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Your God is in question

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Jesus - Ne never married, He claims to be the Son of God and is SINLESS. Claimed to give his life for the Love of Humanity. Died and Resurrected. Jesus never still, becasue stealing is bad. What other things he has done that you considered bad? NOTHING.


Krishna - confusing personality. He still butter..and still considered good? Married many times? Unclear expression of Love to Devotees? Need assistants? Isn't he powerful enough? What did He do to show His concern? Only in books...don't know if it's true.


LOVE WITHOUT ACTION IS DEAD. Does anyone from the Dead came back and tell you that this is his/her 2nd/thrid life? No One. If there has one..Tell us.


We need proof and not Literature..Literature can be created... As it says..."Poems are made by fool like me, but only God can make a Tree."


How true is your God?



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As you said, Jesus didn't say he is God, but the son of God.


Krishna said that He is God, therefore He is the Absolute personality without any duality of this worthless material world. God is beyond good and bad. Krishna is Absolute, He owns everything and He truly is the well-wisher of all.


You are forgetting Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Krishna Himself who descended to give us all hungry souls, true Love of God by His mercy.

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first study, then discuss


this way to speak is only to have the fanatical satisfaction to create scandals among people who are sincerely following a spiritual path


so, right or wrong, show more respect, human, if not religious, and study our weakness, if you want to help us.. exactly like a doctor


if you want only to have fun... ehem....

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Hare Krishna


By Guest:

Krishna - confusing personality


Yes He is confusing, it's very difficult to understand him unless you are His devotee, but we can find out about Him from The Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita.


Jesus and Krishna had different missions, Jesus to preach about His father, Krishna came to just have fun with His devotees, and kill the demons on the way, He is the Supreme Enjoyer, He has the most unique personality in the Creation, and He wants us to participate with him in His enternal enjoyment, but we are to busy, in the bodily concept of life to give Him the time of day.... And in the minst of all this he spoke the Bhagavad Gita to His dear friend and devotee Arjuna, for the benefit of all mankind.





<font color="red"> nitai-gauranga, nitai-gauranga </font color>

<font color="red"> jayasacinandana, gaura-hari </font color>


<font color="blue"> All glories to Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya!

</font color> <font color="blue"> the son of Saci-devi, who is Krsna Himself in golden hue.

</font color>




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People like these Guests are just trash. Please do not judge Jesus by their evil nature. I am sick of such trash on the forum. We are fools for responding to them. In their own idiom, they have nothing to do with Jesus or the Holy Spirit. And their empty hearts damn well know it.


They will never follow Jesus; they think following means quoting scripture. They have no idea what it means to be Christian, no idea what religion is, what loving God is, what seeking the Kingdom means. Such false prophets do more to destroy Christianity than any antichrist could ever do.


They were bad Hindus, now they are bad Christians. They are simply trash no matter what label they paint on their foreheads.


Know for certain that anyone who claims to love Jesus but hates Krsna is simply an insincere liar. Such a person will be rejected by them both. Jesus does not allow offences against God or the Holy Spirit; such a person is hereby condemned. Krsna does not allow offences against His loved ones; offenders are hereby condemned.


Such trash may perceive some success in fooling stupid Hindus who have no knowledge or faith in Krsna, but here they have met their punishment. We hold up a mirror and their deceit will shrink them into the dust. If they remain they will be left with no faith at all. They should run away now if they want to continue to entertain themselves with this delusion of religiosity they enjoy so much.

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Guest: "Krishna - confusing personality. He still butter..and still considered good? Married many times? Unclear expression of Love to Devotees? Need assistants? Isn't he powerful enough? What did He do to show His concern? Only in books...don't know if it's true.


LOVE WITHOUT ACTION IS DEAD. Does anyone from the Dead came back and tell you that this is his/her 2nd/thrid life? No One. If there has one..Tell us.


We need proof and not Literature..Literature can be created... As it says..."Poems are made by fool like me, but only God can make a Tree."


How true is your God?"



