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Diksa? (Please Note this is NOT a Ritvik Thread!)

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Diksha is a two way affair - a relationship. It is not a one time thing where one recieves a mantra and then it's done. We develop gradually in our spiritual lives. As I understand it - the process goes on forever, but in terms of being 'complete' - when one reaches to the stage of bhava then real spiritual life begins to dawn. Until such time there will be many ups and downs, trials and tribulations - but when one is fixed -nistha - then some genuine taste (bhava) begins to arise in the sadhaka.


Sri Guru is there throughout the development of the sadhaka to guide and help the disciple progress. Sridhara Maharaja has spoken in another way about spiritual life - he said 'we are all students forever. Since diksha is the transmission of divya jnana, or realized knowledge - and that is constantly unfolding - one could say that Diksha continues on forever.


My Guru Maharaja says it this way regarding how we will progress - 'You should practice as if your spiritual progress is absolutely dependent on it, while fully knowing that your only really progress based on the will, or mercy, of Krsna.'


Your servant,

Audarya-lila dasa

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Hare Krishna



Tell us what diksa means to you.


Diksa to me means having some sort of Link with the Bona-Fide Spiritual Master, from the disiplic succession.


Audarya-lila dasa:

Since diksha is the transmission of divya jnana, or realized knowledge


Divya Jnana, that is the aspiring disciple's only wish...


Guru mukhu padma...ar na kori ho mana asha

(My only wish is to have my consciousness purified

by the words emanating from his mouth (spiritual master))



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Dear Audarya-lila Prabhu dandavat pranama



Diksha is a two way affair - a relationship



the sentence should be complete

Diksha is a two way affair - a relationship

between guru and disciple



one could say that Diksha continues on forever



the sentence could be complete:

one could say that Diksha continues on forever,

and in Goloka one is also under the guidance (anugatya) of his sad rasika guru he had in this world but whose eternal form is

radha sanmukha san saktim sakhi sanga nivasinim

tam aham satatam vande guru rupam param sakhim


And it might be that one takes guidance not from only one sakhi of Srimati Radhika.

One should not forget the tremendous importance of the bhajana zikSa guru.


Until one meets the real sad guru, one can wander wherever he is taken by the waves of the ocean of unfulfilled material desires.


If one preaches against accepting a guru, one preaches against bhakti. I think this is a heavy offense, and the reactions are quite severe.


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