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Power Elites: The Merger of Right and Left




A. K. Chesterton once said: "The proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens could be understood."


He added: "These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ."


Chesterton described those agencies: "Their goal was to work through such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations--Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford -- provides an infallible means of recognizing them."


The Rockefellers made $200,000,000.00 from World War I. Henry Kissinger's brother Walter heads the Allen Group. The super-wealthy (with the exception of some Du Ponts and the Fords) have long supported the Republican Party -- the party of plutocratic oligarchy. "If not kings themselves, they are king-makers." They have quick access to the White House no matter who is President. Other super-rich, such as the Rockefellers, affiliate with the Democratic Party. Politics in the U.S., no matter what party, is under the control of the super-rich, large corporations and the international bankers.


A.K. Chesterton said in Candour: "At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped.


"Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations. They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence. They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes. To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin's game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom's betrayal." (1)



Paul Weyrich


Paul Weyrich is considered by conservative Powers That Be as the most powerful man in American politics today. Weyrich allegedly founded the immensely influential conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation, in 1973 with funding from Joseph Coors of the Coors beer empire and Richard Mellon-Scaife, heir of the Carnegie-Mellon fortune. (2)


Over the past 25 years, Heritage has also been funded by private foundations such as Pew Charitable Trust which also funded many GOALS 2000 initiatives. William Greider's bestseller, Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy reveals other benefactors: "Not withstanding its role as 'populist' spokesman, Weyrich's organization, for instance, has received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank [David Rockefeller] and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley." (3)


Paul Weyrich served as President of Heritage Foundation until 1974 when he founded the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress (which he heads today as the Free Congress Foundation). Heritage Foundation guided the Reagan administration during its period of transition and Joe Coors served in the President's "Kitchen Cabinet." During its first year, the Reagan administration adopted fully two-thirds of the recommendations of Heritage's Mandate for Leadership: Policy Management in a Conservative Administration.


John Saloma's Ominous Politics, refers to Heritage as a "shadow government" noting that "[Heritage President] (Edwin) Feulner also served on the Reagan transition executive committee (fourteen other Heritage staff and board members also had transition appointments), but declined to join the administration." (4)


A 1995 Wall Street Journal observed the formidable influence of the Heritage Foundation on government policies since the Reagan era:


"WASHINGTON -- With the Republicans' rise to control Congress, think-tank power in the nation's capital has shifted to the right. And no policy shop has more clout than the conservative Heritage Foundation.

"When GOP congressional staffers met in June with conservative leaders to help map current legislative efforts to cut federal funding for left-leaning advocacy groups, the closed-door meeting took place at Heritage headquarters. The group's involvement wasn't unusual. 'Heritage is without question the most far-reaching conservative organization in the country in the war of ideas.' House Speaker Newt Gingrich said early this year.

"Think tanks have long churned out studies that have wound up in official policy proposals. During Democratic times of power, the more liberal Brookings Institution has been a leading player here. Now, the 21-year-old Heritage Foundation, which rose to prominence in the Reagan years, is taking academic involvement to a new level.

"Over the first 100 days of the current GOP Congress, Heritage scholars testified before lawmakers 40 times--more than any other organization, Hill staffers say. Its scholars are credited by congressional members and staff as key architects of the House-passed welfare-overhaul plan and with inspiring some provisions in the GOP balanced-budget plan. 'They talk to me sometimes 12 times a week,' said Heritage budget analyst Scott Hodge earlier this year, explaining his ties to the staff of the House Budget Committee. 'We--I mean House members--are putting together a final list of cuts.'" (5)

Facist Connection


Paul Weyrich - considered the architect and mainstay of the conservative revolution - calls for "reclaiming the culture" and a "second American Revolution." A look at the inflammatory, extremist rhetoric with racial and Inquisitorial overtones on the Free Congress Foundation web site should alarm Christians as to Weyrich's real intent:




"Are we on the verge of a second American Revolution? In the old Soviet Union, the government seemed all-powerful – until one day it fell.

"Next Revolution is one of the most radical – and most popular – programs on America's Voice. Each week, hosts Bill Lind and Brad Keena say what people are thinking but are often afraid to say: that the cultural Marxism of Political Correctness is destroying our country, that "multicultural" nations break apart in civil war, and that uncontrolled immigration and rising crime are turning America into a Third World nation. They ask the "forbidden" questions: is real reform still possible, or will a new Revolution be necessary to restore America’s traditional – and very successful – culture? Is the United States Government still a legitimate government? Is "racism" the real problem or do cries of racism arise as a result of bad behavior by minority groups?"


"Can America in fact go the way of Bosnia? Is 'Civil War II' part of our future? Is that what it will take to rescue our culture? Bill Lind is now working to answer these questions in a book-length version of Victoria – a novel in the form of a 'future memoir' that will rock and shock the 'Politically Correct' Establishment...

"She was not a particularly bad bishop. She was, in fact, quite typical of Episcopal bishops of the first quarter of the 2lst-century -- agnostic, compulsively political and radical, and given to placing a small idol of Isis on the altar when she said the Communion service. By 2037, when she was tried, convicted and burned for heresy, she had outlived her era. By that time only a handful of Episcopalians still recognized female clergy, and it would have been easy enough to let the old fool rant out her final years in obscurity. But we are a people who do our duty.

"I well remember the crowd that gathered for the execution -- solemn, but not sad, relieved that at last, after so many years of humiliation, the majority had taken back the culture. Civilization had recovered its nerve. The flames that soared above the lawn before the Maine statehouse that August afternoon were, as the bishopess herself might have said, liberating."

[Note: Since posting our expose, the promotional for The Next Revolution has been removed on the new Free Congress Foundation web site. On the home page, About FCF states , "Each week, you can join us for "Next Revolution," the show dedicated to fighting multi-culturalism and political correctness." However, the program is not listed and no information given on the TV Programs page to which the visitor is referred.]

Paul Weyrich is a Melkite Greek Catholic whose personal background abounds with ties to Nazi collaborators and neo-fascist organizations. These well-documented facts do not seem to concern the U.S. Government, whose agencies have also been infiltrated by post World War II Nazi emigres. [For documentation of the CIA-Nazi connection, please see the Watch Unto Prayer report on The John Birch Society.]


In the 1970s, Weyrich and Coors made appointments and set up political contacts on Capitol Hill for Franz Joseph Strauss, Bavarian head of state who helped emigre Nazi collaborators. Another fascist, Roger Pearson, writer and organizer for the Nazi Northern League of northern Europe, joined the editorial board of Policy Review, the monthly Heritage publication in 1977. The Coors Connection notes in a caption under an illustration of Pearson's Eugenics And Race: "Dr. Roger Pearson's racialist theories are circulated worldwide by neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations." (6)


Pearson was brought to the U.S. in 1965 by Willis Carto, founder of the neo-fascist Institute for Historical Review (which denies the Holocaust) and the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, which publishes the weekly Spotlight newspaper. Pearson left Heritage after a Washington Post expose of the racist/fascist orientation of the World Anti-Communist League. Pearson chaired the American branch, the Council on American Affairs from 1975-80, as well as the WACL from 1978-79. The following brief mention of Roger Pearson on the British Eugenics Society web site is an indicator of his abiding contribution to pure racial breeding:


"Hans K. Gunther, a Nazi anthropologist and eugenicist... was assisted by Roger Pearson of the Eugenics Society, an important figure on the racist journal, Mankind Quarterly... Mankind Quarterly is a racist journal still pumping out venom in 1994, still influenced by Roger Pearson. Josef Mengele's co-researcher at Auschwitz, Von Verschuer, was on the editorial advisory board of this journal before his death in 1970."

Paul Weyrich also sponsored and currently works closely with Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Austrian Nazi-collaborator whose Coalitions of the Americas is housed as a subsidiary in the Free Congress Foundation, the political arm of Heritage Foundation. Martin Lee's book, The Beast Reawakens, refers to Pasztor as Weyrich's right hand man:

"In addition to homegrown agitators who dredged up anti-Semitic motifs that harkened back to the 1930s, some countries had to contend with groups that were led or supported by profascist exiles who repatriated from the West where they had carried on as vocal anti-Communists during the Cold War, often with CIA support. The Free Congress Foundation, founded by American far right strategist Paul Weyrich, became active in eastern European politics after the Cold War. Figuring prominently in this effort was Weyrich's right-hand man, Laszlo Pasztor, a former leader of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross organization in Hungary, which had collaborated with Hitler's Reich. After serving two years in prison for his Arrow Cross activities, Pasztor found his way to the United States, where he was instrumental in establishing the ethnic-outreach arm of the Republican national Committee." (7)

A recent SCOOP newsletter from the Heritage related National Center for Public Policy Research mentions foreign and defense policy meetings chaired by Laszlo Pasztor. NCPPR is a conservative communications and research foundation which also sponsors Wednesday luncheons frequently chaired by Weyrich and Pasztor.


Moon Connection


The 1975 Congressional investigation of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) activities in the U.S. noted a connection between Heritage and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. was recruited in 1977 by Richard Scaife to become Heritage president, a position he holds today:


"The report of the investigation noted, 'In 1975, Ed Feulner ... was introduced to KCIA station chief Kim Yung Hwan by Neil Salonen and Dan Feffernan of the Freedom Leadership foundation.' Salonen was head of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church in the United States. The Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF), a political arm of Moon's Unification network was linked to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The FLF was described as 'an organization to be used to achieve KCIA objectives,' by the Congressional report, which was based on a KCIA document that discussed FLF." (8)

In the early 1980s, the KCIA began making donations to Heritage Foundation. In turn, Heritage established an Asian Studies Center which The Nation magazine of 1/23/89 states "has quartered apologists for [so. Korean Prime Minister] Chun's regime." (9)

The Wall Street Journal of August 1995 does not mention Sun Myung Moon, but references the Korea Foundation, one of Heritage's largest donors and an affiliate of the South Korean government. The article clearly states that Heritage Foundation promotes and actually writes pro-Korean legislation:


"Heritage scholars, for example, have drafted specific language for legislation that would help South Korea by encouraging the U.S. to include Seoul more directly in U.S. dealings with North Korea. Meantime, one of Heritage's largest donors, the Korea Foundation, is an affiliate of the South Korean government, according to Yoo Lee, a spokesman for South Korea's embassy here. Heritage's President Edwin Feulner says he isn't aware that the Korea Foundation is an arm of their government...

"While Heritage has gotten most of its attention on domestic issues, it also has been an active proponent for an array of trade and other policies supported by South Korea and Taiwan. Such efforts, it says, reflects "the growing importance of the Asia-Pacific community." In December, Heritage scholar Daryl Plunk provided language for a draft resolution, essentially calling for the administration to adopt a U.S. policy more in line with the wishes of South Korea, to Colorado GOP Rep. Scott McInnis. Rep McInnis, who last year was escorted on a trip to South Korea by Mr. Plunk, introduced a provision in Congress containing similar language.


"Heritage's Mr. Feulner himself has taken an active role in promoting South Korean issues in Congress through actions such as testifying before committees to promote the think tank's pro-South Korea positions. Meantime, one in six of Heritage's 24 known major donors last year -- gifts of $100,000 or more -- were Taiwanese or South Korean concerns. Over the past three years, Heritage has received nearly $1 million from the Korea Foundation which is funded by South Korea's Foreign Ministry, says the embassy's Mr. Lee." (10)


The Heritage offices in Washington, D.C. have housed and employed a number of Unification Church operatives:

"Heritage's Director of Administration in 1980 was Michael Warder, who was a key leader of Moon's Unification network in the United States ...

"Christian Voice is one Moon-connected group that has operated out of the Heritage building. A 'former' Moon operative, Gary Jarmin, attacked critics of Moon and gave an interview to a Moon-controlled newspaper after he joined the Christian Voice (CV) staff. CV's chair, Robert Grant, has been a leader of Moon's Unification network front groups such as the American Freedom Coalition, which fundraised for Oliver North." (11)

In the 1970s, Richard Viguerie became the direct-mail fundraiser for Weyrich's Committee for Survival of a Free Congress. Viguerie developed the direct-mail enterprise into a mult-million dollar business which has used its considerable power to influence the election of conservative candidates for political office. During the 70s, Viguerie trained a political cadre and established, staffed, and funded new organizations, transforming the New Right into "an institutionalized, disciplined, well-organized, and well-financed movement of loosely-knit affiliates" that formed a political base for the conservative revolution of the next decade.

In 1976, Weyrich, Viguerie and Howard Phillips attempted a takeover of the American Independent Party and, in the wake of failure, turned to Jerry Falwell to form the Moral Majority. When Rev. Moon was indicted in 1981 for fraud and criminal tax evasion, Falwell unexpectedly joined with other religious leaders to present an amicus curiae, (friend of the court) brief on behalf of the Reverend Moon. A 1987 Seattle Times explained "How Rev. Moon Got Ensconced with the New Right" via Paul Weyrich's network:


"Ron Godwin, an influential former vice president of Falwell's Moral Majority, is one of several who experienced a conversion.

"In 1984 Godwin attacked another fundamentalist leader for taking Moonie money. 'It strikes me as peculiar,' observed Godwin, himself an evangelical Christian, 'that (he) should accept financial support from a church whose founder believes he's divine . . . It's a little like the Jewish National Fund accepting money from (PLO leader Yasir) Arafat.'


"Eighteen months later, Godwin joined the Moonie - owned Washington Times as a senior vice president, where he also serves as emissary to conservative Christian leaders.


"Then there's Richard Viguerie, until recently more than $1.5 million in debt, according to Fairfax, Va., court records. They indicate that in mid-October the U.S. Property Development Corp. paid $10.06 million to 7777 Associates for the suburban Virginia office building including Viguerie's headquarters. Viguerie owned 72 percent of 7777 Associates, according to Virginia records, and U.S. Property's president is Moon's right-hand man, Bo Hi Pak.


"Viguerie now serves with Abernathy on the five-man board of the Moonie-dominated American Freedom Coalition. The coalition, which claims a 'house list' of more than 300,000 member-contributors, is also Viguerie's biggest new direct-mail client." (12)


More recently, when Falwell's Liberty University was in danger of bankruptcy, Sun Myung Moon came to the rescue through one of his front groups, which funnelled $3.5 million to the Reber-Thomas Christian Heritage Foundation which had purchased the school's debt of $73 million. Ron Godwin, former executive director of the Moral Majority, and now vice president of Moon's Washington Times, accompanied Falwell to South Korea in January of 1994 for a meeting with representatives of the Unification Church.

Communist Connection

Following the historic Reagan/Gorbachev meeting at the Geneva Summit and prior to Gorbachev's visit to the U.S. in 1986, Heritage President Edwin Feulner was appointed by President Reagan as Chairman of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The Commission's report to the Congress and the President on the U.S. Information Agency and the activities of the U.S. Government concerning public diplomacy included the following recommendation for expediting a signed Soviet/American Educational Exchange Agreement:


"Exchanges and International Visitors: The Commission urges USIA, the Department of State, and the relevant private sector organizations to move quickly to develop specific programs for U.S.-Soviet exchanges pursuant to the General Exchanges accord, other exchange initiatives undertaken at the Geneva Summit, and the agreement by President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev to review these programs at their next meeting."

The report stated "The U.S.-Soviet exchanges agreement negotiated by USIA and signed at Geneva will expand academic, cultural and scientific exchanges, including Fulbright scholars and teachers..." A Five Minute Report quoted Feulner as having said, "We should permit Soviet journalists to speak to American people and the U.S., in turn, be permitted to bring ideas and perspectives to the Soviets."

In 1995, Charlotte Iserbyt identified conservative "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" who not only gave the Soviets access to American education, but whose act of treason "virtually merged the two educational systems." Leading the pack for an educational exchange initiative were:


"Edwin Feulner, President of Heritage Foundation, strongly supported the U.S.-Soviet education agreements, has an office in Moscow, supports Soviet-style magnet schools (i.e., tax supported choice/charter schools), and has state affiliate organizations across the nation writing charter school legislation that reads like it has been written by the U.S. Department of Education, the Carnegie Corporation and the National Education Association...

"Paul Weyrich's American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) gave an award to Oregon's Department of Education for its education reform, especially the work force training component and its certificate of initial mastery (CIM) necessary to get a job. Weyrich has served as an advisor to Russian President Boris Yeltsin of recent Chechnyan genocide fame. In 1986 he wrote an article in The Washington Post which virtually recommended a new Constitution and form of government for the U.S." (13)

U.N. Connection


The Heritage mission statement describes the foundation as a "research and educational institute -- a think tank -- whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." Since Heritage claims to have never compromised its traditional values, it may surprise other conservatives that the 1993 U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations included Edwin Feulner. A 1993 Mantooth Report revealed:


"Sixteen people, drawn from the public and private sectors, have been busy with plans to 'reinvent the world.' Not the U.S. government - its the UN world government.

"The purpose of this group, a commission established by Congress, was to hold hearings and study ways to make the U.N. more effective in the post-Cold War world, and a world needing a firm hand in the 21st Century...

"The membership of the Commission is a motley crew, a diverse and suspect collection of one world believers. We'll start with Walter Hoffman. He is Executive Vice President of the World Federalist Association, and co-Treasurer of the Commission.

"Secretary of the Commission is Harris O. Schoenberg. He is Director of the United Nations Affairs for B'nai B'rith International, and into a lot of other things. There are religionists and bankers and, of course, Jeanne J. Kirkpatrick, who needs no introduction. And there's a smattering of CFR members. And there are New Right and Sovereign Military Order of Malta...

"Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. and Charles M. Lichenstein were appointed by the House Minority Leader. Feulner is President of the Heritage Foundation. Paul Weyrich was founder of Heritage, and its assortment of 'fellows' became powerful enough to issue the mandates that ran the Reagan and Bush administrations. Weyrich is strategist for all the so-called New Right organizations which he steers behind the political objectives of leaders reaching for the world.

"You always find Feulner in a vital position to advance these objectives. Lichenstein is a 'Distinguished Fellow' of Heritage, a long-time Republican activist who has held senior positions in the Nixon and Ford Administrations. Under Reagan he was attached to the Security Council.

"If you haven't already figured it out, what we've been describing here is a tight group representing the merger of the left and the right. " (14)

The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection

The Council for National Policy







1. A. K. Chesterton, "The New Unhappy Lords, An Exposure of Power Politics" (Hawthorne, CA: Christian Boys Club of America, 1969).


2. Russ Bellant, The Coors Connection (South End Press, 1989), p. 2; John Saloma, Ominous Politics (NY: Hill & Wang, 1984), p. 14.


3. William Greider, Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy (Touchstone Books, 1993), p. 28.


4. Ominous Politics, p. 14, 17.


5. "Conservative Heritage Foundation Finds Recipe for Influence: Ideas + Marketing = Cloud," Wall Street Journal, August 10, 1995, p. A12.


6. The Coors Connection, p. 8.


7. Martin Lee, The Beast Reawakens, Little, Brown & Co., p. 303.


8. The Coors Connection, pp. 3, 4.


9. The Coors Connection, p. 6.


10. The Wall Street Journal, op. cit.


11. The Coors Connection, pp. 5, 6, 9.


12. "How Rev. Moon Got Ensconced with the New Right: His Aid is Varied and Plentiful," The Washington Times, December 31, 1987.


13. Charlotte Iserbyt, "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing," The Christian Conscience, April 1995, p. 12.


14. Don Mantooth, The Mantooth Report (RR 1, Box 387, Salem, IN 47167).


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Former CIA employee Mark Tooley, hired by the right-wing Institute on

Religion and Democracy to attack the United Methodist Church's social

agenda, launched a vitriolic charge against that church in a 1996

mailing to thousands of its members. He avoided sending his mailing to

officials of the church; it was an attempt to influence the laity just

ahead of the church's quadrennial conference in April.


Since its beginning in 1981, the IRD has again and again attacked the

National Council of Churches, the World Council, United Methodists, and



Presbyterians. It has refrained from attacking churches with a

right-wing agenda, such as the Southern Baptists and the Roman



In his letter, Tooley claimed:


The church was supporting (1) Marxist guerrilla movements in Central

America; (2) violent revolution in southern Africa; (3) halting U.S.

defense programs; (4) government-funded abortion; (5) expanding the role

of the federal government in the lives of ordinary Americans.


He then asked, "Did membership in the United Methodist Church require

loyalty to a political program of the far left?" Tooley, who learned his

trade of

of dirty tricks in the CIA, did not--and could not--document any

of these assertions.


Hired by the IRD in 1994 after an eight-year stint with the CIA, Tooley

set up his office-known as UMAction for Faith, Freedom, and

Family--across the street from Foundry United Methodist Church in

Washington, D.C. Foundry is the church that both the Clintons and the

Doles attended. According to right-wing columnist Cal Thomas, Tooley

researched the sermons and writings of pastor J. Philip Wogaman and even

attended the church to check up on him.


Tooley wrote in the spring 1993 IRD periodical that, at a service

attended by Senator and Mrs. Dole, Wogaman "asked listeners to oppose

the Republican Contract with America." According to Tooley, this

announcement was "anti-Republican." As a matter of fact, Wogaman did not

attack the Republicans. A three-page document which was available in the

church's social hall merely suggested study of the contract's ten points

along with pertinent positions of the United Methodist Church on such

issues as poverty and the separation of church and state. There was no

reference, as Tooley claimed, to opposing Republican policy; instead,

Wogaman's brief paper suggested "study, reflection, and prayerful



The IRD provided the always helpful Cal Thomas with a copy of Tooley's

article, which called Wogaman "left of center." Tooley also wrote an

article for the right-wing journal, The American Spectator, attacking

the pastor, specifically targeting the Doles with the question: "What

must Foundry's parishioners Bob and Elizabeth Dole think?" Not long

after that, the Doles left Foundry to attend National Presbyterian

Church. Tooley had won his first big battle for "reform."


