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God is real

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Q: How do we know that God is real?


A: We can know God is real when we experience His reality from within. Until then, the Ultimate simply remains an idea or a conception of the human mind. God wants us to know that He is real. The Bible says, “God has placed eternity in the hearts of the sons of men” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We have an intuitive knowledge in our heart that there is "something out there" and that when we die we will still exist somehow - not just as a remembrance or thought. Presently we may believe in our mind that we have well-grounded scientific or other reasons to deny the reality of your eternal! existence, but God has made sure that something in us knows that this is not the truth. Even an atheist sometimes feels so joyful and blessed that he/she doesn’t know who to thank. But that “WHO” is the supreme Himself! Even something in the atheist tells him that there is another being that deserves his deference. The Bible says that, "what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen, ‘being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse" (Romans 1:19, 20).


In summary, God's existence and nature is revealed through what we can see around us in the physical universe AND in our own internal world. Our conscience, mind, memory, will - indeed our whole soul - is a strong evidence that there is a God. Can you believe that a painting could exist without a painter? Or could a watch exist without someone to first design it? Could all the mysteries and intricacies of the biological world really come into being without a super-intelligent and wise Creator? And what if you saw Him within your own self, wouldn’t you believe that He is real? Matter becomes real to us when we perceive it with the senses. Justifiably, God can also be perceived. Yet, since He is beyond the senses, we can perceive Him through the transcendental, inner eye of wisdom.

Quote of the Day: God has placed eternity in the hearts of the sons of men.



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