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We are God-full.

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72-03 "1 beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated April l1th and April 26th, 1972, along with tape of three "revelations." The tape is nice, a good advertisement. Now similar tapes should be made. Another revelation is that the needle, when put into the water, it goes down quickly to the bottom. But a big, big log weighing one ton, does not go down. Who has made this law? If the law of gravity is there, why does it not apply to the big log? We can understand that Lord Ramacandra was able to make a bridge by causing the big stones to float in the water, so counteracting the law of gravitation is the law of the Supreme. Gravitation is caused by the Supreme Lord, so He is also able to remove that law or do anything and everything at His will. If you know something like swimming, then the law of gravitation will not work, and who knows better than Krsna how to do everything, so Krsna can change anything, therefore we worship Him as the greatest Scientist.


If a man knows swimming he can stay up. So if this much power has a man, what to speak of God. So we see that Ramacandra has the art how to make stones float. It is a question of knowing the art. Art means the display of intellectual energy. Everywhere we can see intelligence in everything, so the Lord knows the art of everything, so He can change anything, we cannot. The atheists and scientists arc trying to get God out of things, we are doing just the opposite, trying to put God into everything. They are God-less, nonsense- we are God-full, God-sense or God-conscious."

(SPL to Rupanuga, May 3rd, 1972)



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<<Art means the display of intellectual energy. >>


a piece of art causes some perception, some feelings, without the real situation that naturally produces that feeling or perception.


an artist tells "i will illsion you if you pay me."

a con-artist illusions you without your knowledge

and takes away whatever he/she can from you.

a con-artist guru can make you his das

until you ralize you got a fake guru.


krishna is the supreme artists.


mayaadhakshena prakriti

sUyate sacharAcharam.


when we worship krishna, he keeps us out of the clutches of maya.


jai sri krishna!


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Idioms, Proverbs, Slogans,Prabhupada Has Quoted (A

Work in Progress)



1. "A bad king spoils the kingdom, and a bad housewife

spoils the family." (Bengali proverb)


2. "A confectioner is never attracted by sweetmeats."

(Bengali proverb)


3. "A dead elephant is also one lakh of rupees."

(Indian parable - "Elephant, living or dead, still, it

is valuable.")


4. "A dog cannot digest ghee." (Because he is a



5. "A fight between the husband and wife should not be

taken seriously." (Chanakya Pandit)


6. "A fool will be revealed as soon as he speaks"

(Chanakya Pandit)


7. "A happy man is one who lives at home and who has

no debts." (Chanakya Pandit)


8. "A man is known by the company he keeps." (Ralph

Waldo Emerson)


9. "A man without aim [is like] a ship without [a]



10. "A man without an education is like a flower

without a scent." (Chanakya Pandit)


11. "A person can become a preacher if he has got

life. A dead man cannot become a preacher."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


12. "A rich man may be honored in his own country or

on his own planet, but a learned man, a devotee of

God, is honored wherever he goes." (Chanakya Pandit)


13. "A rolling stone gathers no moss"


14. "A woman who has not given birth to a child cannot

understand the pain of childbirth."


15. "After getting up from your sleep, you take your

shoes and beat your mind hundred times. This is your

first business. And while going to bed, you take a

broomstick and beat your mind hundred times. Then you

can control your mind. Otherwise it is very

difficult." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


16. "All men are created equal."


17. "All that glitters is not gold."


18. "An envious man is more dangerous than a snake."

(Chanakya Pandit)


19. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop."


20. "Anything material, if it is used in the service

of Krishna, it is a mistake to give it up."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


21. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." (Bible)


22. "at heart" (basically, fundamentally)


23. "at someone's beck and call" (always ready to

serve somebody)


24. "Bad money drives away good money." (Gresham's



25. "beating a dead horse" (engaging in useless



26. "beg, borrow, or steal" (acquire somehow or other,

obtain at almost any cost)


27. "Better late than never."


28. "Better to have a wise man as an enemy than a fool

for a friend."


29. "Birds of a feather flock together."


30. "blind leading the blind" (someone who doesn't

understand something trying to explain it to others)


31. "bury the hatchet" (stop quarreling and become

friendly with someone)


32. "by hook or by crook" (in any way necessary)


33. "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."


34. "call a spade a spade" (speak truthfully)


35. "castles in the air" (daydreams)


36. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."


37. "chalk out" (plan, project, work out, sketch out,

map out, lay out, design a prototype)


38. "change of heart" (change in the way one feels

about something)


39. "Chant, chant, chant...Can't, can't, can't."

