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The Constitution of Association of ISKCON - 1966

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1. The name of the society is The International Society for Krishna


2. The headquarters of the Society are located at Radhakrishna Temple, 26

Second Avenue, New York City, 10003, USA.

3. The objectives for which the Society is being established are:

(A) To educate the greater human society in the techniques of spiritual

life as the basis for a balanced psychic and biological development, and

thereby achieve for the first time in human society a real peace and unity

among the contending forces in the world today.

(B) To propagate the Sense of Godhead, the all attractive Personality of

primal and eternal Form, as He Himself revealed in His own words in the

Bhagavad Gita, the Holy Scripture of the Lord Sri Krishna, the Godhead.

© To bring together individuals in a Society, regardless of nationality

and irrespective of creed or caste, in order to develop a nearness to the

Godhead and thereby the idea that within the members and humanity-at-large

there is an infinitesimal soul-spirit that is part and parcel in quality

with the Godhead, and that all life is meant for the satisfaction of said

Godhead, the Supreme Soul.

(D) To encourage the teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who

demonstrated practically the transcendental process of approaching the

absolute Personality of Godhead by His acts of congregational chanting of

the holy name of God, a process known as Samkirtan.

(E) To prove by active work and preaching that Lord Sri Krishna is the only

enjoyer of all the outcomes of individual and collective sacrifice, penance,

meditation, arts, culture, science, because He is the Supreme Proprietor of

the whole universe, eternally apart of Him everyone knows Him as a friend.

Real peace can be attained when this is realized, in fact.

(F) To assist whenever and wherever possible in the building of a social

structure on the real foundation of spiritual progress and establishment of

peace and unity between men throughout the world.

(G) To attempt to save men individually from the chain of victimization the

ongoing trend in modern civilization operates by, in the name of ideologies

of false sentiment, so that Man may again be a free soul, to act and live

freely with spiritual vision. This is possible by individual spiritual

initiation, Diksha, when a man can see everything in Godhead and Godhead in


(H) To further toward realization this highest truth as revealed by Lord

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Goswamins headed by Srila Rupa and

Sanatana Goswamins.

(I) To have for its objectives amongst the others four principles which the

Goswamins had in view. They are the following:

1. To erect a holy place of transcendental pastimes as well as a place where

members of the Lord Sri Krishna can flourish.

2. To propagate all over the world in the form of missionaries the process

of devotion, the transcendental service to the Godhead, and to make known

that this devotional service is the main function of the human being.

3. In order to accomplish this, to adopt proselytizing methods of peaceful

means and to establish a broader society of association for all members,

including scholars and admirers, to engage in this service as put forth in

the Srimad Bhagwatam.

4. To install, wherever it is possible, the worship and temple of

Radhakrishna and that of Sri Chaitanya, and to give facility to everyone to

become trained in the modes of Archan or preparatory principles of

devotional service.

(J) To introduce to the members of the Society and humanity-at-large a

simpler and more natural purpose in life by means suitable to the particular

place and time, and as enjoined in the Bhagavad Gita.

(K) To organize educational programs, such as classes and lecture tours,

and to institute services, such as mailing, for the benefit of the members

of the Society and humanity-at-large.

(L) To publish periodicals, books and/or pamphlets in all important

languages in order to reach human society and give an opportunity to same to

communicate with the Society.

(M) To invoke the quality of goodness particularly in every member of the

Society, individually by the process of Diksha and by establishing one in

the status of a Brahmin (good and intelligent man) on the basis of

truthfulness, knowledge and faith in the transcendental service of the Lord.

(N) Among the secondary objectives of the Society, it shall undertake the

following activities:

1. To revive the scientific system of social orders of classification based

on intelligence, martial spirit, productivity and common assistance,

generally known as the four castes with reference to quality and worth for

the common cause of world society.

2. To discharge as a matter of course the vitiated system of supremacy of

one man over another by false prestige of birthright or vested interests.

3. To popularize the vegetable-grain diet under approved methods in order

that full value of protein, carbohydrate, fat and vitamin benefit may be

derived therefrom.

4. To discourage intoxicating or addicting habits of all descriptions and

dimensions and to expose such persons thus afflicted to approved methods of

spiritual realization.


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Acharya


Raymond Marais

Michael A. Grant

Robert Lefkowitz

James S. Greene


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama

Hare Hare


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