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This secret is known to the devotees. Yes?

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Pradyumna: “In the primary stage a child loves his parents, then his brothers and sisters. And as he daily grows up, he begins to love his family, society, community, country, nation or even the whole human society. But the loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all human society. That loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled...”

Prabhupäda: When Vyäsadeva finished his all scripture writing, all the Vedas, Puräëas, even Brahma-sütra, he was not happy. He was not happy, and his spiritual master, Närada, came, inquired: “Why you are not happy? You have done so much work.” So he could not explain. He said, “I, I do not find why I am unhappy. But because you are my spiritual master, you can say.” So he indicated that “Because you did not describe about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, therefore you are not happy. Now you try to describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead, particularly.” And therefore he wrote this Çrémad-Bhägavatam. You’ll find this in the Third Chapter of the First Canto. Hmm.

Pradyumna: “But that loving propensity is not satisfied even by loving all of human society.” Oh. “That loving propensity remains imperfectly fulfilled until we know who is the supreme beloved.”

Prabhupäda: Yes. Supreme beloved, Kåñëa. Supreme Person, supreme beautiful, supreme rich, supreme famous, supreme wise. Everything supreme. We love somebody, or, out of these six opulences, if one opulence is there... Suppose one man is very rich and charitable, we love him. And... Just think over how Kåñëa is rich and how He’s charitable. He is giving His charity, He’s distributing foodstuff, millions and millions of living entities every day. We are taking prou..., pride if we can feed, say, hundred, two hundred, five hundred, two thousand. But just imagine. Eko bahünäà vidadhäti kämän. There are millions and millions of elephants all over the universe; Kåñëa is supplying their food. There are so many animals. How they’re getting food? So many birds. How they can...? Actually there is no scarcity of food. The scarcity of food is for the human society, or the animals who live with them. Because actually the human society is misusing the advanced consciousness; therefore they are put into the trouble. At the present moment, there is scarcity of water all over India, and so many things are being restricted. But in the Bhagavad-gétä it is said, yajïäd bhavati parjanya. So they are not performing yajïas. So this is nature’s restriction. We have got this information. They are not performing yajïas. They, they think by science, by electricity, by this and that, shall provide everything. But then the electricity is being also reduced, supply of electricity is being controlled. And one after, one after another, one after another... Because the supreme controller, if He does not sanction, your so-called scientific improvement or so-called social service will not make the whole world satisfied. That is not possible. That is not possible. This secret is known to the devotees. Yes?

(Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 4th January 1973. Nectar of Devotion class. Bombay.)


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