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Prayers for Sick Devotees

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I just heard that 2 devotees suffered heart attacks today and both are in critical condition. One is Purushottama prabhu from Orange County. The other devotee is Hansadutta prabhu, Prabhupada's disciple. His condition is very bad because his heart stopped for a while before the paramedics could do something and now he is in a coma.

My prayers are with both of them.


I spoke with Hansadutta less than a month ago, he came to Srila Prabhupada's festival and brought his eldest daughter with him.

Puroshotama prabhu has a big family too.



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Kindly recite the 'Narayana Kavacha Shield' at the bedside of the patients; the youngest living child of the ailing should apply 'gopi chandana' on the chest and back to relieve the congestion and discomfort.

Dr Paraki


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I am surprised that Hamsadutta's illness was not reported earlier. Do you know anything more about it? I am afraid that this is a case where the devotees' compassion will be tested. After Tamal Krishna died, there was a great deal of "good riddance", "he got what he deserved", "the world is a better place now," etc.


Just the other day here in Montreal, a leader of the separatist movement died. The current premier of Quebec came to his funeral, even though they were bitter political enemies. I heard that he was booed inside the church (!) by the dead leader's supporters. One newspaper columnist complimented the premier for his courage in coming and putting aside political rivalries in order to honor the man.


Perhaps those who through their behavior shattered our illusions did us a service, bringing us to a more complex and nuanced understanding of what it means to be Krishna conscious.

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His family members called a friend of mine here and I happened to be with her at the moment. As far as I know, it was sudden, he felt severe chest pain and his heart stopped, the paramedics couldn't revived it and in their efforts to get the heart beating again they brohe Hansadutta's ribs. Now because of this problem, they couldn't operate on him, one artery is clogged. I don't know his condition today, by chance I left my phone disconnected and I don't know the news.


I agree with you Jagat, we should forget our differences and be compassionate especially in a moment like this. If something like that happen to me I would really appreciate everybody's prayers especially for my spiritual life.



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While these devotees are physically ill, I know that Krsna has authority over even the most difficult problems. I have been through many trials and came through successfully through continuing to chant. I will pray for their return to health and hope that soon they will be back to chant the holy name of Krsna again. I am very liberated from the action Krsna has taken to interecede with preservation of my well being.

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Hansadutta came out of the coma and he is stable. It seems like he can hear other people.

Today I heard what actually happened, he was alone at home when he felt severe pain in his chest, he called 911 and when the paramedics arrived he was "dead". They tried so hard to revived him that they broke his ribs.

By Krsna'grace he is back again and I think this is another chance for him.


Some friends of mine when to San Francisco to see Puroshottama prabhu, I'll know more tomorrow about his condition

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Hansaduta is able to chant Hare Krsna but Purushottama prabhu is not doing so well. His family put Krsna's and Prabhupada's pictures near his bed and he just stares at them, he is suffering a lot but they can't operate because of diverse complications.

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Srila Prabhupada writes in his purports in BG As It Is that one should always think of doing good for others. That can be our mindset for all persons in all times and Krishna will be pleased by such consciousness.

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Hare Krishna


It's said that if a devotee is not able to think of Krishna,

at the time of death, then Krishna being all merciful

will think of His devotee, from a lecture by Kirtibhai, who had tears while giving pravachan, showing his humble attitude. I hope Lord Nirsimhadeva gives all concerned, innumerable spiritual stenght, for they are His devotees, Jaya Nrismhadeva!


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This is very sad news, though it is good he is able to chant Hare Krsna. A recent “Memories” video featured Hansadutta telling stories about Srila Prabhupada and it was one of the best of the video series. It was packed with lots and lots of stories. Perhaps I’ll rewatch and write down some of the best ones.


It also goes to show that just being a vegetarian is no guarantee against heart attacks. Just in the last few months I’ve been hearing of several devotees who have suffered these heart attacks.

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