Although the IRD raises tax-deductible funds from letters attacking

churches and other groups, its primary source of revenue continues to be

right-wing foundations, and its leadership is a board of right-wing

Christians. Under the pretense of church reform, the IRD attacks those

who do not conform to its ideology, but it never attacks churches with

right, wing agenda.


Turning now to the Christian Coalition, we note that it has begun a

nationwide series of seminars on how to take control of local school

boards. The first seminar, held in Atlanta in May 1995, was the kickoff

for a series of seminars to be held in 1996 in all 50 states. There were

114 people from 22 states at the first seminar, more than 75 percent of

whom planned to become school board candidates.


There are two reasons for attending these seminars. One, of course, is

to get elected to school boards. The other, according to Charles H.

Cunningham, the coalition's director of voter education, is to get name

recognition for future office. According to Cunningham, "Local

candidates, particularly those for school board, are the farm teams for

the future for higher elected office."


The seminars, while not using the "stealth candidate" designation

employed in the past, warned candidates to stay away from religion,

creationism, and sex education and "stick with secular issues such as

academic standards, school choice, and educational overhaul." Mark P.

Campbell, a Republican media consultant, urged candidates to "describe

themselves with phrases like community activist, government watch, dog,

or business leader." They were encouraged to avoid confrontation, "smile

as much as you can," and steer clear of religious agendas.


In response to these efforts, the Interfaith Alliance of Washington

State is asking all school board candidates to sign a pledge in which

they promise to "affirm the religious diversity of this country" and

"reject any political group which preaches or practices exclusion and

intolerance, including any assertion that votes for its candidates are

'votes for God." The alliance also sent questionnaires to candidates

asking their stand on such issues as school prayer, use of tax dollars

for private or parochial schools, and the teaching of creationism.

Results will be tabulated for a voters guide to be distributed before

each school board election.


Candidates signing the pledge vow to "campaign without any appeal to

prejudice or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, marital

status, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or

age." The Christian Coalition state director, Dave Welch, said he had no

objection to the survey but considered the pledge "too broad and



Another effort of those opposed to public schools is the home-school

movement, which includes many people who are neither religious nor right

wing. The Christian right is now engaged in an effort to take over the

home-school movement, which started years ago as an ad hoc and

unstructured grass-roots movement and was, to some extent, unified and

coordinated by the Home School Legal Defense Association, the brainchild

of Michael Farris, a right-wing Christian from Virginia. The HSLDA was

intended for legal protection only; it charged a membership fee of $100

and eventually represented 18,500 families in all 50 states.


Now, however, Farris has set up a subsidiary known as the National

Center for Home Education, which is intended not only to be the

centralized control of the home-school movement but also to put it

firmly in the hands of Christian Coalition types. Through a periodical,

The Teaching Home, and in other ways, Christian home schoolers were

urged to organize and to sign statements of faith in order to be leaders

in the home-school movement. This, in turn, led to the formation of

specifically Christian state organizations.


Farris then wrote in several home-school publications:


Who gets to speak for the home-schooling movement? The majority speaks

for the movement. Why should it rattle anyone's cage for the majority of

home. schoolers to define the position of the movement? I would hope

that non-Christian homeschoolers would endorse the rights of Christian

homeschoolers--including the right to vote our convictions and the right

of majority rule.


This has produced protests that the previous networks of home-schoolers

are being destroyed so that only right-wing Christians can control the

movement. Some home-schoolers have objected to being part of a

discriminatory organization; others, to signing a statement of faith

that has a very narrow educational and ideological point of view. Still

others have argued that the very reason for home schooling is freedom to

define the method of teaching and to make other decisions based upon

individual rather than coerced beliefs. However, Michael Farris, who

endorses the same autocratic and hierarchical approach as other

right-wing organizations, apparently wants nothing less than for his

brand of Christians to dominate the movement.




By John Swomley


John M. Swomley is an emeritus professor of social ethics at St. Paul

School of Theology in Kansas City, Missouri. He is also president of

Americans for Religious Liberty and serves on the national board of the

American Civil Liberties Union.

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THY WILL BE DONE: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and

Evangelism in the Age of Oil. By Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.

HarperCollins. 960 pp. $35.


As John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil followed the cavalry and

railroads a century ago into the Rockies and Plains to exploit vast,

newly discovered mineral resources, they found a domesticated new Indian

leadership predisposed to accommodate--thanks to the groundwork already

laid by Christian missionaries. Christian fundamentalists may have seen

the Rockefellers as a sinister force of liberal, urban ways, sinking

money into universities and "modernizing" Protestant institutions; even

today, the family is thought by many on the radical right to be at the

center of the Eastern Liberal conspiracy. But Gerard Colby and Charlotte

Dennett argue the case for the existence of a centurylong de facto

cooperative arrangement between the Rockefeller empire and the most

effective, ambitious and zealous of fundamentalist missionary groups.

Their common challenge was the post-World War II pacification of the new

frontiers of the developing world especially the Amazon rain forest.


Thy Will Be Done (available in paper this spring) charts the interaction

of two men: Nelson Rockefeller, John D.'s politically ambitious

grandson, and William Cameron (Cam) Townsend, founder and mastermind of

America's biggest fundamentalist missionary group, Wycliffe Bible



Wycliffe, with its affiliated Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) and

Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JAARS), maintains globe-spanning

operations and develops the foremost scholars of indigenous languages.

In the Amazon and elsewhere, Wycliffe missionaries are sometimes the

first to contact remote indigenous peoples--even before the local

national government. With cutting-edge linguistic and anthropological

work fueled by a millennial vision of translating the Bible into every

tribal tongue on earth by the year 2000, Wycliffe is uniquely skilled in

cracking native languages. Ostensibly funded by small donations,

Wycliffe in fact receives grants from private foundations, government

agencies, corporations and universities.


The overlapping worlds of government, industry and religion follow one

another across the globe as the needs of counterinsurgency, development

and saving souls demand: Wycliffe entered the Philippines in the 1950s

as the C.I.A. combated the peasant Huk rebellion, then moved to South

Vietnam in the 1960s, where the Rockefellers planned a massive

development effort around a series of Mekong River dams. But the

greatest prize was the vast resources in the continental interior of the

traditional U.S. influence sphere, Latin America.


Cam Townsend began as a missionary among the Maya Indians of the

Guatemalan highlands in the 1920s, while I Nelson Rockefeller was

directing private disease-eradication efforts in the region. In the

1930s, Townsend launched his own operation and won the heart of Mexican

president Lazaro Cardenas, then seeking to break the grip of the

Catholic Church over Mexico's Indians. Ironically, SIL and Wycliffe

gained a first Latin beachhead in the revolutionary nationalist Mexico

of Cardenas. But the Mexico operations were only a training ground for

Townsend's real destiny--to bring light to the "green hell" of the

Amazon, where whole peoples had yet to be "contacted."


Nelson Rockefeller also charted his course to power through Latin

America. During World War II, F.D.R. appointed him chief of his own

office as Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. After a turf war with

William Donovan's Office of Strategic Services, Nelson's C.I.A.A. won

exclusive rights to anti-Axis propaganda and espionage--as well as the

mapping and securing of vital resources for the war effort--in Latin

America. The C.I.A.A.'s disease-eradication and education projects were

directed to those regions where oil, minerals, rubber and other

resources could be exploited. But a compliant labor source also needed

to be secured. Perhaps underestimating the actual degree of Axis

intrigue in Latin America, the authors portray a C.I.A.A. that merely

used antifascism as a cover for the suppression of indigenous and labor

struggles. Clearly there were such instances, as when striking Indian

miners in Bolivia were brutally put down in 1942 at a cost of hundreds

of lives.


From these beginnings emerged a network of powerful men moving back and

forth between the worlds of Rockefeller foundations and the top levels

of government. Rockefeller companies and ranches penetrated the Amazon

as Wycliffe began operations there. Rockefeller money, through the

tortuous route of universities and foundations, found its way into

Wycliffe operations. So did money from U.S. aid and intelligence



Rockefeller Brothers Fund analysts wound up in the Cabinet and C.I.A. of

even such postwar Presidents as J.F.K., an open Rockefeller rival. One

such analyst and close Nelson crony, Adolf Berle, was ambassador to

Brazil during what Colby and Dennett call America's "first cold war

coup"--in October of 1945 against President Getulio Vargas, who sought

to nationalize the country's oil. Vargas resurrected this dream upon

returning to power in 1950. Four years later, after founding the state

oil company, Petrobras, he shot himself, leaving behind a suicide note

accusing "international economic and financial groups" of undermining

his nationalist regime.


Vargas's labor minister, protege and eventual successor, Joao Goulart,

picked up the torch. In the early 1960s, as the U.S. corporate presence

in the Amazon burgeoned, Goulart eyed nationalization of Brazil's

mineral resources. High-level C.I.A. spook J.C. King, a C.I.A.A.

veteran, was the agency's point man for the coup against

Goulart--launched in 1964, after Nelson's friend Lyndon Johnson had

assumed the throne from the dead Kennedy. This second coup ushered in

two decades of brutal military dictatorship in Brazil and made the

industrial opening of the Amazon national policy.


As the mines and ranches ate into the jungle, the suddenly threatened

indigenous cultures and biodiversity themselves became coveted

resources. King, a former Johnson & Johnson V.P., scoured the rain

forest on behalf of his Amazon Natural Drug Company, collecting samples

of poisons and hallucinogenic flora and fauna used by Indian hunters and

shamans that might have a profitable application in the medical,

pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Secretly, he remained in the

pay of the C.I.A., which used his specimens for their MK-ULTRA

mind-control experiments. Contemporary ethnobotany actually owes much to

King's efforts and C.I.A. largesse.


Colby and Dennett also document the co-optation of academia in the

interests of pacifying native peoples who resisted industrial

encroachment. King was on the scene when the government of Peru, under

C.I.A. direction, launched a counterinsurgency drive against the Indian

peasants of the Revolutionary Left Movement in the 1960s, just as

Standard Oil moved into the country. Dr. James Perkins, president of

Cornell University, was also a director of the Rockefeller family's

Chase Manhattan Bank and Nelson's International Basic Economy

Corporation (IBEC). Under Perkins's leadership, Cornell received C.I.A.

funds for anthropological and linguistic field programs among Peru's

Indians. We can be certain that these programs were closely monitored by

the agency to streamline its counterinsurgency effort. Cam Townsend's

domain was also part of the academia-intelligence network. One Cornell

graduate in those years, Donald Burns, went on to become Wycliffe's top

Quechua translator.


The Rockefeller family's own youthful academic indulgences followed the

industrial empire's nose. Nelson's son Michael was dispatched to Dutch

New Guinea in 1961, ostensibly to collect "primitive art" from

indigenous peoples of the remote rain-forest region; simultaneously,

Standard Oil of New Jersey (later Exxon) won joint mineral exploration

rights there with Royal Dutch Shell. Michael was killed by headhunters;

by offering a high price for shrunken skulls he encouraged internal

warfare, and tribal leaders apparently ordered that his own skull be

shrunk. But neither Michael's death nor the subsequent annexation of

Dutch New Guinea by Indonesia slowed corporate exploitation of the

region. The native peoples there, having lost most of their land, still

fight the international oil and mineral interests today--including

Chevron, western wing of the Rockefeller Chase Manhattan investment



Nelson Rockefeller's IBEC investment network in ranching, oil and

minerals fueled the destruction of the Amazon in the 1960s. Colby and

Dennett document massacres, forced relocations and atrocities committed

against native peoples by goons in the pay of ranchers and industrial

interests in this period. The Brazilian dictatorship's Indian agency was

itself co-opted into an instrument of counterinsurgency, even firing on



A backlash finally emerged in the late 1960s and 1970s, as urban

guerrilla movements spread from Guatemala to Argentina. Nelson, on a

1969 tour of Latin America on behalf of President Nixon, met violent

protests in almost every city. Wycliffe, meanwhile, faced accusations of

C.I.A. intrigues and complicity in genocide, and was even kicked out of

Mexico. Its doctrine of hard work, obedience to authority and individual

salvation itself came to be seen as a tool of pacification. With its own

air fleet and radio network, Wycliffe had virtual autonomy over the

remote Indian villages it colonized. Anthropologists as well as Catholic

leaders of the emergent Liberation Theology current protested Wycliffe's

degree of social control in Indian communities--and the organization's

silence in the face of atrocities against its flock. At a 1971

hemispheric World Council of Churches conference in Barbados,

anthropologists warned that the age of genocide might be just beginning.



Though Cam Townsend and Nelson Rockefeller are gone, Wycliffe carries on

its global work, while Nelson's younger brother David is Chase

Manhattan's pioneering advocate of global free trade. The embattled

Amazon rain forest is a fourth its former size, and the destruction

continues. Democracy has been restored to Brazil, but free-trade dogma

reigns throughout the hemisphere (except in a particular Caribbean

island) and resources everywhere are being privatized. The revolutionary

movements of Central America have been beaten back. Satellites scan the

jungle floors for mineral deposits.


The final paragraphs of Thy Will Be Done note the emergence of the

Zapatista rebel movement in the Mexican state of Chiapas, where Wycliffe

whiz kids cut their teeth in the thirties. The Lacandon rain forest of

Chiapas is where Townsend established a "Jungle Camp" to train his

missionaries for the adventure ahead in the Amazon. This wild

frontier--now ravaged by peasant relocation programs, cattle ranches and

military and oil operations--is today the stronghold of the Maya Indian

guerillas. Among the most challenging obstacles the Zapatistas faced in

forging their movement was the fundamentalist obedience ethic among many

Indian families--the legacy of Wycliffe and its cohorts. The divisions

between Catholics and evangelical converts among the Maya of Chiapas

have recently been a source of internecine violence, which the

Zapatistas have condemned.


NAFTA, and the envisioned subsequent carving of the entire hemisphere

into interlocking free-trade zones, is the final legacy of the

Rockefeller project. But the official free-trade utopianism that reigned

in Washington and Mexico's Federal District suffered a blow on New

Year's morning of 1994, as NAFTA took effect. The Zapatistas

simultaneously launched their revolt, unequivocally demonstrating that

despite the dismantling of nationalist state structures, despite the

fall of Communism, despite the lure of Coca-Cola and MTV, and despite

the most desperate of odds, resistance will continue.


As the last barriers between resources and corporate power fall from

Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, those who have always stood to lose the most

from the relentless march of development continue to find ways to fight

back. From the Amazon to Indonesia, indigenous peoples have been reduced

in the space of a few years from self-sufficiency in their forest

homelands to ostracized and despised shantytown dwellers. Whole

languages and peoples have disappeared. Those who have survived battle

hunger, prostitution and disease. Like the Chiapas Maya, Indians in the

Amazon now say that enough is enough, and organize against the

industrial rape of their lands. The question remaining is whether they

will find effective allies among those of us who dwell within the

industrial system. In one short paragraph in a book overwhelmingly laden

with facts, Colby and Dennett conclude by asking whether future

generations will accept the destruction of indigenous peoples as God's

will--reminding us of our responsibility not to be complicit with

genocide through our silence.






Bill Weinberg is news editor of High Times, a board member of New York's

Amanaka 'a Amazon Network and author of War on the Land: Ecology and

Politics in Central America (Zed).





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Religious groups expressed concern February 22 about a loophole in CIA

rules that allows the U.S. spy agency to use clergy and missionaries, as

well as journalists and Peace Corps workers, for covert work overseas.


The rules forbid the CIA from hiring or establishing any intelligence

relationships "with any U.S. clergy or missionary whether or not

ordained, who is sent out by a mission or church organization to preach,

teach, heal or proselytize." But the Washington Post has reported that a

little-noticed provision within those rules allows the CIA director to

waive the ban in extraordinary circumstances.


The rules covering CIA recruitment of missionaries were adopted in 1977

after an intense campaign by religious and civil liberties groups. The

groups had raised objections to disclosures that the CIA had used

clergy, journalists and academics in covert Operations. As part of an

overall reform of the agency, the CIA adopted similar rules barring

employment of journalists and academics in covert operations overseas.

CIA Director John Deutch, testifying February 22 before the Senate

Select Intelligence Committee, said the ban on the use of reporters

would be waived only in cases of "unique and special threats to national

security." He was not specifically asked about the clergy loophole, and

the CIA did not return a phone call seeking clarification.


Religious groups across the theological spectrum sharply criticized the

loophole provision allowing the CIA to establish working relationships

with missionaries, contending that such a move could endanger the lives

of church workers in politically sensitive situations and undermine

efforts at reconciliation and conflict resolution.


Joan Brown Campbell, general secretary of the National Council of

Churches, said the 32-denomination agency "continues to take the

position that there should be a prohibition on the collaboration between

religious personnel and the intelligence community and that this should

have the force of law, without loopholes." The NCC has had a policy

position since 1980 opposing CIA use of clergy and missionaries.

Campbell noted that the NCC is consulting with its member denominations

and expects to pursue the matter, including the possibility of a law

that would close the loophole.


R. Lawrence Turnipseed, executive director of Church World Service, the

NCC's overseas relief and development agency, stressed that the work of

missionary and aid agencies depends on building trust relationships with

various kinds of groups overseas. "We work in many sensitive situations

politically . . . and our views don't always coincide with the U.S.

government's," he said. "Our being able to work and function effectively

depends on our colleagues being able to know we are independent."


"Even the possibility for such an occurrence is not only damaging but

dangerous for our missionaries in the field," said Richard Cizik, policy

analyst in the Washington office of the National Association of

Evangelicals. "We don't need our government making it more difficult for

our people." The NAE is an umbrella organization of theologically

conservative congregations and denominations, many of which send

missionaries overseas.


Barry Lynn, executive director of Washington-based Americans United for

Separation of Church and State, participated in the 1977 lobbying effort

as a staff member of the Washington office of the United Church of

Christ. Lynn argued that even the suggestion of a relationship between

the CIA and clergy destroys the trust that missionaries work to create.

"The loophole [exception to the rule] endangers the life of the

missionary, pollutes the clergy-parishioner relationship because it

destroys trust and is the ultimate in church-state entanglement," he

said. "This compromises efforts at evangelism everywhere."


Several groups, including the Southern Baptist Convention's Foreign

Mission Board and World Vision, an evangelical relief agency, pointed

out that they have policies forbidding employees from working with

intelligence agencies. "The Foreign Mission Board takes the stand that

any activity by any of its missionaries with not only the CIA but any

intelligence agency would be grounds for immediate dismissal," said Don

Kammerdiner, executive vice-president of the Baptist agency. The

Southern Baptists have about 4,100 U.S. missionaries overseas. World

Vision, which has several hundred Americans overseas at any given time,

declared in a statement that it often cooperates with government

agencies but "forbids its staff to have any relationship with, or

provide information to, any intelligence service or agency. The use of

even one missionary to gather intelligence can cast suspicion on all

Christian workers, foreign or national."


Journalists are no happier about the loophole than are members of

religious groups. Carl Rowan commented in his syndicated column February

28 that "merely by taking this public stance [CIA Director Deutch] has

endangered the lives of all U.S. journalists all over the world--even if

he never actually recruits any." Rowan criticized Deutch for supporting

the provision despite the protests of G. Kelly Hawes, president of the

Society of Professional Journalists, and Louis Boccardi, president of

the Associated Press. --RNS


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Written By

S.R. Shearer


On the first day of September, 1991, in room 419 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, there was a hearing that had been structured in such a way as to elicit as little public attention as possible. Experts were on hand to speak in tones pitched to guarantee boredom. Committee members, typically half-prepared and distracted, seemed to ensure an atmosphere of monotony and torpor. The Subcommittee on "Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations" of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was taking evidence on the murky and obscure workings of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), an institution which in the months ahead was to become known as the "Bank of Crooks and Spies." In various postures of piety and relaxation were Sens. Jesse Helms (R-NC), James Jeffords (R-VT), Claiborne Pell (D-RI), Paul Simon (D-IL), Alan Cranston (D-CA), and John Kerry (D-MA), the subcommittee chairman.


The two witnesses were Jack Blum, a former investigator for the subcommittee, and William von Rabb, U.S. Customs commissioner under Presidents Reagan and - until just that previous month - Bush - and dull their revelations were not. As Blum and von Rabb got deeper and deeper into their testimony, a number of reporters who had shown up - more out of habit and having nothing better to do - began to catch one another's eye; in the seats reserved for the public, quiet gave way to murmurs and even a few whistles of astonishment.


