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The Most Auspicious Appearance Day of Lord Sri Balarama

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On this most blessed day let us all pray for the special mercy of Lord Sri Balarama


by Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

While Krsna and Balarama were enjoying the gifts of the rainy season in this way, the autumn season gradually arrived, when all the water reservoirs become very clean, and when pleasing and refreshing air blows everywhere.

With the appearance of autumn, the sky was completely cleared of all clouds, and it recovered its natural blue color. The blooming lotus flower in the clear water in the forest appeared like a person who has fallen down from yoga practice but again has become beautiful by resuming his spiritual life. Everything becomes naturally beautiful with the appearance of the autumn season. Similarly, when a materialistic person takes to Krsna consciousness and spiritual life, he also becomes as clear as the sky and water in autumn.


The citizens of Mathura began to recite Krishna's pastimes-His birth as the son of Vasudeva, His being taken into the care of Nanda Mahäräja and his wife in Gokula, and all those events leading to His coming to Mathura to favor them. They spoke of the killing of the demon Putanä, as well as the killing of Tåëävarta, who came as a whirlwind. They also recalled the deliverance of the twin brothers from within the yamala-arjuna trees. The citizens of Mathurä spoke among themselves: "Çaìkhacüòa, Keçé, Dhenukäsura and many other demons were killed by Krsna and Balarama in Våndavana. Krsna also saved all the cowherd men of Vandavana from a devastating fire. He chastised the Kaliya snake in the water of the Yamuna, and He curbed the false pride of the heavenly King Indra.


Krsna held up the great Govardhana Hill in one hand for seven continuous days and saved all the people of Gokula from incessant rain, hurricane and hailstorm." They also began to remember other enlivening activities: "The damsels of Vandavana were so pleased by seeing Krsna's beauty and participating in His activities that they forgot the troubles of material existence. By seeing Krsna and thinking of Him, they forgot all sorts of fatigue." The Mathura citizens discussed the dynasty of Yadu, saying that because of Krsna's appearance in this dynasty the Yadus would remain the most celebrated family in the whole universe.


The citizens of Mathura then began to talk about Balarama. Killing of demon, Pralamba. They spoke of his very beautiful lotus-petal eyes. and they remarked of Him, "This boy has killed the Pralamba demon and many others also.


Krsna and Balarama and the cowherd boys love to wrestle together. Sometimes they would pick sides, and on some days some of the boys were on Krsna's side and on some days they were on Balarama's side. One day while they played like this, the demon Pralambasura joined in. He took the disguise of a cowherd boy. Krsna, the knower of all activities and the performers thereof in the past, present and future, knew this cowherd boy was a demon in disguise. On this particular day Balarama's team were the winners and so Krsna's team had to carry them on their shoulders. As they walked in this way through the forest, Pralambasura who was carrying Lord Balarama, carried Balarama far away. Suddenly the ferocious demon assumed his normal horrific size and shape. Lord Balaram, who is known for his superhuman strength, with a couple of good punches from his fists which are soft like lotuses and powerful like thunder bolts, killed the demon, blood pouring from Pralamba's mouth. While they were thus talking about the activities of Krsna and Balarama, they heard the vibrations of different bands announcing the wrestling match.


Wrestling match in Mathura and death of Kamsa


Failing to have Krishna and Balaram killed by his demons, Kamsa then invited Balaram and Krishna for wrestling matches in Mathura with the intention of killing them. However, Krsna killed Canura and Balaram killed Mustika easily. Krsna fought with Canura, seizing each other's hands, locking legs, Canura struggled for victory. Fist against fist, knee to knee, the fight went on, running, dragging in circles, shoving, throwing this way and that, until finally Krsna had played enough. He then grabbed Canura's arms and whirled the demon around several times before smashing him to the ground dead. Mustika found himself in a similar situation. After bring stuck repeatedly by the supreme powerful palm of Lord Balarama, Mustika vomited blood, and fell down dead. The remaining wrestlers fled for their lives. In the end, Krsna also killed Kamsa.


Witnessing Kamsa's death, his eight younger brothers then attacked Krsna, but Balarama killed them one after another with Kuvalayapida's broken elephant tusk. Kettle drums resounded and the 'devas' rained flower petals upon the Lord.


