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Krishna's Mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him.

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Please accept my blessings. I am pleased to learn that you are conducting

classes very nicely and Krishna is supplying you intelligence to answer some

critical questions by the audience. It is very good news. The more one can

meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced

in Krishna consciousness. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence

to combat such dialogues. Be a sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives

you everything. By the Grace of Krishna you are now engaged in some good

work. Do it sincerely and help the organization to your best...


Your statement that you will try to organize the Hamburg center very

nicely and have a smooth running energetic temple when I go there is also

very encouraging. Please stick to this principle without any diversion. Take

it from me that I am always praying to Lord Krishna for your success in the

Krishna Consciousness movement. You're a very sincere devotee and if you

simply stick to the principles, success is sure for your life. Krishna's

Mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him. You should

not give attention to any outsider's advice (for running the temple) because

they are completely unfit to give you advice. Your situation is different.

We do not care for any agriculturist or economist. Our only shelter is

Krishna. Stick to this principle and success is sure for you...


I am so glad to understand that as soon as your finances are almost

depleted, Krishna sees to everything. This is the process of Krishna

Consciousness. If we are sincere, Krishna will supply us with all

necessities of life. When we serve some mundane master, he gives us

sufficient salary, so when we serve the Supreme Master, how it is possible

that He will keep us fasting? Actually due to our lack of Krishna

Consciousness sometimes we become disturbed with a shortage of funds. But we

should be confident that our necessities will certainly be fulfilled by the

Supreme Lord. Actually the work we are doing is not our work; it is

Krishna's. So when He sees that we are working in a sincere service mood, He

is pleased to crown our efforts to please Him with success... (Letters from

Srila Prabhupada 3/16/67, 1/21/69, 6/29/69, 9/9/69)


Therefore, my dear young friends born of demons, please act in such a way

that the Supreme Lord, who is beyond the conception of material knowledge,

will be satisfied. Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or

duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in

devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers. Nothing is

unobtainable for devotees who have satisfied the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, who is the cause of all causes, the original source of everything.

(Prahlada Maharaja SB 7.6.24-25)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama

Hare Hare




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A couple points that show themselves to me are:


1.Krsna is supplying the intelligence. Not necessarily that this devotee was going inside and finally hearing God directly, but he was simply engaged in Krsna's service and Krsna honored his sincere service attitude by supplying intelligence.


Guru is always present it is just a matter of our becoming cognizant of His presence.


2.Sincerity is always mentioned. How does one gain sincerity?

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2.Sincerity is always mentioned. How does one gain sincerity?


From what little I realized, sincerity first comes from being honest with one's desires and aspirations in Krishna consciousness and 'material' life. Knowing our own shortcomings we try to improve ourselves by serving guru faithfully knowing that by his mercy and Krishna's mercy all our anarthas will be rooted out.


Being simple, not crooked. Read God's website magazine issue #2 on 'Crookedness and Simplicity'

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