is the creator of all creations in this universe. He is the creator of all creations in this universe. He is the creator of all mankind the world over; he is the heavenly father, the only God. This only God is omnipresent; He fills this universe. There are 10 books for the Rigveda. Ten mandalams. From first to nine mandalams, in several places it is clearly said who is the real God, who is man and why should man worship the God and how should he worship him. In the tenth mandalam, besides this Lord Almighty, there is the mention about a man. The first born and only born son of the God. His name is ‘Prajapathy’. Prajapathy, the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time. After coming to this world he travels around advising mankind, what is sin and what is not sin; what is to be done and what is not to be done; what is wrong and what is right. To those human beings, which accept his advises and obey his orders, he offers prosperity and peace in this worldly life and salvation at the time of their death. And being the completion of his venture to redeem mankind from sin, he gets sacrificed at the end his specified period on earth.


In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained. ‘At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.



Who is this Prajapathy, who is the Son of God? As per Hindu mythology, there are 10 incarnations of God. Ten times God comes to this world.


“Matsya, Koorma, Varahascha

Narasimhascha Vamana,

Ramo Ramascha Ramascha,

Krishna, Kalki.

These are ten incarnations. The reference about Prajapathy, the son of God, will not be about one among those incarnations. Because each incarnation has got its own attributes. None of these attributes suit those attributes of Prajapathy as given in the Rigveda and as given in Sathapadha Brahmana, a supplement to Yajurveda. If we go to some scholars and ask them, who is this Prajapathy, who is the sun of God? They say “Yes, there is a concept of Prajapathy. Praja means man. Pathy means saviour. There will be a man coming from God being the saviour of mankind; he has not yet come; we are still expecting him.”

When we probe into the Vedas and Upanishads for their infinite meaning, with that inquisitiveness warranted when in search of the truth, we might reach at an exhilarating discovery of a treasure house that is resplendent with so much of scholarly material concealed y today’s religious machinery, deliberately or accidentally. And we will be amazed by the concordance that they have with the Jewish-Christian faiths which were later stamped as ignoble and alien.

One will be surprised to note the essence of the words of God depicted in the Holy Bible flowing as an undercurrent throughout the Indian Vedas and Upanishads. Sometimes apparent and sometimes subdued.

It is this resemblance or affinity, no doubt has prompted Swami Vivekananda , a saintly incarnation who reached lands beyond the horizons, propelled by the magnanimity of the Hindu heritage, to see Jesus Christ as one who belongs to the Orient.

The modern educational system and vocational educational patterns together, discouraged aspirants to enter in to the pastures of Vedic and Sanskrit education. Here the original knowledge of eternal truth, even if one desires, becomes a vanishing horizon. Read the Bible. When we read some passage from the very first book of Genesis itself, stronger wonders than we could find Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures of Hinduism began to appear before me in the Holy Bible. The same verses or the verses with the same meanings or verses being the answers to the questions, doubts and prayers in the Vedas, Upanishads and even in Bhagavath Gita. All connected verses.

PRAJAPATHY’, the male image, the pivotal figure in the tenth volume of Rigveda is the central point of this concordance. The birth and public life of Jesus Christ of the holy Bible maintain an intimate similarity with this worshipful male.

In the first hymn of the 121st aphorism in the tenth volume of Rigveda, the narration about the birth of this male is given like this:-

“Hiranyagarbha: samavarthathaagre

Bhuuthasya jaatha: pathireka aaseeth

Sadaadhaara prudhwivim dyaamuthemam

Kasmai devaaya havisha vidhemam.”

‘Prajapathy’ alias ‘Hiranya garbha’, the first born, was born to the Holy Spirit (Paramatma) before Genesis. Upon birth, He became one and only God to the universe comprising the Skies, Stars Earth and the Seas. He rules the endless firmament and the whole of the earth. We please this deity, Prajapathy, who is called ‘Kan’ affectionately, with offerings in sacrifices (Rigveda X: 121,1)

In the Holy Bible, in the three Gospels of Mathew, Luke and John, the Words of God keep a crystal clear resemblance with the Vedic experts, cited above directly and otherwise.

A good possibility for a doubt at this context cannot be ruled out. How can ‘Prajapathy’ who was born before Genesis be Jesus Christ who lived just two thousand years ago? John enlightens us here in chapter 8 verse 58. “Jesus said: Very truly I tell you, before Abraham was, I am.” 1: 15-17 of Colossians ratifies this “He is the first born of all creations, the image of the invisible God Almighty. Because every thing visible and invisible in Heaven and on earth is created in Him. He is there before everything and everything is founded in Him.”