Spiritual Education


Krsna and Balarama themselves are the origins of all branches of knowledge, yet they concealed their perfect knowledge by performing their wonderful pastimes with Their human-like forms and activities. They resided with Sandipani Muni, Their spiritual master, in the 'Guru-Kula', and under the care of Their 'guru', Krsna and Balarama studied just like ordinary boys the Vedas and Upanishad's. In fact, sixty four arts in as many days all were perfected and understood by the boys, and after this They gave 'guru daksina' to Sandipani Muni.


Traditionally when one's education is complete, one gives charity in the form of 'daksina', remuneration for all that was taught. Sandipani Muni's son had died earlier, so Sandipani Muni asked as his 'daksina' that his son be returned to him. Bringing him from the place of Yamaraja, the 'gurus' son was returned by Krsna, fulfilling the 'guru daksina' as requested. Thus receiving the permission of Sandipani Muni, the 'boys' Krsna and Balarama, graduated and returned to Mathura.


Jumping from a Mountain


Krsna and Balarama defeated Jarasandha, the demoniac brother-in-law of Kamsa, seventeen times. After all, it was not that Krsna and Balarama had done any wrong to this demon, but Jarasandha had attacked Mathura repeatedly with the intent of killing every last man there. One night Lord Sri Krsna suddenly removed, unnoticed, all the citizens of Mathura in their sleep. When they awoke in the morning they were surprised to find that they were sitting with their wives and families in golden palaces in the city of Dwaraka. Krsna then returned to Mathura to find the city under siege by another demon. Krsna killed the army and made off back to Dwaraka with all of the booty the army had collected in the form of gold and jewels. Then Jarasandha arrived. Krsna and Balarama left the booty and acting as if afraid, ran to the big Pravarsana mountain and climbed to the top. Jarasandha, thinking they had hidden in a cave, set fire to the whole mountain, but with ease Krsna and Balarama jumped ninety miles from the top of the mountain to the ground unharmed. Then they returned to Dwaraka, and Jarasandha thought he had burned the boys to death. So thinking, he happily returned to his kingdom.


Marraige of Lord Balaram


Dwaraka, before the advent of Krsna and Balarama, was known as Kusasthali, and was ruled over by one great king of the name Revata. Maharaja Revata had one hundred sons and a beautiful daughter named Revati. When this beautiful girl came of age, Revata, being anxious to find a good husband for her, approached Lord Brahma, who presides over sacred vivahas (marriage ceremonies), for advice, along with Revati. Lord Brahma told Revata that there was only one person befitting his daughter and that was the son of Vasudeva, the Personality of Godhead, Lord Balarama. The king, on the good advice of Lord Brahma, returned to Dwaraka and married his daughter to Balarama. Also at this time Krsna married Maharaja Bhismaka's daughter Rukmini.


Lord Balaram Visits Vrindavan and chastises river Yamuna


After staying in Dwarika for a long time, Lord Balaram decided to go back to Vraja (Vrindavana). Remembering the deep friendship he once enjoyed with the cowherd folk of Vrindavan, Lord Balarama went alone to Vraja. In Vrindavan the 'gopis' quizzed Balarama to see if Krsna still remembered them. Lord Balarama stayed for two months in Vrindavan during which he enjoyed his own pastimes with his own 'gopis' on the banks of the Yamuna known as Sri Rama Ghat. Intoxicated with joy, Balarama wore beautiful flower garlands and a single earring. Beads of perspiration decorated his pure white smiling face, which was gentle like snow flakes. Wanting to play in the waters of the Yamuna River, He summoned Yamuna near, but she disregarded His command, thinking He was drunk from drinking honey. So angered, Lord Balarama began to drag the river to him with the tip of His plough. Threatening to split the river into one hundred rivulets and in that way bring her close, Lord Balarama chastised Yamuna for not coming when He had told her to. Trembling in fear, the river Goddess approached Lord Balarama and tried to pacifiy Him. After releasing Yamuna Mayi from His plough, Lord Balarama along with His 'gopis' entered the Yamuna River to play.


Lord Balaram Slays Dvivida Gorilla


Narakasura, the demon that Krsna killed, had a friend who was an ape, Dvivida. After Krsna killed Narakasura, Dvivida, seeking vengeance, caused all kinds of disturbances, flooding the coastal lands by splashing water with his mighty arms. He would also tear down trees in the ashrams of the sages who lived in seclusion, and would even pass stool and urine on the sacrificial fires and arena.


