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For all you 60's Hare Krishna's

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the theory of mandelbrot, the scientist who found fractals, says that also under the apparently randomly generated natural shapes, there's a inner geometry, a very strict logic


i sometimes say it in my poor attempts to preach KC

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<center><img src=http://home.primus.ca/~caitanya/ADMONK.JPG></center>


Click on the picture to download an amazing 4MEG MPEG fractal movie that dives into the infinite Mandelbrot bulb nodules that are contained in a finite space. That's right; they have proven mathematically that an infinite number of these cute little fuzzies fit into this two inch square. As the movie zooms into the center, you will see beautiful shapes and symmetries among the infinite nodules.


Discovered in 1980, a whole new field of Fractal Mathematics erupted. Leaders in the field expect fractals to produce inventions that will dwarf even the effect that computers have had on mankind.


It's like looking into eternity. [Not too unlike chanting that 108th round of the mahamantra]


The download takes a while, so drop a couple of tabs now, and when the hair on your arm starts dancing to the apothecary's voodoo, then it will be time to come back to the movie. Reality is indeed stranger than fiction; like totally far-out. Who needs drugs, man.


Tie-die it into Mandelbrot fractals and chant Hare Krsna; now there's the new millennium hippy!



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Haribol, since there is response, I am saddened that the same folks dont wanna talk about their long lost records.


I still think a-cid symphony is the best music ever, and also others from the era, like fairport conventions rendition of bob dylans "percy's song" are the best songs.


In fact last night, i heard an over-played yardbirds song, and while folks may call me a dinosaur, who could object to A GROUP THAT HAD JEFF BECK, JIMMY PAGE, AND ERIC CLAPTON IN THE SAME BAND. lIKE "HAPPENINGS TEN YEARS TIME AGO", NOW THERES A RECORD FOR YA.



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