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Hare Krishna


There are a lot of threads mentioning <font color="red"> kshatryas</font color> ,

are there any of these fighters on this Earth at the present moment?



<font color="orange">If so can I be trained! /images/graemlins/mad.gif </font color>


<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>




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for first let us build the head of the society beeing us good devotees (=brahmanas)


then ksatrya .. vaisya... sudra are already there... when the head is all right, there's no need of separate efforts



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Hare Krishna


Vaisnava's on this planet are Higher than Brahmin's so there has to be some Ksatriyas lurking about somewhere, don't you agree?


In the Mahabharata it is said that these religious fighters can kill thousands of people at a time, but then again I don't know that much about the subject.


Here is a verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.20:


In the sixteenth incarnation of the Godhead, the Lord [as Brgupati*] annihilated the administrative class [ksatriyas] twenty-one times, being angry with them because of their rebellion against the brahmanas [the intelligent class].





<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>



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" there has to be some Ksatriyas lurking about somewhere,"


there's millions of policemen and soldiers in this world.... let us add krsna to this society and everything will be adjusted... ksatrya class too

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in principle the police and militry of every country are kshatriyas (pretector class of varnasrama dharma).


gita describes the qualiteis of skhatriyas,

if you have such qualities, then you could be a good kshatriya. enve when one has such a spirit but is not a police or military, heshe is a kshatriya.


those who fight intelelctually against the barbaric ideologies are also kshatriyas.


any one who fights adharmis in any way are kshatriyas.


true brahmanas advise kshatriyas with whom to fight

and with whom not to fight., when to fight and when not, for what to fight and for what not to fight.


jai sri krishna!



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<< for first let us build the head of the society beeing us good devotees (=brahmanas) >>


i only wish that the heads need to tell/show/identify other varmans the asuras, and encourage them to fight asuras and adharma, internal as well as external.


if a head says this man A is a good man when A is an asura, then the head is doing adharma and is not qualified for the head's position.


jai sri krishna!


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when i say "let us buil a class of brahmana" i mean "let us build a PURE and INFALLIBLE class of brahmana"


but if you want to jump over brahmanas you are not a ksatrya. you are a terrorist or anarchist


so, please, tell us freely your ideas but do not pollute this word.. ksatrya, that is a saint word belonging to a perfect system


support krsna ideas... don't force krsna to support yours


(i hope that one of other devotees in the forum soon will say : "i am a brahmana. you ksatrya be quiet!!" this will be the real test... you ksatrya, you cannot decide without guidance)

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Ksatriya, smartyiya, I say. Other than the real ksatriyas from bygone eras, ie, bhima, yudhisthira, etc, there are none. Ksatriya, unfortunately, was widely used in the ISKCON terror days when so called devotees carried guns in their bead bags and acted like puffed up bullies to lord it over others.


A ksatriya is subserviant to the brahmana, therefore, he never acts without consultation with one who has full character of tolerance, equanimity, magnanimity, patience, and above all else, loves others as greatly as he applies love to themselves.


Show me one, and Ill say they still exist. But ksatrya is not here, not now.


Hell, Id like to meet a sudra, because sudras are fully on the VAD level, meaning that they are subserviant to those who have love of god and others at heart.


Become a sudra, give up mleccadom and be subserviant. This should be the interest.


After all, aswattama had great weapons, but never did he have the real quals to operate (not, he was brahmana acting as ksatriya, which is proper). Guns dont make soldiers, discipline does, and discipline is never aloof from disciple-guru relationship.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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<< do not pollute this word.. ksatrya, >>


the correct sanskrit word is kshatriya.

please remember it.


you may figure my varmna from my posts.

i love brahmanas who have qualities 9guna/karma of a brahmana as described in gita.

brahmanas tell the truth (remember the case of the boy jaabaaal?). so, i love brahmanas who tell the truthb about islam as it is in koran, hadith, and in history.

if they lie about this, then i loose respect for them.

who would respect liers?


jai sri krishna!


ps: i am not a good typist. so if i misspell, forgive.

but get the idea.



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the idea that you do not get is that you have to depend from an authority and spiritual master to be put on any varna


you cannot decide by your self if you can act as a kshatrya, like a brahmana cannot give diksa to himself


so kindly answer to me..... from where you get this title of kshatrya......... otherwise i have to assume that you are simply an outcaste and you have not right to speak


(the kshatrya are loyal and intelligent, so answer with sincerity and no tricks, jokes and world jugglery)




but, if you get out from the illusion to be a sanctified kshatrya, let us talk freely of your ideas




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Haribol, another intrinsic characteristic with the ksatriya class is that when they engage in warfare, there is NEVER a case of so-called "friendly fire", no civilian casualties.


I say this because some may think a just war is going on in Iraq, some even say the ksatriyas are carrying it out. This is utter nonsense, the US and Iraqis are equally demoniac, there is no justification for any warlike activity carried out by non-ksatriya personnel. All that is going on in this Kali Yuga geo-political scene in butchery outside any sanction according to guru-shastra-sadhu.


I presented a scenario to justify killing one I considered needing to be killed to my Guru. He disapproved vehemently, even though I presented a case showing my enemy to be just like the personality of Kali confronted by King Pariksit. He was most angry with me, and chastized me greatly.


But He was also most compassionate with me as well (proving that guru-chastizement is never done to humiliate or break the spirit of disciple). He laughed at the end of the hard lesson, and ordered me to become King. The message was clear as a bell, first, become qualified, then act in proper varna.


Since that time, I have been trying to become a sudra, and am still miles away, but the nectar of instruction is there, so I have something to work on.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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>>>the idea that you do not get is that you have to depend from an authority and spiritual master to be put on any varna


you cannot decide by your self if you can act as a kshatrya, like a brahmana cannot give diksa to himself<<<


It's by your acquired nature. Krsna told Arjuna that even if he refused to fight he would be forced to be his own nature.


Brahmana's are required to teach others how to use their acquired natures in the most constructive way, for the greater good spiritualy and materialy.


This doesn't not to be mythologized (is that a word?).


Forget the asura vs. suras thing for a minute. If one community of people is attacked some will naturally step forward in defense while others try to hide.


We are talking about natural tendancies that have been acquired from the three modes of nature. So they must act as best they are trained because only the modes are active.



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