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Is it time to return to the temples?

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In the late seventies and early eighties, the "zonal acharyas" ran off most of Srila Prabhupada's disciples. Is it time now for us to return? Or, have we become too enmeshed in our material lives?


Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not criticizing anyone, for I am basically speaking of myself. I'm feeling guilty that I am not contributing more to Srila Prabhupada's movement. My sadhana has also suffered greatly. Living in the temple, more or less, forces one into a strict sadhana. One tends to become lax when living outside, (although I know that some of you have maintained your strict standards).


I also have this dream of the movement becoming very powerful due to Srila Prabhupada's disciples reentering the temples.


I'm interested in hearing the perspectives of devotees who are living in temples and from those of us who are not.


Your humble servant, Forrest

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"more or less, forces one into a strict sadhana."


"forces" is not devotional service...


temples are meant for devotional service



Yes, Prabhu, of course, the temples are meant for devotional service, however, very few devotees are on the platform of spontaneous devotional service. The majority of devotees engage in sadhana (the practice stage of devotional service-- regulated devotional service under the expert direction of the spiritual master). Srila Prabhupada set up the temples in this way.


Are the rules (such as rising early, attending mangala arotika, chanting 16 rounds, etc.) enforced (forced)? Of course they are. This helps the beginning devotee to develop an actual attraction for devotional service. Srila Prabhupada has given the example of a young girl serving her future husband in order to develop love for him (which was a practice in India).


Most of us have to force our minds to think of Krishna and engage in devotional service. Is force there? Of course it is. The enforcement, however, is voluntary. We choose to place ourselves under the guidance of the spiritual master and to accept his instructions. It is the same way that a soldier volunteers for the army. He chooses to join, but once he has joined, he must follow the army rules.


So is devotional service voluntary? Of course it is, but in the beginning we have to force ourselves until we develop the full taste (spontaneous devotional service). We therefore willingly place ourselves in an environment where certain standards or practices are enforced. When one has reached the spontaneous stage, such enforcement is no longer necessary.


Your humble servant, Forrest





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what do you mean by "return to the temple' ?


becoming a person who lives in the brahmacari ashram ?


or one who contributes in some way to the temple activities ?


or one who just goes to the sadhana programs ?

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if yu can stay all your life at the temple, please go now, i will come on holidays, and i will give you obeisances and i will learn by you krsna consciousness


if you will do like the 99% of the devotees, 3, 4,5, 10 years at the temple then back in the "world" doing exactly as before... please stay at home and chant hare krsna

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what do you mean by "return to the temple' ?


becoming a person who lives in the brahmacari ashram ?


or one who contributes in some way to the temple activities ?


or one who just goes to the sadhana programs ?



Depending on the individual and one's individual circumstances, any of these three. To actually move back into the temple, I think, would be the most advantageous to the community at large. Having temples manned by Srila Prabhupada's disciples would be very potent, indeed.


However, not all of Srila Prabhupada's disciples would be able to do this. Coming to the temple as much as possible and contributing in as many ways as possible would also be very beneficial.


Of course, the community also has to recognize the value of the contributions of Srila Prabhupada's disciples, both in the past and at present.


I feel that there is a part of Srila Prabhupada in every one of his disciples. Right now the temples contain (at best) 1% to 2% Srila Prabhupada's disciples. Just think what the temples would be like if those percentages were considerably higher.


Your humble servant, Forrest



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right know i think the internet is the best way to

distribute the message of Sri Caitanya for the average person, although

temple programs would be better if more people became involved, specifically opening healing centers/yoga retreats

in the places where the elite vacation, also

creating more mass media projects, music festivals,

and art festivals.


i dont think whether or not you are an intiated disciple

of Srila Prabhuapda makes any difference.

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I agree---------------



i dont think whether or not you are an intiated disciple

of Srila Prabhuapda makes any difference.




KC is the criteria,the real follower of Mahaprabhu


a gaura-priya-jana


trnad api sunicena


that is the symptom of one who is genuine disciple


always chanting:

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Tell us more

the excitement

the ecstasy

You can see it happen

In your spiritual vision

The transformation of kali-yuga into prema yuga

wher p

Krishna prema is easily available

Chanting Hare Krishna will be easier

Offenses will cease

Pure devotees everywher chanting:


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