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Sai Baba

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Hare Krishna


I have gone through the Srila Prabhupada Folio, many times and SP doesn’t recognize him as a devotee of Krishna.


Anything else I need to add!?


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He is not God, God is krishna...


But he does have the hospitals , he runs them for free, I think he is a nice guy, with some serious deficits.


He is also psychic and can make you believe he is God, but really, they are yogic powers which any one can gain through tapasya.


In this material world, no one knows what lies next, what is true? what is false? who is right? who is wrong? the truth is always twisted.


What one may think of oneself may be perceived differently by the other.


I think it is better to just dwell on the simple truth, which is the almighty exists, and every one exists in him, not vice versa.


So, it is ignorant to follow such people ... like saibaba in my view.


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It's best to know and understand that Sai Baba is a philanthropist. He has built big hospitals and also has free water supply to many places in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.


The latest teachings of Sai Baba that I saw in the newspaper - he recommended everyone only to chant the holy names of God, especially Lord Rama. He had also adviced all the people to cultivate good qualities such as honesty, tolerance etc.


However, he is not God. He is not Bhagavan, simply because he does not possess those wonderful qualities of Lord Krishna.

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  • 3 months later...

I beg to differ, I think this is politically incorrect. The definition of a philo is...(i said a philo not a peado lol) ...humanitarian, a good-hearted person. Ok, he is building hospitals y? free water supply y? lets not look at what he is doing, lets look at y he is doing it. A farmer treats his livestock with so many luxuries and then the slaughter begins, Sai Baba knows he must have fans and worshippers to maintain his "respect" and "Godliness". Hitler improved so many conditions for the germans but he killed so many jews. Many ppl will do some thing "good" but so often, as history is proven, its with ulterior motives.


I Sai Baba is encouraging everyone to be "good" then y is he a bad example? (eg.a peadophile,homosexual). He himself admits this and says that he himself is beyond good and bad. wow, that man can get away with anything!

incase, you say where i got my information from, I will say this to you, i got it from the newspaper too, and that makes my argument as valid as yours.


ys. Jitz

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Three die after putting faith in guru


The Times (England), Aug. 27, 2001


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Three British men have died mysteriously after becoming followers of an Indian mystic famed as a ''god man'' and miracle worker.


Sai Baba's activities are being studied by the Foreign Office which is considering issuing an unprecedented warning against the guru to travellers.


The Times has learnt that three Britons have apparently taken their lives after placing hope in India's most popular holy man.


One of them had complained of being repeatedly sexually molested by Sai Baba at his ashram in Puttaparthi near Bangalore.


Michael Pender, an HIV-positive student, was found dead at a London hostel after taking alcohol and painkillers. He had already tried to commit suicide at the holy man's headquarters.


Aran Edwards hanged himself at home in Cardiff after joining a Sai Baba support group and being encouraged to write to the guru to solve his psychological problems.


Mr Edwards sent a flurry of anxious letters but was devastated after receiving no replies and being told that the guru did not read his mail.


Andrew Richardson, a South Africa-born British national, jumped off a building in India shortly after visiting Sai Baba's ashram.


Among visitors who have paid respects to Sai Baba are the Duchess of York, the Prince of Wales's architect Keith Critchlow, the cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and the Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.


Sai Baba's message is being preached in more than 500 British schools through charities which claim to provide non-denominational education in ''human values''.


Tom Sackville, a former Home Office Minister, last night urged the Government to take decisive action to warn teachers and pilgrims of the dangers of becoming involved with Sai Baba. The guru's reputation is plummeting after the United Nations cancelled a conference at his headquarters, issuing a condemnation of his alleged sex abuse of youths and boys.


Unicef pulled out of a conference it was due to sponsor with the guru's educational organisation in Puttaparthi last September.


The UN's cultural agency issued a trenchant statement: ''The organisation is deeply concerned about widely reported allegations of sexual abuse involving youths and children that have been levelled at the leader of the movement in question, Sathya Sai Baba.



In hundreds of British schools, Sai Baba-influenced educational programmes on ''human values'' are currently being promoted as part of the National Curriculum.

The Charity Commission met the trustees of one of the educational charities involved, the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values Trust UK, last year and ''found no concerns'', a spokesman said.


Mr Sackville, chairman of the anti-cult organisation Fair (Family Action Information and Resource), said that he had successfully intervened to persuade a girls' school to reject a Sai Baba-inspired course.


''Schools are not on their guard because at official level they are not given any steer,'' Mr Sackville said. ''Some other countries would have had official warnings.''


He said that Whitehall was strongly opposed to letting the British Government apply sanctions to cults, which civil servants describe respectfully as ''new religious movements''.


As for the Charity Commission's clean bill of health to the Sai Baba educational organisation, Mr Sackville said: ''There's a lot of very naive people around in these government institutions.''

[...more...] [Need the full story? Read this]


The Sai followers say these are false accusations, if they where then Why would the accusers die to falsely blame Sai Baba???

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