“Thasmaad virraada jaayatha

viraajo adhi purusha:

Sjaatho athyarichyatha

Paschaad bhoomimadhopura:”

From that male the universe came into being. From that body of the universe came the omnipresent male. That male thus became manifest, adopted various forms and character and created the earth and other planets along with the creatures to live in them.(Rigveda X:90:5)

In 1:3 John says, “ through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him”. Isn’t this similarity in essence between these mutually supporting statements, amazing?

Rigveda says again about this male, the creator and sustainer.


“Purusha evedam sarvam

Yadbhutham yachabhavyam

Uthaamruthathwasya eesaana


It is definitely this very same male who exists now, who has gone by and who is expected to come. Not only that, it is this same male who controls the state of eternity (immortality).

It is for the redemption of mankind, he surpasses his immortal sphere and descends to the mortal sphere. He comes to give everyone recompense as per his deeds. (Rigveda X: 90:2)

In the book of Revelation, in the Holy Bible, St.John says, verse 8 chapter 1. “The Lord God, who is, who was and who is to come.” In John’s Gospel 8th chapter 51st verse Jesus says: “I am telling you the truth. Whoever obeys my teaching will never die.”Again in the book of Revelation, 22:12 Jesus says: “I will bring my rewards with me, to give to each one according to what he has done.” All the assignments entrusted to the idol male is fulfilled in Jesus Christ perfectly. Maintaining resemblance word by word, these statements do not merely coincide in content, but it reveals a singular purpose or meaning. We should remember that this unique oneness or singularity is seen in ‘Purushasookta’ which the venerated vedavyasa had applauded as the aphorism of aphorisms.

In this very same ‘Purushasookta’ there is a mention of a divine sacrifice for the deliverance and salvation of human race too.

“Thaam yajnam barhishi proukshan

Purusham jaathamagratha

Thena deva ayajantha

Saadhya rushayaschaye”

Devas of heaven and the ruling fraternity along with the hermits offered the first born male in sacrifice by consecrating him as the animal of offering by tying him on a wooden sacrificial post. (Rigveda X: 90:7)

We read in all the four Gospels in the Holy Bible -

Jesus was consigned to a wooden cross by Pilate, he representative of the Roman Emperor, Herodes, the Jew king (Ruler), and two priests named Annas and Caiaphas and their henchmen.

The crucification of Christ should not be seen as a punishment for a mere revolutionary for treason. And it is a sacrifice for the redemption of humanity as a whole; it is the fulfillment of prophecies of the old testaments. If the blood of Christ shed on the cross is the cleansing factor for the believer of Christianity, here Rigveda comes again.


“thamevam vidwaanamrutha iha bhavathy

Naanya pandha ayanaaya vidyathe”

Those who worship (chanting with the lips, believing in the heart) him gets liberated in this world itself and there is no other way besides this for salvation.(Rigveda X: 90:16)

St. Paul, the apostle of Christ says in Romans 10:9 “Because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Here again the erstwhile controversy disillusions the seeker of truth. The Veda proclaims that all the creations in the universe takes place through the offering of this male incarnation, the sacrifice of Prajaathy. Then how can the crucification of Jesus Christ which took place only two thousand years ago be the Holy sacrifice of the male incarnation masterminded by the Devas, Rulers and the Saints for the redemption, salvation and sustenance of all creations before Genesis?

According to the Old Testament, Christ is the promise of the compassionate God (Yahweh) for the redemption and deliverance of man. (In Greek language ‘Christ’ and in Hebrews Messiah means –one who is sent, one who is anointed). In the New Testament Jesus of Nazareth is the fulfillment of this promise. According to Rigveda, God had visualized the mode of salvation for the man before creating him. And the incarnation of Prajapathy and his subsequent sacrifices are the promises God had given man as his means of salvation. It was also said that He would come to earth as a mortal to experience the worldly affairs. Hence there is nothing wrong to assume that Prajapathy is nobody else but Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself.


Jia krishna

Dodn't worry about others,worry about yourself & your salvation.Meditate,read,search the truth.Be patient.Find it.You will find the truth.He is none other than Jesus Christ.


