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Since the beginning of time you have tried to figure

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Since the beginning of time you have tried to figure

me out. I wish you would give up. You think you are

a match for me. YOU ARE NOT. You are child's play.


I have taken more people than you could even

comprehend. Some if not most of them didn't even

realize it. Until they were in my clutches for

eternity. They know now.


Most of you think you could defeat me. HA! What

you do not realize is you can't do anything(on your

own that is). I, like you have been created. I have

a purpose. You have a purpose; yet the beautiful

thing is; you do not have a sliver of an idea as to

what your true purpose is. This is where I shine.

Keep in mind that I am the shining one. I will do

everything in my power to cloud this issue. Your only

chance is if God helps you. This is the task. Remove

God from everything possible. Out of the schools,

homes, government and yes even your so called

temples. If I can not remove God; the next

step is distorting the truth. I have given this world

several "alternate" religions. This has been very

successful. Those who are capable of believing that

God exists, become easy pickings for confusion.


I have planted men in all the right places. You

do not even know who they are. Some are preaching in

your pulpits. You fools. You are so caught up in

your doctrine. You are not capable of knowing the

difference between the truth and a lie. As long as

you try to figure it out on your own; the battle is



Continue little children for the time is coming.

So many of you will be shocked. That day is

approaching. It may be today, tomorrow, next week,

next year etc... You do not know. The second you

die you are mine. Only God can save you.

Yet you do not/can not even understand this concept

which a five year old could understand. So I will

continue my goals and plans with no resistance from

you. With your society, friends and the media helping

my cause. So get ready. . .


I will see you soon,




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what the ?


sorry, but that was weird ;0


maya is not a created being, maya is Krishna.


Maya is not trying to cause people to engage in

self defeating actions, just the opposite.


By learning from our experience we rise to a higer level

of self realization.


Thus from Durga-devi's words we can understand that the Lord does not have two potencies. There is only one potency, who manifests Herself as the spiritual potency Radhika and the material potency Visnu-maya. When the potency is free from the material modes, she is called the spiritual potency, and when she is within the sphere of the material modes, she is called the material potency."


Bhaktivinode Thakur Jaiva Dharma



The potency and the possessor of the potency are not different."


"The meaning, then, is that the potency does not exist apart from its substance. The only true substance is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of potencies. The nature of the potency is either to be a quality of the Supreme Lord, or submissive to His will. When it is said that the potency has pure consciousness, that means that because the potency and the master of potencies are not different, therefore, like the master of potencies, the potency also has a form of spiritual consciousness, has desires that are at once fulfilled, and is beyond the touch of the three modes. It is not a mistake to say these things. Will and consciousness are qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By itself, the potency does not possess will, but rather it carries out the will of the Supreme. For example, you have power, and by Your will, your potencies act. If you say, 'the power acted', then that means that the possessor of the power was actually behind the action. To say that 'the power acted' is only to use a figure of speech. In truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has only one potency. When she performs spiritual actions, she is called spiritual potency, and when she performs material actions, she is called the material potency, or maya. The Vedas (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.8) explain:


The potency of the Supreme is manifested in many different ways."


The potency that manifests the three modes is the material potency. She creates and destroys the material universes. Those are her duties. In the Puranas and Tantras this potency is called by many names, such as Visnu-maya, Maha-maya, and Maya. Allegorically she is also called 'the mother of Brahma, Visnu and Shiva", 'the killer of Sumbha and Nisumbha', and other like names that describe her different activities. As long as he remains deeply enmeshed in material consciousness, the soul is under her power. When he attains pure spiritual knowledge, the soul can understand the nature of his original spiritual form. Then he is freed from the ropes of Maya. Then he is under the power of the spiritual potency. Then he becomes happy.


Jaiva Dharma bhaktivinode thakur



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People will be very gifted if they understand who Krsna is. I was lucky to find a series of books chronicling the biography of Prabhupada. Between breaks in classes I read on the travels of Prabhupada in the early years. The article on this site I am responding to warns of grave consequences to the people who don't walk in the light of Godhead. Krsna manifests his opulence in different ways. To know his divine qualities and use them as a guide against pitfalls is an important gift in the road to devotion.

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