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Legend of Bagger Vance and Gita on the Green...

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Yesterday I received a very nice surprise in the mail!! Someone sent me the movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance", the novel that the movie was made from and also the book "Gita on the Green".


I have only seen a portion of the film before and now will be able to see it in it's entirety. I believe gHari mentioned this film in another thread.


Has anyone else here read "Gita on the Green"? I have thumbed through it briefly and it looks quite comprehensive and very good. I want to find time to sit down today and start reading it.

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to those who familiarize themselves with the Bhagavad-gita you shall find many similiarities within the movie (example-certain names, motivation/philosophical speeches) but to those who havent read the gita the movie appears so-so.


now, wouldnt it be nice to see an actually movie glorifing the Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS, instead of these brief moments. if done properly the Gita could be presented to the masses just as presented in written word.


i am in no way de-mystifying the importance of the Gita asking it to become tainted by Hollywoods hands, but a beautiful visual image of it could be presented.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought it was pretty good. I didn't understand why Hindu groups were protesting the film. I think transfering the ideas is very important, whatever the structure it may take. For instance, most people don't realize that the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien was his attempt (prompted by C.S. Lewis) to take Christian themes (of good & evil, temptation, and forgiveness) and put them into popular culture. This way even if you find church boring, you can still get the right message.

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I have not been able to watch the film yet. I turned on my vcr and tried to pop in the video and the band inside the vcr broke!!! I had to pry the video out.


I have just started reading "Gita on the Green" and if my vcr is not fixed when I finish this book - then I will read the novel that the movie was based on.


I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy back when it first came out in my hippie days. I enjoyed it and I do remember either reading or hearing C.S. Lewis' idea of the Christian themes but back then I was pretty much just into the visuals that it created in my psychedelic soaked mind! /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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