Gopi Nath





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These mantras that you have quoted have nothing to do with Jesus, but rather to the viraat-purusha whose sacrifice by the demigods leads to the creation of the different living entities, planets, and so on. What follows is a complete translation of Rig Veda Book 10, Chapter 90, from which you derive your "evidence." Please note that the translator is Ralph Griffith, who isn't even a Hindu.


Rig Veda 10:90

1. A THOUSAND heads hath Purusa, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet.

On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide.

2 This Purusa is all that yet hath been and all that is to be;

The Lord of Immortality which waxes greater still by food.

3 So mighty is his greatness; yea, greater than this is Purusa.

All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven.

4 With three-fourths Purusa went up: onefourth of him again was here.

Thence he strode out to every side over what cats not and what cats.

5 From him Viraj was born; again Purusa from Viraj was born.

As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o'er the earth.

6 When Gods prepared the sacrifice with Purusa as their offering,

Its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn; summer was the wood.

7 They balmed as victim on the grass Purusa born in earliest time.

With him the Deities and all Sadhyas and Rsis sacrificed.

8 From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up.

He formed the creatures of-the air, and animals both wild and tame.

9 From that great general sacrifice Rcas and Sama-hymns were born:

Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it.

10 From it were horses born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth:

From it were generated kine, from it the goats and sheep were born.

11 When they divided Purusa how many portions did they make?

What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?

12 The Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made.

His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.

13 The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth;

Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu from his breath.

14 Forth from his navel came mid-air the sky was fashioned from his head

Earth from his feet, and from his car the regions. Thus they formed the worlds.

15 Seven fencing-sticks had he, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared,

When the Gods, offering sacrifice, bound, as their victim, Purusa.

16 Gods, sacrificing, sacrificed the victim these were the carliest holy ordinances.

The Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sidhyas, Gods of old, are dwelling.



As you can see, there are many characteristics of this Purusha which cannot be those of Jesus. Jesus does not have a thousand heads and a thousand arms, for example. Jesus' death did not result in the creation of the moon, horses, cattle, or the 4 varnas -- all these things preceeded Jesus even by the reckoning of mundane scholars.


Saying that these mantras are a covert reference to Jesus isn't just wrong - it's sheer idiocy.




- K

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I don't know, the words: Hindu "Mythology" that keep showing up, bother me. I dont know about what those born in India think, but if the teachings are received from the mouth of the pure devotee, like Srila Prabhupada, there is no 'myth' or 'mythology' involved.



Prtha dd

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I am glad you brought this up. Whenever, I see the words myth or mythology in any article or book regarding Krishna etc. I immediately turn away from from it. I find this attitude as poisonous as the other "M" word - mayavadi.




I don't know, the words: Hindu "Mythology" that keep showing up, bother me. I dont know about what those born in India think, but if the teachings are received from the mouth of the pure devotee, like Srila Prabhupada, there is no 'myth' or 'mythology' involved.


Prtha dd



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It was only until I was fortunate to delve into Srila Prabhupada's books that I realized everything involved with Krishna is actual history. Growing up in the American school system and eating hamburgers most of the teachers I had thought of anything regarding Hinduism or Buddhism as being mythological in essence. You guys are right in avoiding that because it is mayavadi. For some reason I have been fortunate enough to have come to my senses even though everything I was ever taught would lead me in the opposite direction. People don't realize how important it is because if you get it wrong you will spend your whole life committing offenses against the Lord even unknowingly. I guess it just shows you how potent Srila Prabhupada's books are if you read them with an open mind.

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I predict that the born-again Christian who claimed that the Purusha-yagna hyms from the Rig Veda predict Jesus Christ will not retract his claims, despite being so obviously disproven. He will instead find some other forum and simply spam his theories there.



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Muhammad is Kalki


Christ is the Purusa in Rig-veda


I wonder what is the need for speculating so wildly.


I myself wonder about Christ and Brahma and Christ and Haridas Thakur. Same being? But there is a difference about wondering and feeling the need to make such proclamations as an evangelical tool.


The propounders should becareful because in a way they are also trying to establish the authority of the Indian scriptures. The very scriptures they want to save us from.

