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What is the best way to die (leave your body)?

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Is to stop all extraneous activities

and fix the mind

on hearing Srimad Bhagavatam

from the lips of a pure unalloyed devotee of the Lord.




Is to chant the Holy Names:

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna,Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama,Hare Hare




Is to offer obeisances

at the Lotus Feet Of Sri Krishna

or His pure devotee Srila prabhupada.

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Hare Krishna, you have given the best response:


your state of your consciousness-------


Yes ,that is the real point. Thank you

In pure consciousness,Krishna Consciousness

that is the best way to exit this material frame.

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" Is it the act you are doing or your state of your consciousness while engaged in the act?"


both ....... (in pure krsna consciousness there's no difference from internal (interior) and exterior)


but you have made a good point...


if we will not be krishna conscious, there will not be hope to leave this body in krishna consciousness

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all the ideas shown are equally good.

but one needs to think waht is the greatest need of the time to serve sanatana dharma and to spread vaishnavism.


seing terrorism spread world wide,

i would think that a vaishav should determine

to preach the muslims to help them give up islam.


wage an intellectual war against wahabism of saudi arabia.


do not bury your head so deep in bhagavatam and charitamrita that you do not know what the asuras (mostly muslims) are doing all over the world and even in your neoghborhood.



do not die before doing something in that direction.

else your children may not have freedom to do moorti pooja of krishna or chanting hare krishna or doing sankirtana, and you women would wear burqa.


jai sri krishna!


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From Bh. Gita As It Is

Ch. 8



Whatever state of being one remembers

when he quits his body, O son of Kunti,

that state he will attain without fail.





The process of changing one's nature

at the critical moment of death is here explained.

A person who at the end of his life quits his body thinking of Krsna attains the transcendental nature

of the Supreme Lord,

but it is not true that a person who thinks of something other than Krsna attains the same transcendental state.


This is a point we should note very carefully.


How can one die in the proper state of mind?


Maharaja Bharata, although a great personality,

thought of a deer at the end of his life,

and so in his next life he was transferred

into the body of a deer.

Although as a deer he remembered his past activities,

he had to accept that animal body.


Of course, one's thoughts during the course of one's life accumulate to influence one's thoughts

at the moment of death,

so this life creates one's next life.

If in one's present life one lives

in the mode of goodness and always thinks of Krsna,

it is possible for one to remember Krsna at the end of one's life.


That will help one be transferred to the transcendental nature of Krsna. If one is transcendentally absorbed in Krsna's service,

then his next body will be transcendental (spiritual),

not material. Therefore the chanting of


Hare Krsna,

Hare Krsna,

Krsna Krsna,

Hare Hare/

Hare Rama,

Hare Rama,

Rama Rama,

Hare Hare


is the best process for successfully changing one's state of being at the end of one's life.

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Reaching out @ Krishna's Web



We remind ourselves

to chant the Holy Names


the teachings of the

previous acaryas.


I beg you all

to forgive my innumerable offenses

as this could be my last post .


I'm trying to connect with devotee souls

out there on Krishna Web

remembering always :

a spirit soul is behind each computer keyboard.

Dandavat, Pranams.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga !!!


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Coming from from a veteran poster

like you


Posting is for me glorifying

the superexcellent divine words

of the pure devotee acaryas.

I remain riveted to the nectar

emanating from their lotus lips.

May their words purify

all the souls in this world.





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Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


I am a newcomer to this site. But am very much impressed and humbled at seeing the devotion of the members like you.

As the Bhagavatha says, in this Kaliyuga there is nothing better for salvation than Satsanga, the association with noble souls. In the path of devotion to God, of what avail is transitory things in life..

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Dear Moorthiji,


Dandavats Pranams


All Glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada !!!

Srila Prabhupada is the most noble soul and we can associate with his divine instructions he has mercifully given to us,

Hare Krishna,









Always remember that I am always with you. As you are always thinking of

me I am always thinking of you also. Although physically we are not

together, we are not separated spiritually. So we should be concerned only

with this spiritual connection.


I am very much pleased for the nice sentiments you have expressed therein.

But you should always remember that whatever we are doing, it is in the

parampara system beginning from Lord Krsna, down to us. Therefore, our

loving spirit should be more upon the message than the physical

representation. When we love the message and serve Him, automatically our

devotional love for the physique is done.


That does not matter because you are not personally tending me in Boston,

that is a formality. I want to see that all my disciples are engaged 24

hours in the service of the Lord. If one is engaged full time in the service

of the Lord, under my direction, that is my personal service.


A conditioned soul in the material world has four disqualifications: he is

sure to commit mistakes, he is sure to be illusioned, he is prone to cheat

others, and his senses are imperfect. But if one carries out the order of

the spiritual master by disciplic succession, or the parampara system, he

overcomes the four defects. Therefore, knowledge received from the bona fide

spiritual master is not cheating. Any other knowledge which is manufactured

by the conditioned soul is cheating only. To honor the spiritual master

means to carry out his instructions word for word. One should be very

careful to receive the message from the spiritual master through the ears

and execute it faithfully. That will make one's life successful.


After being initiated and receiving the orders of the spiritual master,

the disciple should unhesitatingly think about the instructions or orders of

the spiritual master and should not allow himself to be disturbed by

anything else. This is also the verdict of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti

Thakura, who, while explaining a verse of Bhagavad-gita 2.41, points out

that the order of the spiritual master is the life substance of the

disciple. The disciple should not consider whether he is going back home,

back to Godhead; his first business should be to execute the order of his

spiritual master. Thus a disciple should always meditate on the order of the

spiritual master, and that is perfectional meditation. Not only should he

meditate upon that order, but he should find out the means by which he can

perfectly worship and execute it. (Letters from Srila Prabhupada 11/13/69,

4/7/70, 1/9/70, SB 3.24.12, 4.24.15)



Srila Prabhupada, your greatness can be seen in the blossoming of the divine

lotus of bhakti in the hearts of your disciples. The seeds of divine love

which you lovingly planted in these most barren souls are fructifying under

the incessant showers of your magnificent mercy. Srila Prabhupada, you are

the perfect acharya, whose only life purpose is shown by your spotless

example. We thus pray to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya to give us

eternal association with his most confidential servitor, Srila Prabhupada.

With all seriousness at our command, may we fully carry out his instructions

which we have taken as our life and soul. (Vyasa Puja Book 1973 p.101)






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