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prophecies and fulfillment according to bible

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After I came across to this Krishna consciousness movement, I am more calm, more happy, more good, more kind and more generous.


I am not killing bugs at sight and I have stopped arguing with people and started loving people more unconditionally.

I don't think this is a satanic cult for me... but another way to praise the glory of God and to see God in all.


Moreover, The only thing I have to fight now is my ego... which is possible.


Please , feel free to learn more about this movement, it will change your life /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Thank you .

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I am born again christian, Anointed by the holy sprit.I will follow


"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven (other than Jesus) that has been given among men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)"


Note everybody will be happy when they have everything but the one who is christ will like Job or Paul.


Joel 1:12 "The vine dries up And the fig tree fails; The pomegranate, the palm also, and the apple tree, All the trees of the field dry up. Indeed, rejoicing dries up From the sons of men."


The Word cult means man made, Which condemned by bible as Satanic..


If you want to help somone to get out of a "Cult", do not argue with him... love him!... and do what Jesus ordered: "Cast out the Devil from him" (Mat.10, Luc.9, Mar.16:17)... because every religious Sect or Cult comes from the Devil... this is what Peter and Paul did, "I command you, bad spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her" (Acts.16:18, 3:16).


Jesus: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Christ, " and will deceive many. - Matthew 24;4,

5 "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.

9 And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 11 There will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world till now - "So if anyone tells you, "There he (Christ) is, out in the desert," do not go out; or, "Here he is, in the inner rooms," don't believe it. 26

All these were from Matthew 24. He says many false prophets could stand up as New Age Christs. They get a following from deception. It can't be fair, not particularly sound inside either.


May god bless you..



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Bliss and happiness is not in satanic cults but is in God.


God exists and another name for God is Krishna. Yes, You are right, the salvation exists in No one else.


Krishna consciousness = God consciousness.


Follow your heart. God made you, you know him.


You will feel "warm and fuzzy"(happy) if you see him.


Well... then follow the heart.


In my view, the bible tells the truth, but we cannot go only by the bible, we have to use our brains... think and follow the heart.


the heart leads to love which is equal to God of Jesus who is also "Krishna".



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It seems the story is the same. Our way or the highway. Knee-deep in words with no realization; building their egos as followers of the only way. At least the Christians don't want to kill us. This cult of Jesus Christ is peaceful, at least at the present moment.


Maybe they will turn to God at some point when they get tired of all the words, and stop cheating themselves.


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the hell do Christians and Muslims have to come to a K.C. forum and try to convert everyone??


Your ego will drag you to hellish consequences!


Jesus said..."judge not less ye be judged" what the hell is so hard to understand!


It's unbelievable that the very simplist statement by your greatest teacher can not be followed!


No wonder He said "I still have more to tell but you are not ready to hear at this time"...you are all still not ready to hear....thats why you are still not enlightened to His true teachings and until you come to this realization you will continue to be ignorant and downfallen!


Wisen up so you can follow His teachings truthfully!


STOP your judging and bigoted ways...or your soul will have to pay the price!

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I have made several posts and just recv'd my pass word.


You'll probably figure out which ones were mine.


I'm very vocal about religous intolerance.


I am a former deacon of the Catholic church and now I am an aspiring disciple of His Holiness Danavir Goswamiand a grand-disciple of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami and have been involved in the K.C. movement for 6 or 7 yrs, now.


I don't pull any puches and I can pretty upfront and brutal at times.


I will apologise now for any offenses I may commit in the future!


Your Servant


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I think we need to let these people understand us better and make them feel like they are welcome to pray Krishna in any form - including churches, mosques etc.


All we ask them is to chant hare krishna...


When we know that krishna is the truth why be so harsh to people and tell them that their souls will suffer.


Krishna will not make them suffer, they will suffer by themselves with out knowing their true identity but still... I do not think it is wise to be harsh .


I think we need to welcome these people and show them that krishna is the truth by more sensitive means.


But that is just my view and may be I am just a naive kid...

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the personality that we each possess is unique and can be usefull and beneficial to all.


I may be, what seems to be, mean or confrontational and you may be kind but we are both needed. Some may not be able to be responsive to an ass like myself or to a kinder gent such as yourself.


So...I will proudly take up the banner for the rougher folks out there. It's where I am from and what I know!


We all have a place in this world and in this plan of Krsna's and mine just maybe to be upfront and in the face of those who need it!


Your servant!

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After I came across to this Krishna consciousness movement, I am more calm, more happy, more good, more kind and more generous.