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(This testimony was given in a public meeting in Tamilnadu)



Good morning, How many of you are really happy this morning? I am Dr. Srinivasa Bhattachary. If I appropriately introduce myself stating my full name it is too long. I come from the 145th direct generation of Sri Vaishnav Bhattachary priesthood community. Even today my grandfather, Raghu Bhattachary is the chief priest in Sri Ranganathaswamy Devasthanam at Sirangam. My father Govindaraja Bhattahay is chief priest in Srilakshmaneshaswamy Devasthanam at Ponvanugalathoor. I come from a family background of priests and today my whole family are Bhattacharyas for the gods who have eyes but cannot see, who have ears but cannot hear, who have noses but cannot smell, who have hands but cannot touch, who have legs but cannot walk, but I by the grace of Jesus Christ, have come among you as a Bhattachary for Lord Jesus Christ.



At the age of six I wore the sacred thread (poonool) according to the Hindu tradition. I was given to the Gayathri Diksha, ombhoohu, Om bhuwaha, Om subhaga, ommaha, Omjanaka, Om thapaka, Om sathyam, Om thathuservdarinam, Om barbudevastimagam, Om diviyayonagam, Om prajothaya, Om jothirasakam, Om amarthavarm, Om burbosaram. I was sent to an ashramam for my studies. Right from my childhood I studied the Rigveda, Yegurveda, Samarveda, Adarvarnaveda, Nalayiram Lijya Prabhandtha, Ethihasa, Purana Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Ehagvateeetha etc etc in the Hindu mythological subjects in Sanskrit as well as in the Grandha language. Once my early education was over in Hindu philosophy in south India, I was sent to north India, Uttar Pradesh to do my doctorate in the Banaras University. I went there and did my siromony in Sanskrit and Ph.D. in Grandha. While I was studying in the Banaras University the destruction of the Babri Masjid took place at Ayodhya. Since I was a Bhattachary and since I was doing my double Ph.D. in a famous Hindu university, I was chosen by the RSS as their national youth leader. The objective of the RSS, as you all know, is to stop foreign religions coming to India. They are especially dead against to Christ and Christianity being proclaimed in the land of India. When I was in this organisation as their national Youth leader, my personal commitment was to destroy the mosque then and there. In those days my faith in the Hindu religion and their gods was very strong and so I went all the way to France and I peddled a dynamite bomb and I brought it to India and set it off at the tomb of the mosque, using my personal computer from my cabin. At that time many Islamic fundamentalists came forward to stop us in our activities. In retaliation our Hindu parishad people chopped up their hands and legs and chopped off their heads and killed not less than 3000 people and flung their bodies into the sarayoor river, I recall this, as I was totally submerged into the sinful way of life right from the beginning. That was how strongly I believed in the Hindu philosophy.



After this incident I was doing the research work in my university library. The research topic that I had taken for my thesis was "How will man go to the kingdom of God after his death?" How will a man reach the Brahma patha or Sivan Narayan Patha or how can we go to the kingdom of God. While I was going through many books in the library, a very old sanyasi came to the library and called out to me. He was having a long beard and very long hair. He was wearing only an ordinary dhoti. He called me out, and giving me a small piece of paper he walked out. I did not know who he was or where he came from. After he left I looked at the small piece of paper and on it was written the verse from John chapter 3 verse 16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, for whosoever believeth should not perish but shall have everlasting life". The more I read this scripture the more it began to inspire me in the very depth of my heart. My dear brothers and sisters why did this particular scripture inspire me so much? The word of God says in John, chapter 1 that the word of God consists of life. I went to all my gurujis and asked them who is this begotten son. All they could tell me was that the begotten son is Krishna Paramatma and Rama paramatma etc etc, but nobody told me that Jesus is the only begotten son. For one month I was desperately hunting for the answer, After one month, one particular morning I was sitting in my dormitory going through this piece of paper once again. I started to gush out my eyes to know who this begotten Son of God is. Then I heard a voice telling me to read the rigveda. Upon opening it what I read in Sanskrit was "Santhakaram purakasayanam, pathinanabam suresham, vishwakaram..... mekavarnam... lakshikantham... yogikirtham vande bishnumbam, survalokayika..." which means, "The God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son of God that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life". When I read the bible scripture in my own Rigveda I decided that even if I die I must obey this only begotten son and that I must surrender my life to Him.



My exams got over and after finishing my thesis I registered the same with the registrar of the University. When the result came, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I came first in the whole of India in both my doctorates. I was invited to Delhi to be awarded the presidents Gold Medal in the Indian parliament amidst all the distinguished parliamentarians. But all this did not give me any joy. Here I was born into a royal family of Nepal, with my family breeding 13 elephants and having 108 divine temples across the world where we are the chief priests, having obtained double doctorates and double gold medals from the president and yet having no peace nor joy in life. The Bible says, "If a man gains the whole world and yet loses his soul what is the use?"