Previously Dvivida was an associate of Lord Ramacandra, but due to his disrespect to Rama and Laxman, he was sent away. Due to his pride and offensive mentality, even though he was an attendant of Lord Rama for some time and fought against Ravana's army, he was sent away.


One day this delinquent Dvivida came to Vrajabhumi where he found Lord Balarama dancing in the forest with his 'gopis'. Balarama was rather intoxicated from drinking varuni liquor and enjoying the gopis' company. At that time Dvivida came into the clearing and in an uncouth way, displayed his anus to the 'gopis' right in front of the Lord. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, began to make all kinds of crude gestures, and moved his eyebrows this way and that. Then he passed stool and urine in front of everyone. Dvivida's outrageous behaviour angered Lord Balarama, and to get rid of the ape he threw a stone at him. To add further insult, the demoniac ape started to tug at the clothes of the 'gopis'. Lord Balarama decided that He didn't have to put up with this. Taking his plough and club in hand, he neared Dvivida, who in turn took up a tree. When Balarama smashed the tree to tiny pieces, Dvivida picked up another. Balarama repeated the action. Dvivida picked up another and another, until the forest was bare. Balarama smashed them all to splinters. Dvivida then foolishly tried his luck with rocks, but Balarama turned them to powder. In desperation Dvivida charged Balaram and pounded on Balarama's chest with his fists. Lord Balarama had decided the playing had come to an end. Infuriated, Lord Balaram put down His plough and club and approached the ape and smashed his collar bone and neck instantly with one swipe. Vomiting blood, Dvivida fell down dead. Having thus killed him who had disturbed the whole world, Lord Balarama returned to Dwaraka as the demigods and sages showered flowers, and people along the way glorified him with prayers and obeisances.


Lord Balaram Retruns to His eternal Abode


During the great Mahabharata war, Lord Balaram decided not to take part in the battle and instead went on pilgrimage and he returned after the war was almost over. During this trip, He killed demon Balvala who was terrorising the sages.


Finally Sri Krsna and Balarama returned to Dwarika. Their transcendental 'lila' was about to wind up. After one hundred and twenty five years, the eternal youths had decided to return with all Their paraphernalia to Their eternal abode. .


Lord Krsna took note of many bad omens that announced that soon the Kali Yuga would appear. Krsna advised the Yadavas to abandon Dwaraka and go to Prabhasaksetra on the bank of the Saraswati. At that place the heroes of the Yadu dynasty, covered by the Lord's internal potency, became intoxicated from their extravagant drinking and began to feel arrogant. When they were thus bewildered by the Lord's personal potency, Krsna Maya, a terrible quarrel arose among them. Infuriated, they seized their bows and arrows, swords, lances, clubs and spears, and attacked one another on the shore of the ocean. Sons fought with fathers, brothers with brothers, nephews with paternal and maternal uncles, grandsons with grandfather. In this way, the intimate friends and relatives killed one another. When Lord Krsna and Balarama tried to stop them they attacked Them also. When every last member of the Yadu dynasty were killed, Krsna thought to Himself that now the burden of the earth had been removed.


Lord Balarama then sat down on the shore of the ocean and fixed Himself in mediation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Merging Himself within Himself, He gave up this world in a rather unique way. Lord Balarama manifested a pure white snake from His own mouth, climbed upon it's back, and rode off back to His eternal abode.


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"O Kesava! O Lord of the Universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Lord Balarama, the wielder of the plow! All glories to You! On Your brilliant white body You wear garments the color of a fresh blue rain cloud. These garments are the color of the River Yamuna, who feels great fear due to the striking of Your plowshare."


"All glories to Rama-ghata, where Lord Balarama performed His rasa dance. All glories to Lord Balarama, the son of Rohini. All glories, all glories to the residents of Vrndavana."


"Powerful Lord Balarama is sixteen years old, full of the luster of youth and has a fair complexion the color of crystal. Balarama wears blue garments and a garland of forest flowers. Balarama's handsome hair is tied in a graceful topknot. Splendid earrings adorn Balarama's ears. Sri Baladeva's neck is splendidly decorated with garlands of flowers and strings of jewels. Splendid armlets and bracelets ornament Douji's graceful and very strong arms. Balarama's feet are decorated with splendid jeweled anklets. Sri Baladeva is Sri Krsna's dearest friend. Baladeva is a great reservoir of the nectar mellows of many kinds of transcendental pastimes."