("There was a cartoon in some newspaper that depicted

an old lady and her husband sitting face to face. The

lady is requesting her husband, 'Chant, chant, chant.'

And the husband is answering, 'Can't, can't, can't.'")


40. "chewing the chewed" (punah punas

carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30) - "In our country,

India, the sugar cane is chewed, the juice is sucked,

and it is thrown in the street. Now, if somebody goes

and chews the chewed sugar cane, what relish, what

taste he will get? Similarly, because we have no

information of spiritual life, we are simply chewing

the chewed. That's all.")


41. "come to grips with" (struggle (successfully) with

an idea or problem)


42. "Come to kingdom of God." (Bible)


43. "come to pass" (to happen, occur)


44. "come to terms" (reach an agreement)


45. "come to the point" (be direct)


46. "come up with" (produce or find a thought, idea or



47. "Commit civil suicide." (If you commit suicide it

is criminal. It is also suicide, no more connection

with family. This is also suicide, but it is civil.

There is no criminal action against... But it is also

voluntarily committing suicide--no more connection

with anyone.) (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


48. "dancing dog" (puppet, pawn)


49. "Devotees actually serious about advancing in

spiritual life should give up the company of

nondevotees and always keep company with devotees.

(Chanakya Pandit)


50. "Discretion is the better part of valor." ("The

better part of valor is discretion." - Shakespeare)


51. "Disease and unwanted guest: If you don't give

food, they will go away.


52. "Disappointment gives rise to the greatest

satisfaction." (Sanskrit proverb)


53. "Do not go to Vrndavana with return ticket."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


54. "Don't make a guru just like you keep a dog, as a

fashion." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


55. "Don't try to see a saintly person by your eyes.

You see a saintly person by the ear." (Bhaktisiddhanta



56. "Don't try to see Krishna. Do something so Krishna

will see you." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


57. "Don't waste time. Don't wait for another life. In

this life, finish this business, to understand

Krishna, and go back home, back to Godhead."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


58. "Don't worry about money, Do something nice for

Krishna and money will come." (Bhaktisiddhanta



59. "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."



60. "Economic development begins from family

affection." (Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924, British



61. "Either disciple or son, he should be always

chastised. If you pat, then he'll be spoiled. If you

chastise him, he'll come out a very nice person."

(Chanakya Pandit)


62. "Even a moment of one's lifetime could not be

returned in exchange for millions of dollars.

(Chanakya Pandit)


63. "Everyone's servant is nobody's servant."


64. "Example is better than precept."


65. "Failure is the pillar of success."


66. "Familiarity breeds contempt."


67. "fifty-fifty" (half-and-half)


68. "Finish this business in this life. Don't delay

for the next life." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


69. "fish out of water" (someone who does not fit in)


70. "Follow in the footsteps" (Follow someone's

example exactly)


71. "fool's paradise" (a state of delusive contentment

or false hope)


72. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

(Alexander Pope, English poet)


73. "For one who is not engaged in devotional service,

reading all the books is simply like licking the

outside of the honey jar." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


74. "Four kinds of enemies at home: If the father is

in debt he is considered to be an enemy; if the mother

has selected another husband in the presence of her

grown-up children, she is considered to be an enemy;

if a wife does not live well with her husband but

deals very roughly, then she is an enemy; and if a son

is a fool, he is also an enemy." (Chanakya Pandit)


75. "Fragrance in gold." ("Gold is already valuable,

but if it has got some nice fragrance, then it becomes

even more valuable.")


76. "from bad to worse" (get even worse, deteriorate

even more)


77. "from the heart" (with great feeling)


78. "from time to time" (occasionally)


79. "give and take" (the practice of compromise)


80. "give rise to" (be the cause of something)


81. "Give the dog a bad name and hang it."


82. "go-down" (East Indian for "basement")


83. "God created man after His own image." (Bible)


84. "God helps him who tries to help himself."


85. "God is great."


86. "God is good."


87. "God, give us our daily bread." (Christian prayer)


88. "golden opportunity" (excellent opportunity,

favorable opportunity, fine opportunity)


89. "hale and hearty" (in very good health, well and



90. "Hallowed be Thy name." (Bible)


91. "hand to mouth" (having only enough money for

basic living)


92. "have to do with" (be about or on the subject or

connected with something)


93. "heart-to-heart" (candid, frank)


94. "hearth and home" (the folks at home, ancestral



95. "hen-pecked husband" (husband who is dominated or

harassed with persistent nagging)


96. "History repeats itself."