Did the Federal Reserve possess a list of names of prominent Washingtonians who had taken kickbacks from BCCI? Yes, it did. Had BCCI helped certain outlaw states acquire American nuclear technology? Yes, it had. Had payments been made through BCCI to drug runners, gun smugglers, death-squad leaders? You bet. Had the Treasury Department known about BCCI? Sure. What about the Justice Department? They knew what was up, and seemed most concerned that no others would.[1]


The testimony which began to slowly emerge in the weeks and months which followed should have concerned any evangelical with the patience to follow the hearings; it revealed a sinister and noxious web of relationships which connected BCCI, to the CIA, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Middle East, drug-smuggling, money-laundering, the Contras, the Vatican, a number of rich North American and Latin American businessmen, Clark Clifford, Manuel Noriega, the Calero brothers, the Medellin Drug Cartel, D'Aubuisson, Oliver North, Elliot Abrams, the Death Squads, killings, torture, "disappearances," etc. - essentially all those elements which in any way had been connected to the defeat of communism in Central and South America. And there, in the midst of it all, were the evangelicals





Many evangelicals, of course, will say that their involvement with such things (and people) had been worth it - the defeat of communism in Central and South America! But was it really? Can any good ever come out of such enterprises? such entanglements? - the torture! the "disappearances!" the drug-smuggling! the money laundering! etc. There is a price to be paid when one involves himself in such things - the defilement of one's soul; the contamination of one's psyche; the corruption of one's character. That's why the Scriptures warn that it's better for Christians - especially when acting together as a "community of faith" - to suffer evil and the wrong-doing of others than to take matters into one's own hands and strike back - even when they are apparently justified in doing so, as when, for example, the goal is the defeat of communist subversion:


"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also ... Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Please see Matt. 5:39-48)

But apparently that's not what a large number of evangelicals thought! - evidently Larry Lea didn't think so! nor did Cubie Ward! (more about this in upcoming journals) nor, evidently, did the Rev. Phil Derstein, head of Gospel Crusade, Inc. based out of Brandenton, Florida. Derstine is closely associated with Oral Roberts and various other "Seed Faith" luminaries. Derstine is typical of those evangelicals who, for one reason or another, got mixed up in the "goings-on" in Central and South America and who, as a result, became entangled in the CIA's dirty little war against communism in that area of the world in the 1970s and '80s.[2]


Derstein told reporters at the 1987 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Washington DC that he had become involved in the "happenings" in Central America at the behest of the National Security Council (NSC), specifically as a result of Oliver North's entreaties. Derstine's assertions as to his connection to the NSC are supported by a November 1985 report in a Florida newspaper, the Sarasota Harald-Tribune, that U.S. Rep. Andy Ireland (R-FL) had personally accompanied Derstine to a National Security Council briefing together with Oliver North prior to his September 1985 trip to the Honduras-Nicaragua border region.[3]


North had been passing himself off as a "Charismatic Catholic" (and, ipso facto, a card-carrying member of the evangelical community), and had, as a result, earned the endorsement of such evangelical notables as Pat Robertson. Robertson had described North as a "born-again" Christian and as a personal associate - it seems that all it takes today to become an evangelical is to speak in tongues, raise one's hands at prayer meetings, and punctuate one's speech with "Hallelujahs" and "Amens."[4] (Certain New Age cults do that; does that, one wonders, make them Christian as well?)


Interestingly, there is no evidence that prior to the 1980s North had ever taken any interest - personally or otherwise - in evangelicalism, which has led certain skeptics (and not just liberal ones) to conclude that his (i.e., North's) interest in evangelicalism had been carefully and knowingly calibrated by the NSC and the CIA more as a cynical device to lure the evangelical community into the war against communism in Central America than anything else. Indeed, according to North's testimony during the Iran / Contra hearings, Bill Casey, the Catholic head of the CIA, had taken the lead in this direction. North testified that Casey was a "dedicated Christian" who had taken him under his wing as a "father would a son."]


Derstine said that in meetings he attended with North, North would often punctuate his speech with "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" - indicating that the NSC and the CIA had molded and shaped their pupil well, and had expertly coached him in the vernacular of charismatic evangelicalism. Indeed, during this time it was not uncommon - according to sources who had occasion to listen in at the meetings of CIA and State Department operatives with Death Squad leaders and other assorted surrogates and agents at the Contra jungle camps in Central America - to hear great amounts of "Hallelujahs" and "Amens" emanating from those tight-knit circles. One person described these "gatherings" as resembling prayer meetings more than what they really were: the machinations of various killers hell-bent on the overthrow of the Sandinistas at whatever cost to the civilian population in blood and misery.


According to Derstine, North also introduced him to Contra leader Adolfo Calero and Enrique Bermudez. Both Bermudez and Calero have been linked through their Contra organizations not only to Death Squad activity, but also to drug-smuggling operations involving the Medellin Drug Cartel.[5] Derstine said that North had arranged similar introductions for other U.S. based evangelical organizations, among which were Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network and Woody Jenkins' group, Friends of the Americas.


Derstine claims to have traveled to Honduras and northern Nicaragua about a dozen times for meetings with Calero and Bermudez to "provide the Contras with ideological training." Derstine said, "I've been preaching among the Contras. They're so open to the Gospel. We're trying to get a chaplains' program going there. We've brought Bibles into the Contras. We've brought teaching tapes to the men, and they're open for us to bring in preachers any time we're able to." [One cannot help but wonder, however, what such a Gospel, one that has been so thoroughly politicized, can produce? - the kind which produces converts who can torture and kill while at the same time singing hymns, praising God and speaking in tongues? (Please see summer journal for more information on this matter)]. Derstine said that following his return from such missions, he would be met at the airport by State Department and CIA officials and debriefed - and one cannot really suppose that the CIA and the State Department were really all that interested in the number of converts to Christ Derstine's efforts had produced. Their interest obviously lay elsewhere and had little to do with the Kingdom of God.


Oh, what a muddled and snarled intrigue we as evangelicals got ourselves mixed up in when we involved ourselves and our churches with the CIA and the NSC in Central and South America. This is what happens when Christians involve themselves - even for the best of reasons - in politics. Someday we will have to explain it all - and on "that day," we won't be able to hide behind our contrived excuses and painstakingly complex obfuscations. And it's doubtful that the One to Whom we must ultimately answer will accept our involvement with torture, drug-smuggling, "disappearances," Death Squad leaders, etc. - all our elaborate justifications notwithstanding. We would all be well-advised to remember that -


Judgment begins first with

the household of God

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The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy



Many causes espoused by the Christian Right seem righteous and Biblical. One can hardly find fault with objectives such as producing "men of integrity", a return to "family values," protecting the "right to life," and other worthy ideals promoted by the many politically active Christian ministries. However, it is imperative that Christians look beyond the endearing slogans and outward appearances of religious organizations in order to evaluate their true agenda. (John 7:24)


Prior to Hitler's election as Chancellor of Germany, many Protestant ministers were naively impressed with Hitler's conservative rhetoric and encouraged German Christians to support National Socialism. In THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH, William Shirer wrote the following account of one influential minister who failed to recognize early enough that Hitler used Christian terminology only as an artifice to enlist the Protestant leadership in his service.


"The Reverend Martin Niemoller had personally welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933. In that year his autobiography, FROM U-BOAT TO PULPIT, had been published. The story of how this submarine commander in the First World War had become a prominent Protestant pastor was singled out for special praise in the Nazi press and became a best seller. To Pastor Niemoller, as to many a Protestant clergyman, the fourteen years of the Republic had been, as he said, 'years of darkness' and at the close of his autobiography he added a note of satisfaction that Nazi revolution had finally triumphed and that it had brought about the "national revival" for which he himself had fought so long -- for a time in the free corps, from which so many Nazi leaders had come.

"He was soon to experience a terrible disillusionment.

"The Protestants in Germany, as in the United States, were a divided faith. Only a few -- some 150,000 out of forty-five million of them -- belonged to the various Free Churches such as the Baptists and Methodists. The rest belonged to twenty-eight Lutheran and Reformed Churches of which the largest was the Church of the Old Prussian Union, with eighteen million members.

"With the rise of National Socialism there came further divisions among the Protestants. The more fanatical Nazis among them organized in 1932 'The German Christians' Faith Movement' ...(which) ardently supported the Nazi doctrines of race and the leadership principle and wanted them applied to a Reich Church which would bring all Protestants into one all-embracing body...

"Opposed to the 'German Christians' was another minority group which called itself the 'Confessional Church.' It had about the same number of pastors and was eventually led by Niemoller. It opposed the Nazification of the Protestant churches, rejected the Nazi racial theories and denounced the anti-Christian doctrines of Rosenberg and other Nazi leaders. In between lay the majority of Protestants, who seemed too timid to join either of the two warring groups, who sat on the fence and eventually, for the most part, landed in the arms of Hitler, accepting his authority to intervene in church affairs and obeying his commands without open protest...

"By the beginning of 1934, the disillusioned Pastor Niemoller had become the guiding spirit of the minority resistance in both the 'Confessional Church' and the Pastors' Emergency League...On the first of July, 1937, Dr. Niemoller was arrested and confined to Moabit prison in Berlin. On June 27 he had preached to the congregation, which always overflowed his church at Dahlem, what was to be his last sermon in the Third Reich. As if he had a foreboding of what was to come he said, 'We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of the authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man's behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.'

"After eight months in prison he was tried on March 2, 1938, before a Sondergericht, one of the 'Special Courts' set up by the Nazis to try offenders against the State, and though acquitted of the main charge of 'underhand attacks against the State' was fined two thousand marks and sentenced to seven months' imprisonment for 'abuse of the pulpit' and holding collections in his church. Since he had served more than this time, the court ordered his release, but he was seized by the Gestapo as he was leaving the courtroom, placed in 'protective custody' and confined in concentration camps, first at Sacchsenhausen and then at Dauchau, where he remained for seven years until liberated by Allied troops." *

The following article documents the origins and development of the Religious Right in the United States via similar exploitation of the Christian Church by the Rockefellers and other globalists. The article was written by Chey Simonton who, with Dana Hoard and Cynthia Weatherly, researched this issue in order to expose and defeat the Charter Schools Initiative in Washington State in 1995/96 -- an initiative which they discovered was being promoted by both New Agers and Christian Right front-groups.

Paul Weyrich, whose connections with Rockefeller and Big Business are documented herein, orchestrated the mobilization of the present religious / conservative political movement and has long been a member of the Council for National Policy, which includes many prominent Evangelical leaders. A directory of current Council for National Policy members is available at the Institute for First Amendment Studies.


For information regarding the origins of the CNP in the John Birch Society we refer the reader to our reports on The John Birch Society and The Council for National Policy. Detailed information about prominent CNP members, which reveals their connections with various cults and subversive organizations, is provided in our Database of CNP Officers & VIP Profiles.


* William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Ballantine Books, 1950, pp. 325-6, 329-31.









The Rockefeller/Heritage Connection


The Money Trail of the New Right


Leads to the Edge of the Cliff


by Chey Simonton




To understand why various "Conservative/Christian" organizations in Washington State as well as every other state in the nation have been less than stunning in their battle for Parents Rights and Family Values in public education, it is necessary to examine the financial contributions or "scientific giving" and patronage of the Rockefeller family,, through their family members, various businesses and foundations to social causes over the past century. Bearing in mind that, "He who pays the piper calls the tune," a single-minded piper with very deep pockets can control ALL the tunes, regardless of which band is playing.


We'll start with history from a century ago. One of the early philanthropies of the Rockefellers was the 1903 creation and funding of the General Education Board that focused on controlling education of minority populations in the rural south. During these early days of involvement they also founded and funded Columbia Teachers College in New York City to train teachers in the new science of behavioral psychology pioneered by Wundt in Leipzig and John B. Watson here in the U.S. The Rockefeller children had their personal education supervised by the well-known humanist/socialist progressive educator, John Dewey. After the successful Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 Dewey spent considerable time in the newly created USSR and helped the brand new commissars devise their school system.


In 1921 the Council on Foreign Relations was founded by the global-minded Rockefellers and other like-minded individuals. There has been a cloud of controversy surrounding the CFR since it's inception. Great personal wealth and a drive for power in all spheres of society and business have been the hallmark of it's membership from the beginning. If there is an "Elite" in our representative republic, the membership of the CFR represents the "Elite", if only to themselves. The list of media moguls, appointed and elected national politicians, military leaders, etc. goes on for pages and pages.


These people, through elected and appointed positions, have been "leading" this nation since the 1920s and if anyone considers the decline of America to have begun 60 years ago, various members of the CFR can be "thanked" for it. Regarding CFR members' participation in setting up the United Nations at the close of WWII,


". . .who would shape American policy in the postwar era, the best and brightest of their time and place, but who, outside their own elite world, were virtually anonymous." 1.

In the mid-1920s the Rockefeller's General Board of Education evolved into the International Bureau of Education and formed a partnership with UNESCO (the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) when it was formed shortly after World War II. The Rockefellers so strongly supported creation of the United Nations that they specially purchased then donated the New York City real estate where the towering UN is located.

In 1948 the Rockefeller Foundation made a four year grant to Harvard University Department of Economics to develop a mathematically-based method for a totally predictable Planned Economy through social engineering techniques. This program was called Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars technology. It involves intensive control and manipulation of the masses through media, markets, advertising, labor and wages, and public education. 2.


In the early 1950s Tennessee Congressman, Carroll Reece, chaired an investigation into the subversive activities of tax-exempt foundations. The overwhelming evidence compiled by Director of Research, Norman Dodd, was that the vast wealth of the foundations was being funneled into activities that promoted a socialist Anti-American worldview. In 1953 Rowan Gaither, president of the Ford Foundation, personally confided to Norman Dodd,


"The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant-making power to alter life in the United States so that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

(The directives emanated, according to Gaither, from the White House which has been staffed over the past 60 years with an unbroken chain of CFR members in key positions, regardless of Democrat /Republican rhetoric)

The Rockefeller Foundations' activities were found to line up exactly with Gaither's admissions and are well-documented in Congressman Reece's hearings and can be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents in Washington D.C. The entire text of this series of these hearings is voluminous and contains thousands of pages. It is also available on microfilm at the University of Washington library.


In mid-1960s the Rockefeller-funded International Bureau of Education and UNESCO discovered an ideal education vehicle for their Silent Weapon model developed by the Harvard Dept. of Economics. This is the Lifelong Learning model, that as Educational Restructuring, we are experiencing today. Over the next decade the IBE UNESCO partnership published many books expounding and refining every facet of the Lifelong Learning model. Many of these books serve as evidence in the video "The People vs. the Educational Confederacy, Educational Restructuring on Trial". These publications are on the shelves at the University of Washington library.


Culturally, we look back to the 1950s, and early 1960s when the majority of Americans, many veterans of WWII and Korea, were traditional nuclear families and carried out their daily lives with minimal interest in the political life of the nation or the world, catching the nightly news and reading the newspapers to keep current, but not intensely involved. This great majority of the population was dubbed the Silent Majority.


A Silent Majority of sensible, responsible people who believe in the integrity of their elected officials and system of government is not conducive to "moving the United States towards a merger with the Soviet Union." Such a merger requires intense emotional and financial upheaval of vast populations, here in America and in the Soviet Union, as well. In order to have a social revolution and manipulate an entire people into a new social order, it is necessary to incite them to the point of activism due to heightened perceptions of threatening issues. Nuclear holocaust, ecology, feminism, gay rights, abortion, euthanasia, drugs and crime are issues that have become headlines during this process of fomenting revolution. This manipulation is basic to Marx's Dialectical Materialism where opposing forces are pitted against each other relentlessly until the crisis point where, to avert cataclysm, a preconceived but carefully obscured compromise is enacted and the desired "synthesis" has been achieved, in this case, the Planned Economy and different social order, on a global scale.


One successful tactic has been to change the public perception of the Republican party. Republicans, always considered the party of Big Business interests, has supposedly become morally "traditional", appearing to trumpet and champion issues close to the hearts of the Silent Majority. The demographics of the Silent Majority had been carefully mapped using the sociological component of the Rockefeller financed Silent Weapons developed by the Harvard Dept. of Economics in the early 1950s.


Under intense manipulation, the Silent Majority could remain silent no longer. Successful recruitment and control of a large and emotionally volatile group requires careful rhetoric and skill. It also requires strong central organization, leadership that is perceived as "moral", and lots and lots of money. There emerged one man who has been extremely successful over the past 20 years, quietly channeling the activities and loyalties of New Right activists in directions compatible with the desires of his money masters. Paul Weyrich, a Wisconsin born "conservative" first founded the Washington D.C. based think tank, Heritage Foundation, and served as it's president for a number of years.


In William Greider's bestseller, WHO WILL TELL THE PEOPLE: THE BETRAYAL OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY 3.reveals , "Not withstanding its role as 'populist' spokesman, Weyrich's organization, for instance, has received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley." Remember, he who pays the piper calls the tune. If whoever funds your paycheck is your "boss", Weyrich is paid by multinational business to promote a multinational business agenda. It takes a heck of a stretch to maintain a pious pro-family demeanor with financial backing from these sources.


Ivy Lee, the public relations genius guiding the Rockefeller image in the first half of the century explained the successful manipulation in a nutshell, "Crowds are led by symbols and phrases. . .success in dealing with crowds. . .rests upon the art of getting believed in. We know that Henry the Eighth by his obsequious deference to forms of law was able to get the people to believe in him so completely that he was able to do almost anything with them." 4. In 1934 Lee was sent to Germany, assigned to design a positive public image for the Third Reich. He was subsequently called to account by the Special House Committee of UN-American Activities. Paul Weyrich and his Heritage affiliates, whether students of Lee's or not, apparently have attained mastery of the symbols and phrases of their target group, traditional Christians.


Weyrich then formed the Committee for the Survival of Free Congress Foundation making an emotional appeal to Protestant pastors that political activism is a mandate of patriotic Christianity, suggesting that New Right leadership be provided by organizations like Heritage Foundation and direct mail entrepreneur Richard Viguerie (who owes his financial solvency to the intervention of one of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's religio-political organizations. They, too, are actively "Reclaiming the Culture".)


Reclaiming the Culture has been the dominant theme of recent Heritage affiliated conservative organizations. Their outcry against evolution, abortion, and the political correctness brings fervent support from the masses. This certainly sounds like patriotic pro-family All-Americanism. Many stirring speeches have been made at Heritage sponsored fundraisers. Yet, the decidedly socialistic and unconstitutional concept of federal block grants to states is also touted as All-American. Weyrich & Co. support of NAFTA and GATT, two agreements that must be in place for Big Big Business and will, in time, destroy the economic stability of American families forever.


Pro-Family? The founding fathers of this nation did not advocate the pursuit of any agenda that disregards the Constitution. A global economy existed 200 years ago. Tea came from Asia then, as it does now. The founding fathers did not advocate a redistribution of wealth to promote a global economy and I believe they would have scorned the Heritage "level playing field" sales pitch for the hollow come-on it is.


Another Weyrich organization, The American Legislative Exchange Council, writes and disseminates "sample" legislation. In 1994 the self-proclaimed conservative pro-family American Legislative Exchange Council chose to honor one of the most radically anti-family socialist education reform plans in the nation, " Because of the state plan's scope and high standards, the American Legislative Exchange Council last month chose Oregon as one of eight states to receive its A+ award in education." 5.


This explains the resounding silence of the Heritage Foundation and it's affiliates in denouncing the National Center of Education and the Economy headed by Workforce designer Marc Tucker and his Carnegie cohort David Hornbeck. In addition to the usually targeted liberal board members, Hilary Clinton and Ira Magaziner, this NASDC funded design team includes David Rockefeller, Jr. Heritage is obviously not about to bite the hand that feeds it. The above cited A+ award to the state of Oregon, pilot of Tucker's Certificate of Mastery plan, suggests that Weyrich, through the American Legislative Exchange Council is paying homage to the Rockefeller interest in Marc Tucker's Design Team. Vera Katz of Oregon is also on the NCEE board of Directors.


At the height of the Vietnam war David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank accepted a Soviet invitation to open a representative bank in Moscow. "(The official address of the Moscow branch, somewhat incongruously, was 1 Karl Marx Square and it was located 1 block from the Kremlin)." 6. A footnote on page 426 of this same book amplifies that, "After the 1968 elections, the Russians let it be known through diplomatic channels that chances for rapprochement would be dramatically increased if David were ambassador."


Top men of the Heritage Foundation, Weyrich and his second in command, Ed Feulner, with the trust and cooperation of masses of sincerely committed conservatives have been in a position to further elitist Rockefeller goals. Along with radical World Government advocate, Walter Hoffman of the World Federalist Association, they participated on the 16 member U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations. You can request a copy of their final report by contacting the Commission at 1825 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20009. (Phone: 202-673-5012. Fax: 202-673-5007). Working with the US Information Agency, Feulner also participated in facilitating the infamous 1985 US-Soviet Education Technology and Cultural Exchange Agreement. Soviet pedagogy, based on behavioral conditioning for a compliant collective labor force, is a dream come true for the dozens of multinational corporations funding all the think tanks promoting American education reform. The humanist Carnegie Foundation, a century-long collaborator with Rockefeller philanthropy, facilitated the Soviet side of this Exchange Agreement.


Americans AND Russians, we are all targets to be restructured / perestroika'd. Remember Gaither's assertion to Dodd . . . the merger of the United States multi-national corporations' version of "free enterprise" married to the Soviet-perfected collectivist workforce, described in 1953 is nearly complete. Will it be complete by the year 2000? Could there possibly be a new global entity managed by a "reinvented" United Nations?


With a state by state interlock of affiliates having a media-hyped public persona of Judeo-Christian morality, Heritage Foundation affiliates have skillfully marketed the specific facets of the socialist agenda of Rockefeller's International Bureau of Education-UNESCO agenda for education ie. Character Education and Choice/Vouchers or Charter Schools. Character Education was primary to humanist John Dewey's input into the Bolshevik school system and was the heart of Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution in Red China in the 1960s. Both of these systems are designed to condition compliance for the benefit of the collective's Workforce. UNESCO foresees an actual character evolution within the human species in coming generations where mankind will evolve into Homo Moralis. Heritage/Hudson/Empower America insider, Dr. William J. Bennett's bestseller, THE BOOK OF VIRTUES correlates as the New Right counterpart of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book.


The 1955 UNESCO book, MENTAL HEALTH IN EDUCATION, is the earliest reference for the need for "choice" in education. Choice, vouchers and Charter Schools are part of the octopus approach. It radically changes school governance and finance, diminishes local control and fulfills the "all children will...." mandate of the UNESCO inspired national goals. The Charter Schools concept, strongly marketed around the country by Heritage affiliates, attempts to link patriotic free enterprise themes to a blatantly un-constitutional system of corporate fascism business /governmental partnerships in the education of children. Wall Street is currently gearing up for a brand new field of investment, for-profit public education. Convicted junk bond dealer, Michael Miliken, has expressed enthusiasm for this new trend, "He told the Wall Street Journal on Friday that he's trying to build his own education company. 'If we are successful, I really believe you can have a $50 billion to $100 billion company in the field of education." 7.


