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It is not that I disobey my real Spiritual Master

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"It is not that I disobey my real Spiritual Master and call someone else as Spiritual Master. That is wrong. It is only that I can call Spiritual Master someone who is teaching me purely what my initiating Spiritual Master has taught." (Letter to Sri Galim November 20, 1971)


Srila Prabhupada came to the western world, which is full of impersonalism and voidism, only to give something. He said his only credit was that he didn't add or subtract anything from the word of his spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada was a true follower and servant of his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada, and Srila Prabhupada always associated his spiritual master by serving his words and instructions (vani). Thus Srila Prabhupada received all the blessings of the paramapara and was therefore able to deliver the entire universe. He was a transparent medium to the disciplic succession, and was a true representative of Lord Nityananda.


Srila Prabhupada writes in the Adi-lila about how the members of the Gaudiya Matha deviated from the disciplic succession and began emphasizing different aspects of Krsna consciousness different from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada, thus they lost their spiritual vision and missionary inspiration to preach Krsna consciousness:


"The secret of success in advancement in spiritual life is the firm faith of the disciple in the orders of his spiritual master. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura wanted to print as many books as possible and distribute them all over the world. We have tried our best in this connection, and we are getting results beyond our expectations." (Adi-lila 12.8)



"Krsna says, vasudeva... When Krsna is in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, He's Vasudeva. Krsna does not go away from Vrndavana. But when He has got other business to do, He does it as Vasudeva. Vasudeva is in Mathura. Vasudeva is in Dvaraka. But original Krsna is in Vrndavana. But that does not mean that this Vasudeva is different from Krsna. The foolish person, who cannot study, who does not know what is Vasudeva, what is Aniruddha, what is Pradyumna, the, the Sankarsana... These are all expansions of Krsna. They are not different from Krsna. But still, They are not original Krsna. There is no... It is not that Vasudeva has got less power than Krsna. They are equally powerful. Advaitam acyutam... Advaita. They are not different." (Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture: 1.5.29 Vrndavana, August 10, 1974)


"There is no difference between the attitude of the gopis and Bhismadeva in the matter of exchanging transcendental mellows between God and His devotee. Krishna can be loved in any feature and because he is absolute there is no difference to love Krishna as a military man or as a simple Gopi." (Srila Prabhupada's letter to Jadurani dd, 29 December, 1967)




On the other hand, Srila Prabhupada explains in the Caitanya Caritamrta:


"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is called maha-vadanyavatara because although He is Sri Krsna Himself, He is even more favorably disposed to the poor fallen souls than Lord Sri Krsna. When Lord Sri Krsna Himself was personally present He demanded that everyone surrender unto Him and promised that He would then give one all protection, but when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to this earth with His associates, He simply distributed transcendental love of God without discrimination. Sri Rupa Gosvami, therefore, could understand that Lord Caitanya was none other than Sri Krsna Himself, for no one but the Supreme Personality of Godhead can distribute confidential love of the Supreme Person." (Adi 7.20-21

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"Srila Prabhupada writes in the Adi-lila about how the members of the Gaudiya Matha deviated from the disciplic succession "



"how SOME member ot the Gaudya Matha"... Srila Bhaktisiddhanta had some tenths of thousand disciples... we cannot assume that everyone was a failure except srila prabhupada

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There is no difference between the attitude of the gopis and Bhismadeva in the matter of exchanging transcendental mellows between God and His devotee. Krishna can be loved in any feature and because he is absolute there is no difference to love Krishna as a military man or as a simple Gopi." (Srila Prabhupada's letter to Jadurani dd, 29 December, 1967



From Jaiva Dharma:


In the spiritual world the highest realm is called goloka.

In that realm lives Krsna in two “chambers” where he enjoys pastimes in two different forms :

Brajendra nandana Krsna enjoying the sweetest madhurya mood (and lesser versions of it) as the Only object of love of His Radha, (and others).

Sri Caitanya Krsna enjoying His own Brajendra nandana sweetness from the position of Radha, and magnanimously distributing that [b}love of Radha for Brajendra nanda Krishna to others, and that is why this lila is called audarya (magnanimous).


This two lilas are same because they glorify the love of Radha for Krsna.


Lesser degrees of that love can be found in “lower” realms of the spiritual world.

That is why objectively in the spiritual world

there is difference given by

the sweetness of love between the devotes and different forms of Krsna, which have Their own independence and moods, which is inconceivable.

The devotee is linked to a certain type of worshipable Lord into a particular mood, given by the power of his specifically bhakti rasa and this is the devotee's dharma (true nature).

This love will be revealed through the mercy of the sat guru, and by the power of one's sadhana in the stage of rati (the first rays of love)

That love is subjectively the best.




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