There was a great vacuum in my life. I still did not know Jesus as the Saviour of the world, nor as the Prince of peace, nor as the Redeemer of the world and in such a state I found myself making preparations to return to Tamil Nadu. I booked my ticket on the Ganga-Kaveri express. At Varanasi station I boarded the train and subsequently arrived Madhya Pradesh. All the while I was reading John 3:16. Something told me that I should keep meditating on this verse and I did so till the train pulled into Madhya Pradesh. The railway staff went for a coffee break and at the same time I heard a voice telling me to get down at this station. I was wondering why I should do this for I did not have any relatives there. The more I refused to listen to the voice the more persistent it became. Finally I gave in and got off the train. After a few minutes the train left the station and I was left alone on the platform. Again I heard a small voice telling me to start walking. I started to walk. After walking for nearly 3 kilometers I came to a place called Baratpu, Mapier town in Jabalpur city. The moment I came to this particular spot where there was a cement arch, I saw the same old sanyasi who had come to my college library, 800 kilometers away, coming towards me pointing his fingers at me. Putting his hand on me he said, "The Lord who you wanted to know in your life is Jesus Christ. The only begotten son whom you are seeking is Christ. He loves you and forgives your sin and he is going to cleanse you from all your sinful natures. He is going to give you a new life". When he said all that I could not control myself. Here was a very simple man, very old and ordinary, but yet filled with the resurrected power of the Lord preaching the gospel to me. I humbled my self and yielded to that saint.


From there he took me to a place called Bidagarh. That is where the Narmada River flows into a very high velocity. We crossed the river and went to the other side where we could find no human beings at all. He took me into the forest and he took me inside a cave. With a great burden he knelt in the cave. and opening the bible he started to preach the gospel. He told me how God created the heavens and the Earth, the rivers and the seas, the plants and the animals and how he created human beings. He told me of the fall of man into sin and how the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world as the Messiah, how much he suffered on the cross at Golgotha and how he finally died. When I heard all this I could not control myself for in Hinduism there are 33 crores (millions) gods. But none of the gods came to die for me and my sins. But here I found that Jesus came and died for my sins. Even Hinduism says very sincerely in the Samaveda, "Every man is a sinner and unless he is cleansed by precious blood he cannot go into the kingdom of God". But we find that no one came to shed their blood in Hinduism but we find Christ having done it. I opened my heart to the Lord and cried, "Lord I am very sorry. Lord I open my heart unto you. Lord it was for my sins that both your hands and your legs were nailed to the cross. It was for my sin that you wore the crown of thorns on your head. It was for my sin that a spear was thrust into your right ribs. Lord I am sorry and please forgive me Lord"



The Lord was merciful to me. As it says in the bible "He that covers his sin shall not prosper but whosoever shall confess it and forsake it shall have mercy". Again it also says, "If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you all your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness". I did it in the presence of the Lord. I wept bitterly for all my sinful activities right from my childhood to that day. God heard my prayers for in the Bible it is written in Revelation chapter 3:20, "Behold I stand at your door and Knock, and if any man heareth my voice open the door. I will come to him and will sup with him and he with me". He stands at your door and knocks. It is because when he chooses a son or a daughter for his kingdom, he has the courtesy to stand at the door and knock. Satan never knocks. For him a small ventilator is enough to creep in through. Jesus alone can bless. That is how I came to know the Lord. After accepting Jesus as my personal Saviour, He showed me many areas in my life where there was still sin and on my part I confessed and prayed and got myself cleansed by the blood of Jesus.



I stayed for two months with the old man in the forest. Every morning we used to kneel together in the presence of the Lord for hours and pray and meditate upon the word of God. After two months one day he took me to the Narmada River and baptized me in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is very difficult for me to say everything that happened to me that day. As David says in the 23rd psalm, he prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies and he anoints my head with oil. My cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy will follow all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That was the assurance I got. After I received the Holy Spirit, the old man told me "Now God has brought you to Judea and then he will take you to Samaria and from there to the uttermost parts of the Earth". He explained to me that Judea meant him, Samaria mean my hometown and community. He told me that I was to go back to my community and preach to them the gospel. I went back to Nepal.