What is wrong with you people? You say our God is false? what kind of a sick thing is that to say to your own God?


You say his Son is better than Him?


I am sick of you people offending krishna on this forum. You want to say something about God from the bible, then we will all read it and feel better... but no!! you don't want to do that... what you want is just to come here and be nasty.


You make me sick!! you really follow jesus? then be like him. If you can't... then just get lost.



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"We are fools for responding to them."


Or you just don't want to question your belief? Cool man..if you know that your God is true...why not convince us? OR..Are you ajust implying that you have doubts with your God or your sooooo many gods sometimes?

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it's times like these, when surrounded by doubters when we can take comfort in the nectar of the Holyname and Sri Krishna's own instructions:


"to those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me."(10.10)

"I am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am covered by My eternal creative potency, and so the deluded world knows Me not, who am unborn and infallible." (7.25)

"for one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me." (6.30)


chant Hare Krishna and do not fear ! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Bhakta Mark

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the problem is that if you speak with a fanatic you lose your time


if you are right, the fanatic will not listen, because he is not speaking for exchange ideas, he is speaking to gratificate his feelings of superiority


if the fanatic is right, he will never convince us, because it is very difficult to believe that people behaving like this want our good


so ... "yes man ... you are right.... hari bol..... bye!!"


much better

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<Blockquote>"Cool man..if you know that your God is true...why not convince us?"</Blockquote>

The truth is: you are not ready to know God now.


You'll have to be content with your bucket of words until you can somehow become more sincere about loving God.

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it is in question in your mind, not ours.


we have no obligation to clear you mind

when you come with the attitude you show in your post.


you may make so much noise but no one here would budge from krishna, and you would be frustrated.


please spend your time on muslim forums.

they are the real threat to ., not us.


jai sri krishna!


- madhav



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  • 1 month later...

Hare Krishna,



Jesus - Ne never married, He claims to be the Son of God and is SINLESS. Claimed to give his life for the Love of Humanity. Died and Resurrected. Jesus never still, becasue stealing is bad. What other things he has done that you considered bad? NOTHING.


Krishna - confusing personality. He still butter..and still considered good? Married many times? Unclear expression of Love to Devotees? Need assistants? Isn't he powerful enough? What did He do to show His concern? Only in books...don't know if it's true.



Lord Krishna does not need anything from anyone. He acts as HIS devotees want. His devotees act as per Vedic Dharma(righteous way).


All those acts or leelas have a transendental motive. There is no material lust behind stealing. This way HE stole the hearts of Gopis and thereby Gopis attained salvation. Marrying those females is not for sexual lust, but they were heavenly(I think Gandharva, not sure which category) maidens who were very devoted to Lord Krishna(GOD). They wanted to marry only HIM(not for sex) and that is what they wished. Lord Krishna granted their wish in his avatar. In all these acts Lord Krishna sees only the motive of Devotees. If it is purely out of Love for HIM with no metrial lust or sexual lust or any kind of lust, HE does everything for these devotees, even being a husband to them, being their son as the devotee wishes.


Another teaching is in this world husband and wife relationship is the most close and intimate one. So the relationship between Radha and Krishna is epitome of love between Lord Krishna and devotee(Something like bridal mysticism in some christian sect).


You may still think that this is all made up stories to forcibly explain away certain acts of Lord Krishna. But Lord Krishna was recognized as GOD Supreme by many sages who were practising celibacy in action and thought all their years of life. This is all given in Mahabharath and it is not my explanation. The final conclusion is LOVE for Lord Krishna(GOD) is constant and uninterrupted meditation on GOD and only this will lead to salvation.


I can only urge you to get rid of your fanaticism and understand Lord Krishna(GOD) sincerely.






Lord Krishna has taken avatars and performed actions for HIS devotees and this world so many times. This way Vedas and its teachings and remembrance of Lord Krishna(GOD) has survived in this world through which salvation is betowed on HIS devotees.


