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Hare Krishna


In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says the following:


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Chapter 5. Karma-yoga--Action in Krsna Consciousness



na kartrtvam na karmani

lokasya srjati prabhuh

na karma-phala-samyogam

svabhavas tu pravartate



na--never; kartrtvam--proprietorship; na--nor; karmani--activities; lokasya--of the people; srjati--creates; prabhuh--the master of the city of the body; na--nor; karma-phala--with the results of activities; samyogam--connection; svabhavah--the modes of material nature; tu--but; pravartate--act.




<font color="red">The embodied spirit, master of the city of his body, does not create activities, </font color> <font color="red"> nor does he induce people to act, </font color><font color="red">nor does he create the fruits of action. All this is enacted by the modes of material nature. </font color>




The living entity, as will be explained in the Seventh Chapter, is one in nature with the Supreme Lord, distinguished from matter, which is another nature--called inferior--of the Lord. Somehow, the superior nature, the living entity, has been in contact with material nature since time immemorial. The temporary body or material dwelling place which he obtains is the cause of varieties of activities and their resultant reactions. Living in such a conditional atmosphere, one suffers the results of the activities of the body by identifying himself (in ignorance) with the body. It is ignorance acquired from time immemorial that is the cause of bodily suffering and distress. As soon as the living entity becomes aloof from the activities of the body, he becomes free from the reactions as well. As long as he is in the city of body, he appears to be the master of it, but actually he is neither its proprietor nor controller of its actions and reactions. He is simply in the midst of the material ocean, struggling for existence. The waves of the ocean are tossing him, and he has no control over them. His best solution is to get out of the water by transcendental Krsna consciousness. That alone will save him from all turmoil.

By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada



My question is could somebody please explain this verse to me more, so I can understand, I have been thinking how the modes of material nature work, I need it explained to me.


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gita has a whole chapter for it - guna traya vibhaga yoga.


the idea is this (yes it is not self evident.):


our identity is that we are the soul, not the body.


body is material, and therefore we have three modes of nature influencing us: satva, rajas, and tama.


so, when we think that we are not the body, then whatever we do with the body is not our action but action by the modes. thinking this way, one can stay out of the bonds of karma.


this however is not a free pass to do anything and say "All this is enacted by the modes of material nature"

and i am not responsible for my karma. one has to act very smartly in deciding what karma to do. and then on top of it one can think/beleive: "All this is enacted by the modes of material nature. (I the soul is not the doer.)"


all glory to sri prabhupada!


jai sri krishna!




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