The moment I reached home my parents were standing outside. My father did not allow me to go inside the house. They said to me, "We sent you to get a higher education in the most famous university. You received two gold medals from the president of India. After all this you are returning as a poor, downtrodden, inferior untouchable caste. What happened to you?" They left me standing at the door and after asking for some Ganges water from the temple my father proceeded to give me a bath as I was defiled. He poured that water over me. Even then according to them I was still impure for only external purification ha taken place and I still needed internal purification. So he sent another priest to the backyard of the house and asked him to bring a glass of cow's urine. I was told to drink this by my father. In our family our father is very revered and in no way do we show any disrespect to him. Therefore when he commanded me to drink I had to obey. I silently received this and saying "Victory in the blood of Jesus", over and over again, I silently drank it. Only then was I allowed to enter.



My parents were still afraid that I might sneak out and join soul Christian church in Nepal, and once or twice without my father's knowledge I did visit a faith home in Nepal. Thus my father started give me so much work that I. would always find myself to be busy. I was given a lot of chores to do, even in the temple mainly cleaning and washing the various idols housed there. All this I did obeying my father, always saying "Victory in the name of Jesus". Wanting to punish me he left me behind in the temple one night.



These temples were constructed 2000 to 3000 years ago and right from the entrance to the Mola Sarpa Graha, we had to walk not less than 3 km. The ceiling is 100-120ft high and at night there are no lights as there was no electricity connections. The temple was also infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions. For many days I was not given any food nor did I have any proper clothing. But amidst all these dangers I knelt down and prayed, "Lord without your will I can never, be here. I do not know for what reason you have kept me here but help me to proclaim and lift your name to these people. Lord open the door where I can proclaim the good news for a David said in the scripture, "What shall I do unto the Lord who has given me the joy of salvation?" Again in the very next scripture he says, "I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows unto the Lord in the presence of all his people". The next morning about 60 bhattacharyas came to open the temple early in the morning and doing so they came inside. I was on fire and at that moment I called out to the Bhattacharyas. "Come here. What does your vedas say about God? What does Hinduism say about God? Who is true God in Hinduism? What are the characteristics of God mentioned in Hinduism? What does Hinduism say about how a man can go into the kingdom of God? Who is the true god that can bring salvation to mankind? For example Om Shri brahmaputhraye namaha - what does this mean? The only begotten son I worship thee. Who is the only begotten son? It is the Lord Jesus Christ, Om shri Martha Namaha - the Holy spirit of God I worship thee. Who is the Holy Spirit of - it is the Lord Jesus Christ. Om shri Kannisuthayeha namaha - which means the Lord who is born to a virgin. Om vidyshtayaha Namaha - the Lord who had the circumcision I worship thee. Om shri Panchkayika naruaha - the Lord who had the five injuries for the sake of mankind. Om shri vriksha shula arudayaka nama vrisha ponda marthil shulathil siluthayil bahyanavare, umbayc nan namaskarikunnen. Who is the Lord who died on the cross of Calvary? All this is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our God is not a dead God. It is true that he came as a messiah to this world. He preached the gospel. He canceled the devils and the demons. He healed the sick people and brought salvation to so many people and finally he died on the cross of Calvary, he was buried but he did not become sand. Om Shri mrithyu nayaya namaha meaning the Lord Who resurrected from the depths of the Earth on the third day I worship thee". By the divine grace of God 13 people accepted the Saviour. Out of them six people took the baptism. Today they are strong believers. All this God did for His glory.



Like this I was inside the temple with these people for 6 months and in the meantime the RSS people came to know about me and so did the BJP and the Shiv Sena along with a lot of other Hindu organizations. They came to Nepal and pulled me out of the temple and thrashed me mercilessly. They fractured both my hands. Today the hand you see is not the real one but an artificial one. In one hand I have 16 screws fixed in my elbow and steel plates within. They poured acid all over me and threw me into the streets. They told me that if I preach Christ anymore then they would kill me. My parents asked me to get out, as I had become a danger to their survival. I was shunned by my family, community, friends and villagers. At a total loss as to what to do then and there I knelt and prayed to the Lord and asked him what he wanted me to do I claimed his promise where he said that in the days of your trouble I will deliver you and you will glorify me. The Lord told me that along with Judea even Samaria was over and so "Step out in My name and I will take care of you". I asked for confirmation from the bible if God wanted me to got out for full time mission work and the scripture given to me was John chapter 1:5 "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. All things are made by him and without Him not anything made or was made. In him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not.But as many received Him to them he gave the power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12) Based on this scripture I was convinced that I was truly the child of God.



