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Prabhupada is he coming back?

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Hey people!


I am just curious if prabhupada has taken another human birth.


If you ask why I think that? well, even though he is enlightened , didn't he say that a true Vaishnava takes all his brothers and sisters back to home and not just himself?


well, i am just curious if he is coming back or not because of that reason, I think he is a true Vaishnava, so do you people think he is going to come back?

I wish i could have been there near prabhupada , he seems to be very wise, but I can't , its my bad luck that I was not born then so that I could have had his "Dharshan". /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Prabhupada does not have to take birth again to "come back". He appears in his spiritual form as the Vishnuduta to his disciples that die. When one of his disciples dies, Prabhupada comes to take them back to Godhead. For example; when his disciple Sudhama died from AIDS at the L.A. temple complex, Sudhama became in his subtle body for some time. After Sudhama left his physical body he was still lingering in his subtle body. As he rose up out of his dieing physical body he could see his Godbrothers around his body and he realized that he had died. In his subtle body he went to the temple room and bowed down before Srila Prabhupada. As he rose up from offering his obeisances to Prabhupada he saw that the murti of Prabhupada was no longer a murti but was alive. Prabhupada asked him if he was ready to go back to Godhead and Sudhama said "yes, Srila Prabhupada". Prabhupada then told him that according to his guru Maharaja anyone who does not chant 64 rounds in a day is considered fallen, so he handed Sudhama a set of beads and told him that after he chanted 64 rounds in one day that he would take him back home, back to Godhead. Sudhama sat down and started to chant his rounds. However, being the character that he was Sudhama got a little restless and did a little travelling. He left the temple in L.A. to come up to the mountains in Badger and see his deities that were at the house of his Godbrother Radhakunda prabhu. He also visited my house and some other friends in Badger. He also went to San Francisco maybe to see some old friend. After a couple of days of this he got his business finished up and he went back to L.A. temple to chant his 64 rounds in one day.

After chanting his 64 rounds, Srila Prabhupada appeared again in his murti and Sudhama told Prabhupada that he had completed the 64 rounds. At that time Prabhupada took Sudhama by the hand and they flew through space towards Vrindavan, India. At the moment of entering the proximity of Vraja-mandal, Sudhama realized that it was not India they were entering but Goloka. As they entered Goloka, Sudhama shed his subtle body and was completely cleansed of his material existence and lost al memory of who he was in this world and all rememberances his past life. He realized his spiritual form and his rasa with Krishna and was assigned his service to Srimati Radharani under the guidance of Sri Rupa Manjari.

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In the last few months of Sudhama's life I had come to know him as a friend. He was staying at the house of Radha Kunda prabhu who was a friend of mine. I spend some time trying to get to know Sudhama a little as he was a famous old Prabhupada disciple.

The source of this information is a revelation that came to me intuitively as the result of a circumstance in which Sudhama was seen at my home in Badger after his death. I was a musician then and Sudhama came by to hear our Rock kirtans that we were well known for in that part of California.

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Hare Krishna


Prabhupada then told him that according to his guru Maharaja anyone who does not chant 64 rounds in a day is considered fallen



Just reading the above makes me feel like chanting 64 rounds


I think I could do it I mean it's just 16 x 4


Plus my mind is very fickle so I could probably trick it

into thinking it's just chanted 16 rounds..ha ha. /images/graemlins/grin.gif



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This is also the first time I have shared this revelation with anyone. All these years (about 10 or 11) I have kept this to myself and never even told it to my (ex)wife, children or anyone until now.

I can't say that it is absolutely true. It is just an intuitive series of thoughts that came to me after Sudhama was seen at my house the day after his death. A friend who was my drummer in my band was staying at my house at that time. While me and my family were out shopping he said that he was playing his drums and he saw Sudhama appear at my house. After he told me that I sat down with my beads and tried to open myself up to anything I could intuitively understand about this situation and this series of thoughts came into my mind very vividly. I took it to be a revelation by the Paramatma, the Supersoul in the heart.

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Hare Krishna


Guruvani r u practising Srila Prabhupada's teachings..


I am curious as you seem to have associated with devotees,

or, has Maya put you into sinful life again.. /images/graemlins/mad.gif


u don't have to answer ofcourse but r u a least..


chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra a day,

not sure why I'm asking this maybe just to see,

if your words have any bearing, if u know what I mean /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Since you base your judgements on vaidhi-sadhana principles you are therefore unqualified to understand anything beyond that. You want to pigeonhole devotees into a mechanistic judgement based upon formalities and showbottle devotion. When you mature in Krishna consciousness you will understand that the inconceivable must always be given consideration. It is impossible to judge a devotee by anything except the ideal that he s to. There are persons and principles that you cannot understand yet. You will have to begin by understanding that persons who have awakened their spontaneous love for Krishna are no longer bound by regulative principles. When you learn that basic truth, you will then be able to appreciate a devotee based upon his ideal instead of his external image or showbottle devotion.

My life for the last two decades is something that you could never understand. I have suffered more than you can ever know. I have not enjoyed a cushy life in the movement. I have struggled hard and suffered greatly beyond anything you will ever know. The realizations that come from strife, struggle and suffering is something you cannot buy or attain living a cushy life in the movement. I have lived a hard life and suffered more than you can understand. My perspective is different than the overweight, lazy members of ISKCON who have lived cushy, comfortable lives in the temples. I am not a vyasasan potato or temple dwelling church mouse who lived a sheltered life in the movement. I have lived hard and harsh yet have tried to maintain my faith in Prabhupada and Krishna. You could not understand. I don't expect you to understand. I don't expect anyone to understand.

You are right. I am not a real devotee at all. I am a pretend devotee. I am a lowly and degraded soul. Don't give any credibility to anything I say.

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It is true, if we don't experience harsh things in life , our character will not develop.


For people who have not seen what the others have experienced, They will not understand.



Govindaram, Just like prabhupada says, the true devotee is silent, because no one knows what lies with in except for krishna.


We are not the ones who judge who is a pure devotee or not, because we are not worth of that. A person may be harsh or he/she may look materialistic or may look too young, but we will never know what kind of a saintly heart dwells with in .





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Guest guest

but, I have experienced similar things. Some may think that we are wrong, or we are making these divine experiences, so I have not told such things to people.



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however, since you inquired, I will give a little background of my devotee life.

I joined ISKCON in March of 1975 in L.A.

I saw Prabhupada there that year as well as at the San Francisco Rathyatra and the San Diego summer festival.

I revieved harinama initiation later that year in L.A.

I left there and spent a few years at the Chicago temple and the Tennessee Farm. I recieved brahminical initiation in 1977 a few weeks befor Prabhupada passed away.

I left ISKCON in 1981 and joined the camp of Sridhar Maharaja.

I spent eight good years in the movement following the princples and trying to become purified.

Since then I got married, divorced ten years later and have been raising three children alone for over 7 years.

I am a working class citizen.

I recently started a web site with my son's help and we are making a lot of money fast. I should be a wealthy person in the next couple of years.


I will not reveal my faults in detail, following the advice of Chanakya Pundit.


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Hare Krishna


Thanks, for explaining about yourself, it helps to know

who people are, behind their comments (sometimes!)


Anyway... you seem to have done a lot for other people

with preaching KC,


Again, I asked because even Great devotees leaded somewhat

regulated lives, with chanting etc..


But I think you are right I can't understand 'these things'



so would you kindy explain please!

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