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Rudraksha Beads

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The Holy Rudraksha Beads from India and the Himalayas are known as the Tears of Lord Shiva. For thousands of years the Highly Auspicious Rudraksha have been strung on Malas and used in the practice of Japa. The Rudraksha are also worn by Yogis Gurus and Devotees to maintain health and increase self empowerment and fearless life on the Path to Enlightenment and Liberation.

Traditionally the values and merits of Rudraksha Beads have been distinguished by the different number of natural lines or Mukhis found on each bead. From One Mukhi to Fourteen Mukhi each of the Rudraksha Beads have Mantras that are specific to the Deity the Bead Symbolizes. They also have a place in Vedic Astrology according to their ruleing planets.


The Eight Mukhi Lord Ganesha Rudraksa can be used in Japa and Worship to Lord Ganesha with specific intent to move and remove all obstacles in Life. The Mantras for this Rudraksa are Aum Hum Namah and Aum Gum Ganapatayei Namaha


When doing Rudraksha Japa in the worship of Lord Ganesha a Mala can be strung with 27 or 54 or 108 of the Eight Mukhi Beads.


The Seven Mukhi Goddess MahaLakshmi Rudraksa can be used in Japa and Worship to Goddess MahaLakshmi to gain wealth in all areas of life and to protect from suffereing miseries pertaining to body or finance or mental


When doing Rudraksha Japa in the worship of Goddess MahaLakshmi a Mala can be strung with 27 or 54 or 108 of the Seven Mukhi Beads


References from the Siva Purana


Rudraksa is a favourite bead of Siva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact and Japas


O Paramesvari no other necklace or garland is observed in the world to be so auspicious and fruitful as the Rudraksa


A Mantra repeated with Rudraksa is a crore times more efficacious


O daughter of the king of mountains thus I have explained to you the different types of Rudrasksa based on the number of faces. Please listen to the Mantras with devotion


Eleven Mukhi Lord Hanuman Rudraksa Aum Hrim Hum Namah Aum Shree Rudraya Namah


One Mukhi Lord Shankar Rudraksa Aum Hrim Namah Aum Namah Shivaya

Two Mukhi Lord ArdhaNeeshwara Aum Namah Aum Shree Gauri Shankaraya Namah

Three Mukhi Lord Agni Rudraksa Aum Klim Namah Aum Namah Shivaya

Four Mukhi Lord Brahma Rudraksa Aum Hrim Namah Aum Namah Shivaya

Five Mukhi Kaalagni Rudraksa Aum Hrim Namah Aum Namah Shivaya

Six Mukhi Lord Kartikeya Rudraksa Aum Hrim Hum Namah Aum Swami Kartikeya Namah

Seven Mukhi Goddess MahaLakshmi Aum Hum Namah Aum Srim Klim MahaLakshmiyei Swaha

Eight Mukhi Lord Ganesha Rudraksa Aum Hum Namah Aum Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Nine Mukhi Goddess Durga Rudraska Aum Hrim Hum Namah Aum Dum Durgayei Namaha

Ten Mukhi Lord Vishnu Rudraksa Aum Hrim Namah Aum Shree Vishnavai Namah

Twelve Mukhi Sury Rudraksa Aum Kraum Ksaum Raum Namah Aum Shree Suryay Namah

Thirteen Mukhi Lord Indra KamaDeva Aum Hrim Namah Aum Namah Shivaya

Fourteen Mukhi Deva Mani Rudraksa Aum Namah Aum Namah Shivaya




Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter IV


O Sadanan If a Rosary be made of one hundred and eight, fifty or twenty seven Rudraksams and if Japam be done with that immeasurable merits are obtained.


Chapter V


Isvara said : O Kartikeya ! Now I will speak how to count the Japam ( repitition of the Mantra ) with the rosary. Hear. The face of Rudraksam is Brahma; the upper summit point is Siva and the tail end of Rudraksa is Visnu.


The Rudraksam has two fold powers : It can give Bhoga ( Enjoyment ) as well as Moksa ( Liberation )....In stringing the Beads into a Rosary it should be seen that the flat face of one Rudraksam is in front of the flat face of another Rudraskam.....and the rear part to the rear part of the other. The Meru Bead must have its face turned upwards and the knot should be given over that. The Rosary thus strung yeilds success of the Mantra that is Mantra Siddhi.


Worship the ( Rudraksa ) rosary with the Mantra of that Devata for which it is intended


Chapter VI


Isvara said : O Kartikeya ! Kusagranthi, Jivapattri and other rosaries cannot compare to one sixteenth part of the Rudraksa Rosary. As Visnu is the best of all the Purusas, the Ganga is the best of all the rivers, Kasyapa amongst the Munis, Uchchaihsrava amongst the horses, Maha Deva amongst the Devas, Bhagavati amongst the Devis so the Rudraksam rosary is the Best of all rosaries. No vrata or stotra is superior to it.




Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter V


Worship the ( Rudraksa ) rosary with the Mantra of that Devata for which it is intended


The effect of holding Rudraksams is well known in the three worlds. Punyam ( great merit ) arises from the mere sight of Rudraksams; ten million times the merit arises by its touch; and by wearing it one hundred Koti times the fruit arises and if one makes Japam every day then one lakh koti times the punyam arises. There is no manner of questioning in this




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Hare Krishnas


I have heard that if you have a Rudraksha Bead around your person before you die, then you go straight to Shivaloka.


But I don't think it meant to be, like you just wear one, and Not worship Lord Siva in some way.


You can pray to him for service to Krishna, I tell you what if all the Shivites prayed to Lord Siva for this, there would be no pleasing Lord Siva I'm sure. Anyway whole other subject matter.

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