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'When all the devotees came to the place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they

saw the same dog sitting a little apart from the Lord. Furthermore, Sri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu was throwing remnants of green coconut pulp to the dog.

Smiling in His own way, He was saying to the dog, "Chant the holy names

'Rama,' 'Krsna and 'Hari.'" Seeing the dog eating the green coconut pulp and

chanting "Krsna, Krsna" again and again, all the devotees present were very

surprised. When he saw the dog sitting in that way and chanting the name of

Krsna, Shivananda, because of his natural humility, immediately offered his

obeisances to the dog just to counteract his offenses to it. The next day,

no one saw that dog, for it had obtained its spiritual body and departed for

Vaikuntha, the spiritual kingdom.'


Shivananda Sena's attachment to the dog was a great boon for that animal,

for the dog got the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and was immediately

promoted to Vaikuntha to become an eternal devotee. Srila Bhaktivinoda

Thakura has therefore sung, 'tumi ta' thakura, tomara kukkura, baliya janaha

more'. He thus offers to become the dog of a Vaisnava. There are many other

instances in which the pet animal of a Vaisnava was delivered back home to

Vaikunthaloka, back to Godhead. Such is the benefit of somehow or other

becoming the favorite of a Vaisnava. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has also

sung that there is no harm in taking birth again and again. Our only desire

should be to take birth under the care of a Vaisnava. Fortunately we had the

opportunity to be born of a Vaisnava father who took care of us very nicely.

He prayed to Srimati Radharani that in the future we would become a servant

of the eternal consort of Sri Krsna. Thus somehow or other we are now

engaged in that service. We may conclude that even as dogs we must take

shelter of a Vaisnava. The benefit will be the same as that which accrues to

an advanced devotee under a Vaisnava's care.


This result of sadhu-sanga is consequent association with Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu and promotion back home, back to Godhead. This result is possible

even for a dog, by the mercy of the Vaisnava. Therefore, everyone in the

human form of life should be induced to associate with devotees. By

rendering a little service, even by eating prasadam, what to speak of

chanting and dancing, everyone can be promoted to Vaikunthaloka. It is

therefore requested that all our devotees in the ISKCON community become

pure Vaisnavas, so that by their mercy all the people of the world will be

transferred to Vaikunthaloka, even without their knowledge. Everyone should

be given a chance to take prasadam and thus be induced to chant the holy

names Hare Krsna and also dance in ecstasy. By these three processes,

although performed without knowledge or education, even an animal went back

to Godhead. (CC Antya-lila 1.16-32)


O Lord, the Vaisnava is Yours, and he is Your glory. May he be merciful to

me. Then my life's journey will lead to You, and I will obtain shelter in

the shade of Your lotus feet. (Bhaktivinode Thakura)




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