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Devotees injured in Santa Monica crash

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Anyone who has turned on a radio or television has no doubt heard of the crash at the farmer's market in Santa Monica, California. I believe that 9 or 10 persons were killed. Among those injured were Abhiram das, a young disciple of Srila B. V. Narayan Maharaja, and Bhakta Dan Farina. Some of us here know Abhirama. He came to the Big Island last year and lived next door to where my wife and I stayed before we moved into our own house. He's a very sweet, sincere devotee, and we spent some time with him whenever we could. He regularly went to the Farmer's Market in downtown Hilo to chant Hare Krishna. I believe theist has also met Abhirama, I think at the UC Berkeley campus.


Anyone who wishes to get in touch with the LA Radha-Govinda Gaudiya Math can call the temple at 310-450-5371 or send an email to purebhakti@hotmail.com.


Babhru das

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Yesterday I spoke with some devotees and they told me that Abhiram is sleeping a lot but chanting when he is awake. In a way the devotees were lucky that someone drove them away otherwise would be more injured people.


Most of the people are in shock because they are realizing how we can die at any moment.


My prayers are with Abhiram.

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