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Srila Prabhupada's Glance :When he looks into your eyes, he looks into your heart

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Srila Prabhupada's Glance



In the Sri Isopanisad (Mantra Six, purport), Srila Prabhupada states that an uttama-adhikari (a person in the highest stage of God-realization), "is not misled by material bodies but is attracted by the spiritual spark within the respective entities."



There is no beginning and there is no end in describing Srila Prabhupada's glance. When Prabhupada looks into your eyes, he looks into your heart.

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How are we seen by the sadhu? By our service?


Srila Gour Govinda Swami:

Yes. The sadhu is the seer. If he showers his mercy upon you,he sees you. If you receive that mercifulglance then you are very fortunate. How-ever, you are in the category of bodily con-sciousness. How can you have it? Guru isthe manifestation of the Supersoul, caitya-guru in the heart. He manifests a body and appears. He knows your heart.


Devotee: I don’t quite understand.


Srila Gour Govinda Swami:


Yes, try to under-stand. As I told you, just hear patiently. Think this over very deeply. I think you cannot completely understand what I say.

We always think that we are the seer and that they are to be seen, but this is not a fact. It is just the reverse. They are the seers and we are to be seen.

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The King of Prayers




which petitions the most merciful sidelong glance of Srimati Radharani


As spoken by Lord Siva and recorded in the Urdhvamnaya Tantra.






munindra-vrnda-vandite tri-loka-soka harini


prasanna-vaktra-pankaje nikunja-bhu-vilasini


vrajendra-bhanu-nandini vrajendra-sunu-sangate


kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You who are adorned by the leaders of multitude of sages! Oh You who takes away the miseries of the three worlds! Oh You whose face joyfully blooms like a lotus flower! Oh You who delights in playing love-sports throughout the secret forest bower-houses! Oh most charming daughter of Vrsabhanu, beloved of the King of Vraja, Sri Krsna! Oh You who are always associated with the King of Vraja Sri Krsna! When? Oh, When will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"








varabhaya-sphurat-kare prabhuta-sampadalaye


kada karasyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"O You who dwells in a pavilion with a canopy of creepers spread over the branches of asoka trees! Oh You whose soft delicate feet radiate the pink-coral color of freshly sprouted tree- buds! Oh You whose upraised hand bestow the benediction of fearlessness! Oh You who are the source of divine opulences! When? Oh, When will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"






savibhramam-sasambhramam drganta-vana-patanaih


nirantaram vasi-krta-pratita-nanda-nandane


kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You, with the bow of Cupid, Your delightful auspicious crooked bending eyebrows, You shoot Your arrow messages of love from the corners of Your eyes, which cause the charming son of Nanda to be struck with amorous delusions of noble submission to you for all eternity! Oh, When will you make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy."










kada-karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam?




"Oh You, whose golden form is brilliantly effulgent like lightning and campaka flowers! Oh You whose effulgent face eclipses the beauty of millions of full autumn moons! Oh You whose restless eyes are like cakora partridges moving to and fro! Oh, When will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"




madonmati-yauvane! pramoda-mana-mandite!


priyanuraga-ranjite! kala-vilasa-pandite!




kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam?




"Oh You Who are an extremely joyful love-happy youth! Oh You who are decorated with the great happiness of love- intoxicated jealousy, pouting and anger! Oh You who has extreme pure loving affection for Your beloved Sri Krsna! Oh You, the most expert in all the various acts of amorous love! Oh You, the most learned in arranging amorous pastimes of pure love in super opulent secret bower houses in the best of forests! When? Oh, When will make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"










kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam?




"Oh You who are decorated with the diamond necklace of a limitless variety of feminine charms like artistic amorous gestures, ecstatic loving moods, and gentle mannerisms! Oh You, whose incomparable ecstatic love makes Your perfect breasts very plump like golden water jugs or like the temple mounds of a young elephant! Oh You whose enchanting mild sweet smile is like a line of flower pollen on the ocean of joy! When? Oh when, will you make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"






latagra lasya-lola-locanavalokane




kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You whose arms are like fresh creepers of lotus stems playfully swaying in waves of the river of Your youthful pastimes! Oh you whose seductive very dark-blue (nila) eyes are like the tip of a creeper blown by a gentle breeze! Oh You whose playfull sports and alluring movements so enchant Mohan Krsna that He appears hypnotized by You into wonderful meetings! Oh When will You make me the object of your sidelong glance of causeless mercy?"










kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You smooth conchshell like neck, marked with three lines is decorated with a pure gold necklace! Oh You whose three strand necklace of woven jasmine garlands decorated with diamonds, emeralds, and pearls radiates splendid effulgence! Oh You whose every dark blue (nila) braids of hair are interwoven the bunches of flowers! When oh when will you make me the object of Your side long glance of causeless mercy?"










kada karisyasiha mam kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You whose round hips are decorated with a belt of dangling flowers! Oh You whose charmingly thin waist is decorated by a belt of tiny tinkling jeweled bells! Oh you, whose beautifully shaped legs taper gracefully from Your thigh like the trunk of the king of elephants! When, oh When will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"










kada karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You whose captivating anklebells make the sounds of various kinds of divine mantras resembling a group of royal swans singing! Oh You whose extreme superexcellent movements put to shame the swaying of a golden creeper! Oh, when will You make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"










kada-karisyasiha mam krpa-kataksa-bhajanam




"Oh You who is humbly worshipped by all the Lord Brahmas in unlimited millions of universes created by Lord Visnu! Oh You who is the bestower of benedictions to the daughter of the Himalayas, Parvati (Siva's wife), the daughter of Puloma, Saci (Indra's wife), and to Brahma's wife, Sarasvati! Oh You Whose toenails glow with the radiance of boundless mystic perfections and opulences! When oh, When will you make me the object of Your side-long glance of causeless mercy?"




makhesvari kriyesvari svadhesvari suresvari




ramesvari ksamesvari pramoda-kananesvari


vrajesvari vrajadhipe sri radhike namo'stu te




"O Goddess, Leader of Vedic sacrifices! Oh Goddess leader of pious activities! Oh Goddess Leader of spontaneous devotional service! Oh Goddess Leader of all the demigods and Goddesses! O Goddess, leader of all knowledge in the three Vedas! Oh Goddess leader of enforcing scriptural principles! Oh Goddess Leader of all Goddesses of fortune! Oh Goddess Leader of forgiveness! Oh Goddess Leader of the pleasure forest of Vrindavana! Oh Goddess Leader of Vraja! Oh One and only authority who regulates entrance into Vraja! Oh Sri Radhika! I offer my most respectful obeisances unto You!"




May Sri Vrsabhanu-nandini, upon hearing my astonishing prayer recited, bestow Her most merciful side-long glance upon the speaker. At that time one will feel all the effects of past, present and future karma completely destroyed and gain entrance into the assembly of Nanda-nandan's Krsna's eternal loving devotees. That aspiring devotee who chants this prayer on the full moon day, waxing eight lunar day, tenth lunar day, eleventh lunar day (ekadasi), and thirteenth lunar day will find that his mind and intelligence become pure, each and every desire will be fullfilled without fail, and by the most merciful sidelong glance of Sri Radha, one will obtain pure ecstatic love (prema). The aspiring devotee who recites this prayer one hundred times while in the waters of Sri Radha Kunda up to the thighs, navel, chest or neck attains complete perfection in religiosity, economic development, fulfillment of desires, and liberation - the power by which everything spoken will come true, and great opulence from attaining transcendental majesty. At that time one gets to meet Sri Radhika face to face, seeing Her even with one's own present eyes and Sri Radhika becomes so pleased that She instantly bestows the greatest benediction of being able to see her own beloved Shyamasundara Krsna with one's present eyes. Then Lord Krsna, the Lord of Vraja-dhama, grants one entrance into His eternal ecstatic pastimes, which is the only goal for which true Vaisnavas hanker.


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July 16, 1972

It is spring of 1973 at New Dwarka, Srila Prabhupada rang his bell. I immediately went to his room and paid obeisances. When I sat up, his eyes widened. Looking at me with great concern he pointed to the floor near my legs and said, "Do you see that bug?" Looking around for a few moments I finally spotted the small insect. I nodded in agreement having no idea what was to come next.


In a very serious voice His Divine Grace said, "I have been watching that bug for some time now and he has not moved. I think he is hungry. Get a prasadam flower and take him outside. Put him on a plant so he can get some nourishment." I immediately did what my most merciful Guru Maharaja asked and returned to the servant's quarters.


Neither of us spoke of the bug again. It was just another wonderful occasion in which he showed me just how indiscriminately merciful a pure devotee is. His Divine Grace didn't feel it was a waste of time to transcendentally mitigate the suffering of even the smallest of living entities. Now, just seeing the smallest of insects, I am forced to think of my beloved Srila Prabhupada. However insignificant we maybe, if we are fortunate to get the glance of the nitya-siddha, our life will be immensely benefited.