As Americans we have a right and an obligation to political action, but Christians have a higher obligation. We must not join questionable coalitions or jump on any passing bandwagon that plays a catchy tune. Our home is not in this world, or of this world. Reclaiming the Culture is not a new agenda. Indeed, there were many Israelites fighting to "Reclaim the Culture" when Jesus Christ walked the pavements of Jerusalem. They were not followers of our Lord Jesus. They wanted no part of Him or his plan of salvation. They were followers of men like Eleazar the Zealot who ultimately led his people to their fatal end on the ramparts of Masada nearly 2000 years ago.


Make your stand for what is right, but be very careful of man's institutions, be wary of coalitions, examine the money-trail. . . for whoever pays the piper calls the tune, the tune the whole world will dance to in the 21st Century.


* * * * *


. . . and one final quote from the Heritage Foundation founder that illustrates his true views of our Constitutional Representative Republic:


Our current system institutionalizes amateurism. Unlike European parliamentary democracies, we have no "shadow cabinet", no group of experts who are groomed by their party for decades before they take high office. . .

. . .If we are going to be a serious nation, we need a serious system for selecting our leaders and advisors, we need some sort of shadow government (emphasis added, ed.), in which leaders and top advisors can be developed, and through which our politics can be better focused on policy choices. The world is a professional league, and we cannot win fielding amateur teams.

~ Paul M. Weyrich in the Washington Post, 3/8/87


* * * * *


"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly..."


Psalm 1:1 KJV


"And many shall follow their pernicious ways: by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you..."

II Peter 2:2-3 KJV







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With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago, any perceived threat to U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation, the Western Goals Foundation. Out of the latter emerged the core group which, in 1981, formed the present Council for National Policy -- a consortium of high level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which is the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right projects.


Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, notes:"Before and after the formation of the John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public to the anticommunist cause." 1. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, corporations turned to non-profit organizations such as the JBS.


By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s, the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600 corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300 radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20 million...Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of activist groups like the John Birch Society. 2.

On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic, super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of controlling the opposition.

The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of industry that would be recognized as illegal if they had been effected by a monopoly of machinery. Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out into newly conquered territories. With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the "peasantry". This has earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for "liberalism". It is more appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3.

In the long march toward a new social order, ultra-right and left-wing agitation propaganda serve not only to polarize and destabilize society, they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy. Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against them, principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites:

The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ("Capitalism" or "Communism") and sharply defined citadels ("America" or "Russia"). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. -- Douglas Reed 4.

In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table and Fabian socialists -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of mankind:

Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War, contributed substantially to the funding of the London School of Economics and socialist movements everywhere, all vehemently "anti-capitalists", continued to receive massive support from the most powerful "capitalists."

It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the "Brave new World" ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that anything untoward had happened. In fact, the international socialists, instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide network of organizations the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, etc -- and continue to run it as if still under its original management; indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of their incomparable skill in the arts of deception. 5.

Carroll Quigley and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda have widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment. However, The Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment, which represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.

Produced in 1977 by a group of former high-ranking JBS members, "The Belmont Brotherhood" refers to the National Council at Belmont, Massachusetts where JBS national headquarters were originally located. Various sources cited therein document that the early members of the John Birch Society were also members of the liberal Establishment they pretended to oppose, and represented in great measure the corporate interests of America, which are advanced by the oaths of loyalty to one another in a secret brotherhood -- organized Freemasonry. This 12-page report concluded with the perceptive observation that the John Birch Society represents the most diabolical form of the Illuminati conspiracy:


"You may object: 'Look at all the great things [Founder, Robert] Welch has done - he has exposed the Illuminati.' Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason's chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively." 6.

The Introduction to a 1967 reprint of John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy (a 1789 expose of the Illuminati), published by the Birch-owned Western Islands publisher, disallowed that there could be present connections between the Illuminati and Freemasonry. According to the JBS, the Illuminati are the forefathers of Communism, but not of Freemasonry, which is held in the highest regard as a patriotic organization by the John Birch Society.

"Robison, a former Mason himself, found that 'this impunity [from authority by maintaining the Masonic rule of secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality.' Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in England, America and elsewhere has historically, and today is, quite another kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and spirituality...

"The true purpose of the [illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property...This is exactly what the Communists have been doing since 1848! Please note that Robison makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate from Freemasonry...[the] conspiracy [was] conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes...In the realm of ideology, certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken...

"Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use - of all groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations..." 7.

Contrary to the JBS position on Freemasonry are the facts of history. Organized Freemasonry has proven itself over centuries to be a secret society which foments revolution wherever it establishes a base of operation. That Masonry binds its initiates to a code of conduct antithetical to patriotism is the subject of a lengthy and well-documented series offered by the Ministry of Biblical Defense and titled America's Subversion: The Enemy Within. Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature investigations provide abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government. The Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than loyalty to country:

James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted. Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a strategic or tactical move at the time.

"Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London. In 1721 he started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'. He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England (founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he may have suggested it himself..." (p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989)


Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil. Oaths of secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and brotherhood. The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic code subverting justice, not excepting murder, not excepting even treason. 8.

The Western Goals Foundation

John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9. According to Conspiracies of World War II by J.S. Craig, "The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated 'the wrong enemy' and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people." 10. E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen. Patton's pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the Century -- an expose of the CIA's recruitment of high-level Nazi espionage agents:


...General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions to incorporate them into his US Third Army "and lead them against the Reds". Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney, deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov's complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining German units in its Bavarian sector. "What do you think those ****** bolshies think?" said Patton. "We're going to have to fight them sooner or later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army back into Russia? We can do it with my Germans..."

McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy, who promptly asked Patton to come and see him. Patton was not in the least subdued. "He inquired with a gleam in his eye", Murphy later wrote, "whether there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United States." The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that Eisenhower relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was fatally injured in a car crash. 11.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officers, solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union. In 1945, Gehlen offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from prosecution as a war criminal. The newly established Central Intelligence Agency formed the "Gehlen Organisation" which was Gehlen's former network for anti-Soviet espionage. Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA, the Gehlen Organisation became the most powerful espionage establishment in Western Europe.

In 1979, Gen. Patton's cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network. McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he succeeded Robert Welch as JBS Chairman. Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power struggle for McDonald's position. According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen:


McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals' operating budget at the time...

The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8) SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in l948. Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his efforts in the "crusade against godless Communism." Gehlen headed Adolf Hitler's spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war, he and his spy apparatus--staffed mostly by former Nazis--were recruited by the CIA. He became the first director of the BND, West Germany's intelligence agency. 12.

Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in the U.S. According to GroupWatch, Western Goals was able to bypass legal restraints placed on government intelligence agencies:

...groups like Western Goals allow "the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its 'subversive' domestic opposition..."(10) In Western Goals' case, this service was apparently not performed only for like-minded private groups. Elton Manzione quotes an East Coast police intelligence source as saying that Western Goals had a reputation of acting as a "clearinghouse" for some police departments whose intelligence- collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. Manzione noted that both the CIA and National Security Agency have received information from John Rees' Information Digest (see below). (8)...According to a 1976 investigation by the New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight, Information Digest was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency. 13.

The internal spying nature of the John Birch Society became known when its espionage against private citizens in connection with the LA Police Department was discovered:

The final straw for the police commission occurred two months earlier, when it was discovered that files previously ordered destroyed had been squirreled away by an intelligence officer, Jay Paul, with the approval of his superiors. Investigators with search warrants seized ninety cartons of files from his mobile home and other locations. Paul was in the process of feeding this data into the computers of Western Goals, a private organization headed by Congressman Larry McDonald, and was also involved with Research West, an operation founded by ex-FBI agents which sold information to corporations. Typical of the files in these cartons was a four-decade dossier on a state supreme court judge, compiled to assess his possible bias against police intelligence practices. 14.

Birch Society member, John Rees, whose Information Digest supplied information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, was one of the earliest members of the Western Goals Foundation and its principal espionage agent. Instrumental in obtaining Rees' entrance to Western Goals was J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Order of the Knights of Malta in the United States and president of W.R. Grace and Co. from 1945 until three years before his death in 1995. Profiles of J. Peter Grace in Who's Who in America list as his credits: Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1936, Assistant Secretary at W. R. Grace (1936), President and CEO (1945), Newcomen Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta (American Chapter of the Board of Founders), Knights of Malta President, address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas. 15.

Operation Paperclip


Considering that the Newcomen Society and CFR to which J. Peter Grace belonged were branches of Cecil Rhodes's eugenics club, The Round Table, it is not out of character that Grace would be involved in Project Paperclip -- a post World War II CIA arrangement to remove classified information from dossiers so that former SS members and 900+ Nazi scientists could emigrate to the U. S. Hundreds of war criminals would find employment within government agencies and companies such as W.R. Grace chemical company whose president was J. Peter Grace. The Covert Action Information Bulletin documents the close relationship between Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA, Knights of Malta and the Vatican, which had smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe through the infamous "rat lines":


On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany's equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND: federal secret service), under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout Catholic who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi.

After the appointment of Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head of U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, several historians noted with interest President Reagan's call during the summer of 1982 for a "crusade" against the "Evil Empire" in Eastern Europe. [including Balkans.....JP] 16.

The CIA also funded Nazi/SMOM fronts, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe: "The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by Reinhard Gehlen and funded by the CIA." 17. The Covert Action Information Bulletin describes the manner in which Radio Liberty, under the supervision of Grace and other prominent figures, functioned as a front for ex-Nazis:

In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created. The trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry Chamberlain, H.J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine, and Eugene Lyons. The Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA's Frank Wisner, funded numerous emigre "research institutes'' which, according to John Loftus [see UNHOLY TRINITY], were "little more than front groups for ex-Nazi intelligence officers.'' 18.

The Conquest of Latin America

"In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights [of Malta], after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone, William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy. While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private and governmental structures throughout the world." 19.

William Russell Grace founded W. R. Grace & Co. in Peru in 1854. The long history of W.R. Grace & Co. chronicles its global expansion and penetration of Latin America, in which region the Knights of Malta would later rebuild the Nazi network to conduct fascist operations. 20.

[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called Americares, of which he is chairman. A primary objective of Americares is to raise money for aid to Central America. The agency in charge of distributing this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras. 21.

AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua.(28) Prodemca was a neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver North's secret aid network.(28)

William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. The NFF was established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)... 22.

From 1982-95, J. Peter Grace (CFR) was Chairman of the Advisory Committee of AmeriCares, which included William E. Simon (CFR), Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon. The Honorary Chair of AmeriCares is Zbigniew Brzezinski (BB/CFR/TC); Ambassador-At-Large is Barbara Bush and the Advisory Committee includes: Prescott S. Bush, Jr. [brother to former Pres. George Bush (CFR)], 33º Mason Gen. Colin L. Powell (ret.) (CFR) and Sol M. Linowitz (CFR/TC), chairman of Xerox Corp and officer of the World Future Society. Sol Linowitz was also a representative to the Organization of American States and co-founder in 1964 with David Rockefeller (CFR) of the International Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in 1998. 23.

The Council on Foreign Relations was funded by the Rockefeller family and has functioned as its agency almost from its inception in 1919. The CFR and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, were jointly founded by American and British Round Table members following the Paris Peace Conference. According to The Round Table,"Attendees included British and American secret society members who worked for the British Secret Service or the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY." The historic meeting was described in Rockefeller "Internationalist": The Man Who Misrules the World.


"Conversations between Gen Tasker H. Bliss, Col. E. M. House, Prof. Archibald Cary Coolidge, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell and others of the American delegation, and British officials such as Sir Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Sir Valentine Chirol, Lord Eustace Percy and Harold Temperley, led to a dinner meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 30, 1919. It was formally agreed that an organization should be created for the study of international affairs. The first two resolutions set forth the proposed form and substance of the undertaking: 'RESOLVED: That those present undertake to form an Institute entitled The Institute of International Affairs. Founded in Paris in 1919 comprised at the outset of two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the U.S...'" 24.

CFR member J. Peter Grace's collusion with the Rockefeller exploitation of Latin America was documented in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil:

"David [Rockefeller] made plans to absorb Nelson's old Inter-American Council and the Latin American Information Committee into the Business Group for Latin America. What emerged was the Council for Latin America (now called the Council for the Americas), which united more than 200 corporations with more than 80 percent of U.S. investments in Latin America into a common business front. David set up the council in a Manhattan townhouse across the street from the mansion Junior had give the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)...

"David was not just a brother of one of the best known Americans in Latin America, and not just president of the Chase Bank. He also represented the Council for Latin America... Note 32... J. Peter Grace, chairman of W.R. Grace & Company and another leading figure in David's Council for Latin America." 25.


During the period of the Boland amendment's ban on U.S. government involvement in Latin America, a network of private right-wing groups worked to subvert leftist governments by supporting rebel organizations such as the Nicaraguan Contras. Among these was the Western Goals Foundation whose principals included, besides Larry McDonald, John Rees, Roy Cohn and Gen. George S. Patton III, other persons of note with associations to Nazis, subversive organizations, organized crime, the FBI and CIA:

Major General John Singlaub (ret.)


[singlaub] became CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War and served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s. At that time, he was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG. In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix, although he denies having had a part in that program's infamous assassination and counterterror aspects. In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of President Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country. He was then forced to retire. (8,9,10) 26.

Operation Phoenix was a terrorist and drug operation in Southwest Asia which would form the experiential basis for the later theatre of operation: Latin America.

Professional assassinations manager Felix I. Rodriguez met with Bush aide Donald P. Gregg, officially and secretly, at the White House. Gregg then recommended to National Security Council adviser Robert "Bud'' McFarlane a plan for El Salvador-based military attacks on a target area of Central American nations including Nicaragua. Gregg's March 17, 1983 memo to [NSC adviser Robert] McFarlane said: "The attached plan, written in March of last year, grew out of two experiences: "--Anti-Vietcong operations run under my direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972. These operations [see below], based on...a small elite force...produced very favorable results."...

[CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss Ted Shackley to Southeast Asia in 1970. Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran- Contra. Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North and Richard Secord were officers of the unit. By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000 civilians in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix. 27.

The World Anti-Communist League

In the late seventies, John Singlaub became head of the World Anti-Communist League, in which capacity he engaged the services of J. Peter Grace and AmeriCares to supply arms to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua:


At the same time, Americares seems to share certain interests with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), now directed by ex-Major General John Singlaub, who in 1978 was required to resign for defying the President. When the White House failed to win Congressional support for funding the Contras in Nicaragua, Ronald Reagan enlisted the support of the World Anti-Communist League and others. American journalists have legitimately wondered how much of this money and material is in fact being provided by J. Peter Grace's Americares organisation and distributed through the Knights of Malta. 28.

The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as the public relations arm for the governments of Taiwan and South Korea to continue Hitler's policy of forming a unified front against communism. According to Inside the League, "It has since become something far more important: an instrument for the practice of unconventional warfare -- assassinations, death squads, sabotage -- throughout the world." Not only did the WACL adopt the techniques used by Nazis, but the Eastern European Nazi network as well:

"When most people think of Nazis, two images are evoked: aging war criminals, the Josef Mengeles and Klaus Barbies living in frightened obscurity somewhere in South America, or else of disenchanted youths, who, in brown shirts and jackboots, vandalize synagogues and march through city streets. But there is a third type of Nazi, who is far more powerful, public, and dangerous than the other two: these are the Croatians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Latvians who carried out the German-dictated massacres, who never faced a Nuremberg, and who joined the World Anti-Communist League.

"The participation of these Eastern Europeans in the Holocaust remains one of the least-told stories in modern history. The reason this is so is simple: many of them were recruited by American and British intelligence, brought into the United States and Canada, allowed to rise to prominent positions in their emigré communities, and ultimately to revise history... Through their front groups and their involvement in American politics, the Nazi collaborators have blended in and become respectable."

"If one wants to find Nazi collaborators, it is only necessary to examine the European chapters of the World Anti-Communist League. With the creations of the World Anti-Communist League, there came into existence a worldwide network of fascism..." 29.

The first American League Chapter of the WACL was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), founded in 1970 by Lee Edwards, former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth organization of the John Birch Society. Edwards attracted many members of the New Right, such as Reed Irvine and Richard Viguerie, also Unification Church president, Neil Salonen. When the ACWF resigned from the WACL in 1975, due to mistrust from the Latin American League, convicted Nazi collaborator and racialist Briton, Roger Pearson, served as the American League president for three years:

...Pearson has traveled in New Right circles for many years, formerly as an editorial associate for such mainstream organizations as the Heritage Foundation and the American Security Council... On the other [hand], he is a white supremacist who warns of the dangers of whites breeding with 'inferior' stock... and bragged to an associate about his alleged role in hiding Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, the infamous 'Angel of Death' of the Auschwitz extermination camp. He is also the man who, as world chairman of the World Anti-Communist League in 1978, was responsible for flooding the European League chapters with Nazi sympathizers and former officers of the Nazi SS... 30.

Pearson, a member of the British Eugenics Society, was educated at the London School of Economics, which was funded by fellow eugenicists Henry Ford and the Fabian Society for the purpose of training an elite caste to govern a new social order: "Obtaining his bachelor of science in anthropology from the University of London in 1951 and his master's in economics in 1954, Pearson showed an early interest in eugenics...He wrote several books on the subject, including Eugenics and Race and Race and Civilization." 30. Pearson was relocated to the United States in 1965 by Willis Carto, head of the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, and became editor of Carto's magazine, Western Destiny.

Roger Pearson's successor as head of the American WACL was John Singlaub, whose high level and government connections restored an appearance of respectability to the WACL. Serving on the advisory board were such notables as Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, Andy Messing of the National Defense Council and Fred Schlafly, husband of Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum. The membership also included several high-ranking military officers such as Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. With the help of Oliver North, John Singlaub would enable the Contra resistance in Nicaragua, assisting David Rockefeller and J. Peter Grace with the corporate takeover of Latin America:


In 1984, Singlaub headed a Pentagon panel called to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America. The panel's report urged the U.S. to emphasize nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies.(9,10) Under the Reagan administration, Singlaub received assistance and guidance from White House and National Security Council (NSC) officials for his "private" contra-supply activities. He identified former NSC aide Oliver North as his liaison to the White House. 32.

Lt. Col. Oliver North

A diagram found in Oliver North's safe showed [Western Goals executive director] Linda Guell's name written above the words "Western Goals." The note on the diagram said that Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing -- a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation -- to Western Goals. The diagram was drawn at the bottom of a letter from Fawn Hall to "Phil [Mabry] and Randy," dated April 18, 1985.(4,20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation... 33.

Daniel Graham

Lt. Gen. Graham (see Govt Connections) is director of the defense lobby High Frontier.(9,14) He is also a member of the World Anti-Communist League--an organization which until recently was headed by John Singlaub. Graham is a former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church...

Daniel Graham has written pamphlets for Western Goals. Graham is former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency... John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... 34.

Sherman Unkefer

Larry McDonald, John Rees, and Sherman Unkefer were members of the John Birch Society... Sherman Unkefer served as an adviser to Chile's regime under Augusto Pinochet. Unkefer reportedly worked closely with Chile's secret police organization, DINA. 35.

Mildred Jefferson

John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church...

Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson, physician; President, Right to Life Crusade, National Right to Life Foundation: Trustee, St. Louis University; Diplomate, American Board of Surgery; Father Flanagan Award, Boys Town, Nebraska; graduate Harvard Medical School; honorary degrees from 26 institutions. 36.


Financing Revolution

Funding for the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League has come from beer baron Joseph Coors and Texas oil billionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt. In 1966, H.L. Hunt was approached for funding Vatican anti-Communist operations in Latin America, a project in conjunction with the Unification Church which he discussed in a later interview:


"'I was approached by Paolo Cardinal Marella, who said he spoke for the Pope and asked if I would supply members of my [20,000 member] Youth Freedom Speakers' movement who spoke Spanish to be sent south [to Latin America] to engage in speechmaking and activities. I was told the Pope was thinking in terms of 11 million dollars a year support for the entire movement against communism in Spanish-speaking countries.' ........ The project was now centered in New York, at the Asian Speakers Bureau, with the Free Pacific Association, Inc., on Riverside Drive [another front for the Rev. Moon's Unification Church]." 37.

Funding for the Western Goals Foundation was provided by corporations and wealthy John Birch Society members, a primary benefactor being Nelson Bunker Hunt. Another major funder of Western Goals was industrialist, Roger Milliken, a member of JBS and of the Board of Directors of W.R. Grace Co. Deering-Milliken and Deering-Milliken Research Corporations also funded Western Goals. 38.

The Council for National Policy


Nelson Bunker Hunt's membership in the John Birch Society is mentioned in Ominous Politics, with reference to the Texas billionaire's contribution to the Moral Majority: "Hunt, whose Birch Society background is documented by Conway and Siegelman in Holy Terror, also made a contribution of $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, according to Perry Dean Young." 39.


In the same year, William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy, "a highly secretive coalition which represents the entire spectrum of New Right corporate executives, TV preachers and former high ranking government and military leaders. The Council for National Policy is considered the primary coordinating body--and funding conduit--for Christian Right projects." 40.


Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was president of the CNP in 1982-83, is among several of the John Birch Society / Western Goals Foundation principals and associates who also served on the newly-formed CNP Board of Governors:


Singlaub, Graham, and Jefferson are/were members of the board of governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive policy-oriented umbrella organization for the rightwing in the United States. Other Western Goals members who are/were on the Council's board of governors include: Sherman Unkefer, Hans Sennholz, and Robert Stoddard. The group's financial backer Nelson Bunker Hunt is on CNP's board too, as was Larry McDonald. Oliver North has also been a member of the CNP since its inception. 41.