Pardon me for asking, but aren't you the one who claimed she saw no difference between Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Vivekananda, and Prabhupada? Please correct me if I'm wrong

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Right from my childhood i was always wondering how people will be deceived in the end times?, Bible is so clear that lot of people will try to promote different cults and satanic activities but be alert don't get deceived. It also advises that the Satan can pretend like a god


2 Corinthians 11:14 "No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"


The creation of Satan (Lucifer) is started by announcing him as a God, I am sure he is doing the same thing even today

You cannot worship both Jesus and Satan


2 Corinthians 6:15 "what harmony has Christ with Belial"


If you try to find god away from bible will end up finding Satan who is always pretending as god.


1 Peter 5:8 "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."


There are lot of books out there, which are purely influenced by Satan and his angels were living in the earth, the whole earth belongs to Satan


Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him"


Bible warns






My dear beloved sisters and brothers, I am praying our might lord Jesus Christ to lead you people through eternal SALVATION


"I command you Satan in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of this people"


Our lord Jesus Christ is a self-revealing & living god, simply ask who ever the true god is, pls forgive my sins and show me who you are. If you ask honestly I bet he is love enough to show the scene of Calvary


If you have any questions, pls mail me at askpooja@

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I find Christians seem to live in a sad and Paranoid world. They will find wrong not only in other religions but in simple things like a sculpture. (Granted not ALL are like that.) I knew this guy once who claimed he had a gift to sense evil in objects. He would touch China Dolls and pronounce them a tool of Satan.



Once upon a time a cult rises.. It teaches peace and love..

"Come join us and enjoy our secuirty. We are a family of goodwill and will help you work through your sufferings in life."

"For those who will not enroll in our family of believers. In the year 2015 we shall release our wrath upon you all for the day of Judgement has come. We shall sned our trained warriors to take you down"


Question: Do you find this cult disturbing? Does this logic seem flawed?


Christianity has similar logic.



Once upon a time there was this wealthy sheep herder who owned a great many sheep. Unfortunatly his sheep were attacked night after night by wolves. The sheep herder knew not what to do. He said to himself, "The King.. I shall turn to the great King. He is the MIGHTIEST of all Kings, The WISEST of all kings.. He has inumerable resources.. certainly he may be able to help me out."

The Shepard goes to the King and pleeds to him. "Please great King my sheep are being ravaged by wolves I am Unable to save them alone. Can you please aid me to save my sheep."

The King replies "I am the Mightiest of all Kings and I am certainly the Wisest of all Kings. Give me one night to discuss the matter with my military councellers and I will proclaim me help to you."

The shepard waits for one night and the next day the King proclaims "I have created a most PERFECT plan.. It is a wonderful and great Plan. However.. only 10% of your sheep will be saved."


Do you see a problem with this story?




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"Right from my childhood i was always wondering how people will be deceived in the end times?, Bible is so clear that lot of people will try to promote different cults and satanic activities but be alert don't get deceived. It also advises that the Satan can pretend like a god"


So Christianity is not a "cult"...do you even know what the definition of a "cult " is pal?


according to webster's...cult: a system or community of worship.


so...what your saying is that Christianity is not a community or system of worship???


It's ALL cults..son!


And if you are using the mind set that a cult is something led by a man....Jesus was a man! To you he may be divine but maybe not to others.


You just need to go on reading your bible and be more concerned where YOU stand in your devotional life and get your nose out of everyone elses ass.


Thank you!


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the personality that we each possess is unique and can be usefull and beneficial to all.


I may be, what seems to be, mean or confrontational and you may be kind but we are both needed. Some may not be able to be responsive to an ass like myself or to a kinder gent such as yourself.


So...I will proudly take up the banner for the rougher folks out there. It's where I am from and what I know!


We all have a place in this world and in this plan of Krsna's and mine just maybe to be upfront and in the face of those who need it!


Your servant!



Where did I hear that one should be soft as a rose and hard as a thunder bolt?


I have often shown the hard personality most of my life. And sometimes when I thought I was speaking Krsna consciousness in a straight forward, no nonsense way,I came to find out I was really expressing my own frustration and anger over past 'wrongs' suffered to my false ego here in this material experience.


A well intergrated personality is often capable of both,softness and hardness, according to the situation that confronts them.


Often external toughness when overplayed is hiding a scared boy inside.


This may not fit you as it did me but one never knows without some serious introspection.


Hare Krsna

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the bible was edited about a zillion times...

starting with Constatine in the year 500.


There are hundreds of other books and teachings attributed to not only Jesus but many of the other prophets of the Jewish culture that have been left out because they didnt fit into "man's" veiw of what scripture should be.


It' was all politics and it remains to this day.


Believe me I know I was a Deacon for the first Christian church...the Holy Roman Catholic Church.


by the way Catholic means "universal"....go figure!!


your servant

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