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Bhaktivinoda Thakura now pulls out all the stops

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"If we go through the histories of these five rasas, it is clearly understood that santa-rasa was seen in the beginning days of India. When the soul was not satisfied after performing sacrifices with material ingredients, then transcendentalists like the four Kumaras, Narada and Mahadeva all became detached from the material world, situated in transcendence, and realized santa-rasa. Much later, dasya-rasa manifested in Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys. That dasya-rasa gradually expanded to the northwest and manifested in a great personality named Moses. Long after Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys, Uddhava and Arjuna (two stalwart devotees of Lord Krsna) became the qualified authorities of sakhya-rasa. They preached about this rasa throughout the world. Gradually that rasa expanded up to the Arabian countries and touched the heart of Mohammed, the knower of religious principles. Vatsalya-rasa manifested throughout India in different forms at different times. Among the different forms, vatsalya-rasa mixed with opulence crossed India and appeared in a great personality named Jesus Christ, who was a preacher of Jewish religious principles. Madhurya-rasa first shone brightly in Vraja. It is extremely rare for this rasa to enter the hearts of the conditioned souls, because this rasa tends to remain with qualified, pure living entities. Till now (1888 when this book was written), this rasa has not crossed beyond India."



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