[Note: Robert Stoddard is listed in "The Belmont Brotherhood," as Chairman of the Board of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, whose editors belong to the local Committee of the CFR.]

Howard Phillips of the USCWF [WACL] board is chairman of the Conservative Caucus and on the board/executive committee of the Council for National Policy. 42.

Major F. Andy Messing, Jr., USAR (Ret.), former chair of the Conservative Caucus, is on the USWCF board, on the board of the Council for National Policy and was the head of the National Defense Council Foundation. 43.

[(Linda) Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing--a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation--to Western Goals.] 44.

J. Peter Grace (CFR) of W.R. Grace Co was on the [CNP] board of governors as of 1986.(7) 45. J. Peter Grace is chairman of W.R. Grace and Company which focuses its business activities in Latin America. He heads the U.S. chapter of the Knights of Malta, was a board member of Prodemca (Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America) and also a member of the CFR. 46.

William Simon (CFR) and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church...

[NOTE: Regarding his creation of the Washington Times, which received an award from the CNP in 1988, Rev. Sun Myung Moon stated in 1991: "No matter how proud Americans might be, making noise over all four corners of the world, that is bad. They will fall down... God has made it so that Americans have no choice but to bow down. A new America is about to take off, following Reverend Moon... From this time on, the next important point is the revival of the Christian church. Father [Moon] does not regard this as his own responsibility. This is America's responsibility. To support that Father created the Washington Times." 47.]

[William] Simon is or was connected with two other think tanks that were influential in policy formation in the early years of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.(12,45) Simon is or was a member of the elitist rightwing policy formation group, the Council for National Policy. 48.

Frank Shakespeare was U.S. Information Agency director and director of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.(13) During the Reagan administration he served as ambassador to Portugal from 1985 to 1987, and then as ambassador to the Vatican.(13); chairman, The Heritage Foundation; has served in executive positions in the communications industry for more than 30 years; former president, CBS Television Services. 49.

Dr. Edward Teller (CFR) was a Hungarian-born American physicist who became the architect of the hydrogen bomb. During World War II he was a member of the MANHATTAN PROJECT for the development of the atomic bomb. 50. Teller was a member of the Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, an advisor to the Western Goals Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and member of the Board of Governors of the CNP. 51.

Another major benefactor of the Council for National Policy is 33º Mason Richard DeVos, president of the Amway Corporation, which also funded the Aspen Global Change Institute. DeVos serves as a judge for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, on the Board of Directors of (33º Mason) Robert Schuller Ministries, and as Trustee of (33º Mason) Gerald R. Ford Foundation. Richard DeVos is also a member of the Newcomen Society and the Round Table. 52.

Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and executive officer of the Religious Roundtable, Campus Crusade and JBS, and main funder/second president of the CNP) and Jesse Helms (whose top political operative, Tom Ellis, was director of the racial eugenics Pioneer Fund and second CNP president) were members of a racial eugenics society -- the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology.:


"[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton's] deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978." 53.

"For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers." 54.


Carroll Quigley's history of the Rhodes' Round Table, aka Cliveden Set (Cliveden being the home of Lord Astor), admitted to the society's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty of Versailles:

Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined. it has been called "The Times Crowd,the Rhodes crowd," the "Chatham House crowd," the "All Soul's group," and the "Cliveden set... Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the 1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only. This is quite mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the [peace] settlement as early as 1919. 55.

The Belmont Brotherhood documents that the founding JBS National Council was entrenched in the Eastern Establishment it purported to despise. Nor is its progeny, the Council for National Policy, a conservative, anti-Communist organization, but rather a globalist organization, anti-American and unpatriotic in the extreme. Noting the curious crossover tendencies between right and left in the World Anti-Communist League, authors of Inside the Leagueoffer the following insightful analysis:

The first enemy for both political extremes is the center. Both ultra-leftists and ultra-rightists have the same primary objective: to polarize the country, to implement the breakdown of the governing system, and ultimately to create a situation of chaos where armed conflict will be between the right and the left, the center having been discredited by its failure to prevent it...

Little wonder that terrorist after terrorist, and terrorism expert after terrorism expert, have agreed that the purpose of both Red and Black terror is to destroy the open, democratic forms of liberal government, and to replace them with something elitist and totalitarian. Rightist terror seeks "the brutal intervention of repressive forces." Leftist terror seeks the same, believing that only complete repression will bring a self-satisfied, quiet bourgeoisie to a flash point, a revolutionary "critical mass."

If this is the objective of the World Anti-Communist League, then it goes a long way toward explaining the strange alliances it has formed. It is this very pursuit of international polarization and its ability to embrace openly about the League's true nature. Some have even suggested a secret sponsorship by the Soviet Union or other communist governments, employing it as the ultimate agent provocateur.

The idea may not be as absurd as it first sounds. The open antipathy--and, in some cases, hatred -- for the United States and Western democracy that can be found in the League are outlooks that could easily be manipulated by the Soviets, if they haven't already." 56.

We contend that Soviet communism was merely one phase of the global dialectic, fascism and communism being two expressions of the same conspiracy. Nicholas Murray Butler of the English-Speaking Union has informed us: "Communism is the tool by which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments in the interest of world government, world police and world currency." 57. The true conspirators are identified in The New Unhappy Lords:

If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens can be understood. These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. There are dozens of such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations - Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford - provides an infallible means of recognizing them. 58.

The real conspiracy is neither exclusively communist nor fascist, but elitist, inexorably moving society through progressive deconstruction and redefinition to a Third Way society, in which a partnership of government and business will subjugate and control an enslaved workforce to serve its own purposes. That the final world empire is a composite of these forms is a concept which finds basis in Bible prophecy, specifically the hybrid "beast" of Daniel 7:3-6 and Revelation 13:1,2:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority. Rev. 13:1,2

Students of Scripture will have discovered these identical beasts in Daniel 7:

And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another. The first was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a BEAR, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this I beheld, and lo another, like a LEOPARD, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it... Dan. 7:3-6

Daniel 7:17 disqualifies the interpretation that these beasts symbolize the existing Babylonian and future Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires described in Daniel chapter 2. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. Dan. 7:17

Since the beasts of Daniel 7 necessarily refer to four future (from Daniel's perspective) world empires, a plausible interpretation has been proposed with reference to the present century. Nazi Germany was known for its Panzer (Panther or Leopard) divisions in World War II, and the symbol of Communist Russia is the Bear which has "devoured much flesh." The Royal Arms of England displays the Rampant Lion, "made to stand upon the feet as a man" and the Unicorn, symbolizing the union of England and Scotland respectively. This is also the symbol of the British-Israel Movement. The Eagle whose wings were plucked in Daniel 7:4 is an obvious reference to the United States, which government from its inception was the vehicle through which the English Freemasons planned to establish the new world order.


The Masonic axiom "Ordo ab Chao" (order out of chaos) will find a measure of fulfillment in Daniel 7:7: After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and break in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.


The Christian Response


A.K. Chesterton said in Candour, "At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped...


"Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations. They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence. They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes. To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin's game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom's betrayal."

Using religion to control the masses is an essential fact of World Revolution, the dynamics of which are extensively treated in the online version of The Union Jack. Regardless of one's interpretation of Bible prophecy and ignoring the author's broad brush of Fundamental Christianity, the concepts articulated in Chapter 3 provide insight that is desperately needed if Christians would escape the dialectical trap that has been laid for them. No quarter may be given to the shock troops of agents provocateur that have been unleashed upon the Church, wearing the dual masks of patriotism and Christianity, and whose assignment is to incite Christians against their own government:

Though their facts in most cases may be 100 per cent true, their method of USE produces an effect contrary to that supposed by the user, and his constant harangues on "what's wrong in Washington" builds a revolutionary state of mind in the American people and creates false antagonisms and loss of confidence, the effect of which will destroy the American government instead of restoring constitutional guarantees. So the patriots gain respect for their vast knowledge of facts while they use them to mold "American opinion" against America. This is British Israel at work, and it multiplies its strength by turning Americans against America by turning the truth into a lie, and at the same time reserves to itself respectability under the cloak of Christian terminology and the American Flag. It conceals itself within the very thing that it seeks to destroy...

The effect of the activities of these Christian fronts is to create counteraction against the United States government, which in turn builds the revolution to a point where the people themselves overthrow their own government, thinking all the time that they are patriots. The purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of mind and then the people will bring down their own government. The anti-Communist movement as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti-American; while parading with the American Flag it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the American government, just as Hitler did in Germany. Of course the claim of these people is that they want to get back to constitutional government and most of them sincerely want to, but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their actions is to destroy that which they believe they save. If they could understand the esoteric (hidden) purpose of their organizations, they would not be so anxious to be led to the slaughter. They should realize that as revolution increases constitutional government decreases. Government by crisis is a dictatorship...

Conspiracy always has a DUAL nature. It has the right wing and the left wing. It has the peace groups and the war groups. It has the religious and the atheist. It has the white race and the black race. It has those in power and those out, it has those at the top and those at the bottom...

Those in power such as in America today inaugurate socialistic programs and protect the street rioters thus creating the revolution from the top. Then the right wing dutifully calls it Communism and proceeds to heat up the sham. The dilemma is that the real issue and the real power is never revealed and this is the dilemma that puts those at the top and those on the bottom on the same side -- the wrong side of constitutional government. The effect of this fictitious confrontation is confusion and deception which is fuel for the revolutionary fire, and the result of it is the destruction of constitutional government and not the preservation of it. A bewildered people is the desire of world revolution and constructive criticism of government can come only when the people know fact from fantasy. British Israel is a cancer which controls the mind through confusion. With control of the mind the control of the body is automatic. If one has a basis for truth which is the true gospel and God's redemptive purpose, then he can see that there is a clear pattern to be seen through British Anglo Israel confusion which can be recognized through their consistent goal which is world government, under whatever name. Their strength is in twisting truth into a lie... The thing that makes spiritual bondage complete is that the people don't know it, and if they don't know it they will not resist it, but will embrace it.

The purpose of posting this series of exposes on the Christian Right is to provide information upon which basis Christians may examine the roots of this movement and to reevaluate the leaders, religious and otherwise. Those who function as facilitators of the dialectical process, who create unrest and distrust of government, are in direct violation of Scripture:

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the power that be are ordained of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Romans 13:1,2

May we instead turn to Scripture for our admonishment and examples, recalling that Jesus' apostles led no political movement, much less an insurrection against the Powers That Be, as is the custom of self-appointed leaders of the so-called Christian Right. Future reports on the Council for National Policy will demonstrate that its members are mere creatures of the Eastern Establishment, who derive their principles from the devilish wisdom of Freemasonry rather than pure and peaceable wisdom of God's Word. In striking contrast to their inflammatory rhetoric were the apostle Peter's instructions to the persecuted New Testament churches -- words that were penned under the reign of terror of the infamous Emperor Nero:

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. I Pet. 2:13-17

The Council for National Policy

Project Megiddo & The Next Revolution


The Belmont Brotherhood





1. Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, Guilford Press, 1995, p. 52.

2. Ibid.

3. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist" - The Man Who Misrules the World, NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 37.

4. "This Age of Conflict," Ivor Benson, http://www.intrstar.net/~wpaper/AgeofConflict.html

5. Ibid.

6. The Belmont Brotherhood, http://watch-unto-prayer.org/belmont.html

7. James Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Western Islands Publishers, 1976, 1789, Introduction.

8. "America's Subversion: The Enemy Within," Sonny Stermole, Ministry of Biblical Defense, http://www.execpc.com/~amerisub/intro/intro.html

9. "Watchman on the Wall," Warren P. Mass, The New American, August 29, 1988, http://jbs.org/Focus/mcdonald2.htm .

10. "Conspiracies of World War II," J. S. Craig, http://ecentral.com/members/jcraig/MILIT.HTM

11. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971, pp. 127-28.

12. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch, Western Goals Foundation, http://www.pir.org/gw/wg.txt References: 5. Letter from Sean Steinbach and Dominik Diehl, May 22, 1987. 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985.

13. Ibid., References: 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986); 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985. .

14. Ibid., References: Donner, Protectors of Privilege, pp. 245-89; Joel Sappell, "Jay Paul," Los Angeles Tim

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With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago, any perceived threat to U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation, the Western Goals Foundation. Out of the latter emerged the core group which, in 1981, formed the present Council for National Policy -- a consortium of high level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which is the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right projects.


Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, notes:"Before and after the formation of the John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public to the anticommunist cause." 1. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, corporations turned to non-profit organizations such as the JBS.


By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s, the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600 corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300 radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20 million...Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of activist groups like the John Birch Society. 2.

On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic, super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of controlling the opposition.

The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of industry that would be recognized as illegal if they had been effected by a monopoly of machinery. Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out into newly conquered territories. With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the "peasantry". This has earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for "liberalism". It is more appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3.

In the long march toward a new social order, ultra-right and left-wing agitation propaganda serve not only to polarize and destabilize society, they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy. Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against them, principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites:

The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ("Capitalism" or "Communism") and sharply defined citadels ("America" or "Russia"). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. -- Douglas Reed 4.

In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table and Fabian socialists -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of mankind:

Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War, contributed substantially to the funding of the London School of Economics and socialist movements everywhere, all vehemently "anti-capitalists", continued to receive massive support from the most powerful "capitalists."

It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the "Brave new World" ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that anything untoward had happened. In fact, the international socialists, instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide network of organizations the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, etc -- and continue to run it as if still under its original management; indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of their incomparable skill in the arts of deception. 5.

Carroll Quigley and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda have widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment. However, The Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment, which represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.

Produced in 1977 by a group of former high-ranking JBS members, "The Belmont Brotherhood" refers to the National Council at Belmont, Massachusetts where JBS national headquarters were originally located. Various sources cited therein document that the early members of the John Birch Society were also members of the liberal Establishment they pretended to oppose, and represented in great measure the corporate interests of America, which are advanced by the oaths of loyalty to one another in a secret brotherhood -- organized Freemasonry. This 12-page report concluded with the perceptive observation that the John Birch Society represents the most diabolical form of the Illuminati conspiracy:


"You may object: 'Look at all the great things [Founder, Robert] Welch has done - he has exposed the Illuminati.' Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason's chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively." 6.

The Introduction to a 1967 reprint of John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy (a 1789 expose of the Illuminati), published by the Birch-owned Western Islands publisher, disallowed that there could be present connections between the Illuminati and Freemasonry. According to the JBS, the Illuminati are the forefathers of Communism, but not of Freemasonry, which is held in the highest regard as a patriotic organization by the John Birch Society.

"Robison, a former Mason himself, found that 'this impunity [from authority by maintaining the Masonic rule of secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality.' Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in England, America and elsewhere has historically, and today is, quite another kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and spirituality...

"The true purpose of the [illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property...This is exactly what the Communists have been doing since 1848! Please note that Robison makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate from Freemasonry...[the] conspiracy [was] conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes...In the realm of ideology, certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken...

"Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use - of all groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations..." 7.

Contrary to the JBS position on Freemasonry are the facts of history. Organized Freemasonry has proven itself over centuries to be a secret society which foments revolution wherever it establishes a base of operation. That Masonry binds its initiates to a code of conduct antithetical to patriotism is the subject of a lengthy and well-documented series offered by the Ministry of Biblical Defense and titled America's Subversion: The Enemy Within. Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature investigations provide abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government. The Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than loyalty to country:

James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted. Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a strategic or tactical move at the time.

"Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London. In 1721 he started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'. He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England (founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he may have suggested it himself..." (p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989)


Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil. Oaths of secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and brotherhood. The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic code subverting justice, not excepting murder, not excepting even treason. 8.

The Western Goals Foundation

John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9. According to Conspiracies of World War II by J.S. Craig, "The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated 'the wrong enemy' and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people." 10. E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen. Patton's pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the Century -- an expose of the CIA's recruitment of high-level Nazi espionage agents:


...General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions to incorporate them into his US Third Army "and lead them against the Reds". Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney, deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov's complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining German units in its Bavarian sector. "What do you think those ****** bolshies think?" said Patton. "We're going to have to fight them sooner or later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army back into Russia? We can do it with my Germans..."

McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy, who promptly asked Patton to come and see him. Patton was not in the least subdued. "He inquired with a gleam in his eye", Murphy later wrote, "whether there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United States." The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that Eisenhower relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was fatally injured in a car crash. 11.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officers, solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union. In 1945, Gehlen offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from prosecution as a war criminal. The newly established Central Intelligence Agency formed the "Gehlen Organisation" which was Gehlen's former network for anti-Soviet espionage. Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA, the Gehlen Organisation became the most powerful espionage establishment in Western Europe.

In 1979, Gen. Patton's cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network. McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he succeeded Robert Welch as JBS Chairman. Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power struggle for McDonald's position. According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen:


McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals' operating budget at the time...

The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8) SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in l948. Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his efforts in the "crusade against godless Communism." Gehlen headed Adolf Hitler's spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war, he and his spy apparatus--staffed mostly by former Nazis--were recruited by the CIA. He became the first director of the BND, West Germany's intelligence agency. 12.

Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in the U.S. According to GroupWatch, Western Goals was able to bypass legal restraints placed on government intelligence agencies:

...groups like Western Goals allow "the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its 'subversive' domestic opposition..."(10) In Western Goals' case, this service was apparently not performed only for like-minded private groups. Elton Manzione quotes an East Coast police intelligence source as saying that Western Goals had a reputation of acting as a "clearinghouse" for some police departments whose intelligence- collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. Manzione noted that both the CIA and National Security Agency have received information from John Rees' Information Digest (see below). (8)...According to a 1976 investigation by the New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight, Information Digest was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency. 13.

The internal spying nature of the John Birch Society became known when its espionage against private citizens in connection with the LA Police Department was discovered:

The final straw for the police commission occurred two months earlier, when it was discovered that files previously ordered destroyed had been squirreled away by an intelligence officer, Jay Paul, with the approval of his superiors. Investigators with search warrants seized ninety cartons of files from his mobile home and other locations. Paul was in the process of feeding this data into the computers of Western Goals, a private organization headed by Congressman Larry McDonald, and was also involved with Research West, an operation founded by ex-FBI agents which sold information to corporations. Typical of the files in these cartons was a four-decade dossier on a state supreme court judge, compiled to assess his possible bias against police intelligence practices. 14.

Birch Society member, John Rees, whose Information Digest supplied information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, was one of the earliest members of the Western Goals Foundation and its principal espionage agent. Instrumental in obtaining Rees' entrance to Western Goals was J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Order of the Knights of Malta in the United States and president of W.R. Grace and Co. from 1945 until three years before his death in 1995. Profiles of J. Peter Grace in Who's Who in America list as his credits: Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1936, Assistant Secretary at W. R. Grace (1936), President and CEO (1945), Newcomen Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta (American Chapter of the Board of Founders), Knights of Malta President, address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas. 15.

Operation Paperclip


Considering that the Newcomen Society and CFR to which J. Peter Grace belonged were branches of Cecil Rhodes's eugenics club, The Round Table, it is not out of character that Grace would be involved in Project Paperclip -- a post World War II CIA arrangement to remove classified information from dossiers so that former SS members and 900+ Nazi scientists could emigrate to the U. S. Hundreds of war criminals would find employment within government agencies and companies such as W.R. Grace chemical company whose president was J. Peter Grace. The Covert Action Information Bulletin documents the close relationship between Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA, Knights of Malta and the Vatican, which had smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe through the infamous "rat lines":


On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany's equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND: federal secret service), under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout Catholic who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi.

After the appointment of Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head of U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, several historians noted with interest President Reagan's call during the summer of 1982 for a "crusade" against the "Evil Empire" in Eastern Europe. [including Balkans.....JP] 16.

The CIA also funded Nazi/SMOM fronts, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe: "The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by Reinhard Gehlen and funded by the CIA." 17. The Covert Action Information Bulletin describes the manner in which Radio Liberty, under the supervision of Grace and other prominent figures, functioned as a front for ex-Nazis:

In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created. The trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry Chamberlain, H.J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine, and Eugene Lyons. The Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA's Frank Wisner, funded numerous emigre "research institutes'' which, according to John Loftus [see UNHOLY TRINITY], were "little more than front groups for ex-Nazi intelligence officers.'' 18.

The Conquest of Latin America

"In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights [of Malta], after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone, William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy. While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private and governmental structures throughout the world." 19.

William Russell Grace founded W. R. Grace & Co. in Peru in 1854. The long history of W.R. Grace & Co. chronicles its global expansion and penetration of Latin America, in which region the Knights of Malta would later rebuild the Nazi network to conduct fascist operations. 20.

[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called Americares, of which he is chairman. A primary objective of Americares is to raise money for aid to Central America. The agency in charge of distributing this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras. 21.

AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua.(28) Prodemca was a neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver North's secret aid network.(28)

William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. The NFF was established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)... 22.

From 1982-95, J. Peter Grace (CFR) was Chairman of the Advisory Committee of AmeriCares, which included William E. Simon (CFR), Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon. The Honorary Chair of AmeriCares is Zbigniew Brzezinski (BB/CFR/TC); Ambassador-At-Large is Barbara Bush and the Advisory Committee includes: Prescott S. Bush, Jr. [brother to former Pres. George Bush (CFR)], 33º Mason Gen. Colin L. Powell (ret.) (CFR) and Sol M. Linowitz (CFR/TC), chairman of Xerox Corp and officer of the World Future Society. Sol Linowitz was also a representative to the Organization of American States and co-founder in 1964 with David Rockefeller (CFR) of the International Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in 1998. 23.