Slowly I made my way to the faith home in Nepal. There God miraculously provided me first aid and a plane ticket to the Bombay Navarathna hospital for treatment. I took complete treatment for 6 months and now I am all right. After that I went back to Nepal once again. My household did not open the door and they told me to leave. I did not know what to do with my life. There were so many denominations in Christianity like Roman Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Marthomites etc etc. All I knew was the Father God, the Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit. After this I went into many parts of Nepal and interior villages to proclaim Christ. I was expelled from Nepal for preaching the Gospel. I went to Tibet and from there came to north India. Finally today I am in south India. Today right from Kanya Kumari in the south to Kashmir God has taken me to proclaim the good news. Other than parts of India, God took me to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, France, Sweden, Germany and Czechoslovakia. I came without nothing yet I lack for nothing. When I came into the ministry I did not have any money on me yet I cannot say that I have gone hungry even once. God provides me with everything that I want day by day. I am also on the RSS hit list. Ten days ago I was coming back to Tamilnadu from Rajasthan and I was circled by the RSS people and I lost all my properties to them. By the grace of God I am well today.



My dear brothers and sisters all this while you have been listening to my testimony for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. I request you to get a step closer to the cross of Calvary so that your life would be blessed more. I also humbly request you to uphold me in prayer because the word of God says, "He that has put his hand on the plough and withdraws is unworthy for the kingdom of God". Today you and me, we have put our hands on the plough of our Lord Jesus Christ. Come what may we must till the Christian ground to produce thirty, sixty and hundred folds of fruits for the glory of Lord Jesus Christ. Then only we can boldly say like Paul said "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day: and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing". Initially Paul was also torturing and persecuting Christians and the early churches. Then on the road to Jericho near the city of Damascus he was touched by the power of God. Right away he fell flat on the road. When he got up he was blind. God told him to go and get healed by Annanias. Annanias laid his hands upon Paul and prayed and Paul got his sight back. He understood the power of God and accepted the Lord. He committed his life to the Lord, and he came all over Asia and proclaimed the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. He led thousands of people to the Kingdom of God. That was the reason why he could say that he has fought the good fight: It is true in our cases also, dear brothers and sisters. There is a crown of life awaiting each and every one of us. In order to receive it we must run a good race and we should fight a good fight. It is not enough just accepting the Lord as our personal Saviour or being baptized, nor is it enough that we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What is your personal contribution to the church of God? How much are you contributing to the church of God? The Lord has put you in such a beautiful and affluent place, what are your commitments to the Lord. In how many ways are you robbing God in the church?



(A free cassette copy of this testimony can be obtained by contacting GMI P.O. Box 1043, Warren, MI 48090)


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The Vedas are not dead against Christ, as mentioned in the last long post. But the Vedas must be learned from a pure deovtee to properly understand them, purely.


While I believe Jesus was a Vaisnava, was mentioned in the Vedas, and that no sensible Vaisnava should make offenese toward him, what I don't understand is the purpose of the long lecture post, which omits Krishna.


To clarify, IMHO Jesus was a pure devotee of Krishna, but he did *not* preach separate from his Father. Now that we know who his Father is, we should not present Christianty as separate from Krishna consciousness.


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I do not understand why christians and muslims go so far to prove something that is OBVIOUSLY FALSE.


I cannot understand how a verse in praise of Lord VISNU(Lord Krishna) can be twisted to mean something else regarding jesus. Only an idiot would do somethinf like that. The whole post is clearly made by mentally ill person.


sAntAkAram bhujagasayanam padmanAbham suresam

visvAdhAram gagana-sadrsam meghavarnam subhAngam,

Laksmi-kAntam subhaganayanam yogaviddhyAnagamyam

vande Visnum bhavabhayaharam sarvalokaikanatham


How can one translate as john or tom whatever verse.

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I do not understand why christians and muslims go so far to prove something that is OBVIOUSLY FALSE.



This part I will essentially agree with.



I cannot understand how a verse in praise of Lord VISNU(Lord Krishna) can be twisted to mean something else regarding jesus. Only an idiot would do somethinf like that. The whole post is clearly made by mentally ill person.



However, this part I cannot agree with because there should never be name callilng. The minute we name call, we not only have lost control over our anger/senses, but intelligent conversation goes down the drain and others start to name call also. So let's leave that part out, then with clam minds, we can prove our point even better. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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I am with Priitaa. I have no problem accepting the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. But now we will ask for specific information on the nature of the soul, the Supersoul and their relationship.