97. "hope against hope" (continue to hope when things

look very bad)


98. "Householder life is a concession for sense

gratification." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


99. "However qualified a materialist may be, he is no

better than a snake decorated with jewels. One should

therefore be careful in dealing with such

materialists, just as one would be careful in dealing

with a bejeweled serpent." (Chanakya Pandit)


100. "I am a sannyasi. I am not married, neither I am

meant for marrying. But if I can produce Krsna

conscious children, I can marry hundred times."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


101. "I don't find any scarcity within this world,

except Krishna consciousness." (Bhaktisiddhanta



102. "If a foolish person is given good instructions,

he becomes more and more angry." (Chanakya Pandit)


103. "If a husband and wife are always satisfied with

one another, then the goddess of fortune automatically

comes." (Chanakya Pandit) ("Where there is no

disagreement between husband and wife, all material

opulence is present, and good children are born.")


104. "If a person has neither a mother nor a pleasing

wife at home, he should leave home and go to the

forest, because for him there is no difference between

his home and the forest." (Chanakya Pandit)


105. "If an honest person deals with a great cheater,

it is necessary for him to become a cheater also"

(Chanakya Pandit)


106. "If by selling all these properties, temples, if

I could turn one man to Krishna consciousness, then my

mission will be successful." (Bhaktisiddhanta



107. "If I could produce really Krsna conscious

children, I can use hundred times sex life. Otherwise

why shall I use my sex for cat, producing cats and

dog?" (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


108. "If I get at least one quality disciple, then all

my labor will be success." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


109. "If Krishna wants to kill someone no one can save

him, and if Krishna wants to save someone no one can

kill him."


110. "If one has a wife like a sly fox, he must

immediately give up his life at home and go to the

forest." (Chanakya Pandit)


111. "If people do not come to hear this philosophy,

don't be discouraged. You sit down in a room and try

to preach. The four walls will hear you. Don't be

disappointed." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


112. "If somebody takes salagram and breaks peanuts,

so there is no devotion." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


113. "If there is a good tree within a garden or

forest, its flowers will fill the forest with their

fragrance. Similarly, a good son within a family makes

the whole family famous all over the world. (Chanakya



114. "If there is one moon in the sky that is

sufficient to dissipate all darkness. There is no need

of thousands or millions of stars." (Bhaktisiddhanta



115. "If you have got money, spend it for Krishna.

Don't keep it. You cannot keep it. Either the money

will go from you, or you will have to go from the

money." (Chanakya Pandit)


116. "If you love me, love my dog"


117. "If you want to make spiritual advancement, then

you should always think, 'Death may come at any

moment.', but if you want to be materially happy, you

should always think, 'I shall never die.'" (Chanakya



118. "If you want to deal with enemy, you should

always take him as very dangerous." (Chanakya Pandit)


119. "Ignorance is no excuse."


120. "In a place where there is no friend, no temple

and no river, don't go there." (Chanakya Pandit)


121. "in due course" (when the time is ripe, in the

usual amount of time, at the right time)


122. "In God we trust."


123. "in keeping with" (going well together, agreeing)


124. "in kind" (in a similar way, with the same kind

of thing)


125. "in light of" (as a result of new information,

because of)


126. "in line" (doing or being what people expect or

accept, within ordinary limits)


127. "in love" (liking very much, loving)


128. "in memory of" (as a memorial to someone who has



129. "in no time" (soon, quickly)


130. "in other words" (say something in a different

(usually more direct) way)


131. "in part" (to some extent, partly)


132. "in spite of" (in opposition to, despite, in

defiance of)


133. "in store" (ready to happen, waiting)


134. "In the beginning there was God." (Bible)


135. "In the beginning there was word only, and the

word is God." (Bible)


136. "in the charge of" (under the care or supervision



137. "in the course of" (while, during)


138. "in the first place" (firstly, to begin with)


139. "in the long run" (the distant future, in the



140. "inside and out" (in every part, completely)


141. "It is better not to talk than to talk



142. "It is better to become a sweeper and honestly

earn one's livelihood than to become a false Bhagavata

reader for earning livelihood." (Bhaktisiddhanta



143. "It is better to have a blind maternal uncle than

no maternal uncle." (Bengali proverb)


144. "It is better to have one qualified son than to

have hundreds of fools." (Chanakya Pandit)


145. "It is folly to be wise where ignorance is

bliss." (Thomas Gray, English poet, 1716-71)


146. "Judge by the result."