Infact the whole Bhagavad Gita(teachings of Lord Krishna) teaches selfless action. Here Lord Krishna says that if HE does not act, eventhough HE has nothing to do and gain from anyone or anything, then the whole world will head towards total destruction and hence even a yogi should perform actions in order to guide people.



Does anyone from the Dead came back and tell you that this is his/her 2nd/thrid life? No One. If there has one..Tell us.


We need proof and not Literature..Literature can be created... As it says..."Poems are made by fool like me, but only God can make a Tree."


How true is your God?



If litearture can be created(meaning it's a lie), then what is the basis of bible. Bible is also a lie. Show me proof from any other place where it says that jesus came back to life.


Now tell me how true is your god(jesus) ?


Your logic is full of flaws.


Please read the four gospels first. Jesus himself clearly denies being God.


Fanatacism cannot help you in any way and even Jesus cannot help you in your death bed if you continue abusing Lord Krishna.

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Hare Krishna,



Does anyone from the Dead came back and tell you that this is his/her 2nd/thrid life? No One. If there has one..Tell us.


We need proof and not Literature..Literature can be created... As it says..."Poems are made by fool like me, but only God can make a Tree."


How true is your God?



Here is the link. Sri Rahavendra Swamy lived in 16th century A.D. This great swamy was a devotee of Lord Krishna who is the reincarnation of Prahlad(associated with Narasimha(man-lion) avatar of Lord Krishna) and Rahavendra Swamy himself claims this. He also performed miracles like bringing dead people back to life, making a seed sprout into a tree in few seconds to show that Lord Krishna is the TRUE GOD and Vedas are the TRUE SCRIPTURE. He also came back after ~tely 200 years of his supposed death and met a British officer in order to save his Math(Samadhi - His resting place).


These were all recorded by eyewitnesses living during his time which is very recent and the evidence at hand is much more solid than new testament.


Sri Raghavendra Swamy

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  • 1 year later...

God of Old Testament Reccomends to Burn the Nonbelievers:



"Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it.


Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.


That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)"



some of the current believers in the Old Testament would gladly make such offerings from "non-believers" to their god, IF they could get away with it.


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Exodus 32.



"25 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, "Whoever is for the LORD , come to me." And all the Levites rallied to him.


27 Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD , the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.' " 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, "You have been set apart to the LORD today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day."


what was these murdered people's "crime"? worshipping the goden calf (on instruction from their high priest Aaron (Moses's brother btw, who was NOT punished by Moses) with song and wine...


if this is the god our original guest poster worships, we want NOTHING to do with such a primitive barbarism!

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The basic ideals of Christianity and Vaishnavism are somewhat similar but there are some

very fundamental differences between them. In the nineteenth century the Gaudiya

Vaishnava saint, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, wrote a critique of Christianity in his book

Tattva Viveka. Bhaktivinode pointed out that the Vaishnavas do not believe in the existence

of any "Satan". There is only one supreme power and the Vaishnavas do not believe in the

existence of any infernal, devilish power which has been working against God to cause evil in

the world since the dawn of creation. Bhaktivinode Thakur wrote that the notion that there

are two great supernatural powers constantly struggling against each other, one Good, the

other Evil, is an idea first propounded by Zoaraster in Babylon. He said the Jewish, Christian

and Muslim religions have been influenced by Zoaraster's misconception that a Good God is

battling against a Bad God in some sort of cosmic war. In contrast to this belief, Vaishnavism

teaches that there is one Supreme Being known by many names such as Vishnu, Rama and

Krishna - or even Allah or Yahweh – and that the universe is functioning perfectly according

to God's plan. Satan is nothing but a myth. The various gods and demons mentioned in the

ancient Hindu scriptures are living beings, people like us, who live a lifetime then die and

become reborn in a new life where they must suffer or enjoy the results of their karma; and

there are no devils lurking here and there trying to tempt people to do evil works - apart

from the ghosts of lust, greed and anger we feel within our own minds. We have only

ourselves to blame for the difficulties we experience. Everything that happens to us comes to

us through our karma.

