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I am curious when your sites were attacked could you know if it was a matter of random vandelism or did you suspect you were targeted because of the ideology presented there? I can't figure the motive on the part of the hacker. You would think they would have better things to do, like delete the plans for the latest "Star Wars" missle defense scheme from Pentagon computers or hack in and have themselves graduating magnum cum laude from Harvard.

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Yesterday some so-called christians hacked a devtoee website with a barage of F-words and Christian sayings. How sad is that? The owner of the site caught it early on and took care of the damage.


I saw on the news yesterday that the FBI or somebody like that has uncovered a plan for this weekend of a hacker contest - the hackers are going to see who can mess up the most websites. So watch your sites carefully this weekend.

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Government Warns of Mass Hacker Attacks




(AP) - The government and private technology experts warned Wednesday that hackers plan to attack thousands of Web sites Sunday in a loosely coordinated ``contest'' that could disrupt Internet traffic.


Organizers established a Web site, defacers-challenge.com, listing in broken English the rules for hackers who might participate. The Web site appeared to operate out of California and cautioned to ``deface its crime'' - an apparent acknowledgment that vandalizing Internet pages is



The Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday it was aware of the hackers' plans but did not expect to issue any formal public warnings. The Chief Information Officers Council, part of the Office of Management

and Budget, cautioned U.S. agencies and instructed experts to tighten security at federal Web sites.


``Frankly, hacker challenges occur frequently, and we don't think they all rise to the level of a warning,'' Homeland Security spokesman David Wray said.


Home Internet users, who typically do not operate Web sites, probably would not be affected directly, said Oliver Friedrichs, the senior manager for security response at Symantec Corp.


An early-warning network for the technology industry, operating with Homeland Security, notified companies that it received ``credible information'' about the planned attacks and already has detected surveillance probes by hackers looking for weaknesses in corporate and

government networks.


``We emphasize that all Web site administrators should ensure that their sites are not vulnerable,'' wrote Peter Allor of Internet Security Systems Inc., the Atlanta-based company that runs the Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center.


Friedrichs, though, said Symantec's global monitoring network wasn't detecting unusual probes.


``We really haven't seen any of that activity,'' he said. ``We're certainly going to keep watching and looking.''


Separately, the New York Office of Cyber-Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination warned Internet providers and other organizations that the goal of the hackers was to vandalize 6,000 Web sites in six hours.


New York officials urged companies to change default computer passwords, begin monitoring Web site activities more aggressively, remove unnecessary functions from server computers and apply the latest software repairs from vendors such as Microsoft Corp.


Chris Rouland, director of the X-force security team at ISS, said researchers monitoring underground chat rooms and other Internet activity detected a drop in the numbers of vandalized Web sites recently and an increase in the types of surveillance scans that typically precede computer break-ins.


``It's kind of a sand-bagging period,'' said Rouland, who predicted that hackers were quietly breaking into omputers and waiting to vandalize them on Sunday.


The purported ``prize'' for participating hackers was 500-megabytes of online storage space, which made little sense to computer experts. They said hackers capable of breaking into thousands of computers could easily steal that amount of storage on corporate networks.


On the Net:


[We have removed the direct link to the site. - Admin5]

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My sites in particular were not hacked. I manage about 25 different websites, yet only a few of them are devotee-related. They are in different business areas, medical equipment, real estate, etc. Therefore I don't think anyone was going after my sites in particular. I've never had any of my Hare Krishna websites taken down.


At the time that Feature Price was hacked, they had many clients sharing the same server, including me. Perhaps they did not know much about web security, so some script-kiddie hacker took their server down.


After that I started leasing my own web server and have been happy as a clam since - no hackers (Knock on wood). I do however monitor my logs from time to time and there are literally hundreds of attempts per day to hack the server. You can identify them if you know what to look for.


So I try to patch it up as secure as possible, and keep my fingers crossed. I'm hoping I don't become a target this Sunday.


By the way if any devotees are in need of web hosting let me know. I can provide you with free webspace.





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