The Council on Foreign Relations was funded by the Rockefeller family and has functioned as its agency almost from its inception in 1919. The CFR and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, were jointly founded by American and British Round Table members following the Paris Peace Conference. According to The Round Table,"Attendees included British and American secret society members who worked for the British Secret Service or the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY." The historic meeting was described in Rockefeller "Internationalist": The Man Who Misrules the World.


"Conversations between Gen Tasker H. Bliss, Col. E. M. House, Prof. Archibald Cary Coolidge, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell and others of the American delegation, and British officials such as Sir Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Sir Valentine Chirol, Lord Eustace Percy and Harold Temperley, led to a dinner meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 30, 1919. It was formally agreed that an organization should be created for the study of international affairs. The first two resolutions set forth the proposed form and substance of the undertaking: 'RESOLVED: That those present undertake to form an Institute entitled The Institute of International Affairs. Founded in Paris in 1919 comprised at the outset of two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the U.S...'" 24.

CFR member J. Peter Grace's collusion with the Rockefeller exploitation of Latin America was documented in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil:

"David [Rockefeller] made plans to absorb Nelson's old Inter-American Council and the Latin American Information Committee into the Business Group for Latin America. What emerged was the Council for Latin America (now called the Council for the Americas), which united more than 200 corporations with more than 80 percent of U.S. investments in Latin America into a common business front. David set up the council in a Manhattan townhouse across the street from the mansion Junior had give the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)...

"David was not just a brother of one of the best known Americans in Latin America, and not just president of the Chase Bank. He also represented the Council for Latin America... Note 32... J. Peter Grace, chairman of W.R. Grace & Company and another leading figure in David's Council for Latin America." 25.


During the period of the Boland amendment's ban on U.S. government involvement in Latin America, a network of private right-wing groups worked to subvert leftist governments by supporting rebel organizations such as the Nicaraguan Contras. Among these was the Western Goals Foundation whose principals included, besides Larry McDonald, John Rees, Roy Cohn and Gen. George S. Patton III, other persons of note with associations to Nazis, subversive organizations, organized crime, the FBI and CIA:

Major General John Singlaub (ret.)


[singlaub] became CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War and served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s. At that time, he was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG. In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix, although he denies having had a part in that program's infamous assassination and counterterror aspects. In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of President Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country. He was then forced to retire. (8,9,10) 26.

Operation Phoenix was a terrorist and drug operation in Southwest Asia which would form the experiential basis for the later theatre of operation: Latin America.

Professional assassinations manager Felix I. Rodriguez met with Bush aide Donald P. Gregg, officially and secretly, at the White House. Gregg then recommended to National Security Council adviser Robert "Bud'' McFarlane a plan for El Salvador-based military attacks on a target area of Central American nations including Nicaragua. Gregg's March 17, 1983 memo to [NSC adviser Robert] McFarlane said: "The attached plan, written in March of last year, grew out of two experiences: "--Anti-Vietcong operations run under my direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972. These operations [see below], based on...a small elite force...produced very favorable results."...

[CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss Ted Shackley to Southeast Asia in 1970. Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran- Contra. Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North and Richard Secord were officers of the unit. By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000 civilians in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix. 27.

The World Anti-Communist League

In the late seventies, John Singlaub became head of the World Anti-Communist League, in which capacity he engaged the services of J. Peter Grace and AmeriCares to supply arms to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua:


At the same time, Americares seems to share certain interests with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), now directed by ex-Major General John Singlaub, who in 1978 was required to resign for defying the President. When the White House failed to win Congressional support for funding the Contras in Nicaragua, Ronald Reagan enlisted the support of the World Anti-Communist League and others. American journalists have legitimately wondered how much of this money and material is in fact being provided by J. Peter Grace's Americares organisation and distributed through the Knights of Malta. 28.

The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as the public relations arm for the governments of Taiwan and South Korea to continue Hitler's policy of forming a unified front against communism. According to Inside the League, "It has since become something far more important: an instrument for the practice of unconventional warfare -- assassinations, death squads, sabotage -- throughout the world." Not only did the WACL adopt the techniques used by Nazis, but the Eastern European Nazi network as well:

"When most people think of Nazis, two images are evoked: aging war criminals, the Josef Mengeles and Klaus Barbies living in frightened obscurity somewhere in South America, or else of disenchanted youths, who, in brown shirts and jackboots, vandalize synagogues and march through city streets. But there is a third type of Nazi, who is far more powerful, public, and dangerous than the other two: these are the Croatians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Latvians who carried out the German-dictated massacres, who never faced a Nuremberg, and who joined the World Anti-Communist League.

"The participation of these Eastern Europeans in the Holocaust remains one of the least-told stories in modern history. The reason this is so is simple: many of them were recruited by American and British intelligence, brought into the United States and Canada, allowed to rise to prominent positions in their emigré communities, and ultimately to revise history... Through their front groups and their involvement in American politics, the Nazi collaborators have blended in and become respectable."

"If one wants to find Nazi collaborators, it is only necessary to examine the European chapters of the World Anti-Communist League. With the creations of the World Anti-Communist League, there came into existence a worldwide network of fascism..." 29.

The first American League Chapter of the WACL was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), founded in 1970 by Lee Edwards, former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth organization of the John Birch Society. Edwards attracted many members of the New Right, such as Reed Irvine and Richard Viguerie, also Unification Church president, Neil Salonen. When the ACWF resigned from the WACL in 1975, due to mistrust from the Latin American League, convicted Nazi collaborator and racialist Briton, Roger Pearson, served as the American League president for three years:

...Pearson has traveled in New Right circles for many years, formerly as an editorial associate for such mainstream organizations as the Heritage Foundation and the American Security Council... On the other [hand], he is a white supremacist who warns of the dangers of whites breeding with 'inferior' stock... and bragged to an associate about his alleged role in hiding Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, the infamous 'Angel of Death' of the Auschwitz extermination camp. He is also the man who, as world chairman of the World Anti-Communist League in 1978, was responsible for flooding the European League chapters with Nazi sympathizers and former officers of the Nazi SS... 30.

Pearson, a member of the British Eugenics Society, was educated at the London School of Economics, which was funded by fellow eugenicists Henry Ford and the Fabian Society for the purpose of training an elite caste to govern a new social order: "Obtaining his bachelor of science in anthropology from the University of London in 1951 and his master's in economics in 1954, Pearson showed an early interest in eugenics...He wrote several books on the subject, including Eugenics and Race and Race and Civilization." 30. Pearson was relocated to the United States in 1965 by Willis Carto, head of the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, and became editor of Carto's magazine, Western Destiny.

Roger Pearson's successor as head of the American WACL was John Singlaub, whose high level and government connections restored an appearance of respectability to the WACL. Serving on the advisory board were such notables as Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, Andy Messing of the National Defense Council and Fred Schlafly, husband of Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum. The membership also included several high-ranking military officers such as Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. With the help of Oliver North, John Singlaub would enable the Contra resistance in Nicaragua, assisting David Rockefeller and J. Peter Grace with the corporate takeover of Latin America:


In 1984, Singlaub headed a Pentagon panel called to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America. The panel's report urged the U.S. to emphasize nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies.(9,10) Under the Reagan administration, Singlaub received assistance and guidance from White House and National Security Council (NSC) officials for his "private" contra-supply activities. He identified former NSC aide Oliver North as his liaison to the White House. 32.

Lt. Col. Oliver North

A diagram found in Oliver North's safe showed [Western Goals executive director] Linda Guell's name written above the words "Western Goals." The note on the diagram said that Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing -- a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation -- to Western Goals. The diagram was drawn at the bottom of a letter from Fawn Hall to "Phil [Mabry] and Randy," dated April 18, 1985.(4,20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation... 33.

Daniel Graham

Lt. Gen. Graham (see Govt Connections) is director of the defense lobby High Frontier.(9,14) He is also a member of the World Anti-Communist League--an organization which until recently was headed by John Singlaub. Graham is a former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church...

Daniel Graham has written pamphlets for Western Goals. Graham is former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency... John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... 34.

Sherman Unkefer

Larry McDonald, John Rees, and Sherman Unkefer were members of the John Birch Society... Sherman Unkefer served as an adviser to Chile's regime under Augusto Pinochet. Unkefer reportedly worked closely with Chile's secret police organization, DINA. 35.

Mildred Jefferson

John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church...

Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson, physician; President, Right to Life Crusade, National Right to Life Foundation: Trustee, St. Louis University; Diplomate, American Board of Surgery; Father Flanagan Award, Boys Town, Nebraska; graduate Harvard Medical School; honorary degrees from 26 institutions. 36.


Financing Revolution

Funding for the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League has come from beer baron Joseph Coors and Texas oil billionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt. In 1966, H.L. Hunt was approached for funding Vatican anti-Communist operations in Latin America, a project in conjunction with the Unification Church which he discussed in a later interview:


"'I was approached by Paolo Cardinal Marella, who said he spoke for the Pope and asked if I would supply members of my [20,000 member] Youth Freedom Speakers' movement who spoke Spanish to be sent south [to Latin America] to engage in speechmaking and activities. I was told the Pope was thinking in terms of 11 million dollars a year support for the entire movement against communism in Spanish-speaking countries.' ........ The project was now centered in New York, at the Asian Speakers Bureau, with the Free Pacific Association, Inc., on Riverside Drive [another front for the Rev. Moon's Unification Church]." 37.

Funding for the Western Goals Foundation was provided by corporations and wealthy John Birch Society members, a primary benefactor being Nelson Bunker Hunt. Another major funder of Western Goals was industrialist, Roger Milliken, a member of JBS and of the Board of Directors of W.R. Grace Co. Deering-Milliken and Deering-Milliken Research Corporations also funded Western Goals. 38.

The Council for National Policy


Nelson Bunker Hunt's membership in the John Birch Society is mentioned in Ominous Politics, with reference to the Texas billionaire's contribution to the Moral Majority: "Hunt, whose Birch Society background is documented by Conway and Siegelman in Holy Terror, also made a contribution of $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, according to Perry Dean Young." 39.


In the same year, William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy, "a highly secretive coalition which represents the entire spectrum of New Right corporate executives, TV preachers and former high ranking government and military leaders. The Council for National Policy is considered the primary coordinating body--and funding conduit--for Christian Right projects." 40.


Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was president of the CNP in 1982-83, is among several of the John Birch Society / Western Goals Foundation principals and associates who also served on the newly-formed CNP Board of Governors:


Singlaub, Graham, and Jefferson are/were members of the board of governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive policy-oriented umbrella organization for the rightwing in the United States. Other Western Goals members who are/were on the Council's board of governors include: Sherman Unkefer, Hans Sennholz, and Robert Stoddard. The group's financial backer Nelson Bunker Hunt is on CNP's board too, as was Larry McDonald. Oliver North has also been a member of the CNP since its inception. 41.

[Note: Robert Stoddard is listed in "The Belmont Brotherhood," as Chairman of the Board of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, whose editors belong to the local Committee of the CFR.]

Howard Phillips of the USCWF [WACL] board is chairman of the Conservative Caucus and on the board/executive committee of the Council for National Policy. 42.

Major F. Andy Messing, Jr., USAR (Ret.), former chair of the Conservative Caucus, is on the USWCF board, on the board of the Council for National Policy and was the head of the National Defense Council Foundation. 43.

[(Linda) Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing--a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation--to Western Goals.] 44.

J. Peter Grace (CFR) of W.R. Grace Co was on the [CNP] board of governors as of 1986.(7) 45. J. Peter Grace is chairman of W.R. Grace and Company which focuses its business activities in Latin America. He heads the U.S. chapter of the Knights of Malta, was a board member of Prodemca (Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America) and also a member of the CFR. 46.

William Simon (CFR) and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church...

[NOTE: Regarding his creation of the Washington Times, which received an award from the CNP in 1988, Rev. Sun Myung Moon stated in 1991: "No matter how proud Americans might be, making noise over all four corners of the world, that is bad. They will fall down... God has made it so that Americans have no choice but to bow down. A new America is about to take off, following Reverend Moon... From this time on, the next important point is the revival of the Christian church. Father [Moon] does not regard this as his own responsibility. This is America's responsibility. To support that Father created the Washington Times." 47.]

[William] Simon is or was connected with two other think tanks that were influential in policy formation in the early years of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.(12,45) Simon is or was a member of the elitist rightwing policy formation group, the Council for National Policy. 48.

Frank Shakespeare was U.S. Information Agency director and director of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.(13) During the Reagan administration he served as ambassador to Portugal from 1985 to 1987, and then as ambassador to the Vatican.(13); chairman, The Heritage Foundation; has served in executive positions in the communications industry for more than 30 years; former president, CBS Television Services. 49.

Dr. Edward Teller (CFR) was a Hungarian-born American physicist who became the architect of the hydrogen bomb. During World War II he was a member of the MANHATTAN PROJECT for the development of the atomic bomb. 50. Teller was a member of the Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, an advisor to the Western Goals Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and member of the Board of Governors of the CNP. 51.

Another major benefactor of the Council for National Policy is 33º Mason Richard DeVos, president of the Amway Corporation, which also funded the Aspen Global Change Institute. DeVos serves as a judge for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, on the Board of Directors of (33º Mason) Robert Schuller Ministries, and as Trustee of (33º Mason) Gerald R. Ford Foundation. Richard DeVos is also a member of the Newcomen Society and the Round Table. 52.

Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and executive officer of the Religious Roundtable, Campus Crusade and JBS, and main funder/second president of the CNP) and Jesse Helms (whose top political operative, Tom Ellis, was director of the racial eugenics Pioneer Fund and second CNP president) were members of a racial eugenics society -- the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology.:


"[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton's] deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978." 53.

"For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers." 54.


Carroll Quigley's history of the Rhodes' Round Table, aka Cliveden Set (Cliveden being the home of Lord Astor), admitted to the society's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty of Versailles:

Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined. it has been called "The Times Crowd,the Rhodes crowd," the "Chatham House crowd," the "All Soul's group," and the "Cliveden set... Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the 1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only. This is quite mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the [peace] settlement as early as 1919. 55.

The Belmont Brotherhood documents that the founding JBS National Council was entrenched in the Eastern Establishment it purported to despise. Nor is its progeny, the Council for National Policy, a conservative, anti-Communist organization, but rather a globalist organization, anti-American and unpatriotic in the extreme. Noting the curious crossover tendencies between right and left in the World Anti-Communist League, authors of Inside the Leagueoffer the following insightful analysis:

The first enemy for both political extremes is the center. Both ultra-leftists and ultra-rightists have the same primary objective: to polarize the country, to implement the breakdown of the governing system, and ultimately to create a situation of chaos where armed conflict will be between the right and the left, the center having been discredited by its failure to prevent it...

Little wonder that terrorist after terrorist, and terrorism expert after terrorism expert, have agreed that the purpose of both Red and Black terror is to destroy the open, democratic forms of liberal government, and to replace them with something elitist and totalitarian. Rightist terror seeks "the brutal intervention of repressive forces." Leftist terror seeks the same, believing that only complete repression will bring a self-satisfied, quiet bourgeoisie to a flash point, a revolutionary "critical mass."

If this is the objective of the World Anti-Communist League, then it goes a long way toward explaining the strange alliances it has formed. It is this very pursuit of international polarization and its ability to embrace openly about the League's true nature. Some have even suggested a secret sponsorship by the Soviet Union or other communist governments, employing it as the ultimate agent provocateur.

The idea may not be as absurd as it first sounds. The open antipathy--and, in some cases, hatred -- for the United States and Western democracy that can be found in the League are outlooks that could easily be manipulated by the Soviets, if they haven't already." 56.

We contend that Soviet communism was merely one phase of the global dialectic, fascism and communism being two expressions of the same conspiracy. Nicholas Murray Butler of the English-Speaking Union has informed us: "Communism is the tool by which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments in the interest of world government, world police and world currency." 57. The true conspirators are identified in The New Unhappy Lords:

If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens can be understood. These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. There are dozens of such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations - Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford - provides an infallible means of recognizing them. 58.

The real conspiracy is neither exclusively communist nor fascist, but elitist, inexorably moving society through progressive deconstruction and redefinition to a Third Way society, in which a partnership of government and business will subjugate and control an enslaved workforce to serve its own purposes. That the final world empire is a composite of these forms is a concept which finds basis in Bible prophecy, specifically the hybrid "beast" of Daniel 7:3-6 and Revelation 13:1,2:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority. Rev. 13:1,2

Students of Scripture will have discovered these identical beasts in Daniel 7:

And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another. The first was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a BEAR, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this I beheld, and lo another, like a LEOPARD, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it... Dan. 7:3-6

Daniel 7:17 disqualifies the interpretation that these beasts symbolize the existing Babylonian and future Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires described in Daniel chapter 2. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. Dan. 7:17

Since the beasts of Daniel 7 necessarily refer to four future (from Daniel's perspective) world empires, a plausible interpretation has been proposed with reference to the present century. Nazi Germany was known for its Panzer (Panther or Leopard) divisions in World War II, and the symbol of Communist Russia is the Bear which has "devoured much flesh." The Royal Arms of England displays the Rampant Lion, "made to stand upon the feet as a man" and the Unicorn, symbolizing the union of England and Scotland respectively. This is also the symbol of the British-Israel Movement. The Eagle whose wings were plucked in Daniel 7:4 is an obvious reference to the United States, which government from its inception was the vehicle through which the English Freemasons planned to establish the new world order.


The Masonic axiom "Ordo ab Chao" (order out of chaos) will find a measure of fulfillment in Daniel 7:7: After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and break in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.


The Christian Response


A.K. Chesterton said in Candour, "At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped...


"Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations. They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence. They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes. To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin's game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom's betrayal."

Using religion to control the masses is an essential fact of World Revolution, the dynamics of which are extensively treated in the online version of The Union Jack. Regardless of one's interpretation of Bible prophecy and ignoring the author's broad brush of Fundamental Christianity, the concepts articulated in Chapter 3 provide insight that is desperately needed if Christians would escape the dialectical trap that has been laid for them. No quarter may be given to the shock troops of agents provocateur that have been unleashed upon the Church, wearing the dual masks of patriotism and Christianity, and whose assignment is to incite Christians against their own government:

Though their facts in most cases may be 100 per cent true, their method of USE produces an effect contrary to that supposed by the user, and his constant harangues on "what's wrong in Washington" builds a revolutionary state of mind in the American people and creates false antagonisms and loss of confidence, the effect of which will destroy the American government instead of restoring constitutional guarantees. So the patriots gain respect for their vast knowledge of facts while they use them to mold "American opinion" against America. This is British Israel at work, and it multiplies its strength by turning Americans against America by turning the truth into a lie, and at the same time reserves to itself respectability under the cloak of Christian terminology and the American Flag. It conceals itself within the very thing that it seeks to destroy...

The effect of the activities of these Christian fronts is to create counteraction against the United States government, which in turn builds the revolution to a point where the people themselves overthrow their own government, thinking all the time that they are patriots. The purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of mind and then the people will bring down their own government. The anti-Communist movement as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti-American; while parading with the American Flag it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the American government, just as Hitler did in Germany. Of course the claim of these people is that they want to get back to constitutional government and most of them sincerely want to, but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their actions is to destroy that which they believe they save. If they could understand the esoteric (hidden) purpose of their organizations, they would not be so anxious to be led to the slaughter. They should realize that as revolution increases constitutional government decreases. Government by crisis is a dictatorship...

Conspiracy always has a DUAL nature. It has the right wing and the left wing. It has the peace groups and the war groups. It has the religious and the atheist. It has the white race and the black race. It has those in power and those out, it has those at the top and those at the bottom...

Those in power such as in America today inaugurate socialistic programs and protect the street rioters thus creating the revolution from the top. Then the right wing dutifully calls it Communism and proceeds to heat up the sham. The dilemma is that the real issue and the real power is never revealed and this is the dilemma that puts those at the top and those on the bottom on the same side -- the wrong side of constitutional government. The effect of this fictitious confrontation is confusion and deception which is fuel for the revolutionary fire, and the result of it is the destruction of constitutional government and not the preservation of it. A bewildered people is the desire of world revolution and constructive criticism of government can come only when the people know fact from fantasy. British Israel is a cancer which controls the mind through confusion. With control of the mind the control of the body is automatic. If one has a basis for truth which is the true gospel and God's redemptive purpose, then he can see that there is a clear pattern to be seen through British Anglo Israel confusion which can be recognized through their consistent goal which is world government, under whatever name. Their strength is in twisting truth into a lie... The thing that makes spiritual bondage complete is that the people don't know it, and if they don't know it they will not resist it, but will embrace it.

The purpose of posting this series of exposes on the Christian Right is to provide information upon which basis Christians may examine the roots of this movement and to reevaluate the leaders, religious and otherwise. Those who function as facilitators of the dialectical process, who create unrest and distrust of government, are in direct violation of Scripture:

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the power that be are ordained of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Romans 13:1,2

May we instead turn to Scripture for our admonishment and examples, recalling that Jesus' apostles led no political movement, much less an insurrection against the Powers That Be, as is the custom of self-appointed leaders of the so-called Christian Right. Future reports on the Council for National Policy will demonstrate that its members are mere creatures of the Eastern Establishment, who derive their principles from the devilish wisdom of Freemasonry rather than pure and peaceable wisdom of God's Word. In striking contrast to their inflammatory rhetoric were the apostle Peter's instructions to the persecuted New Testament churches -- words that were penned under the reign of terror of the infamous Emperor Nero:

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. I Pet. 2:13-17

The Council for National Policy

Project Megiddo & The Next Revolution


The Belmont Brotherhood





1. Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, Guilford Press, 1995, p. 52.

2. Ibid.

3. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist" - The Man Who Misrules the World, NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 37.

