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Can Someone Please Help

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hi there,


I am curently reading the Bhagavad Gita, and am having problems understanding some of the terms as i dont speak or understand hindi. is there someone out there that has messanger or msn?? i would love to talk to someone that knows a lot more than i ( and i'm sure there are A LOT of you ). any help would be awesome


Thank you Reanna

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I don't know what Gita you are reading, but the original was not written in Hindi, but in Sanskrit. Which you also probalby cant read. :-) However, Srila Prabhupada has so kindly translated it perfectly for us into English, as he is a pure devotee and therefore does not change one word. If you would like to read an online version of it, go to:




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Hare Krishna Wanting2learn


If you are having trouble understanding the Gita,

(don't worry i can't either, only bits)


Then heres a nice link by a Krishna Bhakta:


The Ultimate Self Realization Course




You can to Gita lectures on the site, they are very helpful...Haribol /images/graemlins/smile.gif



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of the Bhagavad-gita is that it is not just a book; it is a process. As you follow Krsna's instructions in the book, the path to Krsna is revealed - the book becomes alive.


The teacher is Krsna, and He is always with you. Whatever you do not understand He will teach you as you live day-to-day. In the book, round and round, it takes maybe six months before you can get beyond the words to the reality of our situation.


You will also find a fairly comprehensive Glossary of Terms in the back of the book for many common Sanskrit words.




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if I am wrong but it sounds like you have the edited version that does not have the verses in sanskrit along with the word for word translation of the sanskrit. Anyway, there still should be a glossary in the back of the book.


This is the method that I used the first couple of times I read Bhagavad Gita As It Is:


First I read the book reading the english translation of the verses only. This is relatively quick depending on your time.

Second, I read the book reading the english translation of the verses and the purports.

Third, I read the book reading the verses only again; stopping to think about the verses and referring to the purports as needed.


From then on, I read BGAII in full - sanskrit, english verses and purports.


You can not read Bhagavad Gita once. The more you read the more you will come to understand. This is true no matter how many times you read BGAII - It is "ever fresh" whether you read it one time or a thousand times!

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Hare Krishna


<font color="red"> Quote from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:


</font color>

"In the beginning Krishna says that I have selected you as My student because you are My friend and you are My devotee, so in other words we can understand that, Bhagavad-Gita can be understood, who has intimate relationship with Krishna".



<font color="blue">O </font color> <font color="green"> Mind </font color> <font color="red"> Just </font color> <font color="orange">Worship </font color> <font color="black"> Krsna </font color>






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