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A Vaisnava There's No Death -- by Srila Gour Govinda Swami

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Bhubaneswar,India on Srila Prabhupada’s Holy Disappearance Anniversary (2nd Nov, 1989), Srila Gour Govinda Swami spoke as follows [unedited excerpts, transcribed from tape ]…(‘[?]’ indicates unclear word ):--

“A vaisnava has no death. He’s always there. When he’s physically present….he’s physically present… and at that time, the [?] disciples will serve his body, known as[?]-seva, but when he goes to the spiritual world, enters into nitya-lila, still he’s here. He lives in his vani.

“Prabhupada Maharaja, my dearmost spiritual master, has given us so many books, so many lecture tapes, so many things. Still, every day, chanting, reading, glorifying, isn’t it? That’s known as vani-seva, [?]-seva, vani-seva. Do you understand? There is no separation of Gurudeva from his disciple. It is eternal relationship, mmm? As long as spiritual master is here physically present, disciples’ duty is to serve him, to follow, to obey his orders, instructions, and give all sorts of comforts to his body, known as [-seva]. But when he leaves this world, disappears… but he still remains here in his vani. At that time the disciples and folowers should remember his instructions, to read his books, remember his speeches, his instructions, and act accordingly. Thereby they serve him. That is vani-seva. Eternally it goes on.

“So there’s no separation of Gurudeva from disciples. Disciples shouldn’t think like… should not think like that. Do you understand? It is very very painful if someone thinks… some disciple thinks, “My Gurudeva has gone away from me.” Very very painful… better to die. It’s more than that. Do you understand? Therefore we, the disciples of Srila Prabhupada, never think of it. When we do this “JAYA”…prema-dhani ye, ah? we never say,and we shouldn’t say, “nitya-lila pravista”. No! For us, he is always with us. That’s very painful for us.---I hear… if someone says, “Nitya-lila-pravista” No! Say, “Nitya-lila-pravista” for Bhaktisiddhanta, Bhaktivinoda, for others… not for my Gurudeva, I warn you… it’s very very painful for me. He’s always with me---, do you understand? No separation at all . That’s the most important thing, do you understand?”

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