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The faithful disciple is blessed with knowledge. When the spiritual master becomes pleased with a disciple, he bestows all knowledge of the Vedas on that disciple. This is probably the most intimate time I ever had with Jayananda, or anybody for that matter. I can hardly talk about it.


We were alone one night at the Ratha site in Frisco. We were just standing around and talking. Jayananda got to talking about how Srila Prabhupada came to the airport one day. Jayananda did his dandavats right at Srila Prabhupada’s feet, and somehow he looked upwards from the floor to Srila Prabhupada. Right then, Srila Prabhupada was looked straight down into Jayananda’s eyes.


It was a rare moment for me, how Jayananda described the look that Srila Prabhupada gave him. It was a look of infinite love and mercy, Jayananda said. Srila Prabhupada’s stood, looking down to Jayananda, his face and his smile and his mercy all poured down through his eyes to Jayananda, with all the love and mercy anyone could imagine. I can hardly remember just how superlative that description was, how Jayananda gave it to me, except that I was awed by it. And as Jayananda was telling me about the mercy glance of Srila Prabhupada, it seemed that he was showing me how it looked. Jayananda seemed to have the same kind of look on his face.


There are rare times when one person is able to look into the eyes of another person, for very long, without turning away. At that time, I was able to look into Jayananda’s face and eyes for a long time, as he was giving me this mercy look he was describing. Sort of like I got initiated with the glance myself. And at that time, I saw Jayananda’s aura. It was dark outside, being night time, and somehow I saw an aura of light about his head. Some new age people give classes on how to see auras. I saw his without effort. It was then that I realized the purport of his name. Jayananda. The victory of spiritual bliss. I saw waves of bliss emanating from his eyes and face and smile. It was waves of bliss. That was about the most intimate time I ever had with Jayananda, actually with anybody. I don’t think I could ever forget that look and those feelings, that story of the mercy vision of Srila Prabhupada, and the awe of the moments as long as I live, and hopefully forever after that.


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Sri Damodara-ashtakam

(found in the Padma Purana of Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa, spoken by Satyavrata Muni in a conversation with Narada Muni and Saunaka Rsi)

"In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodara-ashtakam, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Lord Damodara. (Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2:16:198)




namo deva damodarananta visno

prasida prabho duhkha jalabdhi-magnam

krpa-drsti-vrsyati-dinam batanu-

grhanesa mam ajnam edhy aksi-drsyah


(6) O Supreme Godhead, I offer my obeisances unto You. O Damodara! O Ananta! O Vishnu! O master! O my Lord, be pleased upon me. By showering Your glance of mercy upon me, deliver this poor ignorant fool who is immersed in an ocean of worldly sorrows, and become visible to my eyes.


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Srila Narottama dasa Thakura's


Sri Prema-bhakti-candrika

(The Moonlight of Loving Devotion)





5 kame mora hata cita nahi jane ni ja hita

manera na ghuce durbasana

more natha angikuru tumi bancha-kalpa-taru

karuna dekhuka sarba-jana


Lust has destroyed my mind. I do not know what is actually beneficial for me. O Lord, You glance mercifully on all living entities and You are like a desire tree fulfilling the desires of everyone. Please accept me as Your servant.


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Sort of like I got initiated with the glance myself.[/qoute]


I believe you did.


One Ratha-yatra in S.F. Prabhupada was sitting on Lady Subhadra's cart. I was walking along by the side as was my habit, with my eyes fixed on Srila Prabhupada. Suddenly he turned his head left and was staring right down into my eyes. At that point I felt like I was in some suspended state of animation or something. I could feel him reading my heart. It was a long glance. He had a very stern look on his face. And it was made clear to me he was not pleased with my progress. I could feel his disappointment in how cheaply I was taking the Krsna conscious movement.


After a few moments he looked at my bead bag which I had over my shoulder and nodded. This was very distinct and intentional on his part. I felt rather stupified and fooloish. He had just given me instruction and permission to chant on my beads.


He then immediately turn his head forward, looking straight ahead, regal, like a king. And I knew that his focus was totally on something else. I remember that sense of total absolute focus.


I never mentioned this to anyone, maybe three or four people in all these years because I doubt anyone would believe it and it doesn't matter anyway. It is very personal. But from the other guest's post I sense there are more out there in similar situations, so for them I post this.

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Receiving Srila Prabhupada's glance is the perfection of life. Sometimes that glance can reveal much more than what we can say to others publicly, and that is proper. However, that glance (and even more) is still there for everyone who is eager to receive it.

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