147. "Judge not others lest ye be judged."


148. "keep body and soul together" (keep alive,



149. "keep books" (keep records of money gained and

spent, do the work of a bookkeeper)


150. "keep from" (prevent, refrain from)


151. "keep in touch" (talk or write to someone)


152. "keep time" (show the right time)


153. "Keep to the left." (Drive on the left side of

the road.)


154. "Keep to the right." (Drive on the right side of

the road.)


155. "keep track of" (maintain a record)


156. "keep up with" (go at the same speed as a person

or thing, maintain the same rate of progress)


157. "kick out" (get rid of)


158. "know by heart" (memorize)


159. "labor of love" (something done for personal

pleasure and not for money)


160. "last but not least" (in the last place but not

the least important)


161. "last word" (the last remark in an argument, the

final say in deciding something)


162. "Let there be creation." (Bible)


163. "Like a fish out of water." (The spirit soul in a

material body.)


164. "Like the nipples on the neck of a goat."

(Useless, because they don't give any milk.)


165. "little by little" (gradually - Ajamila's

devotional service grew little by little...)


166. "Love me, love my dog."


167. "Make the best use of a bad bargain."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


168. "Man is the architect of his own destiny."


169. "Man is the architect of his own fortune."


170. "Man proposes and God disposes."


171. "moment of truth" (a critical or decisive time on

which much depends, a crucial moment)


172. "Money and wife should always be kept under

control." (Hindi proverb)


173. "Necessity is the mother of invention."


174. "Necessity knows no law."


175. "Never trust a woman or a politician." (Chanakya



176. "No one hears from a person coming from a humble,

simple life. You remain always very humble."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


177. "Not a blade of grass moves without the will of



178. "Not only a person in the renounced order or one

engaged in devotional service, but everyone should

avoid mingling with women." (Chanakya Pandit)


179. "Obedience is the first law of discipline."


180. "once and for all" (permanently)


181. "One man's food is another man's poison."


182. "One must [learn] what is right from any source.

If there is a glass of poison with some nectar in it,

one should take out the nectar and leave the poison."

(Chanakya Pandit) ("If one finds gold in a filthy

place, he should take it. Similarly, although

according to the Vedic system of education one must be

given instruction by intellectual persons like

brahmanas, if someone lower on the social scale has

learned the truth, one should accept him as a teacher

and learn from him. One should not think that just

because one is lowly born he should not be accepted as

a teacher.")


183. "One nation under God."


184. "One should give up the company of devils, demons

and nondevotees and should always associate with

devotees and saintly persons. One should always act

piously, thinking that this life is temporary, and not

be attached to temporary happiness and distress."

(Chanakya Pandit)


185. "out of sight out of mind" ((We tend to not think

about things which we cannot see on a regular basis.)


186. "part and parcel" (component, constituent)


187. "pass away" (die)


188. "pass on" (die)


189. "pay attention" (look at or listen to with full



190. "Physician heal thyself."


191. "playing with fire" (rashness, dangerous game)


192. "point out" (explain, call attention to)


193. "post dated check" (questionable outcome)


194. "put the cart before the horse" (do things in the

wrong order, execute step two before step one)


195. "Saintly persons should be seen not through the

eyes, but through the ears." (Bhaktisiddhanta



196. "second nature" (an acquired behavior or trait

that is so long practiced as to seem innate)


197. "see the light of day" (be born or begun)


198. "selling like hotcakes" (selling quickly)


199. "show-bottle" (a fake which is used only for



200. "slow but sure"


201. "sour grapes" (Denial of the desirability of

something after one has found out that it cannot be

reached or acquired - The losers' scorn for the award

is pure sour grapes.)


202. "Strike while the iron is hot." (take advantage

of an opportunity)


203. "The child is father of the man." (William

Wordsworth, English poet)


204. "The cuckoo bird, although very black, is

beautiful because of its sweet voice. Similarly, a

woman becomes beautiful by her chastity and

faithfulness to her husband, and an ugly person

becomes beautiful when he becomes a learned scholar."

(Chanakya Pandit)


205. "The face is the index of the mind."


206. "The happiness of wealth is enjoyable by a person

who has tasted the distress of poverty."


207. "The jackals may howl, but the caravan moves on."


208. "the kingdom of God"


209. "The meek shall inherit the earth." (Bible)


210. "The night is [darkest] right before the dawn."


211. "The person for whom I have stolen accuses me of

being a thief." (Bengali proverb - The family members,

for whom an attached person acts in so many criminal

ways, are never satisfied.)


