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Elements of the Four Sampradayas accepted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

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In Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Chapters 15 and 16, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described his revelations regarding the svarupa of the transcendental abode and the lila of the Lord performed in the area of Navadvipa. During these narrations, Sri Nityananda Prabhu took Srila Jiva Gosvami on a tour of the nine islands of Navadvipa and told him many wonderful things.


Herein it is mentioned how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted two principles from each of the four Vaisnava sampradayas and incorporated these into His own sampradaya. It is also mentioned that the four principal acaryas of these four lineages later took birth as Lord Caitanya's devotees during His manifest lila.



of the Laksmi-sampradaya (who preached the philosophy of dasya-rasa) - was reborn as the Gaura-bhakta named Ananta (who lived near Vallabhacarya's house).


1) concept of unalloyed devotion free from karma and jnana (ananya-bhakti)


2) service to the devotees bhakta-jana-seva



of the Brahma-sampradaya - was reborn as Murari Gupta (Vayu/Hanuman/Bhima).


1) complete defeat of mayavada philosophy (kevale-advaita-nirasana)


2) worship of the deity of Krsna, understanding it to be eternal (krsna-murti-sevana)



of the Rudra-sampradaya (who preached suddha advaita philosophy) - was reborn as the Gaura-bhakta named Vallabha Bhatta, who perfected his own sampradaya by Gauranga's mercy.


1) the sentiment of total dependence on Krsna (tadiya-sarvasva-bhava)


2) the path of spontaneous devotional service (raga-marga)



of the Kumara-sampradaya (who preached dvaita-advaita philosophy) - was reborn as the Gaura-bhakta named Kesava Kasmiri (who perfected his worship of bhava-marga with a mantra described in Sanat Kumara Samhita).


1) the necessity of taking exclusive shelter of Radhika (ekanta - radhikasraya)


2) the exalted mood of the gopis' love for Sri Krishna (gopi-bhava)


(Lord Caitanya to Nimbarkacarya:) "Later, when I begin the sankirtan movement, I myself will preach, using the essence of the philosophies of the four of you. From Madhva I will receive two items: his complete defeat of the mayavadi philosophy and his service to the murti of Krsna, accepting it as an eternal spiritual being.


From Ramanuja I will accept two teaching: the concept of bhakti unpolluted by karma and jnana, and service to the devotees. From Visnu Swami's teachings I will accept two elements: the sentiment of exclusive dependence on Krsna and the path of raga bhakti. And from you I will receive two great principles: the necessity of taking shelter of Radha and the high esteem for the gopis' love of Krsna." (Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Navadvipa Mahatmya, ch. 16).


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has explained in Navadvipa Mahatmya, ch. 15-16, that the founder-acaryas of the 4 Vaisnava Sampradayas all had the darsan of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu during their lifetimes. (They did not live at the same time as Mahaprabhu, but He granted them His darsan by His special mercy).


Lord Caitanya gave each acarya his mission. Thus each sampradaya is actually already under the shelter of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Mostly the present-day adherents of the sampradayas (excepting, of course, the Gaudiya branch of the Madhva sampradaya) do not know this, but at least they are dutifully worshiping their founder-acaryas, who are devotees of Lord Caitanya.


2001 - 2003 VEDA - Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, authors and Jan Mares

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