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Ramakrishnananda Swami

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Har-Tzion was his name before initiation, but regarding female sannyasis. I know he is the only Sannyas in his organization and there are no other. not to mention women sannyasis...


Hare Krsna

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Well, then you have not known him for long. About 9 mos or so ago he had a fire at his ashram and decided to go back to being Har-Tzion again and changed his website etc to reflect that decision. He had three female sannyasis at the time - the lead one and his personal secretary was named Swami Durgananda. I do not remember the others names.


After the fire they all changed their names. Now I see he has gone back to his old name and I do not see any mention of his female sannyasis on his revised website. Their pics were on his old site.


Ask Stonehearted - he was the one that mentioned the female sannyasis in our last discussion.

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He's Swami Ramakrishnananda again? He seems to be alittle like Madonna in that he seems to reinvent himslef periodically.


He has presented himself differently at different times. His Web site did have him as Har-Tzion just sa few months ago. He seems to be a disciple of just aboutanyone you can name, including some Gaudiya vaishnavas. He also seems to have penchant for collecting certificates attesting to his spiritual accomplishments.


He is no doubt an interesting, perhaps charismatic, man. I'd approach him with great caution.


And yes, he did previously have two or three women sannyasis on his site a couple of years ago, all young and very attractive. Caveat emptor!

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He does change himself quite often. I have also noted that when he went from Ramakrishnanada to Har-Tzion - he took off most of the gurus from his list and now has put them back on - including Srila Prabhupada.


I remember the pictures of his female sannyasis - they were in saffron but also obviously had on make-up. And yes, they were all very young and attractive. No pics of male disciples or sannyasis at all.


I read his forum a couple of times on his old site and found it to be rather confusing. I just looked at his new site and the forum is very recent none of the old stuff on it.


Stonehearted's advice of caution should be heeded.



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I just looked at his site again. Now he shaves his head!? And he has purged from his site all his picures of him with other "holy men" who aren't connected with ISKCON. Instead, he has a bunch of pictures of him with Tamal, who he now says is his guru (well, is Tamal gonna say he's not? and notice how the pictures are cropped to make sure only Ramakrsishnananda is in there) and a bunch of other ISKCON leaders. It's nice that he's chanting Hare Krishna and encouraging others to do the same, but I'd be very wary of his association.

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I asked him how we can control the mind and direct it toward krishna , it was a basic question and then I came to this forum and people started to say he was fake... I freaked out and thought if he was going to reply .


I dreaded it because it was going to be a fake reply and I didn't want him to bother me, anyway, he did reply by saying "What is mind? Unreal?"


Never heard from him again. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Forgive me, maybe I dont know enough. But it seems to me that there is very little doubt that he IS a disciple of Tamal Krishna Goswami. The is a whole 8 pages article about how he got initiated. with loads of pictures of him with Tamal Krishna, so I guess he just faked that also?

And if that is not enough, just listen to the lecture of TKG where he says in his own voice that Swami Ramakrishnananda is his Disciple.

So! I think that is enough to show that he is not faking anything, and that he is a disciple of Tamal Krishna Goswami. So why shouldn't he put pictures of Tamal Krishna and Srila Prabhupada?


Hare Krsna





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a disciple of Kirtanananda

a disciple of a babaji in India

a ritvik disciple of Srila Prabhupada

besides being a disciple of TKG.


And on his old site there were a few more listed. He changes his story quite often besides the make-overs. He used to have the Osho look and now has more of the ISKCON look. And I have to say that something he posted in his old forum had an Osho flavor also but I will not get into that.


As with anyone you might seek as a spiritual master - do not jump in blindly, do the research - and ask plenty of questions.

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Hare Krsna


You know...


In years to come everyone will be chanting Hare-Krsna,

then it will be impossible for anyone to remain impure!



<font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="orange"> KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE

</font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue">RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE </font color> <font color="blue"> RAMA RAMA RAMA </font color> <font color="red"> HARE HARE </font color>




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I found this posted on a message board.





4:23:41 AM

Remote User:


This message is only to recommend this wonderful site in the internet about meditation with the great jewish Enligthened Master RABEINU DAVID HAR TZION the special site is www.har-tzion.com



This was in 2001 and now two short years later...a Vaisnava acarya.




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