212. "The present human society is a combination of

the cheaters and the cheated" (Bhaktisiddhanta



213. "The vulture goes very high, three miles, four

miles high, but the aim is not very good: 'Where is a

dead body?'"


214. "There are two envious living entities--the snake

and the envious man. (Chanakya Pandit)


215. "There is no scarcity in the world. The only

scarcity is that people are not Krsna conscious.

That's all. Otherwise there is no scarcity."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


216. "Things equal to the same thing are equal to one



217. "This is a society of cheaters and the cheated."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


218. "This [material world] is not a fit place for a

gentleman." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


219. "This [printing] press is brhad-mrdanga (big

drum)." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


220. "Thou shalt not commit adultery." (Bible)


221. "Thou shalt not covet." (Bible)


222. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods"



223. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife"



224. "Thou shalt not kill." (Bible)


225. "Thou shalt not steal." (Bible)


226. "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain."



227. "Three characteristics of a learned man (pandit):

1) Treats all women (except his wife) as his mother.

2) Treats others' property like garbage in the street.

(Doesn't touch it.) 3) Treats all living entities as

he wants to be treated." (Chanakya Pandit)


228. "Three things should be taken care of

immediately: Fire, disease and debt." (Chanakya



229. "Too much devotion is a symptom of a thief."

(Bengali proverb)


230. "Trust no future however pleasant."


231. "Try and shoot the rhinoceros." ("If we fail,

everybody will say never mind, nobody can shoot a

rhinoceros anyway, and if we succeed, then everyone

will say, Just see, what a wonderful thing they have



232. "Up to five years, don't chastise, don't take any

action. Let him [your son] be free. Whatever he likes,

he can do. Then after fifth year, for ten years you

must be very strict. Then five years and ten years,

fifteen. And when he is sixteen years, treat him like

a friend." (Chanakya Pandit)


233. "Variety is the mother of enjoyment."


234. "via media" (Just like my eyes are not very

perfect, so I am using this transparent via media to

see, similarly, because we have forgotten our

relationship with Krsna, or God, so we have to see

through the transparent via media of spiritual

master.") (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


235. "What Bengal thinks today, other provinces will

think tomorrow." (Gandhi's guru, Gokule)


236. "What is play to you is death to me."


237. "What is the use of a son who is neither a

learned man nor a devotee of the Lord?" (Chanakya

Pandit) (If a son is not a devotee of the Supreme

Lord, he is just like blind eyes--a source of



238. "Whatever spiritual progress one makes in life

will be tested at the time of death." (Bengali



239. "white elephant" (an endeavor or a venture that

proves to be a conspicuous failure)


240. "Why should you wait for another life? Finish

Krishna consciousness business in this life."

(Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


241. "Without a son, married life is simply

abominable." (Chanakya Pandit)


242. "Women are generally not very intelligent and are

therefore not trustworthy." (Chanakya Pandit)


243. "You are what you eat." (George Bernard Shaw)


244. "You have got wife, but if you have no children,

that grha (household) is void." (Chanakya Pandit)



The following were quoted by Srila Prabhupada for

illustrative or instructional purposes, but which he

does not necessarily agree with or approve of:


1. "Beg some rice and bring it and cook it and eat and

sleep." (Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati)


2. "Do your own thing." (Hippie slogan)


3. "Equality, fraternity, liberty." (French slogan)


4. "From each according to his ability; to each

according to his needs." (Communist slogan)


5. "Give us this day our daily bread." (Bible)


6. "I do not believe that there was a person, Krishna,

ever living." (Gandhi)


7. "I have got some dozens of disciples, and I have

got a temple, and people are contributing. Now I have

got good arrangement for eating and sleeping. Now I am

perfect. Because I am getting some food without any

work, and honor, then I am perfect." (Bhaktisiddhanta



8. "If it feels good, do it!" (Hippie slogan)


9. "The end justifies the means."


10. [Through the agency of gradual evolution one

species is changing into another species]. ("The

Darwin's theory is that the body is changing to

another body. That is nonsense. That is not the fact.

The soul is transmigrating from one body to another.

That is knowledge. This is fact.")


11. "Why keep a cow when milk is available in the

marketplace." (Why get married when prostitutes are


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  • 3 months later...

Dear God,

I am GOD here,please stop writing so much in this foroum,The man from south is GOD himself,why do you break your head so much,look around there is nature,pretty ladies,anything,all Indiand break their head too much philosphically.TOO MUCH GOD BUISNESS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

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