4. "This Age of Conflict," Ivor Benson, http://www.intrstar.net/~wpaper/AgeofConflict.html

5. Ibid.

6. The Belmont Brotherhood, http://watch-unto-prayer.org/belmont.html

7. James Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Western Islands Publishers, 1976, 1789, Introduction.

8. "America's Subversion: The Enemy Within," Sonny Stermole, Ministry of Biblical Defense, http://www.execpc.com/~amerisub/intro/intro.html

9. "Watchman on the Wall," Warren P. Mass, The New American, August 29, 1988, http://jbs.org/Focus/mcdonald2.htm .

10. "Conspiracies of World War II," J. S. Craig, http://ecentral.com/members/jcraig/MILIT.HTM

11. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971, pp. 127-28.

12. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch, Western Goals Foundation, http://www.pir.org/gw/wg.txt References: 5. Letter from Sean Steinbach and Dominik Diehl, May 22, 1987. 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985.

13. Ibid., References: 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986); 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985. .

14. Ibid., References: Donner, Protectors of Privilege, pp. 245-89; Joel Sappell, "Jay Paul," Los Angeles Tim

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With the onset of the McCarthy era 50 years ago, any perceived threat to U.S. sovereignty from the British Round Table and its American branch shifted to an obsession with the Soviet Union. Roy Cohn, who was legal counsel to Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the anti-Communist Senate investigations of the 1950s, would later become a member of the John Birch Society and a principle figure in the JBS intelligence gathering operation, the Western Goals Foundation. Out of the latter emerged the core group which, in 1981, formed the present Council for National Policy -- a consortium of high level political, corporate and evangelical leaders which is the primary coordinating body and funding conduit for Christian Right projects.


Sara Diamond's book, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, notes:"Before and after the formation of the John Birch Society, corporations played a major role in rallying the public to the anticommunist cause." 1. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing -- a movement they blamed on the communists. To reduce the cost of producing and distributing anti-Communist materials, corporations turned to non-profit organizations such as the JBS.


By 1963, corporations were spending an estimated $25 million per year on anticommunist literature... Some corporations circulated print and audio-visual materials produced by the John Birch Society; other corporations produced their own in-house literature...By the early 1960s, the Nation magazine reported that there was a minimum of 6,600 corporate-financed anticommunist broadcasts, carried by more than 1,300 radio and television stations at a total annual budget of about $20 million...Leading sponsors included Texas oil billionaire H.L. Hunt and Howard J. Pew of Sun Oil. The corporate sector's massive anticommunist propaganda campaigns created a favorable climate for the mobilization of activist groups like the John Birch Society. 2.

On the other hand, or rather the other side of the dialectic, super-capitalists such as John D. Rockefeller would come to understand the potential of using labor unions to corporate advantage -- as a means of controlling the opposition.

The Rockefeller interests have not overlooked and have made good use of the monopoly of labor that is afforded to unions, to effect monopolies of industry that would be recognized as illegal if they had been effected by a monopoly of machinery. Labor unions have proved to be a powerful weapon for the Rockefeller Empire in extending its world conquest; and subsidized unioneers are always in the forefront of the emissaries that they send out into newly conquered territories. With Marxism as a shibboleth, they are rapidly accomplishing a world-wide subjugation of the "peasantry". This has earned for wily John D. Jr. a reputation for "liberalism". It is more appropriately called "Rockefellerism". 3.

In the long march toward a new social order, ultra-right and left-wing agitation propaganda serve not only to polarize and destabilize society, they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy. Lest an informed and united citizenry form an alliance against them, principles of conflict management are employed by the power elites:

The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ("Capitalism" or "Communism") and sharply defined citadels ("America" or "Russia"). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case. -- Douglas Reed 4.

In his essay on the unseen hand behind This Age of Conflict, Ivor Benson reveals the natural partnership that exists between ostensibly opposing forces -- for example, the fascist Rhodes-Milner Round Table and Fabian socialists -- to secure a common objective, namely, the subjugation of mankind:

Significantly Julius Wernher, of the Wernher-Beit conglomerate that supported Milner's effort to precipitate the Anglo-Boer War, contributed substantially to the funding of the London School of Economics and socialist movements everywhere, all vehemently "anti-capitalists", continued to receive massive support from the most powerful "capitalists."

It was because of the absence of any fundamental antagonism between the philosophies of John Ruskin and of Karl Marx that it was possible for the "Brave new World" ambition, so actively promoted by Rhodes and his heirs, to be absorbed into the socialist world-power vortex with hardly a sign that anything untoward had happened. In fact, the international socialists, instruments of the most highly concentrated financial power, were able to take over the Rhodes-Milner establishment, complete with its worldwide network of organizations the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilaterals, etc -- and continue to run it as if still under its original management; indeed, it simply gave the socialists a new Dimension for the exercise of their incomparable skill in the arts of deception. 5.

Carroll Quigley and colleagues of like sympathy with the Rhodes agenda have widely propagated the belief that the American branch of the Round Table organization is exclusively the liberal Eastern Establishment. However, The Belmont Brotherhood revealed that the Anglo-American Establishment, which represents the interests of the aforesaid corporations, also launched the ultra-conservative movement in the United States, the John Birch Society being a pioneer of the extreme right of this dialectical process.

Produced in 1977 by a group of former high-ranking JBS members, "The Belmont Brotherhood" refers to the National Council at Belmont, Massachusetts where JBS national headquarters were originally located. Various sources cited therein document that the early members of the John Birch Society were also members of the liberal Establishment they pretended to oppose, and represented in great measure the corporate interests of America, which are advanced by the oaths of loyalty to one another in a secret brotherhood -- organized Freemasonry. This 12-page report concluded with the perceptive observation that the John Birch Society represents the most diabolical form of the Illuminati conspiracy:


"You may object: 'Look at all the great things [Founder, Robert] Welch has done - he has exposed the Illuminati.' Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason's chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively." 6.

The Introduction to a 1967 reprint of John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy (a 1789 expose of the Illuminati), published by the Birch-owned Western Islands publisher, disallowed that there could be present connections between the Illuminati and Freemasonry. According to the JBS, the Illuminati are the forefathers of Communism, but not of Freemasonry, which is held in the highest regard as a patriotic organization by the John Birch Society.

"Robison, a former Mason himself, found that 'this impunity [from authority by maintaining the Masonic rule of secrecy] had gradually encouraged men of licentious principles to become more bold, and to teach doctrines subversive of all our notions of morality.' Let us be quick to say that Freemasonry in England, America and elsewhere has historically, and today is, quite another kind and its members characterized by high standards of morality and spirituality...

"The true purpose of the [illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property...This is exactly what the Communists have been doing since 1848! Please note that Robison makes it clear that the Illuminati Order was quite distinct and separate from Freemasonry...[the] conspiracy [was] conceived not by Masons as Masons, but by evil men using Freemasonry as a vehicle for their own purposes...In the realm of ideology, certainly the line from the Illuminati Order to the Communist Manifesto is straight and unbroken...

"Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use - of all groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations..." 7.

Contrary to the JBS position on Freemasonry are the facts of history. Organized Freemasonry has proven itself over centuries to be a secret society which foments revolution wherever it establishes a base of operation. That Masonry binds its initiates to a code of conduct antithetical to patriotism is the subject of a lengthy and well-documented series offered by the Ministry of Biblical Defense and titled America's Subversion: The Enemy Within. Facts substantiated by the writings of Masonic scholars and determined by U.S. state legislature investigations provide abundant proof that, within the United States, there is a fifth column dedicated to the overthrow of its constitutional government. The Constitution of Freemasonry, written in 1721 by Dr. John Anderson of Aberdeen, Scotland, laid the groundwork for universal treason, rather than loyalty to country:

James Anderson's son, Dr. James Anderson, in 1721 went about rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions for the Grand Lodge of England. However, the precedence for obstruction and perversion of justice would later be documented in Freemasonry's expansion to American soil, both in a structure of oaths and in practice. American soil would also witness the murder of Capt. Morgan who revealed Masonic secrets to the public and who was murdered pursuant to Masonic oaths of retribution. Such oaths include in the Royal Arch degree the concealment of crimes by fellow Masons, murder and treason not excepted. Dr. James Anderson's improvements to written constitutions of the time in England have evidently not so much altered the underlying substance of Freemasonry as it has in serving the interests of providing a strategic or tactical move at the time.

"Dr. James Anderson was born in Aberdeen in about 1680. After becoming a minister in the Church of Scotland, he made his way to London. In 1721 he started rewriting Freemasonry's Constitutions 'in a new and better method'. He claimed he was asked to do this by the new Grand Lodge of England (founded in 1717 when four lodges came together under one authority), but he may have suggested it himself..." (p. 36 Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, 1989)


Masonry's Aberdeen spirit had entrenched itself on American soil. Oaths of secrecy, oaths swearing penalties of death for breaches of secrecy, oaths swearing to obstruct and pervert justice, oaths swearing to cover-up crimes of fellow Masons, crimes not excepting murder and treason, had defined an esoteric, inner value system, veiled by exoteric principles of charity and brotherhood. The "blue code of silence" which has even in modern times eaten away at America's law enforcement community, countenancing drug dealing and even murder by sworn officers of the law, in principle has reflected Masonic code subverting justice, not excepting murder, not excepting even treason. 8.

The Western Goals Foundation

John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9. According to Conspiracies of World War II by J.S. Craig, "The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated 'the wrong enemy' and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people." 10. E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen. Patton's pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the Century -- an expose of the CIA's recruitment of high-level Nazi espionage agents:


...General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions to incorporate them into his US Third Army "and lead them against the Reds". Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney, deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov's complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining German units in its Bavarian sector. "What do you think those ****** bolshies think?" said Patton. "We're going to have to fight them sooner or later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army back into Russia? We can do it with my Germans..."

McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy, who promptly asked Patton to come and see him. Patton was not in the least subdued. "He inquired with a gleam in his eye", Murphy later wrote, "whether there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United States." The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that Eisenhower relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was fatally injured in a car crash. 11.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler's chief intelligence officers, solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union. In 1945, Gehlen offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from prosecution as a war criminal. The newly established Central Intelligence Agency formed the "Gehlen Organisation" which was Gehlen's former network for anti-Soviet espionage. Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA, the Gehlen Organisation became the most powerful espionage establishment in Western Europe.

In 1979, Gen. Patton's cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the Western Goals Foundation as a front for the JBS intelligence network. McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he succeeded Robert Welch as JBS Chairman. Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power struggle for McDonald's position. According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the Public Information Research database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen:


McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals' operating budget at the time...

The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8) SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in l948. Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his efforts in the "crusade against godless Communism." Gehlen headed Adolf Hitler's spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war, he and his spy apparatus--staffed mostly by former Nazis--were recruited by the CIA. He became the first director of the BND, West Germany's intelligence agency. 12.

Western Goals drew on both private and official government files to become one of the largest and most influential private intelligence operations in the U.S. According to GroupWatch, Western Goals was able to bypass legal restraints placed on government intelligence agencies:

...groups like Western Goals allow "the ultra-right [to keep] tabs on its 'subversive' domestic opposition..."(10) In Western Goals' case, this service was apparently not performed only for like-minded private groups. Elton Manzione quotes an East Coast police intelligence source as saying that Western Goals had a reputation of acting as a "clearinghouse" for some police departments whose intelligence- collecting functions were restricted by laws such as the Freedom of Information Act. Manzione noted that both the CIA and National Security Agency have received information from John Rees' Information Digest (see below). (8)...According to a 1976 investigation by the New York Assembly's Office of Legislative Oversight, Information Digest was supplying information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency. 13.

The internal spying nature of the John Birch Society became known when its espionage against private citizens in connection with the LA Police Department was discovered:

The final straw for the police commission occurred two months earlier, when it was discovered that files previously ordered destroyed had been squirreled away by an intelligence officer, Jay Paul, with the approval of his superiors. Investigators with search warrants seized ninety cartons of files from his mobile home and other locations. Paul was in the process of feeding this data into the computers of Western Goals, a private organization headed by Congressman Larry McDonald, and was also involved with Research West, an operation founded by ex-FBI agents which sold information to corporations. Typical of the files in these cartons was a four-decade dossier on a state supreme court judge, compiled to assess his possible bias against police intelligence practices. 14.

Birch Society member, John Rees, whose Information Digest supplied information to the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency, was one of the earliest members of the Western Goals Foundation and its principal espionage agent. Instrumental in obtaining Rees' entrance to Western Goals was J. Peter Grace, who was also chairman of the Order of the Knights of Malta in the United States and president of W.R. Grace and Co. from 1945 until three years before his death in 1995. Profiles of J. Peter Grace in Who's Who in America list as his credits: Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 1936, Assistant Secretary at W. R. Grace (1936), President and CEO (1945), Newcomen Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Malta (American Chapter of the Board of Founders), Knights of Malta President, address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas. 15.

Operation Paperclip


Considering that the Newcomen Society and CFR to which J. Peter Grace belonged were branches of Cecil Rhodes's eugenics club, The Round Table, it is not out of character that Grace would be involved in Project Paperclip -- a post World War II CIA arrangement to remove classified information from dossiers so that former SS members and 900+ Nazi scientists could emigrate to the U. S. Hundreds of war criminals would find employment within government agencies and companies such as W.R. Grace chemical company whose president was J. Peter Grace. The Covert Action Information Bulletin documents the close relationship between Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA, Knights of Malta and the Vatican, which had smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe through the infamous "rat lines":


On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany's equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND: federal secret service), under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout Catholic who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi.

After the appointment of Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head of U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, several historians noted with interest President Reagan's call during the summer of 1982 for a "crusade" against the "Evil Empire" in Eastern Europe. [including Balkans.....JP] 16.

The CIA also funded Nazi/SMOM fronts, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe: "The present head of the Order in the United States is a prominent businessman, J. Peter Grace. Prior to 1971, Grace was associated with Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, both of which had been established by Reinhard Gehlen and funded by the CIA." 17. The Covert Action Information Bulletin describes the manner in which Radio Liberty, under the supervision of Grace and other prominent figures, functioned as a front for ex-Nazis:

In 1950, the American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism was created. The trustees included J. Peter Grace, Charles Edison, William Henry Chamberlain, H.J. Heinz II, Isaac Don Levine, and Eugene Lyons. The Committee (now known as Radio Liberty), under the guiding hand of the CIA's Frank Wisner, funded numerous emigre "research institutes'' which, according to John Loftus [see UNHOLY TRINITY], were "little more than front groups for ex-Nazi intelligence officers.'' 18.

The Conquest of Latin America

"In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights [of Malta], after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone, William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d'Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy. While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private and governmental structures throughout the world." 19.

William Russell Grace founded W. R. Grace & Co. in Peru in 1854. The long history of W.R. Grace & Co. chronicles its global expansion and penetration of Latin America, in which region the Knights of Malta would later rebuild the Nazi network to conduct fascist operations. 20.

[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called Americares, of which he is chairman. A primary objective of Americares is to raise money for aid to Central America. The agency in charge of distributing this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras. 21.

AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua.(28) Prodemca was a neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver North's secret aid network.(28)

William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. The NFF was established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)... 22.

From 1982-95, J. Peter Grace (CFR) was Chairman of the Advisory Committee of AmeriCares, which included William E. Simon (CFR), Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon. The Honorary Chair of AmeriCares is Zbigniew Brzezinski (BB/CFR/TC); Ambassador-At-Large is Barbara Bush and the Advisory Committee includes: Prescott S. Bush, Jr. [brother to former Pres. George Bush (CFR)], 33º Mason Gen. Colin L. Powell (ret.) (CFR) and Sol M. Linowitz (CFR/TC), chairman of Xerox Corp and officer of the World Future Society. Sol Linowitz was also a representative to the Organization of American States and co-founder in 1964 with David Rockefeller (CFR) of the International Executive Services Corp, an international business development organization for which Linowitz and Rockefeller received the Medal of Freedom Award in 1998. 23.

The Council on Foreign Relations was funded by the Rockefeller family and has functioned as its agency almost from its inception in 1919. The CFR and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, were jointly founded by American and British Round Table members following the Paris Peace Conference. According to The Round Table,"Attendees included British and American secret society members who worked for the British Secret Service or the first U.S. central intelligence agency the INQUIRY." The historic meeting was described in Rockefeller "Internationalist": The Man Who Misrules the World.


"Conversations between Gen Tasker H. Bliss, Col. E. M. House, Prof. Archibald Cary Coolidge, Whitney H. Shepardson, Dr. James T. Shotwell and others of the American delegation, and British officials such as Sir Robert Cecil, Lionel Curtis, Sir Valentine Chirol, Lord Eustace Percy and Harold Temperley, led to a dinner meeting at the Majestic Hotel, Paris, on May 30, 1919. It was formally agreed that an organization should be created for the study of international affairs. The first two resolutions set forth the proposed form and substance of the undertaking: 'RESOLVED: That those present undertake to form an Institute entitled The Institute of International Affairs. Founded in Paris in 1919 comprised at the outset of two branches, one in the United Kingdom and one in the U.S...'" 24.

CFR member J. Peter Grace's collusion with the Rockefeller exploitation of Latin America was documented in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil:

"David [Rockefeller] made plans to absorb Nelson's old Inter-American Council and the Latin American Information Committee into the Business Group for Latin America. What emerged was the Council for Latin America (now called the Council for the Americas), which united more than 200 corporations with more than 80 percent of U.S. investments in Latin America into a common business front. David set up the council in a Manhattan townhouse across the street from the mansion Junior had give the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)...

"David was not just a brother of one of the best known Americans in Latin America, and not just president of the Chase Bank. He also represented the Council for Latin America... Note 32... J. Peter Grace, chairman of W.R. Grace & Company and another leading figure in David's Council for Latin America." 25.


During the period of the Boland amendment's ban on U.S. government involvement in Latin America, a network of private right-wing groups worked to subvert leftist governments by supporting rebel organizations such as the Nicaraguan Contras. Among these was the Western Goals Foundation whose principals included, besides Larry McDonald, John Rees, Roy Cohn and Gen. George S. Patton III, other persons of note with associations to Nazis, subversive organizations, organized crime, the FBI and CIA:

Major General John Singlaub (ret.)


[singlaub] became CIA deputy chief in South Korea during the Korean War and served for two years in Vietnam during the 1960s. At that time, he was commander of the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, known as MACSOG. In that role, he was one of the commanders of Operation Phoenix, although he denies having had a part in that program's infamous assassination and counterterror aspects. In 1978, as chief of staff of the United Nations Command in South Korea, he publicly condemned the decision of President Jimmy Carter to reduce the number of U.S. troops in the country. He was then forced to retire. (8,9,10) 26.

Operation Phoenix was a terrorist and drug operation in Southwest Asia which would form the experiential basis for the later theatre of operation: Latin America.

Professional assassinations manager Felix I. Rodriguez met with Bush aide Donald P. Gregg, officially and secretly, at the White House. Gregg then recommended to National Security Council adviser Robert "Bud'' McFarlane a plan for El Salvador-based military attacks on a target area of Central American nations including Nicaragua. Gregg's March 17, 1983 memo to [NSC adviser Robert] McFarlane said: "The attached plan, written in March of last year, grew out of two experiences: "--Anti-Vietcong operations run under my direction in III Corps Vietnam from 1970-1972. These operations [see below], based on...a small elite force...produced very favorable results."...

[CIA assassinations manager Felix I.] Rodriguez followed his CIA boss Ted Shackley to Southeast Asia in 1970. Shackley and Donald Gregg put Rodriguez into the huge assassination and dope business which Shackley and his colleagues ran during the Indochina war; this bunch became the heart of the "Enterprise'' that went into action 15 to 20 years later in Iran- Contra. Shackley funded opium-growing Meo tribesmen in murder, and used the dope proceeds in turn to fund his hit squads. He formed the Military Assistance Group-Special Operations Group (MAG-SOG) political murder unit; Gen. John K. Singlaub was a commander of MAG-SOG; Oliver North and Richard Secord were officers of the unit. By 1971, the Shackley group had killed about 100,000 civilians in Southeast Asia as part of the CIA's Operation Phoenix. 27.

The World Anti-Communist League

In the late seventies, John Singlaub became head of the World Anti-Communist League, in which capacity he engaged the services of J. Peter Grace and AmeriCares to supply arms to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua:


At the same time, Americares seems to share certain interests with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), now directed by ex-Major General John Singlaub, who in 1978 was required to resign for defying the President. When the White House failed to win Congressional support for funding the Contras in Nicaragua, Ronald Reagan enlisted the support of the World Anti-Communist League and others. American journalists have legitimately wondered how much of this money and material is in fact being provided by J. Peter Grace's Americares organisation and distributed through the Knights of Malta. 28.

The World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was founded in 1966 as the public relations arm for the governments of Taiwan and South Korea to continue Hitler's policy of forming a unified front against communism. According to Inside the League, "It has since become something far more important: an instrument for the practice of unconventional warfare -- assassinations, death squads, sabotage -- throughout the world." Not only did the WACL adopt the techniques used by Nazis, but the Eastern European Nazi network as well:

"When most people think of Nazis, two images are evoked: aging war criminals, the Josef Mengeles and Klaus Barbies living in frightened obscurity somewhere in South America, or else of disenchanted youths, who, in brown shirts and jackboots, vandalize synagogues and march through city streets. But there is a third type of Nazi, who is far more powerful, public, and dangerous than the other two: these are the Croatians, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Latvians who carried out the German-dictated massacres, who never faced a Nuremberg, and who joined the World Anti-Communist League.

"The participation of these Eastern Europeans in the Holocaust remains one of the least-told stories in modern history. The reason this is so is simple: many of them were recruited by American and British intelligence, brought into the United States and Canada, allowed to rise to prominent positions in their emigré communities, and ultimately to revise history... Through their front groups and their involvement in American politics, the Nazi collaborators have blended in and become respectable."

