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It could happen to anyone...

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Once long ago in a small village in Israel a humble Jewish farmer was approached by his oldest son. The son announced that he was leaving the farm with the intention to travel to a near by city to convert to Christianity.

No amount of begging and theistic argument could change the young mans mind, so off he went his broken hearted father left behind.

The father, at a loss, went to his local Rabbi for advice. After explaining his situation to the Rabbi, to the amazement of the father the Rabbi said;

"What a coincident MY son has also become a Christian!"

They sat for a while consoling one another but after some time they agreed they needed guidance from another source for dealing with their shared predicament.

They set off together for a large city in search of a particularly famous Rabbi. This man was known for his wisdom and keen knowledge of Talmudic detail.

When they explained their unfortunate circumstance to this senior Rabbi he suprised them both by confiding;

"What a coincident MY son has also become a Christian!"

The three of them decided that only the ultimate authority, God himself could sort out this disorder within their families so they prayed "Dearest heavenly Father our sons have all become Christians!"

There was the cliched parting of the clouds. A blinding effulgence streamed down upon them and a thunderous and frightening voice spoke....

"What a coincident..... MY son has also....become a Christian!"



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