"Lord Balarama's beauty is enhanced by the earrings touching His cheeks. Balarama's face is decorated with tilaka made from musk, and Balarama's broad chest is ornamented with a garland of gunja. Sri Baladeva's complexion is as white as an autumn cloud, and He wears blue garments. Balarama's voice is very grave and His arms are very long, touching His thighs."


"The splendor of Lord Balarama's transcendental form eclipses many millions of glistening rising moons, and the slightest scent of His boundless strength is sufficient to destroy many armies of demons. Although He knows the supernatural power of His younger brother, Krsna, still, out of love for Him, Balarama never leaves Krsna alone in the forest even for a moment. I offer my prayers to Lord Balarama, the enemy of Dhenukasura."


"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord Balarama is His second body. They are both one and the same identity. They differ only in form. He is the first bodily expansion of Krsna, and He assists in Lord Krsna's transcendental pastimes.


That original Lord Krsna appeared in Navadvipa as Lord Caitanya, and Balarama appeared with Him as Lord Nityananda.


May Sri Nityananda Rama be the object of my constant remembrance. Sankarsana, Sesa Naga and the Visnus who lie on the Karana Ocean, Garbha Ocean and ocean of milk are His plenary portions and the portions of His plenary portions.


Lord Balarama is the original Sankarsana. He assumes five other forms to serve Lord Krsna. He Himself helps in the pastimes of Lord Krsna, and He does the work of creation in four other forms. He executes the orders of Lord Krsna in the work of creation, and in the form of Lord Sesa He serves Krsna in various ways. In all the forms He tastes the transcendental bliss of serving Krsna.


That same Balarama is Lord Nityananda, the companion of Lord Gaurasundara."


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  • 1 year later...

The Appearance Of Sri Balarama


— Then another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "Krsna is very clever in using words. No one can compete with Him in that art. He can manufacture such colorful words and talk so sweetly that the heart of any woman would be misled. Besides that, He has perfected the art of smiling very attractively, and by seeing His smile women become mad after Him and would give themselves to Him without any hesitation."


Another gopi, after hearing this, said, "My dear friends, what is the use in talking about Krsna? If you are at all interested in passing away time by talking, let us talk on some subject other than Him.


If cruel Krsna can pass His time without us, why can't we pass our time without Krsna? Of course, Krsna is passing His days very happily without us, but the difference is that we cannot pass our days very happily without Him."


When the gopis were talking in this way, their feelings for Krsna became more and more intensified, and they were experiencing Krsna's smiling, Krsna's words of love, Krsna's attractive features, Krsna's characteristics and Krsna's embraces. By the force of their ecstatic feelings, it appeared to them that Krsna was personally present and dancing before them.


Because of their sweet remembrance of Krsna, they could not check their tears, and they began to cry without consideration.


Lord Balarama could, of course, understand the ecstatic feelings of the gopis, and therefore He wanted to pacify them. He was expert in presenting an appeal, and thus, treating the gopis very respectfully, He began to narrate the stories of Krsna so tactfully that the gopis became satisfied. In order to keep the gopis in Vrndavana satisfied, Lord Balarama stayed there continually for two months, namely the months of Caitra (March-April) and Vaisakha (April-May). For those two months He kept Himself among the gopis, and He passed every night with them in the forest of Vrndavana in order to satisfy their desire for conjugal love. Thus Balarama also enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis during those two months.


Since the season was springtime, the breeze on the bank of the Yamuna was blowing very mildly, carrying the aroma of different flowers, especially of the flower known as kaumudi. Moonlight filled the sky and spread everywhere, and thus the banks of the Yamuna appeared to be very bright and pleasing, and Lord Balarama enjoyed the company of the gopis there.


The demigod known as Varuna sent his daughter Varuni in the form of liquid honey oozing from the hollows of the trees. Because of this honey the whole forest became aromatic, and the sweet aroma of the liquid honey, Varuni, captivated Balaramaji.


Balaramaji and all the gopis became very much attracted by the taste of Varuni, and all of them drank it together. While drinking this natural beverage, Varuni, all the gopis chanted the glories of Lord Balarama, and Lord Balarama felt very happy, as if He had become intoxicated by drinking that Varuni beverage. His eyes rolled in a pleasing attitude. He was decorated with long garlands of forest flowers, and the whole situation appeared to be a great function of happiness because of this transcendental bliss. Lord Balarama smiled beautifully, and the drops of perspiration decorating His face appeared to be soothing morning dew.

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