"If one wants to find Nazi collaborators, it is only necessary to examine the European chapters of the World Anti-Communist League. With the creations of the World Anti-Communist League, there came into existence a worldwide network of fascism..." 29.

The first American League Chapter of the WACL was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), founded in 1970 by Lee Edwards, former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth organization of the John Birch Society. Edwards attracted many members of the New Right, such as Reed Irvine and Richard Viguerie, also Unification Church president, Neil Salonen. When the ACWF resigned from the WACL in 1975, due to mistrust from the Latin American League, convicted Nazi collaborator and racialist Briton, Roger Pearson, served as the American League president for three years:

...Pearson has traveled in New Right circles for many years, formerly as an editorial associate for such mainstream organizations as the Heritage Foundation and the American Security Council... On the other [hand], he is a white supremacist who warns of the dangers of whites breeding with 'inferior' stock... and bragged to an associate about his alleged role in hiding Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, the infamous 'Angel of Death' of the Auschwitz extermination camp. He is also the man who, as world chairman of the World Anti-Communist League in 1978, was responsible for flooding the European League chapters with Nazi sympathizers and former officers of the Nazi SS... 30.

Pearson, a member of the British Eugenics Society, was educated at the London School of Economics, which was funded by fellow eugenicists Henry Ford and the Fabian Society for the purpose of training an elite caste to govern a new social order: "Obtaining his bachelor of science in anthropology from the University of London in 1951 and his master's in economics in 1954, Pearson showed an early interest in eugenics...He wrote several books on the subject, including Eugenics and Race and Race and Civilization." 30. Pearson was relocated to the United States in 1965 by Willis Carto, head of the anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby, and became editor of Carto's magazine, Western Destiny.

Roger Pearson's successor as head of the American WACL was John Singlaub, whose high level and government connections restored an appearance of respectability to the WACL. Serving on the advisory board were such notables as Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, Andy Messing of the National Defense Council and Fred Schlafly, husband of Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum. The membership also included several high-ranking military officers such as Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. With the help of Oliver North, John Singlaub would enable the Contra resistance in Nicaragua, assisting David Rockefeller and J. Peter Grace with the corporate takeover of Latin America:


In 1984, Singlaub headed a Pentagon panel called to make recommendations on conducting military activities in Central America. The panel's report urged the U.S. to emphasize nonconventional, counterinsurgency warfare strategies.(9,10) Under the Reagan administration, Singlaub received assistance and guidance from White House and National Security Council (NSC) officials for his "private" contra-supply activities. He identified former NSC aide Oliver North as his liaison to the White House. 32.

Lt. Col. Oliver North

A diagram found in Oliver North's safe showed [Western Goals executive director] Linda Guell's name written above the words "Western Goals." The note on the diagram said that Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing -- a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation -- to Western Goals. The diagram was drawn at the bottom of a letter from Fawn Hall to "Phil [Mabry] and Randy," dated April 18, 1985.(4,20) Guell is now working with John Singlaub at the Singlaub Freedom Foundation... 33.

Daniel Graham

Lt. Gen. Graham (see Govt Connections) is director of the defense lobby High Frontier.(9,14) He is also a member of the World Anti-Communist League--an organization which until recently was headed by John Singlaub. Graham is a former member of the advisory board of CAUSA USA, the political arm of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church...

Daniel Graham has written pamphlets for Western Goals. Graham is former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency... John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church... 34.

Sherman Unkefer

Larry McDonald, John Rees, and Sherman Unkefer were members of the John Birch Society... Sherman Unkefer served as an adviser to Chile's regime under Augusto Pinochet. Unkefer reportedly worked closely with Chile's secret police organization, DINA. 35.

Mildred Jefferson

John Singlaub, Daniel Graham, and Mildred Jefferson, are members of the national policy board of the American Freedom Coalition, a political organization with extensive ties to the Unification Church...

Dr. Mildred Faye Jefferson, physician; President, Right to Life Crusade, National Right to Life Foundation: Trustee, St. Louis University; Diplomate, American Board of Surgery; Father Flanagan Award, Boys Town, Nebraska; graduate Harvard Medical School; honorary degrees from 26 institutions. 36.


Financing Revolution

Funding for the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League has come from beer baron Joseph Coors and Texas oil billionaires Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt. In 1966, H.L. Hunt was approached for funding Vatican anti-Communist operations in Latin America, a project in conjunction with the Unification Church which he discussed in a later interview:


"'I was approached by Paolo Cardinal Marella, who said he spoke for the Pope and asked if I would supply members of my [20,000 member] Youth Freedom Speakers' movement who spoke Spanish to be sent south [to Latin America] to engage in speechmaking and activities. I was told the Pope was thinking in terms of 11 million dollars a year support for the entire movement against communism in Spanish-speaking countries.' ........ The project was now centered in New York, at the Asian Speakers Bureau, with the Free Pacific Association, Inc., on Riverside Drive [another front for the Rev. Moon's Unification Church]." 37.

Funding for the Western Goals Foundation was provided by corporations and wealthy John Birch Society members, a primary benefactor being Nelson Bunker Hunt. Another major funder of Western Goals was industrialist, Roger Milliken, a member of JBS and of the Board of Directors of W.R. Grace Co. Deering-Milliken and Deering-Milliken Research Corporations also funded Western Goals. 38.

The Council for National Policy


Nelson Bunker Hunt's membership in the John Birch Society is mentioned in Ominous Politics, with reference to the Texas billionaire's contribution to the Moral Majority: "Hunt, whose Birch Society background is documented by Conway and Siegelman in Holy Terror, also made a contribution of $1 million to the Moral Majority in 1981, according to Perry Dean Young." 39.


In the same year, William Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt provided the start-up money for the Council for National Policy, "a highly secretive coalition which represents the entire spectrum of New Right corporate executives, TV preachers and former high ranking government and military leaders. The Council for National Policy is considered the primary coordinating body--and funding conduit--for Christian Right projects." 40.


Nelson Bunker Hunt, who was president of the CNP in 1982-83, is among several of the John Birch Society / Western Goals Foundation principals and associates who also served on the newly-formed CNP Board of Governors:


Singlaub, Graham, and Jefferson are/were members of the board of governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive policy-oriented umbrella organization for the rightwing in the United States. Other Western Goals members who are/were on the Council's board of governors include: Sherman Unkefer, Hans Sennholz, and Robert Stoddard. The group's financial backer Nelson Bunker Hunt is on CNP's board too, as was Larry McDonald. Oliver North has also been a member of the CNP since its inception. 41.

[Note: Robert Stoddard is listed in "The Belmont Brotherhood," as Chairman of the Board of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, whose editors belong to the local Committee of the CFR.]

Howard Phillips of the USCWF [WACL] board is chairman of the Conservative Caucus and on the board/executive committee of the Council for National Policy. 42.

Major F. Andy Messing, Jr., USAR (Ret.), former chair of the Conservative Caucus, is on the USWCF board, on the board of the Council for National Policy and was the head of the National Defense Council Foundation. 43.

[(Linda) Guell worked with CAUSA (a political arm of the Unification Church) and its head, Bo Hi Pak, and made trips to Germany and South Korea. The word "money" was written over Guell's name, with an arrow pointing to Rob Owen, North's courier to the contras. Arrows were also drawn from Owen's name to Guell's and from Andy Messing--a private contra supporter and head of the National Defense Council Foundation--to Western Goals.] 44.

J. Peter Grace (CFR) of W.R. Grace Co was on the [CNP] board of governors as of 1986.(7) 45. J. Peter Grace is chairman of W.R. Grace and Company which focuses its business activities in Latin America. He heads the U.S. chapter of the Knights of Malta, was a board member of Prodemca (Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America) and also a member of the CFR. 46.

William Simon (CFR) and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church...

[NOTE: Regarding his creation of the Washington Times, which received an award from the CNP in 1988, Rev. Sun Myung Moon stated in 1991: "No matter how proud Americans might be, making noise over all four corners of the world, that is bad. They will fall down... God has made it so that Americans have no choice but to bow down. A new America is about to take off, following Reverend Moon... From this time on, the next important point is the revival of the Christian church. Father [Moon] does not regard this as his own responsibility. This is America's responsibility. To support that Father created the Washington Times." 47.]

[William] Simon is or was connected with two other think tanks that were influential in policy formation in the early years of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute.(12,45) Simon is or was a member of the elitist rightwing policy formation group, the Council for National Policy. 48.

Frank Shakespeare was U.S. Information Agency director and director of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.(13) During the Reagan administration he served as ambassador to Portugal from 1985 to 1987, and then as ambassador to the Vatican.(13); chairman, The Heritage Foundation; has served in executive positions in the communications industry for more than 30 years; former president, CBS Television Services. 49.

Dr. Edward Teller (CFR) was a Hungarian-born American physicist who became the architect of the hydrogen bomb. During World War II he was a member of the MANHATTAN PROJECT for the development of the atomic bomb. 50. Teller was a member of the Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI, Ad Hoc, an advisor to the Western Goals Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and member of the Board of Governors of the CNP. 51.

Another major benefactor of the Council for National Policy is 33º Mason Richard DeVos, president of the Amway Corporation, which also funded the Aspen Global Change Institute. DeVos serves as a judge for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, on the Board of Directors of (33º Mason) Robert Schuller Ministries, and as Trustee of (33º Mason) Gerald R. Ford Foundation. Richard DeVos is also a member of the Newcomen Society and the Round Table. 52.

Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and executive officer of the Religious Roundtable, Campus Crusade and JBS, and main funder/second president of the CNP) and Jesse Helms (whose top political operative, Tom Ellis, was director of the racial eugenics Pioneer Fund and second CNP president) were members of a racial eugenics society -- the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology.:


"[Lady Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton's] deceased husband, part of the British aristocracy, was the brother of the host of Rudolph Hess when, in 1940, Hess made his secret flight to England. Hess, a top aide to Hitler and Nazi Party official, sought to meet with the British aristocratic circles known as the Cliveden Set. Sympathetic to Hitler's war aims, the Cliveden Set tried to get England out of the war it had declared against Germany in September, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland. Hess was arrested and imprisoned. After Lord Malcolm Douglas came to the U.S., he established an American branch of a racial eugenics group headquartered in Scotland. The oil billionaire Hunt brothers and Senator Jesse Helms are members of this group. It was headed by Robert Gayre, who published the racialist Mankind Quarterly until Roger Pearson took it over in 1978." 53.

"For an overview on 'race and intelligence,' Murray and Herrnstein recommend two books by three Pioneer Fund recipients: Audrey Shuey, Frank C. J. McGurk, and R. Travis Osborne. McGurk is the main authority they cite to 'prove' that IQ tests are not racially biased. He was one of the 'scientific' mainstays of the segregationist movement in the southern US. In 1959 McGurk and Shuey became leading members of the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics, first publisher of Mankind Quarterly. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and the oil billionaire Hunt brothers." 54.


Carroll Quigley's history of the Rhodes' Round Table, aka Cliveden Set (Cliveden being the home of Lord Astor), admitted to the society's appeasement policy dating back to the Treaty of Versailles:

Since 1920 it has been called by various names, depending on which phase of its activities was being examined. it has been called "The Times Crowd,the Rhodes crowd," the "Chatham House crowd," the "All Soul's group," and the "Cliveden set... Those who are familiar with the activities of the 'Cliveden Set' in the 1930s have generally felt that the appeasement policy associated with that group was a manifestation of the period after 1934 only. This is quite mistaken. The Milner Group, which was the reality behind the phantom-like Cliveden Set, began their program of appeasement and revision of the [peace] settlement as early as 1919. 55.

The Belmont Brotherhood documents that the founding JBS National Council was entrenched in the Eastern Establishment it purported to despise. Nor is its progeny, the Council for National Policy, a conservative, anti-Communist organization, but rather a globalist organization, anti-American and unpatriotic in the extreme. Noting the curious crossover tendencies between right and left in the World Anti-Communist League, authors of Inside the Leagueoffer the following insightful analysis:

The first enemy for both political extremes is the center. Both ultra-leftists and ultra-rightists have the same primary objective: to polarize the country, to implement the breakdown of the governing system, and ultimately to create a situation of chaos where armed conflict will be between the right and the left, the center having been discredited by its failure to prevent it...

Little wonder that terrorist after terrorist, and terrorism expert after terrorism expert, have agreed that the purpose of both Red and Black terror is to destroy the open, democratic forms of liberal government, and to replace them with something elitist and totalitarian. Rightist terror seeks "the brutal intervention of repressive forces." Leftist terror seeks the same, believing that only complete repression will bring a self-satisfied, quiet bourgeoisie to a flash point, a revolutionary "critical mass."

If this is the objective of the World Anti-Communist League, then it goes a long way toward explaining the strange alliances it has formed. It is this very pursuit of international polarization and its ability to embrace openly about the League's true nature. Some have even suggested a secret sponsorship by the Soviet Union or other communist governments, employing it as the ultimate agent provocateur.

The idea may not be as absurd as it first sounds. The open antipathy--and, in some cases, hatred -- for the United States and Western democracy that can be found in the League are outlooks that could easily be manipulated by the Soviets, if they haven't already." 56.

We contend that Soviet communism was merely one phase of the global dialectic, fascism and communism being two expressions of the same conspiracy. Nicholas Murray Butler of the English-Speaking Union has informed us: "Communism is the tool by which Britain's international finance is knocking down national governments in the interest of world government, world police and world currency." 57. The true conspirators are identified in The New Unhappy Lords:

If the facts concerning the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations be accepted, it will be seen that the proper study of political mankind is the study of power elites, without which nothing that happens can be understood. These elites, preferring to work in private, are rarely found posed for photographers, and their influence upon events has therefore to be deduced from what is known of the agencies they employ. There are dozens of such agencies, and financial support received from one or other or all three big American foundations - Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford - provides an infallible means of recognizing them. 58.

The real conspiracy is neither exclusively communist nor fascist, but elitist, inexorably moving society through progressive deconstruction and redefinition to a Third Way society, in which a partnership of government and business will subjugate and control an enslaved workforce to serve its own purposes. That the final world empire is a composite of these forms is a concept which finds basis in Bible prophecy, specifically the hybrid "beast" of Daniel 7:3-6 and Revelation 13:1,2:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a BEAST RISE UP OUT OF THE SEA, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD, and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR, and his mouth as the mouth of a LION: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat and great authority. Rev. 13:1,2

Students of Scripture will have discovered these identical beasts in Daniel 7:

And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse from one another. The first was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. And behold another beast, a second, like to a BEAR, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. After this I beheld, and lo another, like a LEOPARD, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it... Dan. 7:3-6

Daniel 7:17 disqualifies the interpretation that these beasts symbolize the existing Babylonian and future Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires described in Daniel chapter 2. These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. Dan. 7:17

Since the beasts of Daniel 7 necessarily refer to four future (from Daniel's perspective) world empires, a plausible interpretation has been proposed with reference to the present century. Nazi Germany was known for its Panzer (Panther or Leopard) divisions in World War II, and the symbol of Communist Russia is the Bear which has "devoured much flesh." The Royal Arms of England displays the Rampant Lion, "made to stand upon the feet as a man" and the Unicorn, symbolizing the union of England and Scotland respectively. This is also the symbol of the British-Israel Movement. The Eagle whose wings were plucked in Daniel 7:4 is an obvious reference to the United States, which government from its inception was the vehicle through which the English Freemasons planned to establish the new world order.


The Masonic axiom "Ordo ab Chao" (order out of chaos) will find a measure of fulfillment in Daniel 7:7: After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and break in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.


The Christian Response


A.K. Chesterton said in Candour, "At times Capitalism and Communism would appear to be in conflict, but this writer is confident that their interests are in common and will eventually merge for one-world control. That policy outlined previously in Woodrow Wilson's Point Six has never been dropped...


"Capitalism and Communism, in terms of power, are merely their twin mechanisms to destroy the sovereignty of Christian nations. They will merge them into the projected super-state, where their financial power will exercise full sway and masterdom through that monopoly of atomic energy which is being sought with such feverish and fiendish persistence. They are selling us into slavery and using our material resources for their own nefarious world-wide purposes. To say that in exposing their plans for world domination we are playing the Kremlin's game is to act as an unconscious agent of Christendom's betrayal."

Using religion to control the masses is an essential fact of World Revolution, the dynamics of which are extensively treated in the online version of The Union Jack. Regardless of one's interpretation of Bible prophecy and ignoring the author's broad brush of Fundamental Christianity, the concepts articulated in Chapter 3 provide insight that is desperately needed if Christians would escape the dialectical trap that has been laid for them. No quarter may be given to the shock troops of agents provocateur that have been unleashed upon the Church, wearing the dual masks of patriotism and Christianity, and whose assignment is to incite Christians against their own government:

Though their facts in most cases may be 100 per cent true, their method of USE produces an effect contrary to that supposed by the user, and his constant harangues on "what's wrong in Washington" builds a revolutionary state of mind in the American people and creates false antagonisms and loss of confidence, the effect of which will destroy the American government instead of restoring constitutional guarantees. So the patriots gain respect for their vast knowledge of facts while they use them to mold "American opinion" against America. This is British Israel at work, and it multiplies its strength by turning Americans against America by turning the truth into a lie, and at the same time reserves to itself respectability under the cloak of Christian terminology and the American Flag. It conceals itself within the very thing that it seeks to destroy...

The effect of the activities of these Christian fronts is to create counteraction against the United States government, which in turn builds the revolution to a point where the people themselves overthrow their own government, thinking all the time that they are patriots. The purpose of the right wing as used by British Israel is to create and encourage a revolutionary state of mind and then the people will bring down their own government. The anti-Communist movement as it exists in the United States is peculiarly anti-American; while parading with the American Flag it is developing a pseudo nationalism to wreck the American government, just as Hitler did in Germany. Of course the claim of these people is that they want to get back to constitutional government and most of them sincerely want to, but they do not realize that the EFFECT of their actions is to destroy that which they believe they save. If they could understand the esoteric (hidden) purpose of their organizations, they would not be so anxious to be led to the slaughter. They should realize that as revolution increases constitutional government decreases. Government by crisis is a dictatorship...

Conspiracy always has a DUAL nature. It has the right wing and the left wing. It has the peace groups and the war groups. It has the religious and the atheist. It has the white race and the black race. It has those in power and those out, it has those at the top and those at the bottom...

Those in power such as in America today inaugurate socialistic programs and protect the street rioters thus creating the revolution from the top. Then the right wing dutifully calls it Communism and proceeds to heat up the sham. The dilemma is that the real issue and the real power is never revealed and this is the dilemma that puts those at the top and those on the bottom on the same side -- the wrong side of constitutional government. The effect of this fictitious confrontation is confusion and deception which is fuel for the revolutionary fire, and the result of it is the destruction of constitutional government and not the preservation of it. A bewildered people is the desire of world revolution and constructive criticism of government can come only when the people know fact from fantasy. British Israel is a cancer which controls the mind through confusion. With control of the mind the control of the body is automatic. If one has a basis for truth which is the true gospel and God's redemptive purpose, then he can see that there is a clear pattern to be seen through British Anglo Israel confusion which can be recognized through their consistent goal which is world government, under whatever name. Their strength is in twisting truth into a lie... The thing that makes spiritual bondage complete is that the people don't know it, and if they don't know it they will not resist it, but will embrace it.

The purpose of posting this series of exposes on the Christian Right is to provide information upon which basis Christians may examine the roots of this movement and to reevaluate the leaders, religious and otherwise. Those who function as facilitators of the dialectical process, who create unrest and distrust of government, are in direct violation of Scripture:

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the power that be are ordained of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Romans 13:1,2

May we instead turn to Scripture for our admonishment and examples, recalling that Jesus' apostles led no political movement, much less an insurrection against the Powers That Be, as is the custom of self-appointed leaders of the so-called Christian Right. Future reports on the Council for National Policy will demonstrate that its members are mere creatures of the Eastern Establishment, who derive their principles from the devilish wisdom of Freemasonry rather than pure and peaceable wisdom of God's Word. In striking contrast to their inflammatory rhetoric were the apostle Peter's instructions to the persecuted New Testament churches -- words that were penned under the reign of terror of the infamous Emperor Nero:

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. I Pet. 2:13-17

The Council for National Policy

Project Megiddo & The Next Revolution


The Belmont Brotherhood





1. Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, Guilford Press, 1995, p. 52.

2. Ibid.

3. Emanuel Josephson, Rockefeller "Internationalist" - The Man Who Misrules the World, NY: Chedney Press, 1952, p. 37.

4. "This Age of Conflict," Ivor Benson, http://www.intrstar.net/~wpaper/AgeofConflict.html

5. Ibid.

6. The Belmont Brotherhood, http://watch-unto-prayer.org/belmont.html

7. James Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Western Islands Publishers, 1976, 1789, Introduction.

8. "America's Subversion: The Enemy Within," Sonny Stermole, Ministry of Biblical Defense, http://www.execpc.com/~amerisub/intro/intro.html

9. "Watchman on the Wall," Warren P. Mass, The New American, August 29, 1988, http://jbs.org/Focus/mcdonald2.htm .

10. "Conspiracies of World War II," J. S. Craig, http://ecentral.com/members/jcraig/MILIT.HTM

11. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1971, pp. 127-28.

12. Interhemispheric Resource Center, GroupWatch, Western Goals Foundation, http://www.pir.org/gw/wg.txt References: 5. Letter from Sean Steinbach and Dominik Diehl, May 22, 1987. 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985.

13. Ibid., References: 10. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League: The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1986); 8. Elton Manzione, "The Private Spy Agency," The National Reporter, Summer 1985. .

14. Ibid., References: Donner, Protectors of Privilege, pp. 245-89; Joel Sappell, "Jay Paul," Los Angeles Tim

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