Bhaktivinode Thakur also said there is no such thing as an everlasting hell. Living beings

create karma then experience suffering as a result of that. But even if a person is a demon like

Hitler he will not go to an everlasting hell. The soul reincarnates and experiences the results

of his karma and every soul has the capacity to evolve into a pure soul who can enter into the

spiritual world and be with God. Hell can exist, no doubt. There are many people living in a

hell on earth today. But Krishna doesn't condemn anyone to live in a hell for all eternity.

The story in the Bible about Adam and Eve was discussed in some depth by Bhaktivinode

Thakur. The Bible says Adam and Eve were living in a blissful garden but when they did

something wrong they were thrown out of that paradise. Then, because of the sin committed

by those primitive ancestors, all the future generations of mankind are punished by God. Yet

we see that this God is kind to some people and harsh to others - he is not just. Some babies

are born in wealthy homes while others are born into a life of indescribable misery. Not

because of anything they did in a previous lifetime or karma or any other such thing, since

Christians do not believe in karma, but because God is not fair. He gives some people plenty

of daily bread while others starve. This type of God who causes people to suffer for no reason

cannot be said to be a loving and Good God. The Gaudiya Vaishnavas do not believe in this

sort of God. Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe in Krishna - who is pure goodness.

Some Christian people believe in “original sin”. They think that because of the offense

committed by their primitive ancestors Adam and Eve all human beings are born as sinners

and offenders. Since the original offense cannot be removed by the human beings themselves,

God was born in human form and then this God had to endured suffering and death in order

that the sins of mankind might be removed. All those souls who believe that God shed his

blood so that humankind would be saved from sin are saved by the Messiah, or Savior, and

those who don't believe are condemned to everlasting hell. Bhaktivinode Thakur, however,

expressed the view that these doctrines are completely untrue. Writing of this “doctrine of

salvation for souls by penalizing the God who was born among human beings”, Bhaktivinode

Thakur said this dogma is not an intelligible idea for normal thinking people.

In order to believe in this religion a person must faithfully accept several other dogmas. One

dogma is that the soul does not exist before birth. Another is that the soul does not exist for

all eternity. They say the soul is created, just as these physical bodies of ours are created.

They also say a soul will never return to earth after dying for you get just one life, just one

chance, and when you die you are judged for what you have done – and you will be sent to

an eternal heaven or an eternal hell as a consequence of what you did. If you were born in a

family of barbarians and lived your life as the barbarians do, then you will go to hell. You get

no second chance. There is no hope of further personal evolution for you. You are

condemned. Given that these dogmas are accepted as facts by many preachers of this religion

we do wonder, sometimes, whether the preachers of this religion actually have any real

vision of the real God and his unlimited grace, mercy and love. We wonder if preachers of

this concocted system of beliefs are really living in some kind of modern-day dark age.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You cant question Krishna for the sake of your religion.


Krishna said hat all people were equal before him whether he is a devotee or non-devotee,a good or evil man or so.

The difference in the destiny of people is just because of their deeds(good or evil).




I read some portions of bible and was shocked to observe that it is trying us to believe that God protects only those belonging to a particular religion(Christianity).

True God do not think discrimination based on religions.

Krishna never told that anyone should convert to His religion to become His favourite.



He sees all people alike(no discrimination based on beliefs)

And dont blasphemy the deities or you will have to suffer too much.


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You cant question Krishna for the sake of your religion.


Krishna said that all people were equal before Him whether he is a devotee or non-devotee,a good or evil man or so.

The difference in the destiny of people is just because of their deeds(good or evil).




I read some portions of bible and was shocked to observe that it is trying us to believe that God protects only those belonging to a particular religion(Christianity).

True God do not think discrimination based on religions.

Krishna never told that anyone should convert to His religion to become His favourite.



He sees all people alike(no discrimination based on beliefs)


My advice is : dont blasphemy the deities or you will have to suffer too much.


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