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In the Heart of His Devotees

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Sri Murari Gupta’s Sri Caitanya-carita


The following is from a conversation between

Murari Gupta and Damodar Pandit:


Once, after Nimai had eaten an offering of

betel nut and spices presented by a visiting

brahmana, the brahmana said to Sachi-mata,

“Now I am departing. Kindly take great care

of the body of your son and do not be

inattentive for even half a moment.”

When the brahmana left, Gaura abruptly stood

up and swooned, falling like a rod to the ground.

Seeing Viswambhar’s condition, His mother became

stricken with anxiety. She bathed him with

the waters of the Ganga, which are equal to immortal

nectar. Gaura then awoke, restored to

wellbeing, and He happily continued His activities

with natural vigor as before. Jagannath Mishra

became astonished to hear of this event, and he

exclaimed to his wife, “Certainly we cannot comprehend

the power of the Lord’s illusory energy!”

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Upon hearing this divine narration from

Murari Gupta, the brahmaa Damodar Pandit

said, “Blessed sir, what is this tale you have

narrated? Lord Sri Krishna, the spiritual master

of this cosmic manifestation, has by His

free will taken birth as Viswambhar. Why

then did the brahmaa say to Sachi Ma, ’I shall

go now. So take care of your son, dear lady.’

For what reason did he speak thus? I am much

confused at this. For how can the Lord’s illusory

energy affect the Lord? Kindly speak of

this, and may this history of Sri Hari bring

benefit to all the people of the world!”

Murari considered Damodar’s words.

Then, bowing to Sri Hari, he said, “Please

hear me with rapt attention.


When a very pure soul meditates on Sri Hari

or speaks and hears about Him, the Lord

thereby enters and arises within his heart.


The Lord creates a semblance of Himself in

the bhakta, endowing him with His own eternal

potencies and prowess. Thus the bhakta

forever forgets all identification with his material

mind, body, and related attachments.

With the passage of time, as he becomes more

and more aloof from externals, at last he performs

his bodily functions spontaneously, as did

the enduringly jubilant devotee Prahlad Maharaja

in ancient times. One who bathes in the

ocean feels a oneness with it. However, upon

reaching the shore one remembers once more

the separate state of his body. Similarly, the

saintly wives of the cowherd men of Vraja

would on occasion taste oneness with Lord

Krishna [as in the rasa dance, but when again

they engaged in their household chores they felt

duality]. The Lord performed this pastime to

show the exalted stage attainable by the a

bhakta who has awakened his svarapa in relation

to Sri Krishna. So that people are not confused

regarding this point, Gaura Hari taught

here that He lives and acts through the body of

His devotee. Of this there is no doubt.

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