The beginning of my spiritual life was a rebirth experience through Christ. The Holy Spirit pointed me to the chanting of the Fathers Names in the form of the maha-mantra.


Because I have been so luke warm in my practice I have no right to call myself a follower of Christ, but I have met people who dedicate their lives to praying God's name night and day.


I consider them true followers of Christ.


I read the above post and was happy to see the author accepting the Rig veda. I couldn't comment on the purity of the translation but do wonder if the author also excepts the rest of the vedic scriptures as genuine revelation from God.


Please talk as person to go along with the copy and paste

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However, this part I cannot agree with because there should never be name callilng. The minute we name call, we not only have lost control over our anger/senses, but intelligent conversation goes down the drain and others start to name call also. So let's leave that part out, then with clam minds, we can prove our point even better.



This is not name calling or something I do out of hatred. I am sorry that I do not know what words to use to explain this. Something that is so OBVIOUS, how can the verse be translated as claimed. This is mind boggling to me. So my conclusion this person is mentally ill.

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Haribol Thiest,


Thank you for the kind words. It is encouraging that devotees are using sense control to sort out this, or any issue really.


From what I have read on these forums so far, and anyone feel free to correct me if I am mistaken, is that most Hindus do not accept Jesus and even feel animosity toward him; whereas devotees of Srila Prabhupada (leaving out politics here) who have read his books have a more peaceful and clearer understanding?


Anyway, Prabhupada's books are pure and within them he repatedly refers to Jesus as a Vaisnava. We therefore must be careful not to make any offenses to Jesus. We dont have to convert to respect. (Nor do I think Jesus, a Vaisnava, would want us to convert!) It is the fanatical Christians who are the real source of the problem. They have changed Christ's original teachings.


I have one book which I received from an author online who gave countless evidence that Jesus visited, and eventually moved to India. This book is called "Saving the Savior." I wondered why he gave it that title. The short answer is that three people have had visions of Jesus asking them to correct or clean up his teachings, that they have been contaminated!


Now I am not one quick to jump on the 'visoin bandwagon,' ha, but as I read the details, it did not sound cheap. Each of these persons lived in different areas, did not know of the other, and not of each other's vision either, had 'essentially' the same one. Even the vision seemed more real and not very airy fairy.


So what was that vision? From memory (I dont feel like dragging out the book), one person saw a man rise up out of a deep mud hole. This man was covered with, of course, mud. But as they looked closer, you guess it, this was Jesus. And he said to them to please clean him off, that he has become dirtied due to misrepresentation of his teachings. So he wanted this person to cleanse him/his philosophy. Interestingly, this happened to two other people, and one was the wife of the author of this book!


Folks can take this or leave it, as it is secondary even for me, as my belief in Jesus is based upon Prabhupada's books. However, because he has said over and over that Jesus was a saktyavesa avatara, I next accept these visions, to a reasonable degree. Especially since I know how messed up the Bible is!

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This is not name calling or something I do out of hatred. I am sorry that I do not know what words to use to explain this. Something that is so OBVIOUS, how can the verse be translated as claimed. This is mind boggling to me. So my conclusion this person is mentally ill.



I realize you are sincere, and may be at a loss for words too. But a person isn't mentally ill simply because they have a different opinion then yours. If a doctor were to examine them, they would prove you wrong and that would defeat your purpose. I think you may merely need to study Prabupada's books further, and in time you will know what to say to these people.

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I realize you are sincere, and may be at a loss for words too. But a person isn't mentally ill simply because they have a different opinion then yours. If a doctor were to examine them, they would prove you wrong and that would defeat your purpose. I think you may merely need to study Prabupada's books further, and in time you will know what to say to these people.



Thankyou. I will read. I understand I am not qualified to make clinical judgements. Hahaha.

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Thankyou. I will read. I understand I am not qualified to make clinical judgements. Hahaha.



LOL Yes, that would not work. ha


All we need to do really, is be able to defeat them philosophically. We have been tarined like this in temples, so I guess it just stuck for most of us, or usually. You can do it too at home, just read Prabhupada's books and then its soooooooooo easy to give them quotes, etc., to disproves any nonsense you may run across.


Do you need any links? The one at the top of my head is:




Thats a Bhagavad-gita link. And I can proivde more if you just let me know.

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